1,617 research outputs found

    Hosting Inspec on Engineering Village or Web Science: A case study in comparing database platforms

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    Purpose – As library budgets continue to constrict, librarians will need to become more familiar with comparing database host platforms. This paper aims to compare Inspec on Elsevier’s Engineering Village (EV) and Clarivate’s Web of Science (WOS) from a novice user experience. The main objectives are to identify some R1 institutions that subscribe to Inspec and highlight some of the key differences between the two platforms. Design/methodology/approach – Information on Inspec was gathered from various sources as well as the home website, IET, and the host platform websites of Elsevier and Clarivate Analytics. Data was also collected from brochures and guides to help illustrate some of the main features and differences that novice users would be familiar with. Findings – Most institutions subscribe to Inspec via the Engineering Village platform. Results from the study conclude that Engineering Village was selected over Web of Science for hosting Inspec due to a more user-friendly interface, potential lower cost, and faster platform updates, in response to meeting user needs. Originality/Value – Much of the literature focuses on the unfamiliar details and not so much on the novice user. This paper provides a unique perspective in how a novice user would prefer the attributes of one host platform from the other. Additionally, the same review criteria can be applied in other subjects and disciplines

    Current Trends in Child Abuse Prevention and Fatalities: The 2000 Fifty State Survey

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    This survey takes a closer look at two pressing needs. The first is the important role of prevention, specifically at the most effective prevention programs and how they are funded. The second need, based on feedback from PCA America Chapters and other prevention experts, is to better understand child fatalities and the kind of prevention strategies that can best reduce fatalities. This survey differs from previous surveys, as it did not attempt to gather data on child abuse and neglect reports or substantiations. Instead, the National Center on Child Abuse Prevention Research, the research arm of PCA America, is working with the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure that our nation has the best systems available for gathering and tracking child maltreatment incidences. This report's highlights and findings are based on responses from 50 states and the District of Columbia, although all states have not responded to all questions. The results are reported in two main sections: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, and Child Maltreatment Fatalities. At the beginning of each are highlights followed by the complete findings for that section. Estimating procedures for child maltreatment fatalities should be used when interpreting the results for child maltreatment fatalities. In addition, throughout the document are references and links to sites containing additional information on the topics cited

    A sample of Seyfert-2 galaxies with ultra-luminous galaxy-wide NLRs -- Quasar light echos?

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    We report the discovery of Seyfert-2 galaxies in SDSS-DR8 with galaxy-wide, ultra-luminous narrow-line regions (NLRs) at redshifts z=0.2-0.6. With a space density of 4.4 per cubic Gpc at z~0.3, these "Green Beans" (GBs) are amongst the rarest objects in the Universe. We are witnessing an exceptional and/or short-lived phenomenon in the life cycle of AGN. The main focus of this paper is on a detailed analysis of the GB prototype galaxy J2240-0927 (z=0.326). Its NLR extends over 26x44 kpc and is surrounded by an extended narrow-line region (ENLR). With a total [OIII]5008 luminosity of (5.7+/-0.9)x10e43 erg/s, this is one of the most luminous NLR known around any type-2 galaxy. Using VLT/XSHOOTER we show that the NLR is powered by an AGN, and we derive resolved extinction, density and ionization maps. Gas kinematics is disturbed on a global scale, and high velocity outflows are absent or faint. This NLR is unlike any other NLR or extended emission line region (EELR) known. Spectroscopy with Gemini/GMOS reveals extended, high luminosity [OIII] emission also in other GBs. WISE 24micron luminosities are 5-50 times lower than predicted by the [OIII] fluxes, suggesting that the NLRs reflect earlier, very active quasar states that have strongly subsided in less than a galaxies' light crossing time. These light echos are about 100 times more luminous than any other such light echo known to date. X-ray data are needed for photo-ionization modeling and to verify the light echos.Comment: This is an update of our previous submission (1211.7098). Apart from layout it is identical to the publication in ApJ. Compared to v1 (1211.7098) type settings and language errors have been corrected. We also added 4 more redshifts, confirming 3 sources (objects #002, #017, #21) and rejecting one (#020, low-z HII region

    The radical self : metamorphosis to animal form in modern Latin American narrative

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    Includes indexBibliography: page 115-122This essay approaches modern Latin American narrative from a predominantly phenomenological and existential perspective and therefore marks a departure from the main currents of contemporary Latin American criticism, which are sociological, historical, semiotic, feminist, even deconstructionist. Although several of Latin Americas most prominent writers and critics have alluded to a tendency to ontological inquiry as an essential ingredient of Magic Realist writing, very little critical attention has been paid to this element. The prevalence of the theme of metamorphosis to animal form provides a significant and immensely valuable key to the revelation of this fundamental aspect of modern Latin American narrative because, as Harold Skulsky has ably demonstrated in Metamorphosis: The Mind in Exile, metamorphosis in serious literature inevitably raises questions about what it is to be human.Metamorphosis as problematic destiny: El reino de este mundo -- Metamorphosis as integration: Hombres de mai?z -- Metamorphosis as cosmic refuge: Macunai?ma -- Metamorphosis as creation game: "Axolotl" -- Metamorphosis as revenge: Zona sagradaDigitized at the University of Missouri--Columbia MU Libraries Digitization Lab in 2012. Digitized at 600 dpi with Zeutschel, OS 15000 scanner. Access copy, available in MOspace, is 400 dpi, grayscale

    Hot Topics on the Web Strategies for Research

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    Some of the pitfalls of research on the Web are highlighted and exacerbated when the type of research being done is for "hot," controversial, or debatable topics. Who to trust, where to find the information, and how to determine what is reliable are all questions that will present themselves. However, the resources available on the Web are well suited for addressing many of the challenges of hot topic research. Finding points of view for obscure and well-known advocacy groups, finding the most current legislation on an issue, and finding recent events related to the issue are all actually enhanced and made easier by researching a topic on the Web. Knowing the pitfalls and benefits from the outset can make using the Web much more profitable for hot topics research. By using appropriate sites for topic identification, you can quickly build a useful collection of core sites. By knowing where to identify federal and state legislation, you can determine the state of current policy on a topic. And certainly, the Web is most likely to help with timely news and insight on advocacy groups that might provide no—or hard-to-find—printed materials on their positions. The following strategies and sources will facilitate efficient use of the Web for hot topics research that results in a full, well-informed view of the topic

    Conflictos en la movilidad urbana derivados de la concentración de actividades económicas en el Centro Histórico de Trujillo

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    El Centro Histórico de Trujillo, constituye el núcleo urbano más importante de la ciudad, debido al valioso patrimonio cultural, arquitectónico y urbanístico que aún conserva, así mismo representa la memoria histórica y colectiva de la ciudad. Este ámbito urbano desde su fundación mantiene su condición de centralidad a pesar del fuerte proceso de urbanización que sufrieron las ciudades latinoamericanas a mediados del siglo XX. Así mismo es un espacio donde se concentra una diversidad de funciones, desde la residencial, actividades administrativas, comerciales y de servicio, siendo estas últimas las que predominan. Estas múltiples funciones en los últimos años han producido altos flujos peatonales y vehiculares, generando problemas y conflictos en la movilidad urbana de los residentes y usuarios que visitan y usan el Centro Histórico de Trujillo para sus múltiples actividades diarias. Por lo antes dicho, la presente investigación buscó identificar y evaluar los tipos de conflictos en la movilidad urbana generados por la alta concentración de actividades económicas en el Centro Histórico de Trujillo, el mismo que en la actualidad busca ser recuperado y puesto en valor. Se estableció como tipo de estudio la explicativa y transversal: explicativa porque analizará la relación entre las dos variables planteadas, y transversal porque se medirá una sola vez y luego se procederá a analizar. De igual manera se determinó como diseño de investigación el tipo No experimental Transeccional, observando la situación de la concentración de actividades económicas y los conflictos en la movilidad urbana en un sólo momento en el tiempo. La importancia de este estudio recogió la necesidad de analizar uno de los mayores problemas urbanos que presentan los centros históricos de Latinoamérica y que el Centro Histórico de Trujillo, no es la excepción, el cual está referido a los conflictos físicos - urbanos y ambientales de la movilidad y accesibilidad al centro.The Historic Center of Trujillo is the most important urban center of the city, due to the valuable cultural, architectural and urban heritage that still preserves, and represents the historical and collective memory of the city. This urban area since its foundation maintains its condition of centrality despite the strong urbanization process suffered by Latin American cities in the mid-twentieth century. It is also a space where a variety of functions are concentrated, from the residential, administrative, commercial and service activities, the latter being the ones that predominate. These multiple functions in the last years have produced flows of great pedestrian and vehicular concentration, generating problems and conflicts in the urban mobility of the residents and large number of users who visit and use the Historic Center of Trujillo for their multiple daily activities. For all of the above, the present research sought to identify and evaluate the types of conflicts in urban mobility generated by the high concentration of economic activities in the Historic Center of Trujillo, the same that currently seeks to be recovered and put into value. It was established as a type of study the explanatory and transversal: explanatory because it will analyze the relationship between the two variables and transverse because it will be measured once and then proceed to analyze. Likewise, the non-experimental transectional research was determined as a research design, observing the situation of the concentration of economic activities and the conflicts in urban mobility in a single moment in time. The importance of this study gathered the need to analyze one of the major urban problems that present the historical centers of Latin America and that the Historical Center of Trujillo, is not the exception, which is related to the physical - urban and environmental conflicts of the Mobility and accessibility to the center.Tesi

    Articulación de actividades didácticas con algunos aspectos históricos de la cultura y matemática maya en el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial y sistemas geométricos del grado séptimo

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    Una de las funciones de la enseñanza de las matemáticas es orientar para que el estudiante descubra la belleza de estas y encuentre su utilidad en cualquier situación real. A los estudiantes se les debe plantear diversas situaciones que les permita identificar relaciones matemáticas en diferentes aspectos de la vida. Se debe tener en cuenta la importancia de desarrollar tanto la capacidad de discernir frente a problemas matemáticos como la imaginación y la “intuición geométrica”, ésta como una herramienta facilitadora, no sólo para resolver problemas de dicha disciplina, sino para resolver situaciones de la vida diaria. Bajo estas consideraciones se propone una temática que aborde algunos de los aspectos relevantes del desarrollo histórico y cultural de la civilización maya para apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la geometría en el grado séptimo de educación básica, con el fin de contribuir a un proceso formativo, en el que se fomente la creatividad y se favorezca el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial a través de recursos agradables, facilitando la apreciación de la utilidad, la armonía y la belleza de las formas espaciales. Explícitamente en este trabajo de investigación, se presentan actividades didácticas elaboradas a partir de elementos de la historia y la cultura maya, para contribuir al desarrollo del pensamiento espacial y sistemas geométricos de los estudiantes del grado mencionado de la enseñanza básica. El contenido curricular que se desarrolla con base en estas actividades corresponde esencialmente a isometrías y semejanzas en el plano así mismo como a los conceptos relacionados con ellas

    Techniques for Enhancing Reflection and Learning in an Online Course

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    The authors designed new content for an online research skills course, to provide instruction and expert modeling of the process for determining bias when evaluating information sources. They also introduced a specific metacognitive strategy (self-questioning) to enhance student self-awareness. Students were encouraged to complete a self-regulated learning survey to raise their awareness of metacognitive strategies. The instructional content, an Adobe Captivate movie, described a cognitive strategy for identifying bias, MAPit, and included activities and questions throughout for students to assess their understanding. Instruction was followed by an online quiz that provided practice in applying the MAPit strategy. Metacognitive prompts within the quiz encouraged students to reflect on and assess their learning. The final course assignment (Capstone) also included application questions, with a reminder about the MAPit strategy. A review of performance on both assignments showed improvement after this intervention. When compared to a later offering of the same course where a more efficient approach to encouraging student self-questioning was applied, the improvement was sustained. This approach can be effectively implemented in a large enrollment online course

    It’s All in What You Ask: Techniques for Enhancing Reflection and Learning in an Online Course

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    There are different ways to teach in an online course, but getting students, especially undergraduates, to reflect on what they are learning and how they might improve their learning strategies can be particularly challenging in the online environment. Recently, the presenters developed a new component for an existing online course to teach students specific techniques for detecting bias, a skill critical to their academic success, and one which is often difficult for students to understand and practice. Using self-assessment in the teaching module and reflective questioning in the assessment module, the authors were able to develop effective metacognitive prompts. In this session you will learn: -What others have said about the important role of metacognition in learning and strategies for enhancing student reflection and learning outcomes. -The results of a research study we recently conducted to improve metacognition in one of our for-credit online courses, including how we moved from open-ended, instructor-graded reflection questions to multiple-choice, auto-graded questions with equally effective results, and the impact of this activity on a final capstone assignment for the course. -Other examples of questions we have developed in our online courses that seek to enhance student reflection and self-awareness of skill