104 research outputs found

    Modeling municipal yields with (and without) bond insurance

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    YesWe develop an intensity-based model of municipal yields, making simultaneous use of the CDS premiums of the insurers and both insured and uninsured municipal bond transactions. We estimate the model individually for 61 municipal issuers by exploiting the dramatic decline in credit quality of the bond insurers from July 2007 to June 2008, and decompose the municipal yield spread based on the estimated parameters. The decomposition reveals a dominant role of the liquidity component as well as interactions between liquidity and default similar to those modeled by Chen et al. (2016) for corporate bonds. Towards the end of the sample period, our model also reproduces the "yield inversion" phenomenon documented by Bergstresser et al. (2010)

    Credit risk prediction in an imbalanced social lending environment

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    © 2018, the Authors. Credit risk prediction is an effective way of evaluating whether a potential borrower will repay a loan, particularly in peer-to-peer lending where class imbalance problems are prevalent. However, few credit risk prediction models for social lending consider imbalanced data and, further, the best resampling technique to use with imbalanced data is still controversial. In an attempt to address these problems, this paper presents an empirical comparison of various combinations of classifiers and resampling techniques within a novel risk assessment methodology that incorporates imbalanced data. The credit predictions from each combination are evaluated with a G-mean measure to avoid bias towards the majority class, which has not been considered in similar studies. The results reveal that combining random forest and random under-sampling may be an effective strategy for calculating the credit risk associated with loan applicants in social lending markets

    What We Don’t Know (Yet) about Human-AI Collaboration

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    New questions about how humans can – and should – collaborate with Artificial Intelligence (AI) are emerging rapidly with the emergence of generative AI solutions like “ChatGPT”. The AI solutions available today go far beyond previously considered IT because it can re-code procedures, transform data, generate content, and thus alter the process and outcomes of work at an unprecedented scale. The consequence of this development is the question of whether AI is outperforming and replacing humans at non-routine tasks such as knowledge work (KW). This is a non-trivial question because knowledge worker (KWers) and the knowledge-intensive organizations embedded in were, for a long time, seen to be seemingly unaffected by the technological developments stemming from AI. Today, however, there is very limited understanding of the ways that KWers adjust to, and integrate, AI at work. This includes questions addressing ethical concerns related whether technology inhibits or facilitates KWers. With these theoretical challenges in mind, this research in progress sets out to sets out to address the existing research gaps existing in human-AI collaboration within knowledge-intensive domain: 1) there is out-of-dated understanding of relationship between the use of technology and the evolution of KW; 2) how are KWers highly attached with technology influenced by AI; and 3) the expectation about how human-AI collaboration should shape the nature of KW still remain unclear. Thus, this research aims to revisit the concept of KW in light of ongoing AI technology progress, outline the AI-driven phenomenon in knowledge-intensive domain and generate in-depth insights on how human–AI collaboration is reshaping the nature of KW

    Chitosan extracted from the Persian Gulf chiton shells: Induction of apoptosis in liver cancer cell line

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    Here for the first time, we investigated the cytotoxic effects of the chitosan extracted from the Persian Gulf Chiton shell (Acanthopleura vaillantii) on liver cancer cell line (HepG_2). Chitosan extraction was implemented following this method: chitin was produced by demineralization and deproteinization procedure, and the extracted chitin was converted into soluble chitosan using deacetylation method. The cytotoxic effects of extracted chitosan were evaluated using four different tests, including 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, Annexin V-FITC, propidium iodide (PI) staining, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, and Caspase activity analysis. The IC_50 inhibitory concentrations of chitosan were obtained at 250 µg/mL after 24 h. Chitosan clearly inhibited the growth of hepatocarcinoma cells in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. For detecting the induced cell apoptosis, HepG_2 cells were treated with 125, 250 and 500 µg/ml of chitosan for 24 h. According to the result of Annex in V/PI kit, in 125, 250, and 500 µg/ml of chitosan, 28.2, 49.1, and 83.3% of HepG_2 cells undergone late apoptosis, respectively. The morphology of treated cells by DAPI staining showed non uniform plasma membrane and DNA fragmentation compared to untreated cells with perfect nucleus. The analysis of cell cycle using flow cytometry demonstrated that the rate of sub-G1 peak was increased to 52.7%. Both caspase-3 and -9 activities increased by the extracted chitosan, but it was only significant for caspase-3. The results of the present study suggested that the extracted chitosan has efficient cytotoxicity on HepG_2 cells. Therefore, the extracted chitosan from the shell of the Chiton may be considered as a futuristic natural product regarding the treatment of liver cancer

    Reversible energy absorption of elasto-plastic auxetic, hexagonal, and AuxHex structures fabricated by FDM 4D printing

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    The present study aims at introducing reconfigurable mechanical metamaterials by utilising four-dimensional (4D) printing process for recoverable energy dissipation and absorption applications with shape memory effects. The architected mechanical metamaterials are designed as a repeating arrangement of re-entrant auxetic, hexagonal, and AuxHex unit-cells and manufactured using 3D printing fused deposition modelling process. The AuxHex cellular structure is composed of auxetic re-entrant and hexagonal components. Architected cellular metamaterials are developed based on a comprehension of the elasto-plastic features of shape memory polylactic acid materials and cold programming deduced from theory and experiments. Computational models based on ABAQUS/Standard are used to simulate the mechanical properties of the 4D-printed mechanical metamaterials under quasi-static uniaxial compression loading, and the results are validated by experimental data. Research trials show that metamaterial with re-entrant auxetic unit-cells has better energy absorption capability compared to the other structures studied in this paper, mainly because of the unique deformation mechanisms of unit-cells. It is shown that mechanical metamaterials with elasto-plastic behaviors exhibit mechanical hysteresis and energy dissipation when undergoing a loading-unloading cycle. It is experimentally revealed that the residual plastic strain and dissipation processes induced by cold programming are completely reversible through simple heating. The results and concepts presented in this work can potentially be useful towards 4D printing reconfigurable cellular structures for reversible energy absorption and dissipation engineering applications

    Finite element analysis of patient-specific additive-manufactured implants

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    Introduction: Bone tumors, characterized by diverse locations and shapes, often necessitate surgical excision followed by custom implant placement to facilitate targeted bone reconstruction. Leveraging additive manufacturing, patient-specific implants can be precisely tailored with complex geometries and desired stiffness, enhancing their suitability for bone ingrowth.Methods: In this work, a finite element model is employed to assess patient-specific lattice implants in femur bones. Our model is validated using experimental data obtained from an animal study (n = 9).Results: The results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed finite element model in predicting the implant mechanical behavior. The model was used to investigate the influence of reducing the elastic modulus of a solid Ti6Al4V implant by tenfold, revealing that such a reduction had no significant impact on bone behavior under maximum compression and torsion loading. This finding suggests a potential avenue for reducing the endoprosthesis modulus without compromising bone integrity.Discussion: Our research suggests that employing fully lattice implants not only facilitates bone ingrowth but also has the potential to reduce overall implant stiffness. This reduction is crucial in preventing significant bone remodeling associated with stress shielding, a challenge often associated with the high stiffness of fully solid implants. The study highlights the mechanical benefits of utilizing lattice structures in implant design for enhanced patient outcomes