32 research outputs found

    Bone-targeting of quinolones conjugated with an acidic oligopeptide

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    Purpose. Osteomyelitis is a progressive infectious process resulting in inflammatory destruction and necrosis of bone. The long-term administration of high-dosage antibiotics is required to treat osteomyelitis, owing to the limited distribution of antibiotics within bone. Therefore, targeted delivery of antibiotics to bone promises to improve therapeutic effectiveness. Methods. We synthesized quinolones such as levofloxacin and norfloxacin conjugated to an acidic oligopeptide, which works as a bone-targeting carrier after systemic administration. The therapeutic effectiveness of the conjugated quinolones in osteomyelitis was evaluated using a mouse model of osteomyelitis, created by inoculating Staphylococcus aureus into the tibia of mice. Results. With intravenous injection, the conjugated quinolones selectively distributed to bone, reaching concentrations up to 100-fold those of non-conjugated quinolones. Single intravenous injection of levofloxacin as well as conjugated levofloxacin exhibited antibiotic effects in the osteomyelitis mouse model; conversely, neither conjugated nor non-conjugated norfloxacin was effective. The antibiotic effect of conjugated levofloxacin persisted to at least 6 days after injection, whereas the effect of non-conjugated levofloxacin was temporary. Conclusion. The selective bone delivery of quinolones conjugated with an acidic oligopeptide may be effective in treating osteomyelitis, although the resulting concentration of antibiotic may be insufficient to completely kill S. aureus. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Medium Diradical Character, Small Hole and Electron Reorganization Energies and Ambipolar Transistors in Difluorenoheteroles

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    Four difluorenoheteroleshavinga centralquinoidalcore with the heteroringvaryingas furan,thiophene,its dioxidederivativeand pyrrolehave shownto be mediumcharacterdiradicals.Solid-statestructures,optical,photophysical,magnetic,and electrochemicalpropertieshave been discussedin termsof diradicalcharacter,variationof aromaticcharacterand captoda-tive effects(electronaffinity).Organicfield-effecttran-sistors(OFETs)have been prepared,showingbalancedholeand electronmobilitiesof the orderof103cm2V1s1or ambipolarchargetransportwhichisfirst inferredfrom their redoxamphoterism.Quantumchemicalcalculationsshow that the electricalbehaviorisoriginatedfrom the mediumdiradicalcharacterwhichproducessimilarreorganizationenergiesfor hole andelectrontransports.The visionof a diradicalas simulta-neouslybearingpseudo-holeand pseudo-electronde-fects might justifythe reducedvaluesof reorganizationenergiesfor both regimes.Structure-functionrelation-ships betweendiradicaland ambipolarelectricalbehav-ior are revealed.The authorsthankthe SpanishMinistryof ScienceandInnovation(projectsMINECO/FEDERPGC2018-098533-B-100,and PID2019-110305GB-I00),the Junta de Andalucíaand GeneralidadValenciana,Spain (UMA18FEDERJA057,P18-FR-4549and Prometeo/2019/076)and JSPS KAKENHIgrant (JP21K05042for S.-i.K.,JP21K04995and JP21H05489for R.K., JP21H01887and JP20K21173for M.N.).S.-i.K.gratefullyacknowledgesthe AsahiGlassFoundationforfinancialsupport.We also thankthe ResearchCentralServices(SCAI)of the Universityof Málaga,UnidaddeEspectroscopíaVibracional(Dra. Capely Dr. Zafra)andUnidadde OpticaNo-Linealy EspectroscopíaUltrarápida(Dr. Román).This work was partiallysupportedby theCooperativeResearchProgram“NetworkJoint ResearchCenterfor Materialsand Devices”(KyushuUniversity).WethankProf. ShuheiHigashibayashi(KeioUniversity)forassistancewith synthesis.Mass spectrometricdata werecollectedat HiroshimaUniversity(N-BARD:Ms. TomokoAmimoto).Theoreticalcalculationswere partlyperformedusing ResearchCenterfor ComputationalScience(R-CCS),Okazaki,Japan.F.N and Y.D. acknowledgesupportfrom“Valutazionedella Ricercadi Ateneo”(VRA)—Universityof Bologna.Y.D. acknowledgesMinisterodell’Universitàedella Ricerca(MUR)for her Ph.D. fellowship. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Arabidopsis cold shock domain proteins: relationships to floral and silique development

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    Cold shock domain proteins (CSPs) are highly conserved from bacteria to higher plants and animals. Bacterial cold shock proteins function as RNA chaperones by destabilizing RNA secondary structures and promoting translation as an adaptative mechanism to low temperature stress. In animals, cold shock domain proteins exhibit broad functions related to growth and development. In order to understand better the function of CSPs in planta, detailed analyses were performed for Arabidopsis thaliana CSPs (AtCSPs) on the transcript and protein levels using an extensive series of tissue harvested throughout developmental stages within the entire life cycle of Arabidopsis. On both the transcript and protein levels, AtCSPs were enriched in shoot apical meristems and siliques. Although all AtCSPs exhibited similar expression patterns, AtCSP2 was the most abundantly expressed gene. In situ hybridization analyses were also used to confirm that AtCSP2 and AtCSP4 transcripts accumulate in developing embryos and shoot apices. AtCSPs transcripts were also induced during a controlled floral induction study. In vivo ChIP analysis confirmed that an embryo expressed MADS box transcription factor, AGL15, interacts within two AtCSP promoter regions and alters the respective patterns of AtCSP transcription. Comparative analysis of AtCSP gene expression between Landsberg and Columbia ecotypes confirmed a 1000-fold reduction of AtCSP4 gene expression in the Landsberg background. Analysis of the AtCSP4 genomic locus identified multiple polymorphisms in putative regulatory cis-elements between the two ecotypes. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that AtCSPs are involved in the transition to flowering and silique development in Arabidopsis