111 research outputs found

    Game Based Learning for Safety and Security Education

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    Safety and security education are important part of technology related education, because of recent number of increase in safety and security related incidents. Game based learning is an emerging and rapidly advancing forms of computer-assisted instruction. Game based learning for safety and security education enables students to learn concepts and skills without the risk of physical injury and security breach. In this paper, a pedestal grinder safety game and physical security game have been developed using industrial standard modeling and game development software. The average score of the knowledge test of grinder safety game was 82%, which is higher than traditional lecture only instruction method. In addition, the survey of physical security game shows 84% average satisfaction ratio from high school students who played the game during the summer camp. The results of these studies indicated that game based learning method can enhance students' learning without potential harm to the students

    Long-Term Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Dioxins on Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Affected by the Yusho Incident

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    Background: Maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with increased proportions of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth in animal studies. In Japan in 1968, accidental human exposure to rice oil contaminated with PCBs and other dioxin-related compounds, such as polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), led to the development of what was later referred to as Yusho oil disease. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigated the association of maternal PCB and dioxin exposure with adverse pregnancy outcomes in Yusho women. Methods: In 2004, we interviewed 214 Yusho women (512 pregnancies) about their pregnancy outcomes over the past 36 years. Pregnancy outcomes included induced abortion, spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, and pregnancy loss. Results: In pregnancy years 1968-1977 (within the first 10 years after exposure), the proportions of induced abortion [adds ration adjusted for age at delivery (ORadj) = 5.93; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.21-15.91; two-tailed p < 0.001) and preterm delivery (ORadj = 5.70; 95% CI, 1.17-27.79; p = 0.03) were significantly increased compared with the proportions in pregnancy years 1958-1967 (10 years before the incident). Spontaneous abortion (ORadj = 2.09; 95% CI, 0.84-5.18), and pregnancy loss (ORadj = 2.11; 95% CI, 0.92-4.87) were more frequent (OR = 2.18; 95% CI, 1.02-4.66), but these were not significant (p = 0.11 and p = 0.08, respectively) in pregnancy years 1968-1977. We found no significant increases in the proportions of these adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnancies occurring during 1978-1987 or 1988-2003 compared with those in pregnancies before 1968. Conclusion: High levels of PCB/PCDF exposure had some adverse effects on pregnancy outcome in Yusho women

    Singlet-doublet Higgs mixing and its implications on the Higgs mass in the PQ-NMSSM

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    We examine the implications of singlet-doublet Higgs mixing on the properties of a Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs boson within the Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the NMSSM (PQ-NMSSM). The SM singlet added to the Higgs sector connects the PQ and visible sectors through a PQ-invariant non-renormalizable K\"ahler potential term, making the model free from the tadpole and domain-wall problems. For the case that the lightest Higgs boson is dominated by the singlet scalar, the Higgs mixing increases the mass of a SM-like Higgs boson while reducing its signal rate at collider experiments compared to the SM case. The Higgs mixing is important also in the region of parameter space where the NMSSM contribution to the Higgs mass is small, but its size is limited by the experimental constraints on the singlet-like Higgs boson and on the lightest neutralino constituted mainly by the singlino whose Majorana mass term is forbidden by the PQ symmetry. Nonetheless the Higgs mixing can increase the SM-like Higgs boson mass by a few GeV or more even when the Higgs signal rate is close to the SM prediction, and thus may be crucial for achieving a 125 GeV Higgs mass, as hinted by the recent ATLAS and CMS data. Such an effect can reduce the role of stop mixing.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures; published in JHE

    Por Secretion System-Dependent Secretion and Glycosylation of Porphyromonas gingivalis Hemin-Binding Protein 35

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    The anaerobic Gram-negative bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis is a major pathogen in severe forms of periodontal disease and refractory periapical perodontitis. We have recently found that P. gingivalis has a novel secretion system named the Por secretion system (PorSS), which is responsible for secretion of major extracellular proteinases, Arg-gingipains (Rgps) and Lys-gingipain. These proteinases contain conserved C-terminal domains (CTDs) in their C-termini. Hemin-binding protein 35 (HBP35), which is one of the outer membrane proteins of P. gingivalis and contributes to its haem utilization, also contains a CTD, suggesting that HBP35 is translocated to the cell surface via the PorSS. In this study, immunoblot analysis of P. gingivalis mutants deficient in the PorSS or in the biosynthesis of anionic polysaccharide-lipopolysaccharide (A-LPS) revealed that HBP35 is translocated to the cell surface via the PorSS and is glycosylated with A-LPS. From deletion analysis with a GFP-CTD[HBP35] green fluorescent protein fusion, the C-terminal 22 amino acid residues of CTD[HBP35] were found to be required for cell surface translocation and glycosylation. The GFP-CTD fusion study also revealed that the CTDs of CPG70, peptidylarginine deiminase, P27 and RgpB play roles in PorSS-dependent translocation and glycosylation. However, CTD-region peptides were not found in samples of glycosylated HBP35 protein by peptide map fingerprinting analysis, and antibodies against CTD-regions peptides did not react with glycosylated HBP35 protein. These results suggest both that the CTD region functions as a recognition signal for the PorSS and that glycosylation of CTD proteins occurs after removal of the CTD region. Rabbits were used for making antisera against bacterial proteins in this study

    Analysis of PFOA in dosed CD-1 mice. Part 2: Disposition of PFOA in tissues and fluids from pregnant and lactating mice and their pups

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    Previous studies in mice with multiple gestational exposures to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) demonstrate numerous dose dependent growth and developmental effects which appeared to worsen if offspring exposed in utero nursed from PFOA-exposed dams. To evaluate the disposition of PFOA in the pregnant and lactating dam and her offspring, time-pregnant CD-1 mice received a single 0, 0.1, 1, or 5 mg PFOA/kg BW dose (n = 25/dose group) by gavage on gestation day 17. Maternal and pup fluids and tissues were collected over time. Pups exhibited significantly higher serum PFOA concentrations than their respective dams, and their body burden increased after birth until at least postnatal day 8, regardless of dose. The distribution of milk:serum PFOA varied by dose and time, but was typically in excess of 0.20. These data suggest that milk is a substantial PFOA exposure route in mice and should be considered in risk assessment modeling designs for this compound

    Paradoxical expression of cell cycle inhibitor p27 in endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine corpus – correlation with proliferation and clinicopathological parameters

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    p27 is regarded as a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor of the G1-to-S cell cycle progression by suppressing the kinase activity of cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex. This study aimed to investigate p27 expression in the normal endometrium and endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterine corpus and the correlation of its expression with cell proliferation and clinicopathological parameters. Tissue samples of 127 endometrioid adenocarcinomas and 15 normal endometria were used in the study. Immunohistochemical staining for detecting p27 and Ki-67 was performed by the labelled streptavidin-biotin method on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples. The expression was given as the labelling index, which indicates the percentage of positive nuclei. p27 staining was observed in the nuclei of the glandular cells in the functional layer of the secretory phase endometrium, whereas it was negative in those of the proliferative phase. In endometrioid adenocarcinomas, the labelling index of p27 expression paradoxically increased more significantly in the higher histological grades and was correlated with that of Ki-67. The high level of p27 expression was associated with clinicopathological parameters such as FIGO stage, lymph node metastasis, lymphovascular space involvement and myometrial invasion. High p27 expression was linked to higher grades of endometrioid adenocarcinoma, cell proliferation and some clinical prognostic factors. These results indicate that p27 might be an indicator of poor prognosis

    A new approach for measuring the muon anomalous magnetic moment and electric dipole moment

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    This paper introduces a new approach to measure the muon magnetic moment anomaly a?? = (g - 2)/2 and the muon electric dipole moment (EDM) d?? at the J-PARC muon facility. The goal of our experiment is to measure a?? and d?? using an independent method with a factor of 10 lower muon momentum, and a factor of 20 smaller diameter storage-ring solenoid compared with previous and ongoing muon g - 2 experiments with unprecedented quality of the storage magnetic field. Additional significant differences from the present experimental method include a factor of 1000 smaller transverse emittance of the muon beam (reaccelerated thermal muon beam), its efficient vertical injection into the solenoid, and tracking each decay positron from muon decay to obtain its momentum vector. The precision goal for a?? is a statistical uncertainty of 450 parts per billion (ppb), similar to the present experimental uncertainty, and a systematic uncertainty less than 70 ppb. The goal for EDM is a sensitivity of 1.5 ?? 10-21 ecm

    Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the NMSSM

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    We study a Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), which turns out to be free from the tadpole and domain wall problems. Having a non-renormalizable coupling to the axion superfield, the SM singlet added to the Higgs sector can naturally generate an effective Higgs mu term around the weak scale. In the model, the lightest neutralino is dominated by the singlino, which gets a mass only through mixing with the neutral Higgsinos. We explore the phenomenological consequences resulting from the existence of such a relatively light neutralino. The coupling of the SM singlet to the Higgs doublets is constrained by the experimental bound on the invisible Z-boson decay width. Under this constraint, we examine the properties of the SM-like Higgs boson paying attention to its mass and decays. We also demonstrate a UV completion of the model in SU(5) grand unified theory with a missing-partner mechanism.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    A Potent Inhibitor of SIK2, 3, 3′, 7-Trihydroxy-4′-Methoxyflavon (4′-O-Methylfisetin), Promotes Melanogenesis in B16F10 Melanoma Cells

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    Flavonoids, which are plant polyphenols, are now widely used in supplements and cosmetics. Here, we report that 4′-methylflavonoids are potent inducers of melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells and in mice. We recently identified salt inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) as an inhibitor of melanogenesis via the suppression of the cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB)-specific coactivator 1 (TORC1). Using an in vitro kinase assay targeting SIK2, we identified fisetin as a candidate inhibitor, possibly being capable of promoting melanogenesis. However, fisetin neither inhibited the CREB-inhibitory activity of SIK2 nor promoted melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells. Conversely, mono-methyl-flavonoids, such as diosmetin (4′-O-metlylluteolin), efficiently inhibited SIK2 and promoted melanogenesis in this cell line. The cAMP-CREB system is impaired in Ay/a mice and these mice have yellow hair as a result of pheomelanogenesis, while Sik2+/−; Ay/a mice also have yellow hair, but activate eumelanogenesis when they are exposed to CREB stimulators. Feeding Sik2+/−; Ay/a mice with diets supplemented with fisetin resulted in their hair color changing to brown, and metabolite analysis suggested the presence of mono-methylfisetin in their feces. Thus, we decided to synthesize 4′-O-methylfisetin (4′MF) and found that 4′MF strongly induced melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells, which was accompanied by the nuclear translocation of TORC1, and the 4′-O-methylfisetin-induced melanogenic programs were inhibited by the overexpression of dominant negative TORC1. In conclusion, compounds that modulate SIK2 cascades are helpful to regulate melanogenesis via TORC1 without affecting cAMP levels, and the combined analysis of Sik2+/− mice and metabolites from these mice is an effective strategy to identify beneficial compounds to regulate CREB activity in vivo