11 research outputs found

    Caracterización de los aceites crudo, neutro y decolorado de la pulpa y cascara de la fruta silvestre Paraqueiba sericea tulasne «Umarí».

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    Crude, neutro and blenched oil extracted from pulp and peel of jungle fruit Paraqueiba sericea tulasne «Umarí» were studied. The crude oil was extracted with hexane by the soxhlet method giving a 47.86% yield, a 31.72% yield in neutro oil and a 94.89% yield in blenched oil. Chemical and physical constants were determined. In addition, five methyl esters of fatty acids were quantitatively determined by GLC using DEGS as stationary phase. The results indicated that Umarí oil belongs to a not drying type with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids principaly oleic. The analytical values obtained confirm the convenience of using Umarí oil in food and cosmetic industries.Se estudian los aceites crudo, neutro y decolorado del fruto del Umarí. La extracción del aceite crudo se realizó mediante hexano por el método de soxhlet. El rendimiento fue de un 47,86% en aceite crudo, 31,72% en aceite neutro y 94,89% en aceite decolorado. Por métodos analíticos se determinaron constantes químicas y físicas. Además por cromatografía gas-líquido se cuantificaron cinco esteres metílicos de ácidos grasos, usando DEGS como fase estacionaria. Los resultados del estudio indican que el aceite de Umarí corresponde a un aceite del tipo no secante y con alto contenido de ácidos grasos insaturados principalmente oleico. Los índices analíticos obtenidos confirman la conveniencia de usar aceite de Umarí para aplicaciones en alimentos y cosmética

    Characterization of Glyceridic and Unsaponifiable Compounds of Sacha Inchi ( Plukenetia huayllabambana

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    This work deals with the characterization of the main glyceridic and unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from Sacha inchi (Plukenetia huayllabambana L.) seed ecotypes collected during two harvests in the Department of Amazonas in Peru. The seed-oil yield was 30.3-41.2%; standing out are the high percentages of the ¿3- and ¿6-fatty acids series whose ranges lie within those of the present Regulation for Sacha inchi oils. Triacylglycerols with even equivalent carbon number (ECN; 36-42) were the main components. Minor glyceridic polar compounds such as oxidized triglycerides, diglycerides, monoglycerides, and free fatty acids were determined by high-performance size exclusion chromatography. The low campesterol/stigmasterol ratio (1:6), unusual in the majority of vegetable oils, stands out. Regarding aliphatic hydrocarbons, these oils showed a particular profile for the saturated series of odd and even carbon atom numbers. According to our results Sacha inchi P. huayllabambana oils can be offered as a good alternative to P. volubilis, the species mainly commercialized for this vegetable oil

    Glyceridic and Unsaponifiable Components of Microencapsulated Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia huayllabambana L. and Plukenetia volubilis L.) Edible Oils

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    Sacha inchi (Plukenetia huayllabambana L. and Plukenetia volubilis L.) edible oils were microencapsulated and the lipid fraction of the microparticles was characterized. Hi-cap®, Capsule®, Arabic gum, and the binary combination of Arabic gum + maltodextrin and the ternary combination of Arabic gum + maltodextrin + whey protein isolate, were used as coating materials for the encapsulation process using spray-drying. The surface and the total oils obtained from the microparticles were evaluated in terms of fatty acid composition, minor glyceride polar compounds, polymers, oxidized triglycerides, diglycerides, monoglycerides, and free fatty acids, along with their unsaponifiable components, sterols, and tocopherols. Differences between the original oils and the microencapsulated ones were determined. The most remarkable results included the presence of polymers when there were none in the original oils, the slight loss in ω3-fatty acids, up to 6%, the loss in tocopherols, in some of the cases around 30%, the maintaining of the phytosterol in their initial levels and the presence of cholesterol in the oils encapsulated with whey protein isolate

    Characterization and Preservation of the Bioactive Compounds of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis and P. huayllabambana) Oils

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    3 Tablas.-- 3 FigurasThe authors thank the National Program of Agricultural Innovation (PNIA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, INNOVATE PERU of the Ministry of Production-Peru, Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC, Sevilla, Spain and the Universidad de Lima, Perú, for the financial support and for all facilitiesPeer reviewe


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    We described the benefits of funtional or phytochemicals foods in disease prevention and health promotion. This article is a contribution for the development of this new research area.Los alimentos funcionales o fitoquímicos tienen diversos beneficios en la prevención de enfermedades y contribuyen a reducir ciertas enfermedades crónicas. Se presenta el siguiente articulo como conttibución para el desarrollo de esta nueva área de investigación


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    The yacon root is a member of the sunflower family. The roots of yacon has inuline. lnuline is a polyfructosane, which helps to moderate blood sugar levels (pass through the digestive tract unmetabolized). Yacon therefore has considerable value to dieters and people with diabetes. The quantitative analysis shows mineral macronutrients (Na, K, Mg, Ca, P). and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn). The qualitative analysis shows very important secondary metabolites (amino acids, carbohydrate, reducing sugars, flavonoides)El yacón es una raíz, de la familia de los girasoles. Las raices del yacón tiene inulina. La ínulina es un polífructosano, el cual ayuda a controlar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre (pasan a través del tubo digestivo sin metabolizar). El yacón por lo tanto es muy valioso en la elaboración de dietas, para personas con diabetes. El análisis cuantitativo muestra la presencia de minerales macronutrientes (Na, K, Mg, Ca, P) y micronutrientes (Fe, Zn, Mn). El análisis cualitativo muestra la presencia de importantes metabolitos secundarios (aminoácidos, carbohidratos, azúcares reductores y flavonoides

    Markers of quality and genuineness of commercial extra virgin sacha inchi oils

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    This work tackles the study of the quality and authenticity of oils labeled and commercialized as extra virgin sacha inchi oil. Major and minor components as triglycerides, fatty acid methyl esters, tocopherols, sterols and hydrocarbons are determined as well as other physicochemical parameters (density, viscosity, acidity and peroxide value). The results showed that some of the commercialized oils do not fulfill the basic requirement established in the regulation such as the content of ¿-linolenic acid, higher than 44.7 or 55.0% in the cases of P. volubilis and P. huayllabambana, respectively. The calculated stigmasterol/campesterol ratio for genuine sacha inchi oils should be around 4, however not all commercial oils analyzed comply with this requirement. The presence of the flavons sesamin and sesamolin indicates the addition of compounds from sesame oils. Finally, some of the commercial oils showed to contain trans fatty acids although this was not accompanied by the sterene hydrocarbon presence.The financial support of Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) is gratefully acknowledge (Project AP/036672/11) and the Instituto de Investigación Científica (IDIC) de la Universidad de Lima-Perú (PI.56.006.2015). The authors would like to thank Mr. JL Rios for his assistance in the MS analysis.Peer Reviewe

    Characterization of Glyceridic and Unsaponifiable Compounds of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia huayllabambana L.) Oils

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    This work deals with the characterization of the main glyceridic and unsaponifiable components of oils obtained from Sacha inchi (Plukenetia huayllabambana L.) seed ecotypes collected during two harvests in the Department of Amazonas in Peru. The seed-oil yield was 30.3¿41.2%; standing out are the high percentages of the ¿3- and ¿6-fatty acids series whose ranges lie within those of the present Regulation for Sacha inchi oils. Triacylglycerols with even equivalent carbon number (ECN; 36¿42) were the main components. Minor glyceridic polar compounds such as oxidized triglycerides, diglycerides, monoglycerides, and free fatty acids were determined by high-performance size exclusion chromatography. The low campesterol/stigmasterol ratio (1:6), unusual in the majority of vegetable oils, stands out. Regarding aliphatic hydrocarbons, these oils showed a particular profile for the saturated series of odd and even carbon atom numbers. According to our results Sacha inchi P. huayllabambana oils can be offered as a good alternative to P. volubilis, the species mainly commercialized for this vegetable oil.The Spanish AECID funded the project AP/036672/11 and the Scientific Institute of Investigation of Lima University (IDIC)- Perú, funded part of this work.Peer Reviewe

    Optimisation and characterisation of the Protein Hydrolysate of scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) visceral by-products.

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    16 Páginas.-- 8 Figuras.-- 8 TablasIn this research, scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) visceral meal (SVM) and defatted meal (SVMD) were analysed for their proximal composition, protein solubility, and amino acid profile. Hydrolysed proteins isolated from the scallop’s viscera (SPH) were optimised and characterised using response surface methodology with a Box-Behnken design. The effects of three independent variables were examined: temperature (30–70 °C), time (40–80 min), and enzyme concentration (0.1–0.5 AU/g protein) on the degree of hydrolysis (DH %) as a response variable. The optimised protein hydrolysates were analysed for their proximal composition, yield, DH %, protein solubility, amino acid composition, and molecular profile. This research showed that defatted and isolation protein stages are not necessaries to obtain the hydrolysate protein. The conditions of the optimization process were 57 °C, 62 min and 0.38 AU/g protein. The amino acid composition showed a balanced profile since it conforms to the Food and Agriculture Organisation/World Health Organisation recommendations for healthy nutrition. The predominant amino acids were aspartic acid + asparagine, glutamic acid + Glutamate, Glycine, and Arginine. The protein hydrolysates’ yield and DH % were higher than 90% and close to 20%, respectively, with molecular weight between 1–5 kDa. The results indicate that the protein hydrolysates of scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) visceral by product optimised and characterised was suitable a lab-scale. Further research is necessary to study the bioactivity properties with biologic activity of these hydrolysates.This research was funded by PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN PESCA Y ACUICULTURA (PNIPA)-293-2019, belonging to ‘The Ministry of Production-Peru’, and ‘Universidad de Lima–Peru’