35 research outputs found

    Epstein Barr Virus-Encoded EBNA1 Interference with MHC Class I Antigen Presentation Reveals a Close Correlation between mRNA Translation Initiation and Antigen Presentation

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    Viruses are known to employ different strategies to manipulate the major histocompatibility (MHC) class I antigen presentation pathway to avoid recognition of the infected host cell by the immune system. However, viral control of antigen presentation via the processes that supply and select antigenic peptide precursors is yet relatively unknown. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded EBNA1 is expressed in all EBV-infected cells, but the immune system fails to detect and destroy EBV-carrying host cells. This immune evasion has been attributed to the capacity of a Gly-Ala repeat (GAr) within EBNA1 to inhibit MHC class I restricted antigen presentation. Here we demonstrate that suppression of mRNA translation initiation by the GAr in cis is sufficient and necessary to prevent presentation of antigenic peptides from mRNAs to which it is fused. Furthermore, we demonstrate a direct correlation between the rate of translation initiation and MHC class I antigen presentation from a certain mRNA. These results support the idea that mRNAs, and not the encoded full length proteins, are used for MHC class I restricted immune surveillance. This offers an additional view on the role of virus-mediated control of mRNA translation initiation and of the mechanisms that control MHC class I restricted antigen presentation in general

    Upstream ORF affects MYCN translation depending on exon 1b alternative splicing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>MYCN </it>gene is transcribed into two major mRNAs: one full-length (<it>MYCN) </it>and one exon 1b-spliced (<it>MYCN</it><sup>Δ1<it>b</it></sup>) mRNA. But nothing is known about their respective ability to translate the MYCN protein.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Plasmids were prepared to enable translation from the upstream (uORF) and major ORF of the two <it>MYCN </it>transcripts. Translation was studied after transfection in neuroblastoma SH-EP cell line. Impact of the upstream AUG on translation was evaluated after directed mutagenesis. Functional study with the two <it>MYCN </it>mRNAs was conducted by a cell viability assay. Existence of a new protein encoded by the <it>MYCN</it><sup>Δ1<it>b </it></sup>uORF was explored by designing a rabbit polyclonal antibody against a specific epitope of this protein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both are translated, but higher levels of protein were seen with <it>MYCN</it><sup>Δ1<it>b </it></sup>mRNA. An upstream ORF was shown to have positive cis-regulatory activity on translation from <it>MYCN </it>but not from <it>MYCN</it><sup>Δ1<it>b </it></sup>mRNA. In transfected SH-EP neuroblastoma cells, high MYCN dosage obtained with <it>MYCN</it><sup>Δ1<it>b </it></sup>mRNA translation induces an antiapoptotic effect after serum deprivation that was not observed with low MYCN expression obtained with <it>MYCN </it>mRNA. Here, we showed that MYCNOT: <it>MYCN </it>Overlap Transcript, a new protein of unknown function is translated from the upstream AUG of <it>MYCN</it><sup>Δ1<it>b </it></sup>mRNA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Existence of upstream ORF in <it>MYCN </it>transcripts leads to a new level of MYCN regulation. The resulting MYCN dosage has a weak but significant anti-apoptotic activity after intrinsic apoptosis induction.</p

    Differential contribution of the m7G-cap to the 5′ end-dependent translation initiation of mammalian mRNAs

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    Many mammalian mRNAs possess long 5′ UTRs with numerous stem-loop structures. For some of them, the presence of Internal Ribosome Entry Sites (IRESes) was suggested to explain their significant activity, especially when cap-dependent translation is compromised. To test this hypothesis, we have compared the translation initiation efficiencies of some cellular 5′ UTRs reported to have IRES-activity with those lacking IRES-elements in RNA-transfected cells and cell-free systems. Unlike viral IRESes, the tested 5′ UTRs with so-called ‘cellular IRESes’ demonstrate only background activities when placed in the intercistronic position of dicistronic RNAs. In contrast, they are very active in the monocistronic context and the cap is indispensable for their activities. Surprisingly, in cultured cells or cytoplasmic extracts both the level of stimulation with the cap and the overall translation activity do not correlate with the cumulative energy of the secondary structure of the tested 5′ UTRs. The cap positive effect is still observed under profound inhibition of translation with eIF4E-BP1 but its magnitude varies for individual 5′ UTRs irrespective of the cumulative energy of their secondary structures. Thus, it is not mandatory to invoke the IRES hypothesis, at least for some mRNAs, to explain their preferential translation when eIF4E is partially inactivated

    Decreased proliferation of human melanoma cell lines caused by antisense RNA against translation factor eIF-4A1

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    Control of translation initiation was recognised as a critical checkpoint for cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. In human melanoma cells, we have previously reported consistent overexpression of translation initiation factor eIF-4A1. Here, we investigated by transfection of antisense constructs its significance for the control of melanoma cell growth. The tetracycline-inducible expression system was established in melanoma cells, and three fragments of the 5′-, central-, and 3′-portion of the eIF-4A1 cDNA were subcloned in antisense and in sense orientation after a tetracycline inducible promoter. Significant proliferation decrease was obtained after transient transfection and induction of antisense RNA directed against the 5′- and the central portion (up to 10%), whereas, no effects were seen after induction of the 3′-fragment and the sense controls. Cell clones stably transfected with the central antisense fragment revealed after doxycycline induction reduced expression of endogeneous eIF-4A1 mRNA correlated with decreased proliferation rates (up to 6%). These data demonstrate the applicability of antisense strategies against translation factors in melanoma cells. Translation initiation factor eIF-4A1 contributes to the control of melanoma cell proliferation and may be taken into consideration when scheduling new therapeutic approaches targeting the translational control

    The 5′ Leader of the mRNA Encoding the Mouse Neurotrophin Receptor TrkB Contains Two Internal Ribosomal Entry Sites that Are Differentially Regulated

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    A single internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) in conjunction with IRES transactivating factors (ITAFs) is sufficient to recruit the translational machinery to a eukaryotic mRNA independent of the cap structure. However, we demonstrate that the mouse TrkB mRNA contains two independent IRESes. The mouse TrkB mRNA consists of one of two 5′ leaders (1428 nt and 448 nt), both of which include the common 3′ exon (Ex2, 344 nt). Dicistronic RNA transfections and in vitro translation of monocistronic RNA demonstrated that both full-length 5′ leaders, as well as Ex2, exhibit IRES activity indicating the IRES is located within Ex2. Additional analysis of the upstream sequences demonstrated that the first 260 nt of exon 1 (Ex1a) also contains an IRES. Dicistronic RNA transfections into SH-SY5Y cells showed the Ex1a IRES is constitutively active. However, the Ex2 IRES is only active in response to retinoic acid induced neural differentiation, a state which correlates with the synthesis of the ITAF polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB1). Correspondingly, addition or knock-down of PTB1 altered Ex2, but not Ex1a IRES activity in vitro and ex vivo, respectively. These results demonstrate that the two functionally independent IRESes within the mouse TrkB 5′ leader are differentially regulated, in part by PTB1

    Ultrastructural changes of the tracheal epithelium after vaccination of day-old chickens with the La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus.

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    &lt;p&gt;The progression of tracheal lesions induced by vaccination of day-old specific pathogen-free chicks with the La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was examined by relating surface changes as observed by scanning electron microscopy with subcellular changes seen by transmission electron microscopy. NDV infection resulted in hypertrophy of goblet cells, their rupture, and the formation of excess mucus. Activation of goblet cells peaked within 4 days postvaccination. Afterward, the activation levels gradually decreased. At the level of the ciliated cells, a marked increase in the proportion of nonciliated to ciliated cells and later an almost complete deciliation of the tracheal surface were observed because a simple squamous to cuboidal epithelium replaced the original pseudostratified epithelium. Fifteen days postvaccination, all epithelial damage was restored. Because the observed vaccination-induced lesions are detrimental to epithelial integrity and function as a barrier against invading microorganisms, they might explain at the ultrastructural level the secondary complications of vaccination with the La Sota strain against NDV.&lt;/p&gt;</p

    Vaccination of chicken embryos with escape mutants of La Sota Newcastle disease virus induces a protective immune response.

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    &lt;p&gt;To reduce the embryonic pathogenicity of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), escape mutants of the La Sota strain were produced with selected monoclonal antibodies. Immunoselection resulted in the elimination of an epitope by single amino acid substitution (F and HN molecule) or in a conformational change (HN molecule). The embryonic pathogenicity of these escape mutants was reduced and their dose was optimised for in ovo vaccination. Because antibody responses and protection of in ovo vaccinated chicks were similar to controls vaccinated at hatch with the La Sota strain, immunoselection appears a valuable technique to produce attenuated NDV strains, which are candidate in ovo vaccines.&lt;/p&gt;</p

    c-myc Internal Ribosome Entry Site Activity Is Developmentally Controlled and Subjected to a Strong Translational Repression in Adult Transgenic Mice

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    The expression of c-myc proto-oncogene, a key regulator of cell proliferation and apoptosis, is controlled at different transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. In particular, the c-myc mRNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) able to promote translation initiation independently from the classical cap-dependent mechanism. We analyzed the variations of c-myc IRES activity ex vivo in different proliferating cell types, and in vivo in transgenic mice expressing a bicistronic dual luciferase construct. c-myc IRES efficiency was compared to that of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) IRES under the same conditions. The c-myc IRES was active but with variable efficiency in all transiently transfected cell types; it was also active in the 11-day- old (E11) embryo and in some tissues of the E16 embryo. Strikingly, its activity was undetected or very low in all adult organs tested. In contrast, EMCV IRES was very active in most cell types ex vivo, as well as in embryonic and adult tissues. These data suggest a crucial role of IRES in the control of c-myc gene expression throughout development, either during embryogenesis where its activity might participate in cell proliferation or later on, where its silencing could contribute to the downregulation of c-myc expression, whose deregulation leads to tumor formation