42 research outputs found

    Upaya membentuk keluarga sakinah”(persepsi terhadap 4 pasangan suami - istri difabel di kota Palangka Raya)

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    Menurut fitrahnya, manusia dilengkapi Allah dengan kecenderungan seks (libido seksualitas). Oleh karena itu, Allah menyediakan wadah yang legal untuk terselenggaranya penyaluran tersebut yang sesuai dengan derajat kemanusiaan, yaitu melalui sebuah akad pernikahan. Tidak terkecuali yang memiliki kecacatan fisik (difabel). Penelitian ini memiliki tiga rumusan masalah yaitu: (1) Bagaimana Pasangan Suami-Istri cacat fisik (difabel) dalam Memahami Konsep Keluarga Sakinah?, (2) Bagaimana Pasangan Suami-Istri cacat fisik (difabel) di kota Palangka Raya dalam membentuk Keluarga Sakinah?, dan (3) Bagaimana Kepemimpinan seorang Suami cacat fisik (difabel) dalam Keluarga?. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Untuk Mendeskripsikan Pasangan Suami-Istri cacat fisik (difabel) dalam Memahami Konsep Keluarga Sakinah, (2) Untuk Mendeskripsikan Pasangan Suami-Istri cacat fisik (difabel) di kota Palangka Raya dalam membentuk Keluarga Sakinah, (3) Untuk Mendeskripsikan Kepemimpinan seorang Suami cacat fisik (difabel) dalam Keluarga. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, waktu penelitian selama dua bulan yang bertempat di Kota Palangka Raya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 Pasangan suami-istri cacat fisik (difabel) di kota Palangka Raya. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara, Pengabsahan data adalah untuk menjamin bahwa semua yang diamati dan diteliti adalah sesuai dengan yang sesungguhnya dan memang terjadi, dan Analisis dalam penelitian merupakan bagian yang sangat penting. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) keluarga sakinah ialah keluarga yang damai, tenteram, penuh kasih sayang, saling memahami satu sama lain dan saling mengerti, sehingga lahirlah sebuah konsep keluarga sakinah dengan menciptakan suasana ketenangan dalam membangun sebuah rumah tangga yang saling melengkapi jika terdapat kekurangan baik lahir maupun batin, (2) pasangan suami-istri dalam membentuk keluarga sakinah ialah mengajarkan serta mencontohkan hal-hal dalam kebaikan, baik dalam hal yang berkaitan tentang agama seperti shalat, membaca Al-Qur’an, puasa dan ibadah lainnya, (3) kepemimpinan seorang suami dalam keluarga ialah sebagai pemikul beban rumah tangga atau yang mencari nafkah untuk menghidupkan anak-anak dan istrinya, serta menjadi orang yang menggantikan posisi istrinya jika dalam hal kepengurusan rumah tangga, seorang istri tidak mampu untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan tersebut, serta menjadi Uswatun Hasanah bagi keluarganya. ABSTRACT According to fitrah, human being are fully equipped with sex inclination (libido sexuality). Because that, Allah supplied a legal place to make a distribute that appropriate with humanity degree, which is through a marriage agreement. No exception for they are who has disability. This problem in this study are : 1) How does the disability spouses in Palangka Raya in understanding Sakinah family concept ?, 2) How does the disability spouses in forming Sakinah family?, and 3) How does the leadership of disability husband in the family ? The purpose of this research are ? 1) To describe the disability spouses in understanding sakinah family concept, 2) To describe the disability spouses in Palangka Raya in forming sakinah family, 3) To describe the leadership of disability husband in the family. This research used field research, qualitative descriptive approach and the time in this research was two months in Palangka Raya. The subject of this research was 4 disability spouses in Palangka Raya. The data collection technique used observation and interview, the validity was for guarantee that all observe were appropriate and that’s truly happen and analyze in this research was a really important part. The result of this study shown that : 1) Sakinah family was a peace and quiet family, full with love, undertand each other, then those made a concept of sakinah family by make peaceful condition in the family that complete each other if there was a lack in external and internal, 2) the spouses in forming sakinah family should be taught and gave a good examples in religion like how to pray, recite Al-Qur’an, fasting and other kind worship, 3) The leadership of a husband in the family as the holder of family load or earn the life to make his wife and children keeping alive also could be replaced the position of his wife in arrangement the family which the wife could not complish that work and become Uswatun Hasanah for his family

    Péritonite primitive: entité réelle mais de diagnostic difficile

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    Les pĂ©ritonites primitives sont rares chez des patients sans facteurs de risques. Elles simulent les pĂ©ritonites secondaires. C’est pourquoi leurdiagnostic ne peut ĂȘtre que peropĂ©ratoire. Nous rapportons deux cas de pĂ©ritonites primitives dans le but de discuter leurs aspects diagnostique etthĂ©rapeutiques.Key words: Diagnostic, pĂ©ritonite primitive, traitemen

    Preliminary Analysis for Identification of Priority Species of Small Pelagic Shared Stocks in GSA01 And GSA03 (AlborĂĄn Sea)

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    Small pelagic resources and particularly sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus) represent an important fishery activity for the countries bordering the Alboran Sea. This paper aims at contributing to the identification of priority species of small pelagic shared stocks in GSA01 and GSA03 (northern and southern Alboran Sea GFCM regions) for carrying out joint stock assessments and promoting new management measures that would allow the sustainability of the resources and its exploitation. The WG on small pelagic shared stocks met twice during 2011 progressing in analysing the available data on the stocks and its exploitation and building a common data base. Moreover a comparative analysis on sardine landings data from 2003-2010 in GSA01 and GSA03 was carried out explaining that the exploitation pattern in sub-areas (GSAs 01 and 03) is different but the total length-frequency distribution of sardine exploited by each country appears to be similar. A tentative in applying a LCA analysis of the Moroccan and Spanish data on sardine using different biological parameters and with the VIT software was unsuccessful but orientated for future works of the W

    Prophylactic Methylxanthines for Preventing Extubation Failure in the Preterm Neonates with the Gestational Age of ≀30 Weeks: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Preterm neonates are at a high risk of respiratory depression at birth. Incidence of respiratory distress is reported in 60-80% of the neonates born with the gestational age of less than 28 weeks and 15-30% of the neonates with the gestational age of less than 32-34 weeks. The present study aimed to compare the incidence and risk of failed extubation in using caffeine and aminophylline in the preterm neonates with the gestational age of ≀30 weeks in the periextubation period.Methods: This single-centered, parallel, open-label, randomized controlled trial was conducted in a tertiary care referral hospital in India during June 2014-2016. Neonates with the gestational age of ≀30 weeks who were intubated for a minimum of 24 hours were enrolled in the study. Neonates with major anomalies, heart disease, and sepsis were excluded from the study. After the random allocation of the infants to treatment with the standard dose of caffeine citrate and aminophylline methylxanthine, intubation continued for seven consecutive days with or without non-invasive ventilatory support. As the primary objective, the incidence and risk of failed extubation were assessed. Secondary objective of the research was to compare the relative incidence of acute adverse effects, persistent apnea, and the associated morbidities.Results: Neonates treated by caffeine were at a higher risk of extubation failure (1.09 times) adjusted with birth weight (31.5% versus 21.4%; RR=1.09; 95% CI: 0.81-1.46; P=0.55), which was not statistically significant. In addition, risk of apnea within seven days and after seven days of methylxanthine therapy was 1.57 (95% CI: 0.95-2.61) and 1.10 (95% CI: 0.95-2.61) times higher in the neonates with caffeine treatment. Also, rate of tachycardia was high in the neonates treated by aminophylline, which was statistically significant (RR=0.27; 95% CI: 0.13-0.56;

    StratĂ©gie thĂ©rapeutique des cholĂ©cystites aigĂŒes gravido-puerpĂ©rales. A propos de quatre cas.

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    Les cholĂ©cystites aigues gravido-puerpĂ©rales sont relativement rares. Elles posent un problĂšme diagnostique et thĂ©rapeutique. Le pronostic maternel et fƓtal est conditionnĂ© par un diagnostic prĂ©coce et une prise en charge  multidisciplinaire. Les auteurs rapportent quatre cas de cholĂ©cystite aigue  survenant au cours de la grossesse, et revoient  la littĂ©rature afin de  discuter les difficultĂ©s diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques et de proposer  une conduite Ă  tenir adĂ©quate


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    IntroductionThe hydatid cyst of the breast is exceptional. However, because of the hydatidosis is an ubiquitous disease, the breast may be also achieved such as the other organs.Case reportPatient of 28 years old, confers for a tumefaction of the right breast. The clinical exam finds an enormous mass. The imaging evokes a cystic disease. We realized a cystectomy altogether. The opening of the cyst allows to the stemming of a liquid crystal clear with proligerous membrane.Histopathological examination confirms that it’s a hydatid cyst.The assessment of the extension doesn’t find any other localisations.Two years later, there’s neither recurrence nor other localisations. That’s indicates the primitive nature of this breast’s hydatid cyst.ConclusionAlthough it’s an exceptional localisation, the hydatid cyst of the breast must be suggested each time it’s a cyst especially in the hydatid endemic countries.IntroductionLa localisation mammaire du kyste hydatique reste exceptionnelle. Cependant, et vu que l’hydatidose est une maladie ubiquitaire, le sein peut ĂȘtre atteint comme tous les autres organes.Observation cliniquePatiente de 28 ans, consulte pour une tumĂ©faction du sein droit. L’examen clinique trouve une Ă©norme masse occupant presque la totalitĂ© du sein droit. L’imagerie est en faveur d’une image kystique. On rĂ©alise une kystectomie en bloc. L’ouverture du kyste permet l’issue d’une liquide eau de roche avec une membrane proligĂšre. L’histologie du prĂ©lĂ©vement confirme l’étiologie hydatique du kyste. Le bilan d’extension de la maladie ne trouve pas d’autres localisations. AprĂšs deux ans d’évolution, il n’ya pas de rĂ©cidive ni d’autres localisations qui apparaissent ce qui indique le caractĂšre primitif de ce kyste hydatique mammaire.ConclusionBien qu’elle soit une localisation exceptionnelle, l’hydatidose mammaire doit ĂȘtre Ă©voquĂ©e devant une image kystique en particulier dans un pays d’endĂ©mie