6 research outputs found

    Nursing Care Plan for Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery at the Iess Ambato Hospital

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    Aim: Bariatric surgery has emerged as the most effective option in the treatment of obesity, but it is important to recognize that it also involves significant changes in the patient's lifestyle. Psychology plays a crucial role in helping the patient understand and adapt to these changes to improve their health. Material and method: The objective of this study is to develop a nursing care protocol that allows optimal management of patients undergoing bariatric surgery at the IESS Ambato Hospital. This research employed both a quantitative and qualitative approach since the quality of care is linked to the level of knowledge and competence of the nursing staff in the care of bariatric surgery patients. The study sample consisted of 30 nurses and 44 patients, and being a limited population, all participants were included. Nursing staff interviews and patient surveys were conducted. Statistics and Result: The results revealed that 100% of the patients surveyed underwent a gastric sleeve without adequate preparation for this type of surgery. Therefore, the proposal of this research focuses on the implementation of a nursing care protocol that improves the quality of care provided to patients

    Prevalencia y etiolog铆a de apendicitis en pacientes del servicio de cirug铆a

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and etiology of appendicitis in patients attended at the Surgery Service of the Basic Hospital IESS Latacunga. Method: Systematic scientific observation of the medical records of patients with appendicitis. Results: Hospitalization time was determined according to the type of surgery where 83.38% or 326 patients underwent open appendectomies which require 3 to 4 postoperative days. Conclusion: The practice of open appendectomies was evidenced in 326 patients with a hospitalization time of 3 to 4 days. On the other hand, 65 patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomies with a postoperative period of 1 to 2 days with better advantages such as quick recovery and lower incidence of infections.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y etiolog铆a de apendicitis en pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Cirug铆a del Hospital B谩sico IESS Latacunga. M茅todo: Observaci贸n Cient铆fica Sistem谩tica de las historias cl铆nicas de los pacientes con apendicitis. Resultados: Se determin贸 el tiempo de hospitalizaci贸n seg煤n el tipo de cirug铆a donde el 83.38% es decir 326 pacientes se realiz贸 apendicectom铆as abiertas las cuales necesitan de 3 a 4 d铆as posoperatorios. Conclusi贸n: Se evidenci贸 la pr谩ctica de apendicectom铆as abiertas a 326 pacientes con un tiempo de hospitalizaci贸n de 3 a 4 d铆as por otro lado a 65 pacientes se realiz贸 apendicectom铆as laparosc贸picas con un posoperatorio de 1 a 2 d铆as con mejores ventajas como recuperaci贸n r谩pida y menor incidencia de infecciones

    An谩lisis de la relaci贸n de la enfermera con familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos mediante revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica

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    In intensive care settings, the main focus is on direct medical intervention, while communication and emotional support to families may not be sufficiently addressed in the realm of nursing care. The aim of the study was to analyze the nurse-family relationship with relatives of critical patients through a bibliographic review. This study was carried out through a narrative review of the literature, in which the search period extended from 2016 to 2024. The review was conducted using the PubMed database, and it was decided to include articles in both English and Spanish. The selected search keywords included "Palliative care," "nurse role," "Intensive Care Unit," "critical patient," and "patient relatives," as well as their Spanish equivalents: "palliative care," "nurse role," "Intensive Care Unit," "critical patient," and "patient relatives." This study highlights that effective communication and adequate emotional support from nurses to the relatives of critical patients are fundamental to improving the experience and wellbeing of families in intensive care units, underlining the need for specialized training and further research in these areas. The overarching conclusion of this study is that strengthening the relationship between nurses and the relatives of critical patients, through effective communication and appropriate emotional support, is crucial to improving the quality and humanization of care in intensive care unitsEn entornos de cuidados intensivos, el enfoque principal est谩 en la intervenci贸n m茅dica directa, mientras que la comunicaci贸n y el apoyo emocional a los familiares pueden no ser suficientemente abordados en el 谩mbito de los cuidados de enfermer铆a. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relaci贸n de la enfermera con familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos mediante revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Este estudio se llev贸 a cabo mediante una revisi贸n narrativa de la literatura, en la que el per铆odo de b煤squeda se extendi贸 desde 2016 hasta 2024. La revisi贸n se realiz贸 utilizando la base de datos PubMed, y se opt贸 por incluir art铆culos en ingl茅s y espa帽ol. Las palabras clave seleccionadas para la b煤squeda incluyeron "Cuidados paliativos", "rol de la enfermera", "Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos", "paciente cr铆tico", y "familiares de pacientes", adem谩s de sus equivalentes en espa帽ol: "palliative care", "nurse role", "Intensive Care Unit", "critical patient", y "patient relatives". Este estudio destaca que una comunicaci贸n efectiva y un apoyo emocional adecuado por parte de las enfermeras a los familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos son fundamentales para mejorar la experiencia y el bienestar de las familias en las unidades de cuidados intensivos, subrayando la necesidad de formaci贸n especializada y mayor investigaci贸n en estas 谩reas. La gran conclusi贸n de este estudio es que fortalecer la relaci贸n entre las enfermeras y los familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos, a trav茅s de una comunicaci贸n efectiva y un soporte emocional adecuado, es crucial para mejorar la calidad y la humanizaci贸n de la atenci贸n en las unidades de cuidados intensivo

    An谩lisis de la relaci贸n de la enfermera con familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos mediante revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica

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    In intensive care settings, the main focus is on direct medical intervention, while communication and emotional support to families may not be sufficiently addressed in the realm of nursing care. The aim of the study was to analyze the nurse-family relationship with relatives of critical patients through a bibliographic review. This study was carried out through a narrative review of the literature, in which the search period extended from 2016 to 2024. The review was conducted using the PubMed database, and it was decided to include articles in both English and Spanish. The selected search keywords included "Palliative care," "nurse role," "Intensive Care Unit," "critical patient," and "patient relatives," as well as their Spanish equivalents: "palliative care," "nurse role," "Intensive Care Unit," "critical patient," and "patient relatives." This study highlights that effective communication and adequate emotional support from nurses to the relatives of critical patients are fundamental to improving the experience and wellbeing of families in intensive care units, underlining the need for specialized training and further research in these areas. The overarching conclusion of this study is that strengthening the relationship between nurses and the relatives of critical patients, through effective communication and appropriate emotional support, is crucial to improving the quality and humanization of care in intensive care unitsEn entornos de cuidados intensivos, el enfoque principal est谩 en la intervenci贸n m茅dica directa, mientras que la comunicaci贸n y el apoyo emocional a los familiares pueden no ser suficientemente abordados en el 谩mbito de los cuidados de enfermer铆a. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relaci贸n de la enfermera con familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos mediante revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica. Este estudio se llev贸 a cabo mediante una revisi贸n narrativa de la literatura, en la que el per铆odo de b煤squeda se extendi贸 desde 2016 hasta 2024. La revisi贸n se realiz贸 utilizando la base de datos PubMed, y se opt贸 por incluir art铆culos en ingl茅s y espa帽ol. Las palabras clave seleccionadas para la b煤squeda incluyeron "Cuidados paliativos", "rol de la enfermera", "Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos", "paciente cr铆tico", y "familiares de pacientes", adem谩s de sus equivalentes en espa帽ol: "palliative care", "nurse role", "Intensive Care Unit", "critical patient", y "patient relatives". Este estudio destaca que una comunicaci贸n efectiva y un apoyo emocional adecuado por parte de las enfermeras a los familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos son fundamentales para mejorar la experiencia y el bienestar de las familias en las unidades de cuidados intensivos, subrayando la necesidad de formaci贸n especializada y mayor investigaci贸n en estas 谩reas. La gran conclusi贸n de este estudio es que fortalecer la relaci贸n entre las enfermeras y los familiares de pacientes cr铆ticos, a trav茅s de una comunicaci贸n efectiva y un soporte emocional adecuado, es crucial para mejorar la calidad y la humanizaci贸n de la atenci贸n en las unidades de cuidados intensivo

    Revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica sobre la necesidad de protocolo para monitorizaci贸n hemodin谩mica de pacientes cr铆ticos en Ecuador

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    The proper management of critically ill patients, especially in terms of cardiovascular system handling and homeostasis, requires efficient hemodynamic monitoring. Although countries such as Spain and Argentina have developed advanced programs for monitoring these alterations, Ecuador lacks a standardized protocol in this area, limiting the ability to provide optimal care. This study aimed to demonstrate the importance of establishing a specific protocol for the hemodynamic monitoring of critically ill patients in Ecuador. Through an extensive bibliographic review using various sources such as Google Scholar, institutional repositories of UNIANDES and the Technical University of Ambato, as well as databases like Scielo, Elsevier, Medline, and Pubmed, relevant information was collected and analyzed. The results highlighted the critical relevance of hemodynamic monitoring to detect early alterations in the cardiovascular function of critically ill patients, significantly improving clinical outcomes through timely and appropriate interventions. Implementing a hemodynamic monitoring protocol would not only improve the safety and prognosis of these patients but also provide a basis for more informed clinical decision-making. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the urgent need to develop and adopt a standardized hemodynamic monitoring protocol in Ecuador, with the aim of optimizing care and improving health outcomes in critically ill patients, especially in the context of challenges such as COVID-19 and future pandemicsLa gesti贸n adecuada de pacientes cr铆ticos, particularmente en el manejo del sistema cardiovascular y la homeostasis, requiere de una monitorizaci贸n hemodin谩mica eficiente. A pesar de que pa铆ses como Espa帽a y Argentina han desarrollado programas avanzados para el seguimiento de estas alteraciones, Ecuador carece de un protocolo estandarizado en esta 谩rea, limitando la capacidad de proporcionar una atenci贸n 贸ptima. Este estudio se propuso evidenciar la importancia de establecer un protocolo espec铆fico para la monitorizaci贸n hemodin谩mica de pacientes cr铆ticos en Ecuador. A trav茅s de una extensa revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica utilizando diversas fuentes como Google Acad茅mico, repositorios institucionales de UNIANDES y la Universidad T茅cnica de Ambato, adem谩s de bases de datos como Scielo, Elsevier, Medline y Pubmed, se recopil贸 y analiz贸 informaci贸n pertinente. Los resultados destacaron la relevancia cr铆tica de la monitorizaci贸n hemodin谩mica para detectar alteraciones tempranas en la funci贸n cardiovascular de pacientes en estado cr铆tico, mejorando significativamente los resultados cl铆nicos mediante intervenciones tempranas y adecuadas. La implementaci贸n de un protocolo de monitorizaci贸n hemodin谩mica no solo mejorar铆a la seguridad y el pron贸stico de estos pacientes, sino que tambi茅n facilitar铆a una base para la toma de decisiones cl铆nicas m谩s informadas. En conclusi贸n, el estudio subraya la urgente necesidad de desarrollar y adoptar un protocolo estandarizado de monitorizaci贸n hemodin谩mica en Ecuador, con el objetivo de optimizar la atenci贸n y mejorar los resultados de salud en pacientes cr铆ticos, especialmente en el contexto de desaf铆os como la COVID-19 y futuras pandemia