32 research outputs found

    Effects of dipotassium-trioxohydroxytetrafluorotriborate, K2[B3O3F4OH], on cell viability and gene expression of common human cancer drug targets in a melanoma cell line.

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    Recently it was found that dipotassium-trioxohydroxytetrafluorotriborate, K2(B3O3F4OH), is a potent and highly specific inhibitor of precancerous cell processes. We conducted gene expression profiling of human melanoma cells before and after treatment with two concentrations (0.1 and 1 mM) of this boron inorganic derivative in order to assess its effects on deregulation of genes associated with tumor pathways. Parallel trypan blue exclusion assay was performed to assess the cytotoxicity effects of this chemical. Treatment with K2(B3O3F4OH) induced a significant decrease of cell viability in melanoma cellline at both tested concentrations. Furthermore, these treatments caused deregulation of more than 30 genes known as common anti-tumor drug targets. IGF-1 and hTERT were found to be significantly downregulated and this result may imply potential use of K2(B3O3F4OH) as an inhibitor or human telomerase and insulin-like growth factor 1, both of which are associated with various tumor pathways

    Structural Health Monitoring for Performance Assessment of Bridges under Flooding and Seismic Actions

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    Bridges can be subjected to damaging environmental actions due to flooding and seismic hazards. Flood actions that result in scour are a leading cause of bridge failure, while seismic actions that induce lateral forces may lead to high ductility demand that exceeds pier capacity. When combined, seismic actions and scour can lead to effects that depend on the governing scour condition affecting a bridge. Loss of stiffness under scour can reduce the ductility capacity of a bridge but can also lead to an increase in flexibility that may reduce seismic inertial forces. Conversely, increased flexibility can lead to deck collapse due to support loss, so there exists some uncertainty about the combined effect of both phenomena. A necessary step towards the performance assessment of bridges under flooding and seismic actions is to calibrate numerical models that can reproduce structural responses under different actions. A further step is verifying the achievement of performance goals defined by codes. Structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques allow the computation of performance parameters that are useful for calibrating numerical models and performing direct checks of performance goal compliance. In this paper, various strategies employed to monitor bridge health against scour and seismic actions are discussed, with a particular focus on vibration-based damage identification methods

    Вивчення особистості підозрюваного як необхідна умова підготовки до обшуку

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    Безсонна, Т. Ф. Вивчення особистості підозрюваного як необхідна умова підготовки до обшуку / Тетяна Федорівна Безсонна, Віталій Олегович Найда // Актуальні питання досудового розслідування та тенденції розвитку криміналістичної методики : тези доп. всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 21 листоп. 2018 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2018. – С. 27-28.Зазначено, що вивчення особистості підозрюваного як необхідна умова підготовки до обшуку – це збирання на підготовчому етапі обшуку відомостей про знання, навички та особливості поведінки особи, зумовлені її професією, дозвіллям, зв’язками із соціумом, а також внутрішніми поведінковими особливостями (мораль, релігія, культура) з метою виявлення взаємозв’язку та взаємообумовленості між цими факторами і розміщенням схованих особою речей.It is noted that the study of the suspect's personality as a necessary condition for preparation for the search is the collection at the preparatory stage of the search of information about the person's knowledge, skills and behavioral characteristics, determined by his profession, leisure time, connections with society, as well as internal behavioral characteristics (morality, religion , culture) in order to identify the relationship and interdependence between these factors and the placement of things hidden by a person.Отмечено, что изучение личности подозреваемого как необходимое условие подготовки к обыску – это сбор на подготовительном этапе обыска сведений о знаниях, навыках и особенностях поведения личности, обусловленных его профессией, досугом, связями с социумом, а также внутренними поведенческими особенностями (мораль, религия) , культура) с целью выявления взаимосвязи и взаимообусловленности между этими факторами и размещением скрытых лицом вещей

    An Effective method of calculating transonic flows and wave drag of axisymmetric and 3-D elongate bodies within framework of transonic equivalence rule

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    A theoretical study of steady transonic flows about axisymmetric and 3-D elongate bodies has been carried out within the framework of non-linear small disturbance theory using the transonic equivalence rule. A numerical method for calculating transonic flow about bodies of revolution was used by formulating the Alterating Direction Method together with monotone Engquist-Osher’s algorithm for the axisymmetric case. This approach has a good reputation in solving similar two-dimensional problems. A new effective algorithm to determine wave drag of bodies of revolution in inviscid transonic flow has been developed. As a result, the wave drag value is obtained by velocity jump integration along shocks closing local supersonic regions. This method is more exact then the ordinary method of integration of pressure along the body surface. The efficiency of a numerical algorithm is demonstrated by calculating transonic flow over thin bodies of revolution. The results concerning calculations of the wave drag of elongate 3-D configurations of hypersonic aircraft in the framework of transonic equivalence rule are also given; these results were derived earlier by A.S. Fonarev and M.A. Naida, whilst working at the Central Aero-hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), Moscow, Russia