22 research outputs found

    Cancers in Togo from 1984 to 2008: Epidemiological and Pathological Aspects of 5251 Cases

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    Objective. To describe the epidemiological and histological aspects of cancers in Togo. Materials and Methods. We made a retrospective review of the epidemiological and pathological features of cancers observed from 1984 to 2008 at the laboratory of pathology of CHU-TOKOIN in Lomé, Togo. Results. During our study period, we found 5251 cases of cancers with an annual average frequency of 210 cases. The sex ratio, male/female, was 0.9 and the average age of occurring was 45.3 years. This average age was 46.9 years for men and 43.8 years for women. The most frequent cancers for men were prostate cancer (12.9%), nonmelanoma skin cancer (10.4%), and gastric cancer (10.3%). For women it was breast cancer (27.1%), cervix cancer (11.2%) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (6.3%). Histologically, it was carcinomas in 68.1% of the cases, sarcomas in 11% of the cases and non-Hodgkin lymphomas in 12.6% of the cases. Children cancers were primarily Burkitt lymphoma (27.9% of cases) and retinoblastoma (8.5% of cases). Conclusion. This study shows that cancers are frequent in Togo and emphasizes on the necessity of having a cancer register for the prevention and the control of this disease in Togo

    MĂ©tastases cutanĂ©es vues au laboratoire d’anatomie pathologique Ă  LomĂ©, Togo entre 2005 et 2014

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    Introduction: L'objectif de cette étude était de documenter le profil épidémiologique et histologique des métastases cutanées vues au laboratoire d'anatomie pathologique (LAP) de Lomé. Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et transversale portant sur des cas de métastases cutanées observées au LAP du CHU Sylvanus Olympio entre 2005 et 2014.Résultats: Au cours de cette période d'étude, nous avons recensé 32 cas de métastases cutanées représentant 3,2% (1005 cas) de l'ensemble des cas de métastases enregistrées au LAP. L'ùge moyen des patients atteints de ces métastases cutanées était de 42,6 ans et le sex-ratio (F/H) de 2,2. Sur le plan macroscopique, ces métastases étaient nodulaires dans 15 cas, bourgeonnantes dans 12 cas, ulcéré dans 3 cas et ulcéro-bourgeonnant dans 2 cas. Les types histologiques étaient représentés par les adénocarcinomes (19 cas, 59,4%), les carcinomes épidermoïdes (8 cas, 25 %), la maladie de Paget (3 cas, 9,4%), le carcinome à petites cellules du type neuroendocrine (un cas, 3,1%) et le mélanome (un cas, 3,1%). Selon le degré de différenciation, les métastases cutanées étaient bien différenciées dans 14 cas (56%). Les principales localisations de ces métastases cutanées étaient le thorax (11 cas, 34,4%) suivi de l'abdomen (10 cas, 31,3%). Les cancers primitifs étaient surtout d'origine mammaire (14 cas, 43,7%).Conclusion: Cette étude montre que les métastases cutanées sont relativement rares et les tumeurs malignes d'origine mammaire sont les tumeurs primitives prédominantes. Avec un pourcentage élevé des formes peu différenciées et celles indifférenciées, l'amélioration du plateau technique du LAP (immunohistochimie) permettra d'accroitre ses capacités diagnostiques

    Depistage Des Lesions Du Col Uterin Au Chu Tokoin De Lome : Resultats D’une Serie De 512 Cas.

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    Purpose: Cervical cancer remains a real public health problem in Togo. This study was undertaken to sensitize women and to determine the prevalence of precancerous and canrous lesions of the cervix in the Togolese woman. Material and methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study of the results of a consecutive series of Pap smears performed in the Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy and Cytology CHU Tokoin Lome 2011-2013. Results: Epidemiological, 512 FCV were interpretable. The average age of women was 37.6 years, extreme 19 and 87 years. By occupation, we noted a predominance of unemployed women (351cas, 68,6%), followed by women traders (103 cases, 20,1%) . The distribution by marital status was possible to observe a predominance of married women (234 cases, 45, 7 %). In terms of reproductive history, we found a mean gravidity and parity respectively 3, 5 and 2. We noted 22 women living with HIV, 77.2% were infected with HIV1. Cytopathological, 512 smears selected, we observed 44 abnormal smears (8,6%). It was indeterminate lesions ASCUS / ASCUS (8 cases), endocervical hyperplasia (3 cases), low-grade lesions (17 cases), high-grade lesions (10 cases) and invasive carcinoma (6 cases). Conclusion: The detection rate of cervical cancer is low among the Togolese woman. The health professionals should take the habit of asking the FCV any woman having a consultation

    Primary Neuroendocrine Breast Carcinoma in a 13-Year-Old Girl: Ultrasonography and Pathology Findings

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    Neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) of the breast is a rare disease and has been scarcely reported by African authors. The authors report a case of breast NEC in a 13-year-old African girl initially diagnosed as an atypical adenofibroma by ultrasonography. Ultrasound-guided biopsy and conventional histological examination indicated two potential diagnoses: primary malignant non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and undifferentiated carcinoma. According to immunohistochemistry performed on paraffin blocks in France, infiltrating ductal carcinoma with a strong neuroendocrine component was confirmed by CD56, CD57, and chromogranin A markers

    Le cancer en milieu chirurgical pédiatrique au Togo

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    Introduction: Le but de ce travail Ă©tait de relever les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques des cancers de l'enfant en milieu chirurgical, dĂ©crire les problĂšmes posĂ©s par ces cancers et Ă©val er les rĂ©sultats de leur prise en charge MĂ©thodes: Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective analytique sur dossiers de patients ĂągĂ©s de moins de 15 ans pris en charge dans le service de chirurgie pĂ©diatrique pour cancer solide de preuve anatomopathologique entre janvier 1987 et dĂ©cembre 2010. Jusqu'en 2010, les hĂŽpitaux publics du Togo ne disposaient pas d'imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique ni de la tomodensitomĂ©trie. Il n'existe pas de service d'oncologie pĂ©diatrique, ni de radiothĂ©rapie au Togo. Depuis quelques annĂ©es maintenant, le Togo a intĂ©grĂ© le Groupe Franco Africain d'oncologie PĂ©diatrique (GFAOP) et les patients bĂ©nĂ©ficient  gracieusement des antimitotiques pour la prise en charge de certains cancers. RĂ©sultats: Trente un  patients avaient Ă©tĂ© pris en charge dans le service de chirurgie pĂ©diatrique pour cancer. Parmi eux, il y avait 18 garçons (58,06%) et 15 filles (41,94%). L'Ăąge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 7,62 ans (extrĂȘmes: 3 mois et 15 ans). Les patients Ă©taient Ă©galement rĂ©partis dans les diffĂ©rentes tranches d'Ăąge. Les  circonstances de dĂ©couverte variaient selon le type de tumeurs. Les tumeurs des tissus mous  reprĂ©sentaient 51,61% des cas, les tumeurs germinales 25,81% des cas et les tumeurs osseuses 22,58% des cas. Le dĂ©lai moyen d'Ă©volution avant la consultation Ă©tait de 4,6 mois (extrĂȘmes : 2 et 14 mois). Le taux de dĂ©cĂšs Ă©tait de 54,84% des cas. Conclusion: Les cancers solides de l'enfant sont  caractĂ©risĂ©s par un retard Ă  la consultation et un plateau Ă  visĂ©e diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique trĂšs limitĂ© entrainant de ce fait une forte mortalit


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    Vitex doniana is traditionally used in Togo to treat various diseases including wounds. The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of Vitex doniana on cutaneous wound healing. Wounds were induced in ICR mice divided into four groups as following: Group I received carbopol 974P NF empty gel, Groups II and III were treated topically with carbopol gel containing 2.5% and 5% of Vitex doniana extract. Group IV received Betadine¼ 10% as standard drug. The efficacy of treatment was evaluated by planimetry and histological analysis. We secondary used the gel containing Vitex doniana at 2.5% and the pure extract at 10 mg/ml on the model of ear edema induced by xylene. Skin toxicity test was performed with the gel containing Vitex doniana at 5% and the pure extract at 30 mg/ml. Vitex doniana at 5% and 2.5% provided better wound contraction (91.14% and 86.38%) at day 12 post-excision when compared to control (51.15%). The results of histological evaluation supported the outcome of excision wound model. Moreover Vitex doniana inhibited significantly edema induced by xylene when compared to control (p< 0.05). In skin toxicity test, no abnormal symptoms were developed over 14 day-time period. Vitex doniana inhibits the topical inflammation and accelerate cutaneous wound repair

    Pathologies cutanĂ©es vues au laboratoire d’anatomie pathologique Ă  LomĂ©, Togo

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    Introduction: Les affections cutanées restent encore un problÚme de santé publique dans la majorité des pays en développement. Notre étude s'est fixée comme objectif de déterminer les aspects épidémiologiques et histologiques des dermatoses au Togo. Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et transversale portant sur les cas de dermatoses diagnostiquées de 2002 à 2013 (10 ans) au laboratoire d'anatomie pathologique (LAP) du CHU- Sylvanus Olympio. Tous les cas d'examen portant sur un prélÚvement de peau (biopsie, exérÚse, piÚces opératoires) ont été colligés de 2002 à 2013 à partir des données des registres dudit laboratoire. Résultats: Au cours de la période d'étude, 1119 (7,6 %) des 14720 prélÚvements reçus au LAP étaient des prélÚvements de peau, ce qui correspond à une fréquence annuelle de 111,9 prélÚvements. L'ùge moyen des patients dont les prélÚvements de peau appartenaient était de 35,4 ans et le sex-ratio (H/F) de 1,39. Au plan histologique, les lésions cutanées étaient reparties en dermatoses non tumorales (390 cas, 34,8%), dermatoses tumorales et pseudo tumorales (607 cas, 54,2%) et des dermatoses de diagnostic incertain (122 cas, 10,9%). La lÚpre (95 cas, 8,5%) et le carcinome épidermoïde (134 cas, 11,9%) étaient les types histologiques les plus fréquents. Conclusion: Les dermatoses tumorales et pseudo tumorales font plus l'objet de demande d'examen anatomopathologique au Togo, ce qui s'explique par la hantise de tumeurs malignes devant toute dermatose tumorale. L'amélioration du plateau technique du LAP (immunohistochimie, immunofluorescence directe) permettra d'accroitre ses capacités diagnostiques.Keywords: Pathologie cutanée, histopathologie, Tog

    Basidiobolomycosis in Togo: clinico-pathological study of a series of 12 presumed cases

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    Abstract Objective The purpose of our study was to describe the histological diagnosed of the Basidiobolomycosis cases from 1990 to 2017 (28 years) in the only Pathology Anatomy Laboratory in Togo. Results A total of 12 cases of suspected Basidiobolomycosis have been identified. The sex ratio (M/F) was 2. The average age of the patients was 24.8 ± 1.6 years. Six patients (6/12) had a pathological history: HIV infection (n = 4 cases) and tuberculosis (n = 2 cases). The clinical manifestations were localized to pure skin (n = 9 cases), skin and mucous digestive (n = 2 cases) and disseminated (n = 1 cases). Direct mycological examination and culture in 4 patients was positive in 3 patients. The samples examined consisted of 11 cutaneous biopsies measuring 1–3 cm and a biopsy of the intestinal mucosa. Histology showed granulomatous inflammation of the dermohypodermal site with numerous giant cells associated with eosinophilic polynuclear cells, in which there are 5–7 mm non-septate, irregular mycelial filaments. Patients were treated with ketoconazole at a dose of 10 mg/kg daily. The progression of the patients’ condition was favorable after 4 weeks of treatment with a regression of the closets size. Patients were completely healed after 8 weeks of treatment, without recurrence after 6 months. No deaths have been recorded

    Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in subjects aged 15–19 in LomĂ© (Togo)

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    Abstract Objectives The purpose of this study was to study the epidemiological and clinical profile of adolescents with suicidal thoughts, with or without suicide attempts, and to identify associated factors. Results A total of 155 (16.5%) of the 941 adolescents interviewed had suicidal thoughts. The average age of the respondents was 18 ± 2.1 years. The sex ratio (m/f) was 1.4. With regard to marital status, 70.2% were single and 29.8% were in a relationship with a cohabiting partner. Family history of suicide was reported in 40%. In their personal history, eight were infected with HIV, three were chronic ethylic and two were diabetics. Forty-six (29.7%) of the 155 adolescents who had suicidal ideation had ever had a suicide attempt. Teens affected by suicide lived in a boarding school in 25.8%, with one parent in 23.9% and 50.3% with both parents. Factors associated with suicide attempts were female sex (p = 0.0107), age over 18 years (p = 0.0177), living in a couple (p = 0.0316), underlying immunodepression (HIV infection, p = 0.0059, sickle cell disease, p = 0.0043) and having a family history of suicides (p = 0.0461)