28 research outputs found
Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Trigonometri Menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3 Untuk Siswa SMA
This research aims to develop trigonometry multimedia intruction using ADOBE FLASH CS3 for the teaching of mathematics on the semester II class X of SMA and reveal the feasibility of the product in the aspects of validity, practicality and effectiveness aspec. This research is development research use Borg and Gall development models, conducted through three phases: first, introduction that included the study of literature and field studies; second, development that included the planning and development of the initial product; trird, field testing which included a limited development testing, a small group testing, and field trials. The result of research indicating that resulted in the development of multimedia learning multimedia math Trigonometry is good seen from the aspect of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of a multimedia learning
Penerapan Bahan B-panel Ditinjau dari Aspek Perancangan Fasad, Bentuk Bangunan, dan Ruang Interior (Studi Kasus: Hotel Mawar Bandung)
This study aimed to determine the role of b-panel materials on the facade design, architectural design process of building forms, and forms of an interior room space on buildingin Hotel Mawar Bandung. The type of research is descriptive qualitative, analysis descriptive method is used, with interviews, observation, and documentation as technique data collection. The results shows that application of b-panel materials can support the design of the facade of the building specifically the functional aspects of a wall can be made openings,can be processed into sunshading, and can be added ornaments. In terms of design of the building form and interior space, b-panel is good to be used for hotel building consisting of spaces room with recurrent module because it is produced in a modular andinstallation of panels adapted to the space module
Perbandingan Abbott Real-time High-risk HPV dan Cobas 4800 HPV Test untuk Deteksi Molekuler HPV pada Sampel Indonesia
Based on the results of 2013 National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2013), as many as 10.3% of female death due to cancer in Indonesia caused by cervical cancer of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) became the main risk factor that was 99.7%. The incidence of cervical cancer can be prevented through early detection of HPV infection moleculary. This study aims to evaluate the ability of Abbot Real-time High-risk HPV (AR) and Roche Cobas HPV (CB) techniques to detect HPV DNA from Indonesia‘s Stored Biology. Furthermore, the results from both techniques are confirmed by using genotyping method using Linnear Array (LA). A total of 74 speciment of stored biological materials (BBT) of cervical swabs stored in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) media were extracted using a special isolation kit from Abbott Real-time High-risk HPV, Cobas 4800 Human Papillomavirus Test and Linear Array. Concentration and purity of HPV viral DNA extraction results were measured by spectophotometry method. The amplification of the extraction results was carried by using a specific primer segment of the L1 gene as a target for detecting HPV DNA. The quality of HPV DNA extraction results using AR technique was 10-30 ng/μL concentration in average, the result was higher when compared to the CB technique which only range from 10-20 ng/μL, but the results using the LA technique had a concentration ≥ 30 ng/μL in average. The purity of HPV DNA extraction using AR and CB technique was similar more or less. The examination of 74 samples had found HPV 16, HPV 18, and other HPV type in each technique, which were 14 positive (9, 4, and 1) in AR technique, 5 positive (3,2, and 0) in CB technique, and 14 positive (8, 4, and 2) in LA technique. AR technique is more accurate and optimal than CB technique in detecting HPV virus and identifying HPV virus types. Both AR and CB technique have their own advantages and disadvantages, although they have uses an automated system of isolation and readout results analysis. It could be concluded that AR technique has better performance in detecting HPV when compared to CB technique
Formulation of Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine (DHP) Generic Tablet as Antimalarials Drug
The incidence of malaria in Indonesia is about two million cases annually. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHP) is the first line therapy recommended for uncomplicated malaria treatment, whereas DHP is still fully imported. The generic DHP tablet formulation has the potential to become the first of DHP drug which is locally produced. This study is aimed to formulate generic DHP film coated tablets for antimalaria drug. Tablets were compressed with the combination of wet granulation for piperaquine phosphate (PQP) and direct compression method for DHA and coated with a moisture barier coating material. The parameters to evaluate the quality of DHP tablets are physical properties, assay, and dissolution test. DHA and PQP assay were performed by HPLC method. The dissolution testing was conducted by in house method using HCl 0.1 N medium. The result shows physical properties of film-coated tablets meet the requirement, i.e. uniform weight, 7.0-8.5 kp hardness, 0.02% friability and 3 minute 22 seconds disintegration. The assay to determine DHA in tablet was 95.17% and PQP was 97.05%. The result of dissolution testing shows the content of DHA and PQP in the tablet were 113.51% and 96.55%, respesctively. The formulation which is developed meets the general requirement of API in tablet 90–110% and dissolution requirement >75%
Lignan Derivatives from Krameria lappacea Roots Inhibit Acute Inflammation in Vivo and Pro-inflammatory Mediators in Vitro
The roots of Krameria lappacea are used traditionally
against oropharyngeal inflammation. So far, the astringent and antimicrobial properties of its proanthocyanidin constituents are considered to account for the anti-inflammatory effect. The aim of the present study was to characterize pharmacologically a lipophilic extract of K.
lappacea roots and several isolated lignan derivatives (111) in terms of their putative anti-inflammatory activity. The dichloromethane extract (ID50 77 \u3bcg/cm2) as well compounds 111 (ID50 0.310.60 \u3bcmol/cm2) exhibited topical antiedematous properties comparable to those of indomethacin (ID50 0.29 \u3bcmol/cm2) in a mouse ear in vivo model. Two of the most potent compounds,
2-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-5-(3-hydroxypropyl)benzofuran (5) and (+)-conocarpan (7), were studied regarding their time-dependent edema development and leukocyte infiltration up to 48 h after croton oil-induced dermatitis induction, and they showed activity profiles similar to that of hydrocortisone. In vitro studies of the isolated lignan derivatives demonstrated the inhibition of NFkB, cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, 5-lipoxygenase, and microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 as well as antioxidant properties, as mechanisms possibly contributing to the observed in vivo effects. The present findings not only support the ethnopharmacological use of K. lappacea roots but also reveal that the isolated lignan derivatives contribute strongly to the anti-inflammatory activity of this
herbal drug
Polyyne Hybrid Compounds from Notopterygium incisum with Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Agonistic Effects
[Image: see text] In the search for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) active constituents from the roots and rhizomes of Notopterygium incisum, 11 new polyacetylene derivatives (1–11) were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by NMR and HRESIMS as new polyyne hybrid molecules of falcarindiol with sesquiterpenoid or phenylpropanoid moieties, named notoethers A–H (1–8) and notoincisols A–C (9–11), respectively. Notoincisol B (10) and notoincisol C (11) represent two new carbon skeletons. When tested for PPARγ activation in a luciferase reporter assay with HEK-293 cells, notoethers A–C (1–3), notoincisol A (9), and notoincisol B (10) showed promising agonistic activity (EC(50) values of 1.7 to 2.3 μM). In addition, notoincisol A (9) exhibited inhibitory activity on NO production of stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages
Di banyak negara maritim, seperti Indonesia, pelabuhan memiliki peran penting dalam proses transportasi barang. Secara umum, proses pengiriman dan distribusi dilakukan menggunakan peti kemas yang dikelola oleh depo peti kemas. Dalam praktiknya, depo peti kemas dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah, salah satunya adalah manajemen persediaan peti kemas. Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengembangkan model Economic Return Quantity (ERQ) untuk masalah Empty Container Reposition (ECR) di perusahaan terkait menggunakan pendekatan reverse logistics (RL). Beberapa pertimbangan utama kami adalah ketidakpastian dalam hal kuantitas dan kualitas pengembalian produk. Model ERQ dioptimalkan menggunakan pendekatan analitis. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, diketahui bahwa tingkat acceptable quality level dari peti kemas bekas harus ditetapkan pada tingkat 67%, 55%, dan 50% untuk ketiga jenis peti kemas. Dua kasus kendala mengikat (binding) dan tidak mengikat (unbinding) diselidiki, dan diketahui bahwa kendala mengikat memberikan biaya 3,4% lebih tinggi daripada kendala tidak mengikat. Selain itu, juga dipahami bahwa spesifikasi peti kemas, termasuk kebutuhan ruang penyimpanan, harga, dan biaya penanganan, diketahui memberikan pengaruh terhadap keputusan untuk mengatur pemanfaatan ruang penyimpanan di pelabuhan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai arahan bagi perusahaan depo peti kemas yang bergerak di industri maritim untuk merencanakan, mengelola, dan menangani peti kemas kosong sehingga utilitas peti kemas dapat ditingkatkan dan biaya persediaan dapat diminimalkan
Pengaruh Arang Kompos dan Intensitas Cahaya terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kayu Bawang
Kayu bawang (Dysoxylum amorooides) merupakan salah satu jenis pohon lokal di Kabupaten Kaur, Provinsi Bengkulu yang potensial dikembangkan untuk hutan tanaman kayu pertukangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan arang kompos pada media dan pemberian naungan terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kayu bawang. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan splitplot dengan intensitas cahaya sebagai petak utama dan persentase arang kompos sebagai anak petak. Faktor intensitas cahaya terdiri atas 4 taraf: 9.057 lux, 7.363 lux, 6.607 lux dan 5.697 lux. Perlakuan penambahan arang kompos pada media tanam terdiri atas 5 taraf : 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% dan 40%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian arang kompos dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter bibit kayu bawang umur 3 bulan di persemaian. Pada perlakuan penambahan arang kompos 40%, peningkatan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter masing-masing sebesar 65,5% dan 46,6% dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan bibit pada media tanpa arang kompos. Pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter bibit terbaik ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan intensitas cahaya 7.363 lux tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan intensitas cahaya 9.057 lux
Pengaruh Periode dan Ruang Simpan terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Kayu Bawang
Kayu bawang (Disoxylum amorooides, Miq.) merupakan salah satu jenis potensial di Kabupaten Kaur, Provinsi Bengkulu,namun demikian viabilitas benihnya dapat mengalami penurunan yang sangat cepat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh periode dan ruang simpan terhadap perkecambahan benih kayu bawang dan dirancang dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial. Perlak:uan terdiri atas lima taraf periode simpan yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3 dan 4 minggu dan dua taraf ruang simpan yaitu lemari es dan ruang suhu kamar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa viabilitas kayu bawang menurun secara nyata seiring lamanya periode simpan. Daya berkecambah menurun 55,5 % setelah penyimpanan selama 4 minggu tetapi kecepatan berkecambah meningkat sebesar 9,1 hari. Penyimpanan benih di refrigerator meningkatkan daya berkecambah sebesar 5,8 % dibandingkan dengan ruang suhu kamar tetapi terjadi penurunan kecepatan berkecambah sebesar 1,5 hari
Pengaruh Cognitive Behaviour Therapy terhadap Derajat Depresi dan Aktivitas Perawatan Diri pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus (Dm) Tipe 2
Pemberian psikoterapi telah terbukti berhasil untuk pasien depresi yang menderita penyakit medis kronik. Psikoterapi kognitif perilaku didasarkan atas konsep bahwa Perubahan dalam struktur kognitif akan mengubah kondisi emosi serta perilaku pasien. Sehingga diharapkan dengan membaiknya depresi maka akan memperbaiki perilaku pasien dalam hal ini aktivitas perawatan diri diabetesnya. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keefektifan Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) dalam menurunkan derajat depresi dan meningkatkan aktivitas perawatan diri pada pasien Diabetes Mellitus tipe-2 di Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan rancangan randomized controlled trial pre and post design. Jumlah subjek 34 pasien, dibagi dua kelompok yaitu perlakuan dan kontrol. Subjek adalah pasien 34 pasien Diabetes Mellitus tipe-2 di Poli Penyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi Surakarta dengan kadar GDP ≥ 100 mg/dL, GD2PP ≥ 140 mg/dL, umur 18 – 60 tahun, pendidikan minimal SMP, skor BDI ≥ 10, dan kriteria eksklusi apabila mengalami komplikasi dan atau menderita penyakit fisik medis yang berat, gangguan mental berat (psikotik), retardasi mental, atau demensia, gangguan berat dalam berkomunikasi (kesulitan bahasa, tuli), gangguan kognitif yang berat atau ketidakmampuan intelektual, yang ditunjukkan dari penilaian MMSE < 25, dan skor L-MMPI ≤ 1. Depresi dievaluasi menggunakan Beck Depression Inventory, aktivitas perawatan diri diabetes menggunakan The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities. Uji statistik menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann Whitney, dipakai untuk signifikansi perbedaan variabel dengan tingkat kemaknaan 5%. Subjek yang mendapat CBT secara signifikan (p<0,05) didapatkan penurunan skor depresi (5,76 ± 3,58) dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak mendapat CBT (2,76 ± 1,56) sedangkan subjek yang mendapat CBT secara sangat signifikan (p<0,01) mengalami peningkatan aktivitas perawatan diri diabetes (15,35±7,78) dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak mendapat CBT (3,00±2,78), sehingga disimpulkan CBT efektif menurunkan derajat depresi dan meningkatkan aktivitas perawatan diri pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe-2.
Cognitive behavior therapy had sucesfully referred as an effective method for reducing depression, particularly in individual with a chronic disease. Cognitive behavior psychotherapy is based on the concept that changes in cognitive structure will change patient's emotional state and behavior. The decreasing depression in patient with diabetes will improve diabetes self-care activities. The aim was to determine the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) adjuvant therapy in decreasing and improving the degree of diabetes self-care activities of patients with type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. This study was an experimental design of randomized controlled trial with pre and post-test design. In total, 34 patients were enrolled in the mg/dl, Blood sugar level test post pandrial 140 mg/dL aged between 18-60 years old with junior high school as minimum education, BDI score > 10, the exclusion criteria is when experiencing complication with or suffering from physical illness, psychotic, mental retardation or dementia , severe interference in communication ( language difficulties and deafness), severe cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, MMSE score < 25, L MMPI score < 1, The total 34 subjects devided into two groups, treatment and control. Statistical test using unpaired T-test and Mann Whitney, with level of 5%. Depression was evaluated by using the Beck Depression Inventory and diabetes self-care activities using the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities. Subjects who received CBT significantly decrease (p <0,05) scores of depression compared with that of the group without CBT and increase in diabetes self-care activities (p<0,01). It is concluded that CBT is effective to decrease degree of depression and improve diabetes self-care activities of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus