94 research outputs found

    The Forum Hoard and Beyond: Money, Gift, and Religion in the Early Middle Ages

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    The law-code known as ‘IV Æthelred’ has been identified since the mid-nineteenth century as a text concerned with tolls, trading and currency in London, dated to around the year 1000. This contribution argues that ‘IV Æthelred’ may have had little if anything to do with Æthelred II (978–1016). By re-evaluating the law-code’s transmission, contents and date, it is proposed that the text consists of two distinct segments, probably put together around 1100 and surviving only in Latin translation. One part is a series of tenth-century decrees on currency crimes, and represents the most detailed statement on this topic to survive from Anglo-Saxon England. The other relates more specifically to London, laying out the tolls incurred by merchants coming to the city from across northern Europe. Frequent use of French terminology marks this portion of the text out, and suggests a date in the aftermath of the Norman Conquest

    The Ely Memoranda and the Economy of the Late Anglo-Saxon Fenland

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    Byzantine plate and Frankish mines: the provenance of silver in north-west European coinage during the Long Eighth Century (c. 660–820)

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    The late seventh century introduction of silver coinage marked a transformation in the economy of North-West Europe, yet the source(s) of silver bullion remains enigmatic. Here, we provide new insights into European silver sources through the ‘long eighth century’ (c. 660-820 AD) via the lead isotope and trace element analysis of 49 coins from England, Frisia and Francia. The results indicate an early reliance on Byzantine silver, followed from c. 750 by a shift to metal from Frankish mines. They generate new insights into the motives for minting, and reveal the strong role of the state in controlling metal resources

    Flood Management in Texas: Planning for the Future

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    This Report examines existing flood-related regulations in Texas and the United States, the Texas State Flood Plan, current flood mitigation strategies in the state, and the potential to implement green stormwater infrastructure. The report offers policy recommendations to clarify and help alleviate the current ambiguities and uncertainties between the Texas State Water Plan and State Flood Plan for future flood mitigation practices, and to simplify the implementation of green infrastructure


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    L\u27auteur clecrit la sculpture en pierre representant Saint Jean I\u27Evangeliste — I\u27un des chefs cl\u27oeuvre de I\u27artiste, bien connu, c le la Renaissance: Ivan Duknović ( lohannes Dalmata) qui se trouve clans une chapelle cle la cathedrale cle la ville croate de Tlogl I . Dans la grande exposition cl\u27Art yougoslave qui s\u27est tenue a Paris en 1971 cette statue a et e exposee; a cette occasion, et pour la premiere fois, en ont ćte photographiee les cotes, le dos et la base sur lacluelle est gravee la signature du sculpteur, que I\u27auteur cle cet ar ticle avait cleja remarquee et publiće. Grace a ces cliches cles cleux profils et cl u clos, cette oeuvre a r evele I\u27habilete cl\u27Ivan Duknović qui, en plein volume, moclele un personnage humain grancleur naturelle, de merne qu\u27i l I \u27avait fai t lors de I\u27execution du peti t »put to« a i l ć clui a et e recemment trouvć a Trogir, l icu cle naissance de I\u27artiste, et qui a et e public clans le dernier numero cle cette revue