813 research outputs found

    The size distribution of all Cambodian establishments

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    This paper describes the size distribution of all Cambodian establishments for 2009, showing that small- and large-scale establishments accounted for the largest share of employment. We find limited evidence for Zipf's law because Cambodian industry is characterized by a more dense mass of small establishments than the Zipf distribution would predict.Size distribution; establishments; Zipf's law; Cambodia

    The size distribution of all Cambodian establishments

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    This paper presents empirical evidence on the size distribution of all Cambodian establishments in the nonfarm sector for 2009. Small- and large-scale establishments account for the largest share of employment, pointing to a “missing middle†that is commonly observed in developing countries. The analysis provides little evidence for Zipf’s law because Cambodian industry is characterized by a more dense mass of small establishments than the Zipf distribution would predict.Cambodia, Industry, Small and medium-scale enterprises, Employment, Size distribution, Establishments

    The size distribution of all Cambodian establishments

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    This paper presents empirical evidence on the size distribution of all Cambodian establishments in the nonfarm sector for 2009. Small- and large-scale establishments account for the largest share of employment, pointing to a “missing middle” that is commonly observed in developing countries. The analysis provides little evidence for Zipf’s law because Cambodian industry is characterized by a more dense mass of small establishments than the Zipf distribution would predict

    The P3 domain of E. coli ribonuclease P RNA can be truncated and replaced

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    AbstractWe prepared some truncated and replaced P3 mutants of Escherichia coli RNase P RNA, and used them to examine the RNase P ribozyme and holoenzyme reactions of a pre-tRNA substrate. The results indicated that mutations in the P3 domain did not affect the cleavage site selection of the pre-tRNA substrate, but did affect the efficiency of cleavage of the substrate. Results of stepwise truncation of the P3 domain and its replacement by the TAR sequence showed that the P3 domain of the E. coli RNase P was able to be truncated to certain length and was replaceable, but could not be deleted in the ribozyme

    Polarized XRF Spectrometer with a 40-mW X-Ray Tube

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    A three-dimensional polarized X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer was assembled with a low-power X-ray tube of 40 milliwatts, and a sample of stainless steel was measured with an acrylic polarizer. Based on the Schr?dinger’s wave picture of Compton scattering, the dependence of the de Broglie wavelength and the scattering angle of a recoil electron on the incident X-ray energy were calculated. When the incident X-rays were scattered at an angle of 90°, the de Broglie of the recoil electron always went away at an angle of 45° with the incident X-rays and the de Broglie wavelength varied for any wavelength of the incident X-rays, i.e. we could select the scattering angle of the recoil electron to be 45°according to the incident X-ray energy and it could then be regarded as 45° Bragg diffraction that could produce highly polarized X-rays. The polarization measurement of scattered X-rays from an acrylic and lead plates substantiated that Compton scattered X-rays from the acrylic plate had higher degree of polarization than the elastically scattered X-rays from the lead plate. Highly polarized Compton scattered X-rays from the light-element polarizer led to the background reduction and the changes of the characteristic X-ray intensity in XRF spectra measured by our laboratory-made spectrometer.Трехмерный рентгеновский флуоресцентный спектрометр с поляризатором (РФА) был собран с использованием маломощной рентгеновской трубки. Размер спектрометра составлял 25 см в длину, ширина и высота по 10 см. Расстояние от рентгеновской трубки до поляризатора составляло 10 мм, между образцом и детектором ? 10 мм. Камера образцов не вакуумировалась. Образец устанавливали на дно акрилового блока. Рентгеновское излучение падало на поляризатор под углом 45? , и после отражения направлялось на образец под углом в 45? . Использовали рентгеновскую трубку с вольфрамовым анодом фирмы Moxtek (номинальная мощность 4 Вт, максимальное напряжение 50 кВ). В качестве поляризатора использовали акриловую (C5H2 O8 )n пластину площадью 80 мм2 и толщиной 30 мм. Излучение регистрировали детектором SDD (RES-Lab, Osaka) площадью 100 мм2 , толщина кремниевого кристалла составляла 450 мкм. Толщина бериллиевого окна ? 8 мкм. Холодильник Пельтье понижал температуру детектора до -30 ° С. Образец из нержавеющей стали измеряли c акриловым поляризатором. На основе волновой теории Шредингера комптоновского рассеяния рассчитана зависимость длины волны де Бройля и угла рассеяния электрона отдачи в зависимости от энергии падающего рентгеновского излучения. Измерение поляризации рассеянного рентгеновского излучения подтвердило, что некогерентно рассеянное на акриловой пластинке рентгеновское излучение имело более высокую степень поляризации, чем когерентно рассеянное рентгеновское излучение от свинцовой пластины. Высокополяризованное некогерентно рассеянное рентгеновское излучение от поляризатора из элемента с малым атомным номером привело к уменьшению фона и изменению интенсивности характеристического рентгеновского излучения в РФА спектрах, измеренных нашим лабораторным спектрометром

    Longevity-associated NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit-2 237 Leu/Met Polymorphism Modulates the Effects of Daily Alcohol Drinking on Yearly Changes in Serum Total and LDL Cholesterol in Japanese Men

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    Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 leucine/methionine (ND2-237 Leu/Met) polymorphism, is reportedly associated with longevity in the Japanese population. The ND2-237Met genotype may exert resistance to atherogenic diseases, such as myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular disorders. To investigate whether ND2-237 Leu/Met polymorphism is associated with yearly changes in serum lipid levels, we conducted a longitudinal study of 107 healthy Japanese male subjects. Analysis of covariance revealed that the interaction between the ND2-237 Leu/Met genotypes and habitual drinking was significantly associated with yearly changes in serum total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) levels (p0.036 and p0.006, respectively). In multiple regression analysis, daily drinking was significantly and positively associated with yearly changes in serum LDLC levels in men with ND2-237Met (p0.026). After adjusting for covariates, yearly changes in serum LDLC levels were significantly lower in non-daily drinkers with ND2-237Met than in those with ND2-237Leu (p0.047). These results suggest that ND2-237Met has a beneficial impact on yearly changes in serum LDLC in non-daily drinkers but not in daily drinkers.</p

    Change of Migration Behavior and Expansion of Commuting Areas from Kono Village, Fukui Prefecture

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    Kono Village is located in the middle of Fukui Prefecture and is a small fishery settlement facing with the Japan Sea. A national law established in 1960 defined Kono Village as one of many depopulated villages. Is the 'depopulation' still going on in these decades? Will this process continue in the future? Focusing on the change in the behavior of residents' migration and the expansion of commuting areas of workers and high school students, this paper examines these questions. Our findings are as follows: (1) The decrease in population has become very slow since 1975. (2) Migration behavior has changed drastically from old generations to young ones: the change from < out-moving from Kono> to < staying in Kono> is clearly recognized. Most of the graduates from Kono Middle School in 1963 migrated into the other municipalities in Fukui Prefecture and the metropolitan regions to enter higher schools or labor markets. On the other hand, many graduates in 1987 chose to live in Kono: they could find their jobs in the out-village area within Fukui Prefecture. (3) About three decades ago , although most matured and aged residents worked in Kono , the younger people migrated from Kono to find work and to study in schools. The residents working at the outside of Kono recently have substantially exceeded in number those working in Kono. Consequently, the commuting area extends over the surrounding cities such as Takefu, Sabae, Tsuruga, and Fukui. (4) Kono has an elementary and a middle school, but no high school nor any other higher educational institutes. The children living in Kono enter high schools in the outside of Kono. A few decades ago, most high school students of Kono moved to the urban areas in Fukui Prefecture, because commuting from Kono to those areas was almost impossible. Today, high school students who study in Takefu or Sabae can commute to their schools everyday. These changes have been caused by the following factors: (a) Enough employment opportunity in the surrounding region: cities nearby Kono which include the local centers of this region have steadily developed industries and increased opportu- nity of employment, although the fishery and manufacturing industries , which were the main economic activities in Kono, have been declining. Most of the residents' jobs are found in the surrounding cities. This contributes to decrease the out-migration of younger people from Kono. (b) Advancing motorization: this has greatly helped to enlarge the commuting area from Kono. Not only the major and minor roads through Kono have been improved and widened , but also automobiles have been quickly coming into wide use. (c) Accessibility to the central cities: Kono is located within a thirty-minute drive to Takefu and a sixty-minute drive to Fukui. It is easy to commute to the central cities which can give enough work places to the residents of the surrounding regions. These central cities are relative- ly small or medium-sized but provide higher educational opportunities. (d) Desire to live in the native village, Kono: Our survey reveals that most male residents want to stay in their mother village, Kono. As long as their living needs are fulfilled, the residents do not like to migrate from Kono. It is clear that Kono has the possibility not only to delete a negative image such as 'a depopulated village,' but also to offer a comfortable life in the beautiful natural environment which has easy access to the local central cities

    肩甲切痕のバリエーション-3DCT による検討

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    BACKGROUND:Although cadaveric studies have revealed suprascapular notch shape variations, few have investigated the association between suprascapular notch variation and age or gender. The purpose of this study was to investigate suprascapular notch shape variations by use of three-dimensional computed tomography (3DCT) and to determine if there was any association with age or gender.METHODS:Three-dimensional CT images of 762 shoulders of 762 patients were analyzed in this study. Participants comprised 404 men and 358 women, with an average age of 58.2 ± 19.1 years. Suprascapular notch shape variations were classified into six types on the basis of Rengachary's classification.RESULTS:Of the total study population, 11.4% were classified as type I, 23.5% as type II, 30.1% as type III, 14.8% as type IV, 15.9% as type V, and 4.3% as type VI. Average age was 56.5 ± 20.5 years for type I, 57.0 ± 19.5 years for type II, 55.5 ± 20.0 years for type III, 56.4 ± 18.5 years for type IV, 65.5 ± 14.4 years for type V, and 68.0 ± 13.4 years for type VI. Statistically significant age differences were found between types I-IV and V, between types I-IV and VI, and between the non-ossification group (types I-IV) and the ossification group (types V and VI). Male-to-female ratio among each type, and between the non-ossification group and the ossification group, were not statistically significantly different.CONCLUSIONS:Our results suggest that transverse scapular ligament ossification is associated with aging whereas individual variation explains differences among types I, II, III, and IV. Three-dimensional CT provides useful information for arthroscopic resection of the transverse scapular ligament, when the wide variety of suprascapular notch shape variations is considered.LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Level IV.博士(医学)・乙第1361号・平成27年5月28日© Springer International Publishing AG, Part of Springer Science+Business Media. The definitive version is available at " http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00776-014-0636-x "© The Japanese Orthopaedic Association 201