52 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to develop an index to assess swallowing function by ultrasonography in order to evaluate the relationship between movements of the hyoid bone and the larynx while swallowing water. Forty-two younger participants (mean age, 20.3 ± 3.4 years) and 42 older participants (mean age, 75.1 ± 10.6 years) with normal swallowing function were included in the study. Movements of the hyoid bone and the larynx while swallowing 5 mL of water were observed using ultrasonography. Two-dimensional distances from the starting points of the hyoid bone and the larynx to their points of maximum movement were measured as displacements. The hyoid bone–laryngeal motion ratio was defined as the hyoid bone displacement divided by the laryngeal displacement. Parameters were compared among four groups: younger male, younger female, older male, and older female. The hyoid bone displacement differed significantly between the younger and older groups, and the laryngeal displacement differed significantly between age groups and sexes. The hyoid bone–laryngeal motion ratio was not significantly correlated with age, height, or body weight, and did not show a significant difference between the four groups. Thus, the hyoid bone–laryngeal motion ratio is an index that evaluates swallowing movement and is independent of physique and physiological changes associated with aging

    進行性難聴児に対する人工内耳装用指導の留意点 : 装用年齢の異なる2症例での比較

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    We examined a point to keep in mind of the guidance and the role of the speech therapist about the progressive nerve deafness children who varied in the discovery time and the wearing time of the cochlear implant. 1. We manage the periodical hearing ability and we can add it and an aural decrease and must perform cochlear implant wearing in the guidance of children with progressive nerve deafness in spite of being a thought. 2. There was the need that made preoperatively age-appropriate spoken language ability acquired not to be troubled even if wearing of the cochlear implant was proper time of the learning after (6 years old) in the deaf children due to the progressive nerve deafness. 3. We predicted a prognosis when we detected hearing loss and guidance specialized in a language was necessary and thought that we required continuation of the training after an operation. 4. The role of the speech therapist in the medical institution which the cooperation of the associated institution was important and lasted for a life, and could perform support was considered so that the guidance for children with progressive nerve deafness was conducted adequately


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    We compiled the long-term course of the cochlear implant wearing deaf child who had autism and examined a future problem and the role of the speech therapist. 1. The language / the cognitive neuropsychological ability of the deaf child who had autism was delayed at a 5-6 years old level. 2. Her ability for hearing and emotion were improved by having worn artificial cochlea at 11 years old. 3. It is suggestion that even a deaf child who had autism wearing artificial cochlea early deaf problem is reduced. 4. We thought that we required the upbringing of the speech therapist who could do guidance in consideration of autism and both deaf problems

    指導方法の異なる先天性聾児の人工内耳装用効果 : 言語・認知神経心理学的諸能力の比較

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    As a result of we compared it in the case that we taught it to by the auditoryverbal training method (AC:A group) when we used the total communication method (TC:Bgroup) and taught many ability of a language / the recognition neuropsychology of the different native deaf children of the guidance method that wore cochlea implant(CI), and having examined it, next was found. 1. The A group which we taught it to by the AT method as compared with the B group which we taught it to by the TC method had better overall results. 2. It was language-related intelligence and vocabulary understanding and articulation ability that a clear difference was found in A group and B group. 3. It was thought that the plastic high time of the brain required that we taught it to that conducting hearing practical use enough, a method to teach it to was considered

    6歳以降に人工内耳を装用させる場合の留意点について : 聾児1症例の知見から

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    We were followed in the course of language ability and neuro-psychological cognition in a deaf child with a cochlear implant since 6 years of age. As a result, we considered important points of wearing cochlear implant since 6 years of age. The checklists of Mori was effective for recuperation and preparation on a deaf child wearing cochlear implant since 6 years of age who is learning language ability. If conditions for learning language and speech by use of auditory training, cued speech and sign language etc. early, a deaf child with a cochlear implant since 6 years of age had good language ability and neuro-psychological cognition (except speech discrimination ability and articulation). The matter is very importance of a measure corresponding ,one by one

    人工内耳装用聾児9例の長期予後 : 言語・認知神経心理学的諸能力の発達からみた人工内耳装用年齢と注意欠陥多動性障害の影響

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    In the Fujimoto otolaryngology clinic, audiologists have trained the 9 deaf-born children wearing cochlear implants for 3 years and 3 months on the average, mainly used \u27auditoryverbal method\u27. And we followed and investigated their development of the abilities of speech,hearing, articulation, vocabulary, intelligence (measured by Tanaka-Binet test, and Wechsler scale), reading of the sentences, from the age of 30 months to 8 years and 6 months through the training. We classified them into 4 types; (group A)2 cases of deaf-single children started wearing cochlear implants in age of 2 on the average,(group B)3 cases of deaf children with ADHD started wearing cochlear implants in age of 2 and 1 month on the average, (group C)3 cases of deaf-single children started wearing cochlear implants in age of 6 on the average,(group D)1 case of deaf child with ADHD started wearing cochlear implants in age of 6. And we investigated the effect of the age of started wearing cochlear implant and ADHD on the development of speechlanguage and cognitive neuropsychological abilities. The results were as follows; 1) Group A could catch up with all abilities of their calendar ages in early time, almost 3 years, and also their development after that continued good level. 2) Secondly, group B also could show good improvement level in early age after group A.3) And the next improvement level was group C, and after that was group D.4) It suggested that wearing cochlear implant before 2 years and wearing cochlear implant for the deafchildren with ADHD could effect on the developmental improvement of the speechlanguage and cognitive neuropsychological abilities

    注意欠陥多動性障害を合併した聾児の人工内耳装用効果と今後の課題 : 聾単独人工内耳装用児1例との比較

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    The following things were found from course for the long term of a deaf child who had the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)(case A) and a singularity deaf child (case B) that they wore cochlea implant(CI) early (2 years old), and was given systematic language guidance. 1. As for a CI wearing effect having appeared, as for case B, case A was operation two years later operation one year later. 2. The language / the cognitive many ability did not settle as compared with case B, and case A showed a problem in the low rank item. 3. Degree of the ADHD reduced case A from severeness after CI wearing slightly in two years, but the problem of the ability for attention concentration remained at the attendance at school. 4. The establishment of an effective program in consideration of the effect that attention concentration gave in verbal learning was need


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    The authors assessed the vocabulary age(VA) by using the Picture Vocabulary Test (PVT) though the preschool-training, for investigated the development of vocabulary comprehension of the 7 cases of children wearing Cochlear Implant(CI) :[Group-A; 3 cases of children started wearing CI before the age of 3, Group-B; 4 cases of children started wearing CI after the age of 3,]and 3 cases of children wearing hearing aids: [Group-C].And we assessed them since age of 6 months to age of 6 and 6 months.The results were as follows. 1)We could assess VA by PVT more early times in order of Group-A, Group-C, and Group-B. 2) It needed less times to catch up with the normal developmental level as calendar age on VA in order of Group-A, Group-B, Group-C. 3)It suggested that we should have CI worn on the children before the age of 3 for the reason of those, at first the development of vocabulary comprehension depended on the hearing, and secondarily it could improve using the hearing.4)In case of wearing hearing aids, it needed more times, but they could catch up with the normal developmental level as calendar age on vocabulary comprehension, on condition that we adjusted their environment on early language acquisition

    補聴方法の異なる聾児の構音能力に関する臨床的研究 : 健聴児,補聴器装用児,人工内耳装用児での比較検討

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    We compared with 7 cases of deaf children in born, and examined for the effects of the ages of started wearing hearing aided devices on acquisition of articulation, and the results were as followings: They were good for the ratios of correct responses of articulations in group-A(early cochlear implants) and C(successful hearing aid users) ,and they were almost as same as normal children on their prosodic-features of speaking sentences. They were not good for the ratios of correct responses of articulation in group-B(late wearing cochlear implants) and D(less successful hearing aid users),and they were monotonous and flat on their prosodic-features of speaking sentences. It was suggested that we should started having the hearing aided devices worn on them and started the auditory training before the age of 3 at least, for they could recognize and discriminate between the original sounds and they could improve the ability of articulation

    低出生体重聾児1例に対する人工内耳の装用効果 : 聾単独人工内耳装用児1例との比較

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    It was deaf, and we examined a point to keep in mind of the cochlear implant wearing effect of the cochlear implant wearing deaf child who had the minor developmental disease derived from low weight birth and the preschool guidance and, as a result, suggested the following things. 1. The low birth weight deaf child did near language development to a premature baby of normal hearing and deaf singularity children by having worn cochlea at 3\u27s. 2. The cochlear implant wearing effect for the low birth weight history deaf child to 3\u27s was high. 3. It was thought that it was necessary to get a learning condition ready after it extracted an individual problem early, and having predicted a prognosis