63 research outputs found

    Effects of Resistance Training and Soy Isoflavone on Body Composition in Postmenopausal Women

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    Objective. To investigate the independent and additive effects of resistance training (RT) and soy isoflavone (ISO) on body composition in postmenopausal women (PW). Method. This study used a placebo-controlled, double-blind (soy), randomized (ISO versus placebo) × (RT versus No RT) design. A total of 80 PW, aged 45–70 years, were randomly (71 completed 9-months intervention): RT + ISO (n = 15), No RT + ISO (n = 20), RT + placebo (n = 18), and No RT + placebo (n = 18). ISO received 100 mg a day of isoflavone; and to RT attended supervised resistance training sessions. At baseline and 9-months, fat and muscle mass were estimated by DXA. ANOVA and test t were used. Results. RT groups showed significantly increased muscle strength (35.2%) and muscle mass (1.4%). Exercising attenuated gains in fat trunk and % body fat (P < .05). Significant decreases in muscle mass (−1.8%) and increases in fat mass of the whole-body (1.6%) and trunk (9.7%) was found in no-RT groups (P < .05). In ISO groups, there were no differences in body composition and muscle strength. ISO and RT had no additive effects. Conclusion. In PW: RT improved muscle mass and strength and attenuated gain of fat mass; ISO did not alter body composition and muscle strength; there were no additive effects of RT and ISO

    Clinical Study Effects of Resistance Training and Soy Isoflavone on Body Composition in Postmenopausal Women

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    Objective. To investigate the independent and additive effects of resistance training (RT) and soy isoflavone (ISO) on body composition in postmenopausal women (PW). Method. This study used a placebo-controlled, double-blind (soy), randomized (ISO versus placebo) × (RT versus No RT) design. A total of 80 PW, aged 45-70 years, were randomly (71 completed 9-months intervention): RT + ISO (n = 15), No RT + ISO (n = 20), RT + placebo (n = 18), and No RT + placebo (n = 18). ISO received 100 mg a day of isoflavone; and to RT attended supervised resistance training sessions. At baseline and 9-months, fat and muscle mass were estimated by DXA. ANOVA and test t were used. Results. RT groups showed significantly increased muscle strength (35.2%) and muscle mass (1.4%). Exercising attenuated gains in fat trunk and % body fat (P &lt; .05). Significant decreases in muscle mass (−1.8%) and increases in fat mass of the whole-body (1.6%) and trunk (9.7%) was found in no-RT groups (P &lt; .05). In ISO groups, there were no differences in body composition and muscle strength. ISO and RT had no additive effects. Conclusion. In PW: RT improved muscle mass and strength and attenuated gain of fat mass; ISO did not alter body composition and muscle strength; there were no additive effects of RT and ISO

    Estados hiperprolactinêmicos: inter-relações com o psiquismo

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    Hyperprolactinemia is the most frequent endocrine disorder of the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis observed in women of reproductive age. It is characterized by elevated serum prolactin levels. Prolactin production is regulated by the inhibitory action of a neurotransmitter, dopamine. Clinical manifestations include irregular menstrual cycle, amenorrhea, galactorrhea, infertility and libido decrease, but psychological symptoms, especially anxiety and depression, have also been associated with hyperprolactinemia. Nonetheless, few studies about this condition are available. In the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders, prolactin may have either a direct action on the central nerve system or an indirect effect via gonadal hormones or function as independent factors as a result of dopamine depletion. Thus, since the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in patients with hyperprolactinemia was detected, it was concluded that further studies are necessary to investigate the basis of a potential relationship between both hyperprolactinemic and psychiatric conditions.A hiperprolactinemia é o distúrbio endócrino mais freqüente do eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário, observado em mulheres na idade reprodutiva. Caracteriza-se pela elevação consistente dos valores plasmáticos de prolactina. A regulação da produção da prolactina dá-se por meio da ação inibitória de um neurotransmissor, a dopamina. As manifestações clínicas são distúrbios do ciclo menstrual, amenorréia, galactorréia, infertilidade e diminuição da libido. Entretanto, sintomas psicológicos, especialmente ansiedade e depressão, têm sido associados à hiperprolactinemia. Contudo, há poucos estudos clínicos publicados sobre o tema. O papel da prolactina na patogênese dos distúrbios psiquiátricos pode refletir ação direta sobre o sistema nervoso central, efeito indireto por meio dos hormônios gonadais ou constituir fatores independentes, resultantes da depleção de dopamina. Assim, detectada a prevalência de distúrbios psiquiátricos em pacientes com hiperprolactinemia, conclui-se pela necessidade de maior número de pesquisas que investiguem as bases da possível inter-relação entre os estados hiperprolactinêmicos e o psiquismo

    Bleeding pattern and management of unexpected bleeding/spotting with an extended regimen of a combination of ethinylestradiol 20 mcg and drospirenone 3 mg

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    Objective: To compare the bleeding pattern in women using ethinylestradiol 20 mcg/ drospirenone 3 mg (EE 20 mcg/DRSP 3 mg) in a 24/4-day cyclic regimen with an extended regimen. Unexpected bleeding/spotting in the extended regimen group was managed by allowing a 4-day hormone-free interval (HFI). Methods: This was a randomized, prospective, open-label, multicenter study. Participants (N = 348) were randomized to receive EE 20 mcg/DRSP 3 mg in either an extended regimen (EE/DRSPes group) or a 24/4-day cyclic regimen (EE/DRSP24/4 group) and followed for 168 days. In the EE/DRSPes group, a 4-day HFI was allowed whenever unexpected bleeding/ spotting persisted for ≥7 consecutive days. The participants assessed their bleeding daily as “no bleeding,” “spotting,” or “light,” “moderate,” or “heavy” bleeding according to a predefined scale. Results: EE/DRSPes group experienced fewer days of bleeding than those using a 24/4 cyclic regimen (P < 0.001). After 168 days, 57.5% of women in the EE/DRSPes group achieved complete amenorrhea (i.e., neither bleeding nor spotting) and 73.9% achieved “no bleeding” (i.e., no bleeding with or without spotting) during the final 28-day interval of the study period. Women in the extended group who instituted the 4-day HFI experienced a 94.1% rate of successful management of unexpected bleeding/spotting. Conclusion: The use of EE 20 mcg/DRSP 3 mg in an extended regimen resulted in high rates of amenorrhea and “no bleeding”. Unexpected bleeding/spotting in the EE/DRSPes group could be managed effectively with a 4-day HFI

    Síndrome de insuficiência androgênica: critérios diagnósticos e terapêuticos

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    The womens androgen insufficiency syndrome (AIS) arises, even nowadays, many debates and clears a lot of controversies. It is known, however, that the plasmatic levels of testosterone gradually decline through the reproductive period. AIS is appraised as a set of clinical symptoms, bioavailability presence diminished of testosterone and normal levels of estrogen. Among the main symptoms that remind the diagnosis are the well-being impairment, dysphoric mood, the fatigue without apparent cause, the sexual desire impairment, the loss of weight and the vasomotor instability in postmenopausal women receiving estrogen. These, however, are potentially attributable to the different etiologies and make it difficult to give the correct diagnosis in the majority of the cases, even though it is reminded, often, in patients who submit to bilateral oophorectomy. The diagnosis of the SIA seems to be essentially clinical, not having the needs of laboratorial dosages for its proof. It shouldnt indicate the androgenic therapy (AT) in patients without concomitant estrogen therapy. Testosterone is considered the ideal hormone for AT. Patients with suggestive SIA symptoms, excluded other identifiable causes, especially the post-menopauses ones, are candidates to AT. There are no safety data about AT in long stated period users. The transdermal patches, creams and gel seems to be preferable to the oral formulations.A síndrome da insuficiência androgênica na mulher (SIA) desperta, mesmo nos dias atuais, muitas discussões e encerra muitas controvérsias. Sabe-se, no entanto, que os níveis plasmáticos de testosterona declinam progressivamente ao longo do período reprodutivo. Conceitua-se a SIA como o conjunto de sintomas clínicos, a presença de biodisponibilidade diminuída de testosterona e os níveis normais de estrogênios. Entre os principais sintomas, citam-se o comprometimento do bem-estar, o humor disfórico, a fadiga sem causa aparente, o comprometimento do desejo sexual, o emagrecimento e a instabilidade vasomotora em mulheres pós-menopáusicas sob terapêutica estrogênica. Esses sintomas, no entanto, são potencialmente atribuíveis a diferentes etiologias e dificultam o correto diagnóstico na maioria dos casos, ainda que ele seja lembrado com freqüência em pacientes que se submetem à ooforectomia bilateral. O diagnóstico da SIA parece ser essencialmente clínico, não havendo a necessidade das dosagens laboratoriais para a sua comprovação. Não se deve indicar a terapêutica androgênica (TA) em pacientes que não estejam adequadamente estrogenizadas. Considera-se a testosterona o hormônio ideal para a TA. As pacientes com sintomas sugestivos de SIA, excluídas outras causas identificáveis, especialmente se pós-menopáusicas, são candidatas à TA. Não existem dados de segurança sobre a TA em usuárias em longo prazo. A via transdérmica - através de adesivos, cremes e gel - parece ser preferível à oral

    Evaluation of postural balance in postmenopausal women and its relationship with bone mineral density- a cross sectional study

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    Background: Low bone mineral density (BMD) and falls are common problems encountered in the postmenopausal women. The purpose was to evaluate the association between postural balance and BMD in postmenopausal women and its relation to risk for falls.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 225 women in amenorrhea > 12 months and age >= 45 years were included and divided, according to BMD, in T-score values > -2.0 SD (n = 140) and <= -2 SD (n = 85). Those with neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, history of vestibulopathies, uncorrected visual deficit or drug use that could affect balance were excluded. History of falls (last 24 months), clinical and anthropometric characteristics were evaluated. Postural balance was assessed by stabilometry (force platform). For statistical analysis were used Wilcoxon's Test, Chi-Square Test and logistic regression method for fall risk (Odds Ratio-OR).Results: Patients with BMD > -2.0 SD were younger, with shorter time since menopause, and showed higher BMI as compared to those with low BMD (<= -2 SD) (p < 0.05). It was observed that 57.8% of the participants reported fall episodes without significant difference distribution between the groups (p = 0.055). No differences were found from the comparison between the groups (p > 0.05) for stabilometric parameters. Risk for falls increased with age (OR 1.07; CI 95% 1.01-1.13), current smoking (OR 2.19; CI 95% 1.22-3.21) and corrected visual deficit (OR 9.06; CI 95% 1.14-4.09). In contrast, hormone therapy (HT) use was significantly associated with reduced risk for falls (OR 0.48; CI 95% 0.26-0.88).Conclusions: In postmenopausal women, BMD did not show association with postural balance or risk for falls. Age, smoking and corrected visual deficit were clinical indicators of risk for falls whereas HT use showed to be a protective factor

    Diretriz Brasileira sobre a Saúde Cardiovascular no Climatério e na Menopausa – 2024

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    Women, who represent approximately half of the global population according to estimates as of January 2024, may experience signs and symptoms of menopause for at least one-third of their lives, during which they have a higher risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The effects of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) on the progression of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) events vary depending on the age at which MHT is initiated and the time since menopause until its initiation. Beneficial effects on CVD outcomes and all-cause mortality have been observed when MHT was initiated before the age of 60 or within 10 years after menopause. The decision regarding the initiation, dose, regimen, and duration of MHT should be made individually after discussing the benefits and risks with each patient. For primary prevention of postmenopausal chronic conditions, the combined use of estrogen and progestogen is not recommended in asymptomatic women, nor is the use of estrogen alone in hysterectomized women. Hormone-dependent neoplasms contraindicate MHT. For the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause, vaginal estrogen therapy may be used in patients with known cardiovascular risk factors or established CVD. For women with contraindications to MHT or who refuse it, non-hormonal therapies with proven efficacy (antidepressants, gabapentin, and fezolinetant) may improve vasomotor symptoms. Compounded hormonal implants, or "bioidentical" and "compounded" hormones, and "hormone modulation" are not recommended due to lack of scientific evidence of their effectiveness and safety.Mujeres, que representan aproximadamente la mitad de la población mundial según estimaciones de enero de 2024, pueden experimentar signos y síntomas de la menopausia durante al menos un tercio de sus vidas, durante los cuales tienen un mayor riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad cardiovascular. Los efectos de la terapia hormonal de la menopausia (THM) en la progresión de la aterosclerosis y los eventos de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) varían según la edad en que se inicia la THM y el tiempo transcurrido desde la menopausia hasta su inicio. Se han observado efectos beneficiosos en los resultados de ECV y la mortalidad por todas las causas cuando la THM se inició antes de los 60 años o dentro de los 10 años posteriores a la menopausia. La decisión sobre la iniciación, dosis, régimen y duración de la THM debe tomarse individualmente después de discutir los beneficios y riesgos con cada paciente. Para la prevención primaria de condiciones crónicas en la posmenopausia, no se recomienda el uso combinado de estrógeno y progestágeno en mujeres asintomáticas, ni el uso de estrógeno solo en mujeres histerectomizadas. Las neoplasias dependientes de hormonas contraindican la THM. Para el tratamiento del síndrome genitourinario de la menopausia, se puede usar terapia estrogénica vaginal en pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular conocidos o ECV establecida. Para mujeres con contraindicaciones a la THM o que la rechazan, las terapias no hormonales con eficacia demostrada (antidepresivos, gabapentina y fezolinetant) pueden mejorar los síntomas vasomotores. Los implantes hormonales compuestos, o hormonas "bioidénticas" y "compuestas", y la "modulación hormonal" no se recomiendan debido a la falta de evidencia científica sobre su efectividad y seguridad.As mulheres, que representam cerca de metade da população mundial segundo estimativas de janeiro de 2024, podem sofrer com sinais e sintomas da menopausa durante pelo menos um terço de suas vidas, quando apresentam maiores risco e morbimortalidade cardiovasculares. Os efeitos da terapia hormonal da menopausa (THM) na progressão de eventos de aterosclerose e doença cardiovascular (DCV) variam de acordo com a idade em que a THM é iniciada e o tempo desde a menopausa até esse início. Efeitos benéficos nos resultados de DCV e na mortalidade por todas as causas ocorreram quando a THM foi iniciada antes dos 60 anos de idade ou nos 10 anos que se seguiram à menopausa. A decisão sobre o início, a dose, o regime e a duração da THM deve ser tomada individualmente após discussão sobre benefícios e riscos com cada paciente. Para a prevenção primária de condições crônicas na pós-menopausa, não se recomendam o uso combinado de estrogênio e progestagênio em mulheres assintomáticas nem o uso de estrogênio sozinho em mulheres histerectomizadas. Neoplasias hormônio-dependentes contraindicam a THM. Para tratamento da síndrome geniturinária da menopausa, pode-se utilizar terapia estrogênica por via vaginal em pacientes com fatores de risco cardiovascular conhecidos ou DCV estabelecida. Para mulheres com contraindicação à THM ou que a recusam, terapias não hormonais com eficácia comprovada (antidepressivos, gabapentina e fezolinetante) podem melhorar os sintomas vasomotores. Os implantes hormonais manipulados, ou hormônios “bioidênticos” “manipulados”, e a ‘modulação hormonal’ não são recomendados pela falta de evidência científica de sua eficácia e segurança