9,293 research outputs found

    Multiscale theory of turbulence in wavelet representation

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    We present a multiscale description of hydrodynamic turbulence in incompressible fluid based on a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and a stochastic hydrodynamics formalism. Defining the stirring random force by the correlation function of its wavelet components, we achieve the cancellation of loop divergences in the stochastic perturbation expansion. An extra contribution to the energy transfer from large to smaller scales is considered. It is shown that the Kolmogorov hypotheses are naturally reformulated in multiscale formalism. The multiscale perturbation theory and statistical closures based on the wavelet decomposition are constructed.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages, 3 eps figure

    Experimental search for radiative decays of the pentaquark baryon \Theta^+(1540)

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    The data on the reactions K^+Xe --> K^0 \gamma X and K^+Xe --> K^+ \gamma X, obtained with the bubble chamber DIANA, have been analyzed for possible radiative decays of the \Theta^+(1540) baryon: \Theta^+ --> K^0 p \gamma and \Theta^+ --> K^+ n \gamma. No signals have been observed, and we derive the upper limits \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> K^0 p \gamma) / \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> K^0 p) < 0.032 and \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> K^+ n \gamma) / \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> K^+ n) < 0.041 which, using our previous measurement of \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> KN) = (0.39+-0.10) MeV, translate to \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> K^0 p \gamma) < 8 keV and \Gamma(\Theta^+ --> K^+ n \gamma) < 11 keV at 90% confidence level. We have also measured the cross sections of K^+ -induced reactions involving emission of a neutral pion: \sigma(K^+n --> K^0 p \pi^0) = (68+-18) \mub and \sigma(K^+N --> K^+ N \pi^0) = (30+-8) \mub for incident K^+ momentum of 640 MeV.Comment: 8 page

    The spin-Peierls instability in spin 1/2 XY chain in the non adiabatic limit

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    The spin-Peierls instability in spin 1/2 XY chain coupled to dispersionless phonons of frequency ω\omega has been studied in the nonadiabatic limit. We have chosen the Lang-Firsov variational wave function for the phonon subsystem to obtain an effective spin Hamiltonian. The effective spin Hamiltonian is then solved in the framework of mean-field approximation. We observed a dimerized phase when g is less than a critical value and an anti-ferromagnetic phase when it is greater than a critical value . The variation of lattice distortion, dimerized order parameter and energy gap with spin phonon coupling parameter has also been investigated here.Comment: 15 pages (Revtex, including 5 .ps figures); Submitted to PR

    Generalized kinetic equations for charge carriers in graphene

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    A system of generalized kinetic equations for the distribution functions of two-dimensional Dirac fermions scattered by impurities is derived in the Born approximation with respect to short-range impurity potential. It is proven that the conductivity following from classical Boltzmann equation picture, where electrons or holes have scattering amplitude reduced due chirality, is justified except for an exponentially narrow range of chemical potential near the conical point. When in this range, creation of infinite number of electron-hole pairs related to quasi-relativistic nature of electrons in graphene results in a renormalization of minimal conductivity as compared to the Boltzmann term and logarithmic corrections in the conductivity similar to the Kondo effect.Comment: final version, Phys. Rev. B, accepte

    A Spherical Model for "Starless" Cores of Magnetic Molecular Clouds and Dynamical Effects of Dust Grains

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    In the standard picture of isolated star formation, dense ``starless'' cores are formed out of magnetic molecular clouds due to ambipolar diffusion. Under the simplest spherical geometry, I demonstrate that ``starless'' cores formed this way naturally exhibit a large scale inward motion, whose size and speed are comparable to those detected recently by Taffala et al. and Williams et al. in ``starless'' core L1544. My model clouds have a relatively low mass (of order 10 M⊙M_\odot) and low field strength (of order 10 ÎŒ\muG) to begin with. They evolve into a density profile with a central plateau surrounded by a power-law envelope, as found previously. The density in the envelope decreases with radius more steeply than those found by Mouschovias and collaborators for the more strongly magnetized, disk-like clouds. At high enough densities, dust grains become dynamically important by greatly enhancing the coupling between magnetic field and the neutral cloud matter. The trapping of magnetic flux associated with the enhanced coupling leads, in the spherical geometry, to a rapid assemblage of mass by the central protostar, which exacerbates the so-called ``luminosity problem'' in star formation.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Solitonic approach to the dimerization problem in correlated one-dimensional systems

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    Using exact diagonalizations we consider self-consistently the lattice distortions in odd Peierls-Hubbard and spin-Peierls periodic rings in the adiabatic harmonic approximation. From the tails of the inherent spin soliton the dimerization d_\infty of regular even rings is found by extrapolations to infinite ring lengths. Considering a wide region of electron-electron onsite interaction values U>0 compared with the band width 4t_0 at intermediately strong electron-phonon interaction g, known relationships obtained by other methods are reproduced and/or refined within one unified approach: such as the maximum of d_\infty at U \simeq 3 t_0 for g \simeq 0.5 and its shift to zero for g \to g_c \approx 0.7. The hyperbolic tangent shape of the spin soliton is retained for any U and g <~ 0.6. In the spin-Peierls limit the d_\infty are found to be in agreement with results of DMRG computations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Physical Review B, Rapid Communications, v. 56 (1997) accepte

    "Electro-flux" effect in superconducting hybrid Aharonov-Bohm rings

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    We have extended the circuit theory of Andreev conductance [Phys.~Rev.~Lett. {\bf 73}, 1420 (1994)] to diffusive superconducting hybrid structures that contain an Aharonov-Bohm ring. The electrostatic potential distribution in the system is predicted to be flux-dependent with a period of the superconducting flux quantum Ί0=h/2e\Phi_{0}=h/2e. When at least one tunnel barrier is present, the conductance of the system oscillates with the same period.Comment: 4 pages RevTex including three Postscript figures. Also available at http://www.tn.tudelft.nl/tn/thssci.htm

    Norm reasoning services

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    Norms are used in open Multi-Agent Systems as a formal specification of deontic statements aimed at regulating the actions of agents and the interactions among them. In this paper, we propose a set of services facilitating the development of both non-normative and normative agents for norm-governed MAS. Specifically, we propose to provide agents with norm reasoning services. These services will help agent designers/developers to programme agents that consider norm reasoning without having to implement the needed mechanisms to reason about norms by themselves. This article shows how these services perform as well as the results of the experiments that we conducted to evaluate their performance

    Kinetic equation approach to diffusive superconducting hybrid devices

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    We present calculations of the temperature-dependent electrostatic and chemical potential distributions in disordered normal metal-superconductor structures. We show that they differ appreciably in the presence of a superconducting terminal and propose an experiment to measure these two different potential distributions. We also compute the resistance change in these structures due to a recently proposed mechanism which causes a finite effect at zero temperature. The relative resistance change due to this effect is of the order of the interaction parameter in the normal metal. Finally a detailed calculation of the resistance change due to the temperature dependence of Andreev reflection in diffusive systems is presented. We find that the maximal magnitude due to this thermal effect is in general much larger than the magnitude of the novel effect.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX including 8 Postscript figures. A copy of the file is also available at http://www.tn.tudelft.nl/tn/thssci.htm

    Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of Circumstellar Disks in Rotating Magnetized Cloud Cores

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    We use magnetic collapse models to place some constraints on the formation and angular momentum evolution of circumstellar disks which are embedded in magnetized cloud cores. Previous models have shown that the early evolution of a magnetized cloud core is governed by ambipolar diffusion and magnetic braking, and that the core takes the form of a nonequilibrium flattened envelope which ultimately collapses dynamically to form a protostar. In this paper, we focus on the inner centrifugally-supported disk, which is formed only after a central protostar exists, and grows by dynamical accretion from the flattened envelope. We estimate a centrifugal radius for the collapse of mass shells within a rotating, magnetized cloud core. The centrifugal radius of the inner disk is related to its mass through the two important parameters characterizing the background medium: the background rotation rate \Omb and the background magnetic field strength \Bref. We also revisit the issue of how rapidly mass is deposited onto the disk (the mass accretion rate) and use several recent models to comment upon the likely outcome in magnetized cores. Our model predicts that a significant centrifugal disk (much larger than a stellar radius) will be present in the very early (Class 0) stage of protostellar evolution. Additionally, we derive an upper limit for the disk radius as it evolves due to internal torques, under the assumption that the star-disk system conserves its mass and angular momentum even while most of the mass is transferred to a central star.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, aastex, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal (10 Dec 1998
