332 research outputs found

    America’s real challenge is the defence of democratic institutions

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    With much talk focusing on the likely outcomes of Trump’s protectionist economic policies, the security of America’s fundamental institutions has gone largely undiscussed. As Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi argues, however, this is where our greatest attention must go; and warns that in the context of a populist victory this presidential election, Americans must be cautious and vigilant in defending their political institutions

    Addressing private sector currency mismatches in emerging Europe

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    This paper provides a survey of the theoretical and empirical literature on the dollarisation of corporate and household liabilities; presents evidence on the causes of FX lending specifically in transition economies; and proposes a set of criteria to help decide on the right policy response based on country characteristics. These criteria particularly affect the extent to which regulation should be part of the policy response. Regulation to contain FX mismatches is useful in relatively advanced countries in which small market size and/or proximity to the euro make it difficult to fully develop local currency capital markets. In contrast, regulatory responses could be counterproductive in less advanced countries with high macroeconomic volatility. In these countries, the route to de-dollarisation first and foremost requires the strengthening of macroeconomic institutions.

    La Vita d'Etienne d'Obazine (†1159), une aventure alimentaire

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    La vita d'Etienne d'Obazine est un texte à l'histoire complexe, écrit sur plusieurs décennies alors que le monastère d'Obazine connaissait parallèlement de profondes mutations, passant du statut de modeste ermitage à celui d'abbaye cistercienne prospère. La thématique omniprésente de la nourriture sert alors de vecteur privilégié pour concilier spiritualité et prospérité matérielle, dans un modèle de "masculinité nourricière" qui déroge au schéma de genre attendu

    Environmentally friendly nutrient supply of spring barley

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    We examined the effect of fertilization and soil bacterium preparation on the yield of spring barley varieties in 2011. The experiment was set in three repetitions, random blocks. The soil of the experiment was calcareous meadow chernozem. During the experiment we applied seven different fertilizer bacteria treatments, which we supplemented with a control plot. The year 2011 was unfavourable for spring barley production. In 2011 the amount of precipitation in the vegetation period of spring barley was lower than the average of 30 by 39.7 mm. As a result, relatively low yields formed. The control plots had the lowest average yield, 2.2-2.42 t/ha. We can claim that improving the nutrient supply the crop results were higher. Without the bacteria treatment the crop results were between 3.12 and 4.42 t/ha. The most favourable results occurred in case of N 80 kg/ha+PK and N 120kg/ha+PK treatments. Under the influence of soil bacteria treatments the average yields were better, which obviously proves the nutriment transformation ability of the bacteria. With bacteria treatments the result was 3.37 –4.5 t/ha, so owing to this we registered 0.1 – 0.44 t/ha extra yield

    COVID-19 may strengthen Central-Eastern Europe – will it embrace the EU or nationalism?

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    The COVID-19 pandemic may actually strengthen Central and Eastern Europe in relative economic terms, and Poland in particular, argue Marek Belka and Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi (LSE). Politicians in the region should not waste this opportunity by turning away from the EU

    Carla Casagrande et Silvana Vecchio, Passioni dell’anima. Teorie e usi degli affetti nella cultura medievale

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    Le bel ouvrage de Carla Casagrande et Silvana Vecchio rassemble les résultats d’une enquête de longue haleine qui pose une pierre importante dans l’édifice en construction du domaine de recherche dynamique des questions de l’affectivité médiévale. Les deux chercheures, internationalement connues grâce à leurs travaux antérieurs consacrés essentiellement à la philosophie morale (en ordre des originaux, Les péchés de la langue : discipline et éthique de la parole dans la culture médiévale, Pari..

    « Décoloniser les théories des émotions ? », Samyukta. A Journal of Gender and Culture

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    La courte réflexion qui suit est suscitée par un numéro spécial de cette revue indienne interdisciplinaire, publiée par une maison d’édition dont le nom dit bien la raison sociale : Women’s Initiative, à Thiruvananthapuram, au Kerala. À l’origine de la collection, un séminaire international qui eut lieu en novembre 2015, avec pour titre Decolonizing Theories of Affect, organisé par le centre d’études des femmes de l’Université du Kerala. Il convient de noter que le terme adopté par ce séminai..

    The effect of foliar fertilization in ecological maize production

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    We examined the effect of foliar fertilization on the yield of maize in 2014. The experiment was set up on the area of an ecological farm in Hódmezővásárhely-Kútvölgy, Hungary. The trial was carried out in three replications. The soil was chernozem, the reaction of which was nearly neutral (pHkcl 6.86). Before setting up the experiment, the soil analysis data showed that it had proper nitrogen, plenty of phosphorous and very good potassium contents. In 2014, the amount of precipitation in the vegetation period of maize was higher by 264 mm than the average, but its distribution was uneven. The preceding crop was winter wheat. Fall tillage involved deep ploughing at 30-35 cm depth. Secondary tillage in spring was made by heavy harrow, and seedbed preparation was made by a combinator. The foliar fertilizer was applied two times during the vegetation period of maize in a dosage of 5 1/ha. We harvested the parcels by hand. We processed the obtained data by single factor variant analysis. The yield of the control plots was 11.3 t/ha, on the average of 3 replications, the foliar fertilization plots’ yield was 11.97 t/ha. The foliar fertilization increased the yield, but the difference between the average yields of control and foliar fertilization plots was not significant. Factual conclusion can be drawn only after the results of several years. We wish to continue our examinations

    Közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaság a világban és Magyarországon = Community Supported Agriculture in the World and in Hungary

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    Munkámban a közösségi mezőgazdaság kialakulását, területi megjelenésének sorrendiségét, legfontosabb értékvezérlőit tekintem át, és foglalom össze a világban és hazánkban. A vizsgálat során a szekunder kutatás módszereit követve tekintem át számos külföldi és hazai tanulmány, adatbázis és dokumentumfilm eredményeit, majd összegzem azokat. A közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaság gyökerei Európában az 1920-as évekre vezethetők vissza Rudolf Steiner mezőgazdasági és antropozófiai elgondolásai alapján. A Steiner-i gondolkodás az alapja a német, a svájci és az amerikai kontinensen kialakult CSA mozgalmaknak, míg a francia AMAP-nak, és a magyar közösség által támogatott mezőgazdásnak az 1970-es években megjelent teikei közösségek működése. Mindkét bázisról megállapítható, hogy a közösségeket a fogyasztók egészséges élelmiszerekhez való hozzájutásának vágya motiválta, és a fogyasztók kezdeményezték létrejöttüket. A fogyasztók és a termelők hagyományosan ellentétes gazdasági érdekét felváltotta a környezetkímélő és fenntartható termelés célkitűzése mellett, a mindenki járjon jól" elv. Alapvető fontosságú a fogyasztók és a termelők közötti bizalom, ari feltétel a termelés kockázatának megosztásában. A fogyasztók betekinthetnek a termelők gazdaságába, és az sem ritka, hogy a munkacsúcsokban aktív szerepet vállalnak a termelési tevékenységekben is. A rövid élelmiszerláncok (RÉL) egyik biogazdálkodásban jellemzően megjelenő — formátuma a közösség által támogatott mezőgazdaság

    Environmentally friendly nutrient supply of maize

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    We examined the effect of foliar fertilization on the yield of maize hybrids in 2013. The experiment was set in three repetitions, random blocks on an ecological farm. The soil of the experiment was chernozem. Soil analysis data showed that it had proper nitrogen, plenty phosphor and very good potassium content. During the experiment we applied two times foliar fertilization in 5-5 l/ha dosage. The year 2013 was unfavourable for maize production. In 2013 the amount of precipitation in the graining phase of maize was lower by 59 mm than the average. The yield of the control plots ranged between 9.9-11.8 t/ha, the yields of the foliar fertilization plots ranged between 10.3-11.47 t/ha. There were not significant differences between the average yields of control and foliar fertilization plots. By the application of foliar fertilization the yield fluctuation decreased. Factual conclusion can be drawn only after the results of several years, we wish to continue our examinations
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