191 research outputs found

    A 2-Dimensional Cellular Automaton for Agents Moving from Origins to Destinations

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    We develop a two-dimensional cellular automaton (CA) as a simple model for agents moving from origins to destinations. Each agent moves towards an empty neighbor site corresponding to the minimal distance to its destination. The stochasticity or noise (pp) is introduced in the model dynamics, through the uncertainty in estimating the distance from the destination. The friction parameter "μ""\mu" is also introduced to control the probability that the movement of all agents involved to the same site (conflict) is denied at one time step. This model displays two states; namely the freely moving and the jamming state. If μ\mu is large and pp is low, the system is in the jamming state even if the density is low. However, if μ\mu is large and pp is high, a freely moving state takes place whenever the density is low. The cluster size and the travel time distributions in the two states are studied in detail. We find that only very small clusters are present in the freely moving state while the jamming state displays a bimodal distribution. At low densities, agents can take a very long time to reach their destinations if μ\mu is large and pp is low (jamming state); but long travel times are suppressed if pp becomes large (freely moving state).Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    System reliability when components can be swapped upon failure

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    Resilience of systems to failures during functioning is of great practical importance. One of the strategies that might be considered to enhance reliability and resilience of a system is swapping components when a component fails, thus replacing it by another component from the system that is still functioning. This thesis studies this scenario, particularly with the use of the survival signature concept to quantify system reliability, where it is assumed that such a swap of components requires these components to be of the same type. We examine the effect of swapping components on a reliability importance measure for the specific components, and we also consider the joint reliability importance of two components. Such swapping of components may be an attractive means toward more resilient systems and could be an alternative to adding more components to achieve redundancy of repair and replacement activities. Swapping components, if possible, is likely to incur some costs, for example for the actual swap or to prepare components to be able to take over functionality of another component. In this thesis we also consider the cost effectiveness of component swapping over a fixed period of time. It is assumed that a system needs to function for a given period of time, where failure to achieve this incurs a penalty cost. The expected costs when the different swap scenarios are applicable are compared with the option not to enable swaps. We also study the cost effectiveness of component swapping over an unlimited time horizon from the perspective of renewal theory. We assume that the system is entirely renewed upon failure, at a known cost, and we compare different swapping scenarios. The effect of components swapping on preventive replacement actions is also considered. In addition, we extend the approach of component swapping and the cost effectiveness analysis of component swapping to phased mission system. We consider two scenarios of swapping possibilities, namely, assuming that the possibilities of component swapping can occur at any time during the mission or only at transition of phases

    Fecundity of the invasive Hepu mitten crab, Eriocheir hepuensis Dai, 1991 (Grapsoidea: Brachyura) from Shatt Al- Arab and Arabian Gulf. Iraq

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    The present study was carried out to investigate the fecundity of species of Branchyuran crustaceans Eriocheir hepuensis Specimens were collected from different regions of Shatt-Al-Arab river, North-West Arabian Gulf and Khour Abdulla during the period from Autumn 2016 to Summer 2017 by fishing trawl net. The total wet weight of specimens ranged between (92.27-199.27) gm. The crab’s carapace lengths were between (4.2 - 9.4) cm. Absolute fecundity was found to be from (252331.4 – 1636153.4) eggs/female. The relative fecundity ranged between (2181 – 13440.1) eggs/gm. The correlation values at the probability level of 0.05 between absolute fertility rate with carapace width and total weight were r=0.93,r=0.96 respectively.  Eggs development stages in E.hepuensis crabs are divided into seven stages. The objective of this study was to measurements the fecundity for assessing population reproductive dynamics and energetics and for estimating the annual reproductive output and how it is linked to recruitment and population growth

    Reproductive System and fecundity of the blue Swimming Crab Portunus pelagicus from the northwestern Arabian Gulf, Iraq

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    It is possible to distinguish between males and females in types of crabs in general through the abdominal region, which is narrow in males and broad in females, as well as by opening the cover of the abdominal region. In males, a pair of peleopods can be seen, which are organs attached to the male reproductive system. It has two parts, the wide part, which is located at the bottom of the base of the abdominal cap, and the long tubular part. In females, when the abdominal cover is opened, eight pairs of feathers can be seen located below the base of the abdominal cap. The male gonads are distinguished by white color, located on the right and left of the abdomen, while the female gonads are internally colored. Yellow to orange, the absolute fecundity rate (egg/individual) for the female swimming blue crab ranged between (82711.7 - 2187239.74), and the relative fecundity rate of blue crab females was between (1416.9 - 9688.8) eggs/g

    Electric vehicles charging station configuration with closed loop control

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    Recently, the demand for electric vehicles (EV) has been on the rise in global markets due to the orientation of national policies to reduce emissions and global warming through the electrification of the transportation sector and the use of clean energy sources. Electric vehicles function on batteries, which must be recharged, either by slow charging at home or by fast charging with a direct current. In the fast-charging process, the batteries can be charged in less than 15 minutes. In this paper, an off-board charger with a three-phase, six-pulse voltage rectifier was designed using the MATLAB/Simulink program. The closed control circuit was simulated, where the simulation results were influenced by changes to the input voltage. When the input voltage was increased or decreased by 5%, this control maintained the value of the current and voltage at the output to be equal to the reference values required to achieve fast charging. The simulation results showed that in the first case where no filter was used, the output voltage and current had a high amount of ripple that exceeded the permissible value. Therefore, a low-pass filter was designed to reduce the ripple factor to a value that was within the permissible limit

    A multi-centre randomised controlled trial comparing radiofrequency and mechanical occlusion chemically assisted ablation of varicose veins - final results of the Venefit versus Clarivein for varicose veins trial

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    BACKGROUND: Endovenous thermal ablation has revolutionised varicose vein treatment. New non-thermal techniques such as mechanical occlusion chemically assisted endovenous ablation (MOCA) allow treatment of entire trunks with single anaesthetic injections. Previous non-randomised work has shown reduced pain post-operatively with MOCA. This study presents a multi-centre randomised controlled trial assessing the difference in pain during truncal ablation using MOCA and radiofrequency endovenous ablation (RFA) with six months' follow-up. METHODS: Patients undergoing local anaesthetic endovenous ablation for primary varicose veins were randomised to either MOCA or RFA. Pain scores using Visual Analogue Scale and number scale (0-10) during truncal ablation were recorded. Adjunctive procedures were completed subsequently. Pain after phlebectomy was not assessed. Patients were reviewed at one and six months with clinical scores, quality of life scores and duplex ultrasound assessment of the treated leg. RESULTS: A total of 170 patients were recruited over a 21-month period from 240 screened. Patients in the MOCA group experienced significantly less maximum pain during the procedure by Visual Analogue Scale (MOCA median 15 mm (interquartile range 7-36 mm) versus RFA 34 mm (interquartile range 16-53 mm), p = 0.003) and number scale (MOCA median 3 (interquartile range 1-5) versus RFA 4 mm (interquartile range 3-6.5), p = 0.002). 'Average' pain scores were also significantly less in the MOCA group; 74% underwent simultaneous phlebectomy. Occlusion rates, clinical severity scores, disease specific and generic quality of life scores were similar between groups at one and six months. There were two deep vein thromboses, one in each group. CONCLUSION: Pain secondary to truncal ablation is less painful with MOCA than RFA with similar short-term technical, quality of life and safety outcomes

    أثر بعض المتغيرات الاقتصادية على الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في تركيا للمدة )1990-2020(

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    يعد الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر من السياسات الكفيلة بتمويل المشاريع التنموية وخاصة في الدول النامية إذ تتدفق الموارد المادية من دول ذات الوفرة (الصناعية المتقدمة) إلى دول تعاني من نقص فيها بهدف الحصول على عوائد استثمارية مناسبة، ولتحقيق أهداف تواجده لابد من تكييف أدوات السياسة الاقتصادية ومنها السياسة المالية والنقدية لاستقدامه والاستفادة من وجوده، وهدف البحث دراسة أثر كل من التضخم وسعر الصرف وعرض النقد والاستثمار في البنى التحتية في التأثير في تهيئة البيئة الملائمة لجذب الاستثمار الأجنبي في تركيا، وتمثلت مشكلة البحث وجود نقص في مواردها المادية مما يتوجب توفير آليات وأساليب وبيئة ملائمة لجذب الاستثمار من أجل تعزيز عملية النمو الاقتصادي، وللتوصل إلى هدف البحث تمّ اعتماد منهج الدراسة وفق أسلوب التحليل النظري فضلاً عن التحليل القياسي، ومن أجل اختبار أثر بعض المتغيرات الاقتصادية على الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر لدولة العينة (تركيا)، إذ تم جمع البيانات اللازمة من منشورات البنك الدولي للمدة (1990-2020)، واجراء عدة اختبارات قياسية منها: اختبار جذر الوحدة (الإستقرارية)، اختبارات التكامل المشترك، اختبار الانحدار الذاتي للفجوات الزمنية الموزعة، نموذج تصحيح الخطأ واختبارات العلاقة السببية وذلك من أجل التحقق من فرضية البحث فقد تم اجراء التقدير بالاعتماد على الاختبارات القياسية، وتوصل البحث الى جملة من الاستنتاجات والمقترحات منها المعاناة لوجود نقص في الموارد المحلية لتمويل استثماراته وسعياً لتحقيق الأهداف التنموية، مما يضطرها إلى الاعتماد على تدفقات الاستثمار الأجنبي لتغطية العجز الحاصل