32 research outputs found

    Policy for returning to fisheries in Korea

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    Korea’s fishing industry is currently facing problems involving an aging society and lack of successors in fishing villages. Therefore, the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (KMOF) has implemented a policy supporting U-turn fishers, who leave their place of origin for a job and then return home or move to where they can work in the fishing industry. Moreover, some local governments have established a policy for U-turn fishers. The KMOF policy is a financial support program with low interest rates and lengthy reimbursement periods; however, few beneficiaries exist. Meanwhile, local government policy benefits most persons in corresponding areas. However, the sums are relatively small, and only two local governments have enacted the policy. This study determines the performance of the policy through indepth interviews and a survey. The results indicate that KMOF policy may be limited in terms of its scope. In addition, noneconomic support programs, such as fishing education, harmony between existing fishers, and the acquisition of fishery rights, are required. The number of U-turn fishers will continue to increase as the baby boomer generation nears retirement and unemployment of youth increases. As such, the Korean government needs to improve the policy in keeping with the times

    Consumers’ Choice for Vegetable Market Channels in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to explore consumers’ choice for vegetable market channels and to determine the factors which affect their choices. A survey involving 887 respondents was carried out in Jabodetabek area. This study found that the traditional retail formats (e.g., wet market, peddler, and kiosks aka warungs) were the favorable place for vegetable purchasing. The results of the multinomial logit model analysis suggests that consumers’ retail format choice is determined by domicile, education level, income level, employment status of women, and purchase frequency. Moreover, other factors that influenced consumer choice is price, quality of product, safety concern, store attributes, easiness & availability, and brand & traceability information. Keywords: Consumers’ choice, vegetable market channels, multinomial logit analysis, factor analysis, Jabodetabek

    A New Departure on Remote Island : A Case of Abalone Farming in Ehime, Japan

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    Japanese fish production is currently affected by two major currents: population ageing and lack of young leaders. I found a solution to resolve this problem which is the closed circulatory culture system on land. There is actual abalone farm that conducting these system in OH Island, Yahatahama City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Although there are many benefits of using this system, competitive price could be a problem. Abalone imports rapidly increased over decade and has encroached upon the abalone market in Japan. Therefore cost reduction is the most important task.Keywords: Remote Island, Abalone Farming, Grants-in-Aid Program

    An Optimum Choice of Strategic Marketing for Indonesian Plywood Industry: Operationalization of Porter Five Forces Model using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    The purpose of this study is to present an application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for determining the best marketing strategy of Indonesian plywood industry. This paper applies Michael Porter???s industry analysis techniques to identify the existing competitive advantages as well as the key factors of business success and to create the strategy framework of the positioning for plywood industry. This approach is based on generic strategies as criteria for selecting competitive market strategy. The integration of Analytic Hierarchy Process and five forces can set up a series of procedure to evaluate the current strategy by chosen the important criteria. The major advantage of applying this framework is that the company will systematically select an optimum choice of competitive market strategy with planning decision and implementation to realize the achievement of competitive advantage in plywood industry


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     本研究ではロボットコンテンツデザインの教育手法について、ヒューマノイドロボットを用いるワークショップを始めとした教育効果の高い教材の開発を目的とする。ロボットコンテンツを企画・試作することができる職能を「ロボットデザイナ」として位置づけ、開発したワークショップの実施を通して将来的にはロボットを活用した企画やシステムの試作(プロトタイプ)ができる職業の創出を狙う。 2019年度に試験的に実施した授業の振り返りから、2020年度にはオンデマンド教材の開発、及び2021 年度にはロボットのモーションデザインに焦点を当てたワークショップを実施した。 The purpose of this study is to develop educational materials with high educational effects, including workshops using humanoid robots, on educational methods for robot content design. The profession that can plan and prototype robot contents is positioned as "robot designer," and through the implementation of the developed workshop, we aim to create a profession that can plan and prototype systems using robots in the future. Based on a review of the classes piloted in FY 2019, ondemand educational materials were developed in FY 2020, and a workshop focused on robot motion design was conducted in FY 2021


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     本研究は、美術系造形教育へ三次元デジタイズ技術を取り入れていくことを目的としている。複数種類の機器を導入して実験と教材開発を行い、各機器の特性、価格のバランスを含めて、実際の授業への導入実現性、継続性を分析していく。 5年計画の2年目にあたる本研究では、3Dスキャン4機種の運用実験に加えて、実際の授業でのシステムを利用した演習を行った。Photo Booth型システムでは、3Dメッシュとテクスチャの生成から、オートリギングとアニメーション設定を行った。また、一眼レフ型システムを構築して、複数種類の対象物を用いてスキャン実験を行った。 The goal of this project is to integrate 3D digitizing technologies into the curriculum of art educational institutions. We conduct experiments and develop teaching materials with several types of equipment. Based on the comparison between the characteristics of each equipment and its price, we analyze the feasibility and sustainability using the system in the classroom. In the second year of the five-year plan, we conducted operational experiments of four 3D scanning systems and exercises using this system in the classroom. Using Photo Booth system, students generated 3D mesh and texture, and then set up auto-rigging and animation. In addition, we built a SLR (Single-lens reflex camera) system and conducted scanning experiments with multiple types of objects

    消化性潰瘍と糖代謝. 1. 糖経口負荷及びアルギニン静注によるインスリン, ガストリン及びグルカゴン反応

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    The effect of pancreatic duct ligation on the gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), gastric acid secretion and glucose metabolism in dogs

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    (A) Gastric Secretion The present study was performed to investigate the canine post-pancreatic duct ligation GIP secretion in response to fat ingestion using a meat meal mixed with unhydrolyzed or hydrolyzed whipping cream, and to determine whether GIP plays a role in the production of hyperacid secretion in the pancreatic duct ligated dogs. Four mongrel female dogs were prepared with Heidenhain pouch (HP) and gastric fistula (GF), and daily acid secretion from the HP was measured before and after pancreatic duct ligation (PDL). HP acid output, serum immunoreactive gastrin (IR-Ga) and serum immunoreactive gastric inhibitory polypeptide (IR-GIP) concentrations during five hours following oral ingestion of a meat meal alone, a meat meal mixed with 125g of unhydrolyzed cream and meat meal mixed with 125g of hydrolyzed cream were measured before and after PDL. Twenty four hour HP acid outputs increased significantly in each of the four dogs after PDL. Five hour HP acid outputs in response to a meat meal alone and a meat meal plus unhydrolyzed cream were modestly increased, while those in response to a meat meal plus hydrolyzed cream were rather reduced after PDL. Serum IR-Ga responses to all stimulants were lowered after PDL and those to meat meal plus hydrolyzed cream lowered most markedly. Serum IR-GIP responses to a meat meal alone were significantly increased, while those to a meat meal plus unhydrolyzed and hydrolyzed cream were reduced. The results of the present study demonstrate serum IR-GIP in response to a meat meal is increased by PDL in dogs, suggesting augmented acid juice passing into the intestinal lumen is responsible for the increased GIP response. It is indicated that hypo-secretion of GIP is not the cause of hypersecretion of gastric acid in the PDL dogs. (B) Glucose Metabolism. Functional alteration in glucose homeostasis especially concerning the early onset of diabetes after PDL was studied in dogs. Intravenous (i.v.) and intragastric glucose tolerance tests were performed at two to ten weeks and two weeks after PDL respectively. Serum glucose, IRI, and IR-GIP in response to a meat meal with and without unhydrolyzed or hydrolyzed fat were estimated at six weeks after PDL. Significantly impaired glucose tolerance and early phase IRI secretion after i.v. glucose were shown at two to ten weeks after PDL. Intragastric glucose load revealed delayed pattern of serum glucose and IRI (no evidence of glucose intolerance or diminished IRI secretion), indicating decreased gastric motility after PDL. Serum IR-GIP response to intragastric glucose load was not attenuated by the operation but showed a similar pattern to IRI response. Serum IRI responses to meat meals with and without unhydrolyzed or hydrolyzed cream were impaired after PDL. It is indicated that dogs after PDL show early onset (two to ten weeks) of diabetes, i.e. blunted early phase insulin secretion, 2 the mechanism of GIP secretion as an insulinotropic enterohormone remains intact after PDL if sufficient stimulants are given.Surgery, Department ofMedicine, Faculty ofGraduat

    Price analysis of Indonesian tea product based on its marketing channel

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    Supply management option for tea producting countries: a case study on Indonesia tea product and its competitors

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