3,210 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective was to select, set up and initiate the health screening services in the community pharmacy, to design and develop patientdata collection form and patient identity card, to implement health screening services in a selected community pharmacy and to evaluate the healthscreening services data.Methods: The study was a prospective, investigational and community interventional study, conducted for a period of 10 months from May 2008 toFebruary 2009.Results: A total of 98 patients and 24 customers under risk factors were screened during the study. Out of which 58 (59.18%) patients were diabeticwith hypertensive, 26 (26.53%) were hypertensive and 14 (14.28%) were diabetic. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure, random blood sugarand body mass index values of the screened patients reveals the need for the provision of health screening services in the community pharmacy by apharmacist. Various demographic factors such as age, gender, occupation, economic status, educational background, periodic check-up showed equalimpact of pharmacist involvement and need to provide these services in the community pharmacy.Conclusion: This study suggest that there is ample scientific evidence showing that certain risk factors pre-dispose individuals to development ofdiabetes and hypertension, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that community screening is a cost effective approach to reduce the morbidity andmortality associated with these diseases in healthy individuals. Community screening programs may provide a means to enhance public awarenessregarding seriousness of diabetes and hypertension and its complications.Keywords: Health screening services, Community pharmacy, Diabetes, Hypertension.Â

    Traditional Ethno-Medicinal Plants Used for Treatment of Diabetes by Bhuyan Tribes in Sundargarh District of Odisha, India-An Ethnobotanical Survey

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    Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease which has conveyed significant well-being intimidation around the world. The accessible synthetic drugs for the fix of Diabetes mellitus are related to significant expense, different incidental effects and a few constraints. Medicinal plants are the storehouse of the phytochemicals which can be helpful for the therapy of various ailments. Medicinal and aromatic plants are the better option in contrast to compound medications with little or no side effects. Ethnomedicinal studies carried out among the Bhuyan tribal groups in the Sundargarh region, Odisha for the investigation of antidiabetic treatments. The Bhuyan tribal group has a rich knowledge of plants which are used in the treatment of different disease causes. The ethnomedicinal data was gathered from interviews and field studies with nearby healers and townspeople. Restorative plants were gathered and related to help from native healers. These kind medicines have been displayed to have huge mending power, either in their normal state or as the wellspring of new items handled by them. Our study is mainly concentrated on plants used by Bhuyan tribal groups in relation to the cure of diabetes. An extensive field survey of different parts of the district was made with the local tribal villagers and ethnomedicinal or ayurvedic drug practitioner’s perusal of published literature and herbarium specimen of different herbaria of the district was done. A sum of 25 plants having a place with 18 unique families used to treat diabetes utilized by Bhuyans of Sundargarh district has been reported. In this report we have prepared detailed notes on the method of preparation of precise doses, the part/parts of plants used and the method of application of doses with scientific names, vernacular names and family names of collected plants are also given. Further, it emphasizes strongly in this regard the optional and rational uses of traditional and natural indigenous medicine. The results of this study showed that these tribal people still depend on medicinal plants in Sundargarh district forest areas. The study thus underlines the potential of ethnobotanical research and the need for the documentation of traditional ecological knowledge pertaining to medicinal plant utilization for the greater benefit of mankind

    Floristic Assessment of Monocotyledonous Plant Diversity in and Around Rourkela-An Urban Area of Sundargarh District, Odisha, India

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    Abstract Due to human activities in urban areas, they are in a state of rapid change for ecological alteration, which has resulted in a threat to the local plant diversity. Floristic study of a particular region helps everyone to get knowledge about forest management and the ecosystem associated with the existing plant resources of that particular region. Survey and documentation of the floristic wealth of a region are prerequisites for planning and proper utilization of its potential plant resources on the one hand and the depleting genetic resources on the other. The present paper provides the first and most comprehensive account of the monocotyledon flora of Rourkela Steel City in Sundargarh, Odisha. The floristic study of this region demonstrates a wide range of species diversity and growth. From the present investigation of the study area, the floristic exploration of monocotyledons of the Rourkela Steel City revealed the presence of 146 species in 96 genera under 28 families. Poaceae is the most dominant family with 40 species, followed by Cyperaceae (20 spp.).The dominant genus is Cyperus, with 12 species, followed by Dioscorea and Fimbristylis with four species each. The resulted plants had high utility values for food, fodder, ethnomedicine, fiber, etc. Since Rourkela is one of the units for the development of area and programs, the present inventory work will be helpful for the completion of the Rourkela flora as well as the Flora of Sundargarh district and will provide necessary information for an up-to-date compilation of the “Flora of Odisha”

    Base Deficit as a Predictor of Mortality in Sepsis and Septic Shock.

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    Introduction: Sepsis is a common problem encountered in the emergency room which needs to be intervened early. It is always difficult to have the quick prognostic marker of sepsis in busy emergency. So this study was conducted to determine whether base deficit can be used as an indicator of mortality among septic patients in emergency room set up like ours. Methods: It was a hospital-based descriptive cross-sectional study done at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu from March 2018 to December 2018.  Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II score(APACHE II), Base deficit, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment(SOFA)score on first day of arrival in the emergency room were calculated. The association of 28-day outcome with Acute physiology and chronic Health Evaluation II score, Base deficit value and SOFA score were derived. Results: Out of 229 patients with septic shock 62 died (27%) and among 71 patients without septic shock,12 died(16.9%) .Overall mortality was 24.66 %(n= 74).The area under the ROC curve for Base deficit(0.864;95% C.I.=0.822-0.906), APACHE II( 0.782;95%C.I=0.718-0.848;,SOFA(0.689;95% C.I=0.620-0.757) were greater than 0.7 except for SOFA which signifies these test to  have fair efficacy to predict mortality. Conclusions: High base deficit value predicts mortality in patients with sepsis and septic shock. Keywords: Base Deficit; Sepsis; Septic Shock, Predictor, Mortality DOI: http://doi.org/10.3126/jkahs.v2i2.2516

    Review of Arsenic Removal Methods in Water Supply and A Case Study of Predesign Cost Estimation in Nepal

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    The page 11 has been updated on January 26th 2023: Word “Arsenic” has been removed from the heading 1.3.The consumption of arsenic contaminated drinking water leads to adverse impacts on human health; arsenic is classified by the World Health Organization as a human carcinogenic substance. In the early 2000s, Nepal was added to the list of countries suffering from arsenic contaminated water. This report reviews the efficiencies and limitations of arsenic oxidation techniques, conventional technologies used for arsenic treatment along with the recent application of nano-particle adsorbents. The arsenic treatment methods reviewed in this report include coagulation-flocculation, membrane filtration, adsorption-ion exchange, and nano-particle adsorbents. These treatment technologies generate arsenic bearing residuals, which can be managed by using several techniques presented in this review. The influence of the water composition on arsenic removal efficiencies is also addressed, along with the most important parameters to consider when choosing the best available technology for arsenic removal. As well as, this report provides tools for the cost effectiveness and environmental evaluation of different treatment systems, according to the capital costs, operational costs, and the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions and arsenic disposal. Additionally, a predesign cost estimation for a waterwork system with the capacity of 10 mgd (37,854 m3/day) in Nepal was applied, based on historical data. The intention of the predesign cost estimation is to focus research and resources onto cost effective unit processes and technologies. Tiivistelmä Arseenin saastuttaman juomaveden käyttö aiheuttaa haitallisia vaikutuksia ihmisten terveyteen ja Maailman terveysjärjestö on luokitellut sen ihmisille syöpää aiheuttavaksi aineeksi. Nepal lisättiin 2000-luvun alussa niiden maiden luetteloon, jotka kärsivät arseenin saastuttamasta vedestä. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan arseenin hapetustekniikoiden tehokkuutta ja rajoituksia, tavanomaisia arseenin poiston käsittelyyn käytettyjä tekniikoita sekä uutena tekniikkana nanohiukkasten adsorbentteja. Tarkasteltuihin arseenin käsittelymenetelmiin kuuluvat koagulaatio-flokkulaatio, kalvosuodatus, adsorptio-ioninvaihto ja nanopartikkeliadsorbentit. Nämä käsittelytekniikat tuottavat arseenipitoisia jäämiä, joita voidaan hallita useilla tässä yhteydessä esitellyillä tekniikoilla. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään lisäksi veden koostumuksen vaikutusta arseeninpoistotehokkuuteen sekä tärkeimpiä parametreja, jotka on otettava huomioon valittaessa parasta käytettävissä olevaa arseeninpoiston teknologiaa. Tässä julkaisussa myös johdatellaan eri arseenipoiston käsittelymenetelmien kustannustehokkuuden ja ympäristövaikutusten arviointiin, mihin vaikuttavat pääomakustannukset, käyttökustannukset sekä kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen ja arseenipitoisen jätteen ympäristövaikutukset. Lisäksi esimerkinomaisesti Nepalissa 10 mgd:n (37 854 m3/vrk) kapasiteetilla toimivalle vesilaitokselle tehtiin arseeninpoiston ennakkosuunnittelun kustannusarvio, joka perustuu aiempiin kustannustietoihin. Esisuunnittelun kustannusarvion tarkoituksena on keskittää tutkimusta ja resursseja kustannustehokkaisiin yksikköprosesseihin ja teknologioihin

    Digital learning Initiatives, Challenges and Achievement in Higher Education in Nepal Amidst COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide and reshaped the existing educational system. Due to travel constraints and physical separation, there has been a global shift toward distance learning, and Nepal is no exception. This research intends to assess the practicality of online education by evaluating learners' experiences amidst COVID-19. A cross-sectional study was directed among HEIs students in Nepal using self-structured questionnaires. Our study revealed that 64.6% of the respondents were unsatisfied with online classes. More than half of the respondents (53.4%) use cell phones for online studies. Online education was reported to be unappealing to 28.8% of respondents. Variables such as age group (p = 0.05), enjoying class (p < 0.001), hours spent for an online class in a day (p = 0.05), and period for educational work using an electronic device (p = 0.1) were found significant with satisfaction level using both bivariate test and inferential test of univariate binary logistics regression. The challenges and opportunities encountered among students and faculties are highlighted along with the recommendations for fortifying communication in online-based teaching/learning

    On The Stability Of Non-Supersymmetric AdS Vacua

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    We consider two infinite families of Non-Supersymmetric AdS4AdS_4 vacua, called Type 2) and Type 3) vacua, that arise in massive IIA supergravity with flux. We show that both families are perturbatively stable. We then examine non-perturbative decays of these vacua to other supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric AdS4AdS_4 vacua mediated by instantons in the thin wall approximation. We find that many decays are ruled out since the tension of the interpolating domain wall is too big compared to the energy difference in AdS units. In fact, within our approximations no decays of Type 2) vacua are allowed, although some decays are only marginally forbidden. This can be understood in terms of a "pairing symmetry" in the landscape which relate Type 2) vacua with supersymmetric ones of the same energy.Comment: 50 pages, Minor changes in section 2.2.