12 research outputs found

    La cavidad oral, principal fuente de dispersión de Helicobacter pylori

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    This Micro-Revision includes the presentation and interpretation of the advances in the knowledge related to the Helicobacter pylori in the oral cavity, as a reservoir and source of the recurrence of the bacterial oction. It IS been planned that the necessity of conceiving control and eradication strategies in the buccal cavity, in order to improve the success of the eradication treatment of the gastroduodenal bacteria.Esta minirevisión comprende la presentación e interpretación de los avances en los conocimientos relativos al Helicobacter pylori y la cavidad oral, como reservorio y fuente de las recidivas de la acción bacteriana. Se plantea la necesidad de concebir estrategias de control y erradicación en la cavidad bucal para mejorar el éxito del tratamiento de la erradicación de la bacteria a nivel gastroduodenal

    Garantia de qualidade em educação a distância: uma proposta de política pública em Moçambique

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    A utilização de metodologias de educação a distância (EaD) no mundo remonta aos primórdios do século XVIII, nos EUA, com estudos feitos por correspondência por operários e militares que não dispunham de tempo para assistir às aulas no modelo presencial de aprendizagem. Já nessa altura, os desafios de qualidade dos cursos providos eram sentidos devido a ausência de políticas públicas de garantia de qualidade. Ao longo do tempo, a EaD sofreu transformações, com destaque para a diversificação do público-alvo que passou a incluir jovens e crianças em idade escolar, de regiões sem cobertura da oferta educativa; utilização de diversos meios, incluindo as tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), para a mediação pedagógica e o estabelecimento de entidades reguladoras da qualidade da oferta formativa na modalidade a distância. O desenvolvimento rápido e crescente das TIC tem contribuído para o enriquecimento das formas tradicionais de EaD, por um lado e, para o surgimento dos modelos de e-learning e m-learning, por outro lado, desencadeando novos desafios de garantia de qualidade. Em Moçambique, particularmente, a aposta do Governo no uso de metodologias de EaD para a expansão da oferta formativa estimula o aumenta e diversificação de instituições e cursos a distância, crescendo igualmente a necessidade de melhorar as políticas públicas para a salvaguarda da qualidade. Assim, o objeto de estudo do presente trabalho é avaliação externa. O presente estudo tem como objetivo formular um conjunto de recomendações aos decisores políticos em Moçambique, sobre políticas públicas de garantia de qualidade em EaD. O estudo foi estruturado com base num modelo de análise inspirado no conceito do modelo de análise proposto por Quivy e Campenhoudt. O processo de recolha de dados teve duas fases principais: na primeira, recorreu-se aos inquéritos por questionário, entrevista e grupo focal, para o levantamento da realidade atual da EaD em Moçambique e, na segunda, utilizaram-se os inquéritos por entrevista e grupo focal, para validar a proposta do conjunto de recomendações para futuras políticas. Os principais resultados sugerem que a intervenção de diferentes entidades reguladoras da qualidade de ensino necessita de melhor harmonização; a crescente utilização das metodologias de EaD no país requer o reforço da capacidade institucional do INED e, a responsabilidade primária de garantia de qualidade deverá ser paulatinamente confiada aos provedores de cursos. Embora a qualidade dos cursos seja satisfatória, os mediados por tecnologias apresentam limitações, sobretudo no ensino público. O referencial de qualidade específico de EaD responde às exigências de acreditação, embora haja necessidade de melhorar os critérios de avaliação da componente tecnológica. No futuro seria relevante realizar estudos sobre o papel das tecnologias nos sistemas de acreditação de EaD, com enfoque para o funcionamento do sistema do INED.The use of distance education (DE) methodologies in the world is reported to the early eighteenth century in the USA with correspondence studies for workers and military who did not have time to attend classes in the face to face learning model. At that time, the quality challenges were felt due to the absence of quality assurance public policies. Over time, DE has undergone transformations, with emphasis on the diversification of the target audience, which includes young people and school-age children from regions without educational coverage; use of various media, including information and communication technologies (ICT), for pedagogical mediation and establishment of regulatory bodies for quality DE provision. The rapid and growing development of ICT have contributed to the enrichment of traditional forms of DE, on the one hand and, the emergence of e-learning and m-learning models, on the other hand, triggering new quality assurance challenges. In Mozambique, particularly, given the Government's commitment to opening up education through DE methodologies, there is an increase and diversification of institutions and courses, as is the need to improve public policies that promote quality. Thus, the object of study of the present work is external evaluation for quality assurance. The present study aims to formulate a set of recommendations to policy makers in Mozambique, on quality assurance public policies in DE. The study was structured based on an analysis model inspired by the concept of analysis model proposed by Quivy and Campenhoudt. The data collection process had two main phases: in the first one, we used surveys by questionnaire, interview and focus group, to gather the current reality of DE in Mozambique and, in the second, interview and focus group surveys were used to validate the proposed set of recommendations for future policies. The main results suggest that the intervention of different educational quality regulators in the assessment of DE needs better harmonization; the increasing use of DE methodologies in the country requires the strengthening of INED's institutional capacity building and, the primary responsibility for quality assurance should be gradually entrusted to course providers. Although the quality of the courses is satisfactory, technology-mediated ones face limitations, in particular, in public education. The DE quality-specific benchmark meets the accreditation requirements, although there is a need to improve the assessment criteria on technology area. In the future it would be relevant to conduct studies on the role of technologies in DE accreditation systems, focusing on the INED system.PD/BD/135155/2017Programa Doutoral em Multimédia em Educaçã

    Numerical investigation of heat transfer and pressure loss of flow through a heated plate mounted by perforated concave rectangular winglet vortex generators in a channel

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    The low thermal conductivity of air in fin-and-tube heat exchangers causes high thermal resistance of the air side and results in a low heat transfer rate. This heat transfer rate on the air side can be improved by increasing the heat transfer coefficient. One way to increase the heat transfer coefficient on the air side is to use a vortex generator (VG), which can generate longitudinal vortex (LV) increasing fluid mixing. Therefore, this study aims to numerically analyze heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of airflow through a heated plate by installing VG in a rectangular channel. Vortex generators (VGs) used in numerical modeling are rectangular winglet pairs (RWPs) and concave rectangular winglet pairs (CRWPs) with 30 attack angle. The number of pairs of VG is varied by one, two, and three with/without holes. The velocity of airflow varies in the range of 0.4-2.0 m/s at intervals of 0.2 m/s. The simulation results show that in the configuration of the three pairs of VG, the decrease in the convection heat transfer coefficient in the case of the perforated CRWP is 3.98% of the CRWP without holes at a velocity of 2.0 m/s. While in the configuration of three pairs of perforated RWP VGs, the decrease in convection heat transfer coefficient is 5.87% from RWP without holes at a velocity of 2.0 m/s. In the configuration of three pairs of perforated VGs at the highest velocity, the decrease in pressure drop in the CRWP and RWP cases is 30.73% and 13.87% of the VGs without holes, respectively

    Políticas públicas em educação a distância: uma revisão de literatura do caso de Moçambique

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    This article presents the Quality Reference Framework adopted by the National Institute of Distance Education (INED), the public regulatory institution for distance education in Mozambique. INED is responsible for the evaluation of applications for the establishment of Distance Education institutions and programs, as well as accreditation of existing institutions and programs. Based on the literature review, the article provides an overview of quality assurance concepts and policies in Distance Education and, through documental analysis, the Quality Reference Framework adopted in Mozambique is described in terms of its main procedures and indicators. Finally, a brief note on the current and future work is considered. Emerging from the methodology being used, it was found that there are different models of quality assurance public policies in Distance Education and that in Mozambique there is an evidence of the use of Accreditation based model. The model is comprised by 7 key quality dimensions which are divided into 25 indicators in total and the result of the evaluation is expressed in 3 levels, namely an award of accreditation, conditional accreditation and no accreditation.Este artigo apresenta o Referencial de Qualidade adoptado pelo Instituto Nacional de Educação a Distância (INED), instituição pública reguladora de Educação a Distância em Moçambique. Compete ao INED avaliar os pedidos de estabelecimento de instituições e cursos a distância, bem como acreditar instituições na modalidade de Educação a Distância e os cursos por elas oferecidos. Com base na revisão da literatura, o artigo faz uma visão geral sobre os conceitos e políticas de garantia de qualidade em Educação a Distância e, através da análise documental, o Referencial de Qualidade adoptado em Moçambique é descrito no que se refere aos seus principais procedimentos e indicadores. Finalmente, uma breve nota sobre os trabalhos actuais e futuros também é considerada. Emergente da metodologia usada pode-se constatar que existem diferentes modelos de políticas públicas de garantia de qualidade em Educação a Distância, sendo que em Moçambique aponta-se para o modelo baseado na Acreditação. O modelo é composto por 7 dimensões-chave de qualidade que se subdividem em um conjunto de 25 indicadores e cujo resultado da avaliação é expresso em 3 níveis, nomeadamente a atribuição da acreditação, acreditação condicional e a não acreditação

    Public policies in distance education: a literature review for the case of Mozambique

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    Este artigo apresenta o Referencial de Qualidade adoptado pelo Instituto Nacional de Educação a Distância (INED), instituição pública reguladora de Educação a Distância em Moçambique. Compete ao INED avaliar os pedidos de estabelecimento de instituições e cursos a distância, bem como acreditar instituições na modalidade de Educação a Distância e os cursos por elas oferecidos. Com base na revisão da literatura, o artigo faz uma visão geral sobre os conceitos e políticas de garantia de qualidade em Educação a Distância e, através da análise documental, o Referencial de Qualidade adoptado em Moçambique é descrito no que se refere aos seus principais procedimentos e indicadores. Finalmente, uma breve nota sobre os trabalhos actuais e futuros também é considerada. Emergente da metodologia usada pode-se constatar que existem diferentes modelos de políticas públicas de garantia de qualidade em Educação a Distância, sendo que em Moçambique aponta-se para o modelo baseado na Acreditação. O modelo é composto por 7 dimensões-chave de qualidade que se subdividem em um conjunto de 25 indicadores e cujo resultado da avaliação é expresso em 3 níveis, nomeadamente a atribuição da acreditação, acreditação condicional e a não acreditação.This article presents the Quality Reference Framework adopted by the National Institute of Distance Education (INED), the public regulatory institution for distance education in Mozambique. INED is responsible for the evaluation of applications for the establishment of Distance Education institutions and programs, as well as accreditation of existing institutions and programs. Based on the literature review, the article provides an overview of quality assurance concepts and policies in Distance Education and, through documental analysis, the Quality Reference Framework adopted in Mozambique is described in terms of its main procedures and indicators. Finally, a brief note on the current and future work is considered. Emerging from the methodology being used, it was found that there are different models of quality assurance public policies in Distance Education and that in Mozambique there is an evidence of the use of Accreditation based model. The model is comprised by 7 key quality dimensions which are divided into 25 indicators in total and the result of the evaluation is expressed in 3 levels, namely an award of accreditation, conditional accreditation and no accreditation.publishe

    Public policies for quality assurance in distance learning towards territory development

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    This paper is about public policies for quality assurance in distance learning towards territory development. The study was based on the literature review which enabled an overview of the key concepts for a better understanding of the theme and documental analysis to bring experiences from Mozambique. Challenges for distance learning pubic policies that recognize different contexts are also presented, as well as suggestions for quality policies conducive to the local development; and a short note for further work is also included.publishe

    Open and Innovative Schooling: An Implementation Experience in Fifteen Secondary Schools across Mozambique

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    This case study explores the open and innovative schooling model piloted in fifteen secondary schools across all regions of Mozambique in the period 2018 to 2020. The model involved provision of access to curriculum-based digital Open Educational Resources (OER) using an Aptus device to enable sharing offline. Learning support centres offering access to some ICT as well as opportunities for individual use or structured tutorials were established in fifteen schools around the country. A mixed methods tracer study was designed and implemented using quantitative analysis to ascertain student enrolment, retention and success and then used qualitative focus surveys and focus groups to gauge the satisfaction of students, teachers and managers with the OIS model to inform future planning. While the pilot was generally considered successful in augmenting existing secondary schooling provision, access to devices, teacher development and support and expansion of curriculum coverage were all found to be in critical need of improvement if the model is to be scaled

    Open and Innovative Schooling: An Implementation Experience in Fifteen Secondary Schools across Mozambique

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    This case study explores the open and innovative schooling model piloted in fifteen secondary schools across all regions of Mozambique in the period 2018 to 2020. The model involved provision of access to curriculum-based digital Open Educational Resources (OER) using an Aptus device to enable sharing offline. Learning support centres offering access to some ICT as well as opportunities for individual use or structured tutorials were established in fifteen schools around the country. A mixed methods tracer study was designed and implemented using quantitative analysis to ascertain student enrolment, retention and success and then used qualitative focus surveys and focus groups to gauge the satisfaction of students, teachers and managers with the OIS model to inform future planning. While the pilot was generally considered successful in augmenting existing secondary schooling provision, access to devices, teacher development and support and expansion of curriculum coverage were all found to be in critical need of improvement if the model is to be scaled