8 research outputs found

    Changes in the total protein, carbohydtate and lipid contents in selected tissues of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. under the influence of a juvenoid R394

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    Η νεανική ορμόνη R394 (ethyl 9-cyclohexyl-3,7-dimethyl-2,4-nonadienoate) εφαρμόστηκε τοπικά σε προνύμφες 5Π" σταδίου του μεταξοσκώληκα Bombyx mori L. (υβρίδιο: ΚΑ χ NB4D2) σε δόση 0,039η1/προνύμφη vta 24, 48, 72 και 96 ώρες, για την βελτίωση της παραγωγής μεταξιού. Επιλέχθηκαν τρεις κύριοι ιστοί, ο οπίσθιος μεταξογόνος αδένας (PSG). η αιμολέμφος και το λιπώδες σώμα, οι οποίοι συλλέχθηκαν από πλήρως αναπτυγμένες προ νύμφες και υπολογίστηκε η περιεκτικότητα τους σε ολικές πρωτεΐνες, ολίκούς υδατάνθρακες Kar ολικά λιπίδια. Το αποτέλεσμα έδειξε ότι η περιεκτικότητα των κύριων μεταβολιτών διέφερε σημαντικά στους παραπάνω ιστούς, ανάλογα με τον χρόνο εφαρμογής της νεανικής ορμόνης. Η υψηλότερη περιεκτικότητα σε πρωτεΐνες παρατηρήθηκε στην αιμολεμφο και το μεταξογόνο αδένα των προνυμφών που δέχτηκαν την επέμβαση για 72 ώρες, ενώ η περιεκτικότητα σε πρωτεΐνες του λιπώδους σώματος ήταν η μικρότερη στην ίδια μεταχείριση. Η χαμηλότερη ολική περιεκτικότητα σε υδατάνθρακες καταγράφηκε στις προνύμφες ποι> δέχτηκαν την επέμβαση για 72 ώρες, ενώ η υψηλότερη στον μάρτυρα τόσο στην αιμολεμφο όσο και στο λιπώδες σώμα, χωρίς να παρατηρείται σημαντική μεταβολή στον μεταξογόνο αδένα. Η ολική περιεκτικότητα σε λιπίδια δεν εμφάνισε αξιοσημείωτη παραλλακτικότητα κατά την εφαρμογή της νεανικής ορμόνης, με εξαίρεση τον μεταξογόνο αδένα σε προνύμφες που δέχτηκαν την επέμβαση για μέχρι 72 ώρες, όπου παρατηρήθηκε μείωση. Το αποτέλεσμα υποδηλώνει ότι η νεανική ορμόνη προκαλεί εξειδικευμένες για κάθε ιστό αντιδράσεις από άποψη μεταβολής της περιεκτικότητας σε κύριους μεταβολίτες, η οποία είναι ανάλογη με τις αντίστοιχες μεταβολές που παρατηρήθηκαν στο βάρος του βομβυκίου και το βάρος του κελύφους του βομβυκίου.A juvenoid. R394 (Ethyl 9-cyclohexyl-3,7-dimethyl-2,4-nonadienoate) was applied topically to 5th instar silkworm, Bombyx mori L. larvae (Hybrid: KA x NB4D2) at a dose of 0.039 nl/larva at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h, for silk yield improvement. Three major selected tissues viz., posterior silk gland (PSG), haemolymph and fat body were collected from fully-grown larvae and the total protein, total carbohydrate and total lipid contents were estimated following standard procedures. The result indicated that the content of these primary metabolites varied significantly in the selected tissues depending on the time of juvenoid application. The highest protein content was observed in the haemolymph and silk gland in the larvae treated at 72 h whereas the fat body protein content was lowest for the same treatment. The total carbohydrate was recorded lowest in the 72 h treated larvae as against the highest in the control both in haemolymph and fat body with no significant change in PSG. The total lipid content did not show any notable variation in the concentration on juvenoid administration except in the silk gland treated up to 72 h which showed a decline. The results indicate that the juvenoid induces tissue-specific responses in terms of turnover in primary metabolites which commensurates with the corresponding changes observed in the cocoon weight and cocoon shell weight

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    ABSTRACT Juvenile hormone (JH) analogues and mimics regardless of synthetic or of plant/animal origin are potent pest control agents and are popularly referred to as 'third generation pest control agents'. ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether (NL13), an oxime ether of carbonyl compounds derived from longifolene, a tricyclin sesquiterpene from Indian turpentine oil extracted from the chir pine, Pinus longifolia (Roxb., Pinaceae) and bakuchiol, isolated from the medicinal weed, Psoralea coryllifolia (Linnaues) (Papilionaceae) are proven biopesticides against Culex quinquefasciatus and Dysdercus Koenigi, respectively. These two compounds show JH mimicking activities and disrupt the regular developmental pattern and thus identified as potential biopesticides. Since the larvae of silkworm Bombyx mori L. are known to respond positively to administration of exogenous JH analogues and mimics in terms of enhanced silk production, minute quantities of these two compounds were administered to fifth instar larvae based on the results of previous broad spectrum dose response studies. Emulsions containing 2.5, 5 and 10 ppm of NL13 and 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 ppm of bakuchiol were administered to the fifth instar larvae of bivoltine silkworm hybrid, KA x NB 4 D 2 at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h at the rate of 12.5 ml/100 larvae, 30 minutes prior to feeding at about 10 am. The compounds elicited notable positive response in silkworm in terms of improved economic traits such as larval and cocoon characters. In the case of NL13, 5 ppm and in the case of bakuchiol, 1.25 ppm of the compounds at 48 h of 5 th instar showed the maximum improvement in the cocoon traits in the range of 10~15%. The physiological impact of the compounds on silkworm growth and development and the resultant impact on the commercial traits are discussed

    Influence of Bakuchiol, a JH analogue from Bemchi (<i>Psoralea corylifolia</i>) on Silk Production in Silkworm, <i>Bombyx mori </i>L. (Bombycidae: Lepidoptera)

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    The influence of a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), bakuchiol on the silk yield of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. was studied involving two popular commercial hybrids, KA x NB4D2 (bivoltine x bivoltine) and PM x NB4D2 (multivoltine x bivoltine). The compound was administered topically to 5th instars at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h as a single dose. Three-concentration viz., 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 ppm were tested. Economic characters of the larvae and the resultant cocoon traits were measured. The result showed that 1.25 ppm of bakuchiol applied to 48 h old 5th instars was the most favourable treatment for improvement of commercial traits. Cocoon and cocoon shell weight and filament length have increased significantly due to this treatment. The possible role of exogenous JH analogues in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 7(2) 2003: 31-3

    Influence of Bakuchiol, a JH analogue from Bemchi (Psoralea corylifolia) on Silk Production in Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Bombycidae: Lepidoptera)

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    The influence of a juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), bakuchiol on the silk yield of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. was studied involving two popular commercial hybrids, KA x NB4D2 (bivoltine x bivoltine) and PM x NB4D2 (multivoltine x bivoltine). The compound was administered topically to 5th instars at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h as a single dose. Three-concentration viz., 0.625, 1.25 and 2.5 ppm were tested. Economic characters of the larvae and the resultant cocoon traits were measured. The result showed that 1.25 ppm of bakuchiol applied to 48 h old 5th instars was the most favourable treatment for improvement of commercial traits. Cocoon and cocoon shell weight and filament length have increased significantly due to this treatment. The possible role of exogenous JH analogues in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 7(2) 2003: 31-3

    Hormetic influence on silkworm, Bombyx mori L., of the Phytojuvenoid ω-Formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether

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    The hormetic influence on silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) of the juvenile hormone mimic ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether (NL13) was assayed. Emulsions containing 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm of the compound were administered topically as a single dose, to two popular commercial silkworm hybrids, viz. KA x NB 4 D 2 and PM x NB 4 D 2 , at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h into the 5th instar, and economic characters of the larvae and resultant cocoons measured. A medium and absolute control were maintained in parallel. It was found that administration of 5 ppm of NL13 to 48-h-old 5th instars resulted in the maximum improvement in commercial traits. The possible role of exogenous JH-like compounds in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed. RÉSUMÉ L'influence hormonal du ω-formyl longifene oxime propargyl ether (NL13) imitant l'hormone juvénile a été testée sur le ver à soie, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). Des émulsions contenant 2,5, 5,0 et 10,0 ppm du composé ont été administrées au 5ème stade larvaire, en une seule dose, à 24, 48, 72 et 96 h , à deux hybrides couramment commercialisés du ver à soie, viz KA x NB 4 D 2 et PM x NB 4 D 2 . Les caractéristiques économiques des larves et des cocons ont été mesurées. Un témoin moyen et absolu ont été maintenus en parallèle. On a constaté que l'administration de 5 ppm de NL13 à des larves de 5ème stade âgées de 48 h a permis une amélioration maximale des caractéristiques commerciales. Le rôle possible des composés exogènes, homologues de l'hormone juvénile, provoquant cette réponse chez le ver à soie est discuté


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    Double cocoons of silkworm Bombyx mori (NB4D2 x KA and PM X NB4D2) were collected and the pupal sexassociation was examined. Male-female pupal association occurred more frequently than male-male and femalefemalein double cocoons formed in normal populations of silkworm larvae. The percentage occurrence of male-male,male-female and female-female association was 26.8, 51.2 and 22.0 respectively in NB4D2 XKA and 27.2, 50.0 and22.8 respectively in PMX NB4D2. The overall participation of male larvae in double cocoon formation was found morethan that of females. When male and female larvae were made to spin separately, the double cocoons formed hadeither male-male association or female-female association depending on the treatment. This study, for the first timeproves that the predominance of male-female sex association in the double cocoons is not due to any affinitybetween the opposite sexes but only due to the random encounter of male and female larvae during spinnin

    Hormetic influence on silkworm, bombyx mori L., of the phytojuvenoid ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether

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    The hormetic influence on silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera; Bombycidae) of the juvenile hormone mimic ω-formyl longifolene oxime propargyl ether (NL13) was assayed. Emulsions containing 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 ppm of the compound were administered topically as a single dose, to two popular commercial silkworm hybrids, viz. KA × NB4D2 and PM × NB4D2, at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h into the 5th instar, and economic characters of the larvae and resultant cocoons measured. A medium and absolute control were maintained in parallel. It was found that administration of 5 ppm of NL13 to 48-h-old 5th instars resulted in the maximum improvement in commercial traits. The possible role of exogenous JH-like compounds in eliciting this response in silkworm is discussed

    Hyperfiltration in type 1 diabetes: does it exist and does it matter for nephropathy?

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Hyperfiltration is widely regarded as a contributing factor to the development of microalbuminuria and progressive nephropathy in type 1 diabetes. However, recent studies have questioned this conclusion. METHODS: To address this conflicting evidence, we examined the association between hyperfiltration and progression to microalbuminuria in 2,318 adults with type 1 diabetes. We also compared the estimated GFR in our diabetic patients with rates observed in 6,247 adults from the Finnish general population, using age- and sex-specific z scores. RESULTS: The distribution of estimated GFR in adults with type 1 diabetes and normoalbuminuria was not significantly different from that expected in the general population (p = 0.51, Mann-Whitney test). Type 1 diabetic patients with a higher estimated GFR were also no more likely to develop microalbuminuria over a median of 5.2 years of follow-up than those with normal estimated GFR. This was the case regardless of whether hyperfiltration was defined by an absolute threshold, deciles of estimated GFR or a z score, using creatinine- or cystatin-based clearance formulas in men or in women. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Together with other studies, these data suggest that creatinine- or cystatin-based estimates of GFR do not predict the development of microalbuminuria in patients with type 1 diabetes. Moreover, in the absence of incipient or overt nephropathy, conventionally determined renal function in patients with type 1 diabetes appears no different from that in the general population. This is hardly surprising, given that these individuals, by all definitions, do not have kidney disease.M. C. Thomas, J. L. Moran, V. Harjutsalo, L. Thorn, J. Wadén, M. Saraheimo, N. Tolonen, J. Leiviskä, A. Jula, C. Forsblom, P. H. Groop, on behalf of the FinnDiane Study Grou