30 research outputs found

    Um mobiliário para o ensino profissional: notas sobre a carteira de desenho

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar o mobiliário destinado ao ensino de desenho técnico, que compõe o acervo do Centro de Memória da Escola Técnica Estadual Cônego José Bento, detendo-se, de modo mais específico, na carteira de desenho. A investigação sobre essa peça do mobiliário escolar procura rastrear pistas dos processos de aquisição, da utilização desse tipo de carteira nas práticas escolares e do seu percurso no interior da Escola Profissional Agrícola Industrial Cônego José Bento, entre as décadas de 1930 e 1950, em paralelo com as mudanças curriculares. O trabalho arqueológico proposto visa capturar vestígios sobre peças de mobiliário que sobreviveram às várias mudanças pelas quais passou essa instituição, criada em Jacareí em 1935, no âmbito do plano de expansão do ensino profissional, elaborado pela Superintendência do Ensino Profissional e Doméstica. Procura-se, por essa via, contribuir com os esforços dos historiadores da educação, com vistas a compreender a cultura material da escola como uma dimensão significativa da cultura escolar.Palavras-chave: Cultura material. Mobiliário escolar. Carteira de desenho.Furniture for vocational education: notes on the drawing deskABSTRACTThis article aims at analyzing the furniture designed for the teaching of technical drawing, which is part of the collection of the Memory Center of the State Technical School Cônego José Bento. It focuses specifically on the drawing desk. The investigation on this piece of school furniture aims at tracing evidence of the acquisition process and the uses of this kind of desk in school practices and its itinerary within the Agricultural Industrial Professional School Cônego José Bento, between the 1930s and the 1950s, alongside curricular changes. This archeological work tries to capture traces of the pieces of furniture that survived the multiple changes that influenced this institution, created in Jacareí in 1935, as part of the expansion plan for professional education, developed by Superintendency for Professional and Householding Education. Thus, it aims at contributing to the efforts made by historians of education to comprehend school material culture as a meaningful dimension of school culture.Keywords: Material culture. School furniture. Drawing desk.Muebles para la enseñanza profesional: notas sobre la mesa de dibujoRESUMENEste artículo tiene como objetivo examinar los muebles destinados a la enseñanza del diseño técnico que componen el acervo del Centro de Memoria de la Escuela Técnica Estadual Cônego José Bento, deteniéndose más específicamente sobre la mesa de dibujo. La investigación sobre este tipo de mueble escolar busca rastrear huellas de los procesos de adquisición, su utilización en las prácticas escolares y su recorrido en el interior de la Escuela Profesional Agrícola Industrial Cônego José Bento, entre las décadas de 1930 y 1950, en paralelo con los cambios curriculares. El trabajo arqueológico que se propone busca capturar rastros sobre muebles que han sobrevivido a los varios cambios pasados por esta institución, creada en Jacareí en 1935, en el ámbito del plan de expansión de la enseñanza profesional elaborado por la Superintendencia de la Enseñanza Profesional y Doméstica. Se busca, de esta manera, contribuir con los esfuerzos de historiadores de la educación para comprender la cultura material de la escuela como una dimensión importante de la cultura escolar.Palabras clave: Cultura material. Mueble escolar. Mesa de dibujo

    Neuronal surface antigen-specific immunostaining pattern on a rat brain immunohistochemistry in autoimmune encephalitis

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    A variety of neuronal surface (NS) antibodies (NS-Ab) have been identified in autoimmune encephalitis (AE). Tissue-based assay (TBA) using a rodent brain immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to screen NS-Ab, while cell-based assay (CBA) to determine NS antigens. Commercial rat brain IHC is currently available but its clinical relevance remains unclear. Immunostaining patterns of NS antigens have not been extensively studied yet. To address these issues, we assessed a predictive value of “neuropil pattern” and “GFAP pattern” on commercial IHC in 261 patients, and characterized an immunostaining pattern of 7 NS antigens (NMDAR, LGI1, GABAaR, GABAbR, AMPAR, Caspr2, GluK2). Sensitivity and specificity of “neuropil pattern” for predicting NS-Ab were 66.0% (95% CI 55.7-75.3), and 98.2% (95% CI 94.8-99.6), respectively. False-positive rate was 1.8% (3/164) while false-negative rate was 34.0% (33/97). In all 3 false-positive patients, neuropil-like staining was attributed to high titers of GAD65-Ab. In 33 false-negative patients, NMDAR was most frequently identified (n=18 [54.5%], 16/18 [88.9%] had low titers [< 1:32]), followed by GABAaR (n=5). Of 261 patients, 25 (9.6%) had either GFAP (n=21) or GFAP-mimicking pattern (n=4). GFAP-Ab were identified in 21 of 31 patients examined with CBA (20 with GFAP pattern, 1 with GFAP-mimicking pattern). Immunostaining pattern of each NS antigen was as follows: 1) NMDAR revealed homogenous reactivity in the dentate gyrus molecular layer (DG-ML) with less intense dot-like reactivity in the cerebellar granular layer (CB-GL); 2) both GABAaR and GluK2 revealed intense dot-like reactivity in the CB-GL, but GABAaR revealed homogenous reactivity in the DG-ML while GluK2 revealed intense reactivity along the inner layer of the DG-ML; and 3) LGI1, Caspr2, GABAbR, and AMPAR revealed intense reactivity in the cerebellar ML (CB-ML) but LGI1 revealed intense reactivity along the middle layer of the DG-ML. Whereas, Caspr2, GABAbR, and AMPAR revealed similar reactivity in the DG-ML but some difference in other regions. TBA is useful not only for screening NS- or GFAP-Ab but also for estimating NS antigens; however, negative results should be interpreted cautiously because “neuropil pattern” may be missed on commercial IHC when antibody titers are low. Antigen-specific immunoreactivity is a useful biomarker of AE


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    目的:患者の地域での暮らしの希望と療養上の目標を中心に構造化した看護のプロセス”Nursing Care for Patient Goals”(NCPG)に患者の視点から示唆を得るため急性期医療を受ける患者が看護師に知ってほしい情報と療養の目標に対して求める看護を明らかにした. 方法:1特定機能病院において入院中または入院予定の20歳以上の患者を対象として質問紙調査を2回(2017年,2018年)に実施した.調査内容は基本属性,調査Ⅰ(2017年)は先行研究を基に抽出した患者情報23項目について看護師に知って欲しいと思う程度,最も大事と思う項目とその選択理由,調査Ⅱ(2018年)は自分の療養の目標について求める看護であった.統計分析は記述統計,因子分析,t 検定を用いた.自由記述によるデータは質的記述的分析を行った. 結果:調査Ⅰの有効回答数は448名で,看護師に知ってほしい自分の情報として【第1因子:社会的役割と環境】【第2因子:病気の理解・受け入れと心理】【第3因子:身体的状態と生活の仕方】【第4因子:暮らしの希望と自己決定】が抽出された.65歳未満と比較して65歳以上の対象者は第1因子が高い傾向にあった.また第4因子を最も大事と思う項目の選択理由について, “希望・目標がなきゃ生きていけない” という表現が特徴として出された.調査Ⅱの有効回答数は416名で,多数の対象者が自分の目標を医療者と共有することが重要だと感じており,受けたい看護として,傍にいて寄り添う看護,治療・症状への専門的な看護,地域での暮らしの自立への看護が抽出された. 結論:患者の視点から看護師に知ってほしい情報として4つの因子と自分の目標を分ってほしいとする対象者の願いは,希望と目標を基盤としたNCPG の考え方と一致しており,目標達成のために受けたい看護の3つの視点が示唆された.Objective : This study aimed to identify information on care of patients receiving acute care for life in community from the patientsʼ perspective and to obtain suggestions for “Nursing Care for Patient Goals”(NCPG). Method : The subjects were patients receiving acute care and aged 20 years and above. They were given self-administered questionnaires. Survey Ⅰ(2017)consisted of a questionnaire that was based on previously collected qualitative data and comprised 23 Likert-scale questions and free descriptive questions on the reasons for selecting the most important item. Survey Ⅱ(2018)consisted of questionnaire that was comprised of three Likert-scale questions on goals and a free descriptive question on care for the achievement of goals. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and t-test. Data from free-text descriptions were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Results : Survey Ⅰ : data from 448 valid responses were subjected to factor analysis to determine the factor structure. The following factors were identified from the patientsʼ perspectives: 1) social role and environment, 2) understanding/acceptance and psychological state, 3) physical condition and life, and 4) hope and decision-making for life. In addition, a qualitative and inductive approach was employed to analyze participantsʼ descriptive responses about the reason for selecting the most important item. The characteristic description of why participants selected “hope and decision-making of life” was “I cannot live without hope.” Survey Ⅱ : data from 416 valid responses were analyzed. The majority of participants felt it was important to share their goals with their healthcare professionals. A qualitative and inductive approach was employed to analyze the participantsʼ descriptive responses to care for goals achievement. The care desired by participants was categorized as “being with”, “professional care”, and “self-care support”. Conclusion : The factors that patients wanted nurses to know were consistent with the components of “NCPG.” The care that patients desire to achieve their goals was clarified


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    目的:急性期医療を受ける患者の地域での生活を視野に入れた看護を展開するために患者の情報と看護の視点について明らかにすることを目的とした. 方法:特定機能病院に勤務する中堅以上の看護師33名を対象に,地域での生活を視野に入れた患者の情報と看護の視点についてフォーカス・グループ・インタビューを行い分析した. 結果及び考察:急性期医療を受ける患者の地域での生活に必要な情報と看護の視点として,コアカテゴリー《地域での生活を可能にするニーズ》が抽出された.さらに地域での生活を可能にするための状態とニーズとして【身体・生理的な状態とニーズ】,【生活の自立と安全の状態とニーズ】,【病気の受け入れと心理的反応の状態とニーズ】,【社会的環境の状態とニーズ】,【医療・療養への自己決定の状態とニーズ】の5つのカテゴリーに分類された.これらより,患者の暮らしの希望,療養の目標,5つの視点の状態からニーズを導き看護を展開する看護の過程として,“Nursing Care for Patient Goals(” NCPG)を構造化した. 結論:地域包括ケアシステムの中において急性期医療を受ける患者の情報と看護の視点として地域での生活を可能にするための5つの状態とそのニーズが重視されていた.Objective : The aim of this study was to identify information and care perspectives of nurses for patients leaving an acute care hospital for life in the community, and to consider appropriate nursing care in the community-based integrated care system. Method : Focus group interviews were conducted with 33 nurses working in an acute care hospital. The data were analyzed using qualitative inductive analysis. Results & Discussion : The core category “Needs to enable patients to live in the community” was extracted as the information and care perspective necessary for patients receiving acute care to leave hospital for life in the community. The information and care perspectives were classified into five conditions : physical/physiological condition and needs, life independence and safety status and needs, acceptance of/emotions about illness and needs, social environment and needs, and decision-making and needs. “Nursing Care for Patient Goals” was structured as a nursing process. Conclusion : We identified five conditions and their needs that would enable patients receiving acute care to leave hospital for life in the community


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     現在、世界で高齢化が進む中、中華人民共和国(以下、中国と称す。)は、2010 年に65 歳以上の高齢人口が1 億人を超える世界で唯一の国となった。さらに、短期間で高齢社会に突入する中、その対応策が急務となる。本研究の目的は、中国のファッションデザイン教育において、高齢社会に対応するデザイン手法が確立されていない現状に対し、「ユニバーサルファッション-国籍や年齢、障害の有無に関わらず、誰もが快適な衣生活を送るデザイン手法」を、教育カリキュラムとして普及し確立することにある。2016 年から本学ファッションデザイン学科と中国上海視覚芸術学院ファッションデザイン学部間で学術交流が始まった。そして2017 年、本学は、第12 回アート&デザイン教育国際サミットフォーラム、第3 回上海中高齢時尚服飾国際会議、高齢社会に向けてのファッションショーへ参画した。高齢社会は国境を超えての世界的な課題であり、ファッションデザイン分野で解決し推進していくことが重要であると共有認識された。2017 年11 月、両大学の学長面談が行われ、今後の教育・研究・活動に関しての協力体制が約束された。両大学間の取り組みは、始まったばかりではあるが、ファッションデザイン学術交流を深めながら、ユニバーサルファッションの意義と役割を見い出していきたい。The People\u27s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as China) has become the only country in the world with a 65 and older population in excess of 100 million in 2010. As we enter into a aged/aging society within a relatively short period of time, it is important that efforts be made to deal with the effects. Against China\u27s fashion design education, The objective of this study is to spread and establish a curriculum based on the concept of “Universal Fashion: a design method focused on designing comfortable clothing for everyone, regardless of nationality, age, or ability". Academic exchanges began between the Fashion Design Department of our university and the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, School of Fashion Design in 2016. Aging Societies are a global issue which extends beyond national borders; the importance of resolving/ promoting efforts to accommodate these social changes within the fashion design field was collectively acknowledged. Joint university efforts have just begun, but we would like to research the significance and role of universal fashion, while continuing to deepen fashion design academic exchange

    Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells as a delivery platform in cell and gene therapies

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    A história oral e sua contribuição para a recuperação da memória e da história do ensino técnico e profissional agrícola em Jacareí- SP

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    A história oral tem sido empregada nas pesquisas sobre a educação profissional paulista como uma das metodologias para recuperar a memória e a história do ensino técnico. Neste artigo apresentam-se as possibilidades de sua utilização nos estudos, especialmente quando se aborda a representação discente do curso de Iniciação Agrícola em Jacareí, SP, na então Escola Profissional Agrícola e Industrial Mista Cônego José Bento, em relação à cultura escolar de uma determinada época, como as disciplinas, os professores, os espaços e os recursos pedagógicos. Espera-se ressaltar, assim, as potencialidades desse procedimento nas investigações da educação do público escolar feminino no ensino agrícola, parte integrante do patrimônio educativo

    The Japanese (im)migrants and their descendants in Jacareí, 1927-1951: context, history and daily life

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    Este estudo investiga e recupera a trajetória sócio-econômica dos (i)migrantes japoneses e seus descendentes em Jacareí, a partir de 1927 até 1951. Caracteriza o contexto local e regional em que esses sujeitos se inseriram e o seu cotidiano durante o governo do Estado Novo e da Segunda Guerra Mundial por meio da bibliografia relacionada à imigração japonesa e à História do Brasil, dentre outras, e fontes documentais, como imprensa escrita local, depoimentos, estatísticas e fotografias. Os (i)migrantes japoneses deslocaram-se para Jacareí nesse período com o objetivo de melhorar suas condições de vida. Grande parte fixou-se na zona rural e dedicou-se à produção agrícola, principalmente de tomate, progrediu econômica e socialmente; criaram uma associação e se preocuparam, de alguma forma, em se inserir na sociedade local. O estudo mostra que o contexto do Estado Novo e a Segunda Guerra Mundial, embora trágico, não refletiu de maneira sistemática em relação aos japoneses que viviam em Jacareí; ao contrário - a não ser em casos isolados - a maioria não se abateu, permanecendo no município; continuou desenvolvendo suas atividades e produzindo, abriu depósitos de cooperativas e outros (i)migrantes japoneses continuaram chegando para Jacareí, tornando-o um lugar de perspectivas de mudanças.This study investigates and recovers the economic social trajectory of Japanese (im) migrants and their descendants in Jacarei from 1927 until 1951. It features the local and regional context in which it operated these subjects and their daily life during the government of Estado Novo and the Second World War through the literature related to Japanese immigration and to the history of Brazil, among others, and documentary sources, such as print media Local, testimonials, statistics and photographs. The Japanese immigrants moved to Jacarei in that period with the objective of improving their living conditions. The most of them stayed in rural and devoted themselves to agricultural production, mainly of tomatoes, economic and social progress; created an association and have been concerned in some way, they fall in local society. The research shows that the context of the Estado Novo and Second World War, although tragic, not reflected in a systematic way for Japanese (im)migrants who lived in Jacareí; unlike - except in isolated cases - the majority do not hit and remained in the city, continued developing their activities and producing, opened cooperatives and other Japanese (im)migrants continued coming to Jacareí and making it a place of prospects for change

    An infantile/juvenile form of Alexander disease caused by a R79H mutation in GFAP

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    Alexander disease is a degenerative white matter disorder due to mutations in the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) gene. It has been classified into three forms based on the age of onset and severity: an infantile, a juvenile, and an adult form. In a six-yearold patient with a relatively mild form of Alexander disease, we detected a common R79H mutation in GFAP previously only described in the infantile form. These results suggest the need for further studies of the genotype-phenotype correlation