4,017 research outputs found


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    Penerapan Konsep Divergence pada Indikator Momentum MACD

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    Technical analysis was designed to provide historical information on price movements and serves as a tool for both investors and traders to capture ​​price movements in a market in order to forecast the possibilities of what might happen in the future. This study aims to test the performance of the momentum indicator (MACD) on identifying changes in market trends, by applying the concept of divergence between price movements and momentum indicator developments. This study is an applied research on the concept of divergence using a quantitative approach. Cross-sectional data from market movements (IDX) and indicators movements on the MACD oscillator during 2014-2021 (8 years) on daily time frame were used in this study. Observations on indicator movements and price movements are performed to detect divergence generated by MACD line and histogram using 26, 12, and 9 MACD parameters. Tradingview charting platform was used as a tools to analysis. This study prove that the divergence signal on MACD oscillators can be relied on to detect changes in the strength of the price movement trends. Furthermore, this study concludes that this signal can be used as an early warning signal to anticipate changes in trends. Keywords: Divergence; Momentum Indicator; MACD; Technical Analysis.Analisa teknikal di desain untuk memberikan informasi historis pergerakan harga dan berfungsi sebagai alat baik bagi investor maupun trader untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai pergerakan harga pada suatu pasar agar dapat memproyeksikan kemungkinan-kemungkinan apa yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penggunaan indikator momentum (MACD) pada teknikal analisis dalam mengidentifikasi perubahan trend pada pergerakan indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG), dengan menerapkan konsep penyimpangan (divergence) antara pergerakan harga dengan indikator momentum. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian terapan atas konsep divergence dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data cross-sectional dari pergerakan IHSG dan pergerakan indikator MACD selama 8 tahun (2014-2021) pada time frame harian digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pengamatan pergerakan indikator dan pergerakan harga dilakukan untuk mendeteksi sinyal divergence dari garis MACD dan histogram dengan parameter MACD 26, 12, dan 9. Platform charting Tradingview digunakan dalam melakukan analisa dan pengamatan. Hasil kajian ini membuktikan bahwa sinyal divergence pada osilator momentum (MACD) dapat diandalkan untuk mendeteksi perubahan kekuatan pada pergerakan suatu trend harga. Selanjutnya, kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sinyal tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai early warning signal guna mengantisipasi adanya perubahan trend. Kata Kunci: Divergence; Momentum Indicator; MACD; Technical Analysis

    Pengaruh Kemasan dan Harga pada Keputusan Pembelian Minuman Isotonik

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of packaging and pricing on purchase decision of isotonic drinks. Variable of packaging was limited to structural elements, as these elements were getting less attention by previous research. Data were obtained from 261 employees and students in South Jakarta, using structured questionnaires. The questionnaires was developed based on research instruments from former research. The study used purposive sampling technique. Results from regression analysis showed that packaging and the price were significantly related to the purchase decision. The price effect was greater than the product packaging. The results also showed that there were significant differences in the variance of packaging, pricing, and purchase decisions based on groups of age, education level, the brand chosen, the intensity of purchase, and the place of purchase

    The Pattern of Communication Ethnography of the Street Children in Bandar Lampung

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    Street children are an asset to the country. The problem of street children in the State of Indonesia is not just in the economic, environmental and educational inequality matters, but also in the national pride that must be maintained. Street children are a problem in every city, without exception in the city of Bandar Lampung. Many things can cause a child becoming street children. One of the reasons is the economic factor. Some cases explain that a street child actually directed by his parents to sing and beg in order to ease the economic burden of the family. Of course this is not good for the development of children's education. Starting from the concept of the mapped problems of street children, this study focuses on perspective of socio-cultural. Ethnography of Communication Theory is a guide to map out this concept. Ethnography of communication patterns of children are begging and singing by not giving share and giving share to the individual/ specific thugs; begging and singing intentionally or unintentionally by using others as an attraction; and begging and singing intentionally or unintentionally by exploiting weaknesses/physical disability

    Implementasi Algoritma Fuzzy Logic Pada Robot Arm Dengan Memanfaatkan Accelerometer Smartphone Android

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    Now the development of smart phone technology has evolved rapid, especially Smartphone Android. Where multiple sensors embedded in a mobile phone, primarily an accelerometer sensor support be used of smartphone phone. Accelerometer is used to measure the acceleration reviews Angle X, Y and Z smartphone. So that the sensor is used to review the Movement Robot Arm matching is done with corner acceleration motion X, Y and Z smartphone Method on the system is backed with Fuzzy Logic the which serves to Determine the movement of the robot arm that is sent to the microcontroller. Arm robot system is processed using Matlab 6.1 and using the Software Arduino, and then implanted into the microcontroller, so that the robot goes According movement. Keywords : Android, Accelerometer, Robot Arm, Fuzzy Logi

    Study of Protection Structures Planning for Krui Beach, Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung Province

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    Labuhan Jukung Beach is one of the beaches in Kru, which is located on Krui Bay, West Coast District. This beach is a tourist beach directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, so it has a high wave. Based on wind data from 2008 – 2017 that be analyzed in this research, Krui Beach has extreme wave height (25th return period) as big as 6 meters in deep-sea water and 3.4m in shallow water, consequently Krui Beach has the potential to erode To resolve these problems, must be built environmentally friendly coastal protection structure. The structure that can be used in this beach is groynes. Groynes serve as sediment traps and existence of groin does not disturb tourists who surf the beach. Based on HWS value and run-up wave calculation, the groin structure need to has elevation +10.3m from seabed, with armor weight is 6.3 ton

    Notasi Tari Meugrob di Gampong Pulo Lueng Teuga Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie

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    Penelitian ini berjudul, “Notasi Tari Meugrob di Gampong Pulo Lueng Teuga Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie”. Mengangkat masalah bagaimanakah notasi tari Meugrob di Gampong Pulo Lueng Teuga Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menotasikan tari Meugrob di Gampong Pulo Lueng Teuga Kecamatan Glumpang Tiga Kabupaten Pidie. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitain deskriptif, yang mana data dituliskan dengan sebenar-benarnya berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh di lapangan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah ureung tuha gampong, Geuchik, Sekdes, ketua Meugrob, penari Meugrob serta masyarakat Gampong Pulo Lueng Teuga. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan menggunakan panduan observasi, panduan wawancara, serta kamera digital untuk mengambil gambar dan video tari Meugrob tersebut untuk mendapatkan data yang lengkap dan valid. Data diolah dan dianalisis dengan cara reduksi data, data display serta verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tari Meugrob memiliki sepuluh ragam gerakan yaitu Tienggong (jongkok), Sinthop (hentak), Tiekui (merundukkan), Chep-Chep (hentak-hentak), Grietan Apui (kereta api), Meugiek-Giek (saling berpelukan), Moto Teng (mobil teng), Meuayon (berayun), Meulienggong-Lienggong (meliak-liuk), Meugiek Sira Meuwet (berpelukan sambil berputar)

    A stateful mechanism for the tree-rule firewall

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    © 2014 IEEE. In this paper, we propose a novel connection tracking mechanism for Tree-rule firewall which essentially organizes firewall rules in a designated Tree structure. A new firewall model based on the proposed connection tracking mechanism is then developed and extended from the basic model of Net filter's Conn Track module, which has been used by many early generation commercial and open source firewalls including IPTABLES, the most popular firewall. To reduce the consumption of memory space and processing time, our proposed model uses one node per connection instead of using two nodes as appeared in Net filter model. This can reduce memory space and processing time. In addition, we introduce an extended hash table with more hashing bits in our firewall model in order to accommodate more concurrent connections. Moreover, our model also applies sophisticated techniques (such as using static information nodes, and avoiding timer objects and memory management tasks) to improve its processing speed. Finally, we implement this model on Linux Cent OS 6.3 and evaluate its speed. The experimental results show that our model performs more efficiently in comparison with the Net filter/IPTABLES