進行性難聴児に対する人工内耳装用指導の留意点 : 装用年齢の異なる2症例での比較


We examined a point to keep in mind of the guidance and the role of the speech therapist about the progressive nerve deafness children who varied in the discovery time and the wearing time of the cochlear implant. 1. We manage the periodical hearing ability and we can add it and an aural decrease and must perform cochlear implant wearing in the guidance of children with progressive nerve deafness in spite of being a thought. 2. There was the need that made preoperatively age-appropriate spoken language ability acquired not to be troubled even if wearing of the cochlear implant was proper time of the learning after (6 years old) in the deaf children due to the progressive nerve deafness. 3. We predicted a prognosis when we detected hearing loss and guidance specialized in a language was necessary and thought that we required continuation of the training after an operation. 4. The role of the speech therapist in the medical institution which the cooperation of the associated institution was important and lasted for a life, and could perform support was considered so that the guidance for children with progressive nerve deafness was conducted adequately

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