21 research outputs found

    Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration on 100% Cotton Knit Fabric Bleaching

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    This paper focuses on the effect of different concentration of hydrogen peroxide (an oxidizing bleaching agent) on 100% single jersey cotton knit fabric. Five different concentrations (25%, 30%, 35%, 40% and 45%) of hydrogen peroxide solution (5% stock solution) were adopted for this experiment. For each individual concentration, bleaching was performed in three different quantities (6gm/L, 8gm/L and 10gm/L) at the same temperature (100˚C) and same time (60 minute) cycle. 5gm samples were taken where 1:10 material and liquor ratio was maintained in each operation. Spectrophotometer (data color 650) was used to test the reflectance of all bleached samples, and their bursting strengths were measured by an Auto burst instrument following ISO 13938-1 method. The effects of hydrogen peroxide concentration on various physical properties such as weight loss, absorbency, GSM, bursting strength, and whiteness was studied to minimize the cost of bleaching process by optimizing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. As majority of industries have concerned to alineate the production cost with maximum quality assurance which has been obtained through bleaching at 30% concentration

    Personality Traits of Substance Users in Bangladesh

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    Background: Drug taking behavior and drug dependence is a multi-factorial disorder. Personality is a very important determining factor of drug dependence. Objectives: To find out the possible relationship between personality traits and substance use disorders. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and case-control study conducted in the department of Psychiatry of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and Central Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Dhaka for a period of one year (January 2005 to December 2005). From five hundred respondents, 250 had the history of substance use disorders selected as case, and equal number were age, sex, habitat and economic background matched controls were taken. Personality traits of both cases and control were measured by applying Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Results: Mean ± SD psychoticism (8.42±3 vs 4.33±1.8), Neuroticism (11.89±2.3 vs 9.83±2) were significantly higher (P<0.01) in cases than controls. It was found that psychoticism was 2.3 times and neurticism was 1.7 times higher in substance users than that of controls. There were no significant differences of mean distribution of extroversion and lie scales among the cases & controls. This study also revealed that, there was no significant relationship between personality traits and different variables related to substance use except that psychoticism was significantly higher in those substance users who had have positive history of troubles with law than those having no history of trouble with law (8.82±3.2 & 7.95±2.7 respectively). Conclusion: Personality traits may have an influence on persons with substance use disorder which detoriates quality of life. Key words: Drug dependence; Personality; Psychoticism; Neuroticism; Extraversion; Lie scale. DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i2.7056BSMMU J 2010; 3(2): 76-8

    Personality Traits of Substance Users in Bangladesh

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    Background: Drug taking behavior and drug dependence is a multi-factorial disorder. Personality is a very important determining factor of drug dependence. Objectives: To find out the possible relationship between personality traits and substance use disorders. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and case-control study conducted in the department of Psychiatry of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University and Central Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Dhaka for a period of one year (January 2005 to December 2005). From five hundred respondents, 250 had the history of substance use disorders selected as case, and equal number were age, sex, habitat and economic background matched controls were taken. Personality traits of both cases and control were measured by applying Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Results: Mean ± SD psychoticism (8.42±3 vs 4.33±1.8), Neuroticism (11.89±2.3 vs 9.83±2) were significantly higher (P<0.01) in cases than controls. It was found that psychoticism was 2.3 times and neurticism was 1.7 times higher in substance users than that of controls. There were no significant differences of mean distribution of extroversion and lie scales among the cases & controls. This study also revealed that, there was no significant relationship between personality traits and different variables related to substance use except that psychoticism was significantly higher in those substance users who had have positive history of troubles with law than those having no history of trouble with law (8.82±3.2 & 7.95±2.7 respectively). Conclusion: Personality traits may have an influence on persons with substance use disorder which detoriates quality of life. Key words: Drug dependence; Personality; Psychoticism; Neuroticism; Extraversion; Lie scale. DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i2.7056BSMMU J 2010; 3(2): 76-8

    Interactions among Genes Involved in Gynoecium Development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The role of culture on pest management innovation; a comparative analysis of two farmer communities in Bangladesh

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    The Agricultural Innovation System perspective highlights the importance of interaction for learning and innovation, but so far little research is done on the cultural differences of farmers and the effect this has on interaction, knowledge sharing and innovation. We took a cultural perspective to better understand local interaction, knowledge sharing and learning dynamics, and uptake of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Bangladesh where the Department of Agricultural Extension organizes Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for IPM. However, the success of the FFS approach at farmer level is quite diverse. We coupled an ethnographic study with an analysis, based on Cultural Theory, to identify the cultural pattern of behaviour, underlying preferences of social organization, and the effect this has on pest management innovation in two farmer communities. Findings showed that in one village with strong group solidarity, farmers tended to share knowledge in a wide network, and started to apply IPM while reducing pesticide use. In the other community, individualism and fatalism prevailed and farmers only shared knowledge within their close network, distrusted outsiders and continued to rely on pesticides. We conclude that it is important to include cultural studies in cross-disciplinary research and design of local innovation interventions

    Interactions of CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON and SPATULA genes control carpel margin development in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    A characteristic feature of flowering plants is the fusion of carpels, which results in the formation of an enclosed gynoecium. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the gynoecium is formed by the fusion of two carpels along their margins, which also act as a meristematic site for the formation of internal structures such as ovules, the septum and transmit-ting tract. How gene interactions coordinate the fusion and differentiation of the marginal structures during gynoecium development is largely unknown. It was previously shown that the SPATULA (SPT) gene is required for carpel fusion, whereas overexpression of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes CUC1 and CUC2 prevents it. Here we provide evidence that SPT promotes carpel fusion in the apical gynoecium partly through the negative regulation of CUC1 and CUC2 expression. In spt, transcripts of both CUC genes accumu-lated ectopically, and addition of cuc1 and cuc2mutations to spt suppressed the split phenotype of carpels specifically along their lateral margins. In the basal gynoecium, on the other hand, all three genes promoted the formation of margin-derived structures, as revealed by the synergistic interactions of spt with each of the cuc mutations. Our results suggest that differential interactions among SPT, CUC1 and CUC2 direct the formation of domain-specific structures of the Arabidopsis gynoecium

    Assessing the performance of MoTe2 based solar cell with Cu2O hole transport layer through device simulation

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    Abstract In this study, the SCAPS-1D tool has been used to numerically examine the performance of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDC) based Molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2) solar cells containing CdS electron transport layer (ETL) and Cu2O hole transport layer (HTL). Based on the photovoltaic cell parameters, including absorber layer thickness, temperature, defect density, the effects of series and shunt resistance, and electron affinity, the structure of both MoTe2 based solar cells with and without the usage of the HTL has been analyzed. With 1.1 μm thickness of MoTe2 and doping density of 5 × 1015 cm−3, Al/FTO/CdS/MoTe2/Cu2O/Ni heterojunction’s solar cell proposed structure has been optimized. The final power conversion efficiency (PCE) = 32.38%, open-circuit voltage (Voc) = 1.07 V, short-circuit current (Jsc) = 35.12 mA/cm2, and fill factor (FF) = 86.32% has been determined from the optimized structure. The determined results indicate a suitable path for the realization of low cost and high efficiency MoTe2-based solar cell

    Mineral compositional constraints on the petrogenesis of gabbroic and monzodioritic rocks in Rangpur District, NW Bangladesh

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    This research deals with the petrography and mineral chemistry of gabbroic and monzodioritic rocks to characterize the minerals, including their genesis and tectonic evolution. The rocks are dominated by gabbro in Barapaharpur and monzodiorite in Voktipur, and they contain plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and magnetite, with few epidote and apatite, as well as clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene in gabbroic member. Chemical analyses of minerals were carried out by an electron microprobe analyzer. The chemistry of plagioclases is compositionally oligoclase-andesine and andesine, amphiboles are dominantly magnesiohornblende, biotites are Mg-biotites (phlogopite), and pyroxenes are diopside and enstatite types. The calculated P-T conditions of the gabbroic rocks yielded about 850–957 °C and 5.8–9.3 kbar, which are the highest geothermobarometric values in the region. However, the monzodioritic rocks yielded about 696–723 °C and 5.6–6.2 kbar. The estimated emplacement depths from the calculated highest pressure values equalize at ∼ 20–33 km and at ∼ 19–22 km, respectively. Biotite chemistry provides quantitative fO2 within QFM and HM buffers ranging from −10.6 to −12.0 in gabbroic rocks and −11.6 to −13.5 in quartz monzodiorite, respectively. These data are also echoed by amphibole and pyroxene mineral chemistry, which collectively demonstrate that the source materials were in a relatively higher oxidation state within arc magmatism. The mineral data also offer calc-alkaline I-type suites formed within subduction-related environments. However, gabbroic rocks show a dominantly island arc signature substantiating the suprasubduction zone, and also have the affinity of the island arc tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basaltic equivalents within orogenic environments and marginally boninitic affinities

    An enhanced one-time password with biometric authentication for mixed reality surgical Tele-presence

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    Mixed Reality (MR) surgery for telepresence has not been successfully implemented yet due to the lack of security and the high processing time required. In particular, the need for authentication during and after the real-time video transmission is not addressed adequately. This paper aims to increase the security and privacy by preventing unauthorized access into the telepresence system before and after the surgery by proposing real-time authentication with low processing time. The proposed system consists of an enhanced Multi-factor SMS-based one-time session password (OTSP) and an IRIS biometric authentication technique. The results of this work demonstrate a successful overcoming of several limitations of the previous state of the art solution. For instance, the average processing time is reduced from 81 ms to only 57 ms. The proposed solution also increases the protection from hacking to the system, i.e., the accuracy, to 80% compared to the accuracy of 53% for the previous solution. Besides, the proposed system is more resistance against several attacks by an attack-proof of 84.36% compared to 45.2% of the state of the art solution. Moreover, our solution reduced the required storage capacity and cost to the half. As a result, our proposed system is more robust against various kinds of attacks. The proposed system could be used effectively in surgical telepresence authentication with less time, cost overhead and higher security