289 research outputs found


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    Newtonian and non-Newtonian substances were investigated with a rotational viscometer, featuring cylinder pairs of different radius ratio. Flow-curves calculated· from the torque-angular speed data measured with the generally used relationship, valid only for Newtonian liquids, did not coincide for non-Newtonian liquids in the case of different cylinder pairs, and the deviation of the curves was the larger, the more the behaviour of the liquid differed from the Newtonian behaviour. Transforming data with Krieger-Elrod's [7] equation, the points measured with different cylinder pairs were lying along a common flow curve

    Neuroblastomáról gyermekorvosoknak

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    Gazdaságilag jelentős pattanóbogár fajok elterjedése és az Agriotes sordidus Illiger első megjelenése Magyarországon

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    Distribution and abundance of the most harmful click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) were sampled with sex pheromone traps at 11 sites in the Carpathian lowlands in 2022. Samples provided the first Hungarian data on Agriotes sordidus, occurring northwest of the country with low abundances. The most abundant species was A. rufipalpis, while A. ustulatus, A. lineatus and A. sputator were also common. The reordering of the species rank and the absence of A. obscurus from the Transdanubian sites, compared to data collected between 2010 and 2013, may refer to the climatic changes during the last decade.A gazdaságilag jelentős pattanóbogár (Coleoptera: Elateridae) fajok elterjedését és egyedsűrűségét vizsgáltuk szexferomon csapdákkal 11 magyarországi területen, 2022-ben. A felmérés során elsőként igazoltuk az Agriotes sordidus magyarországi előfordulását. A legtömegesebb fajnak az A. rufipalpis mutatkozott, de az A. ustulatus, A. lineatus és az A. sputator is gyakori fajoknak bizonyultak. A korábbi (2010–2013) vizsgálatokkal összevetve, mind a fajok abundanciájának változása, mind az A. obscurus dunántúli mintákból való eltűnése az elmúlt évtized klimatikus változásainak hatását tükrözhette

    Możliwe drogi rozwoju „rzadkich” filologii. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i wizja najbliższych lat

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    The article discusses the issue of the need for changes in the curricula of the philologies of smaller languages, what Polish philology means in Hungary and what Hungarian philology is in Poland. The author’s comments are based on many years of professional experience gained at universities in Hungary and Poland, while teaching and conducting research in these philologies. The need to modify the curriculum is due to the general crisis of philological training and the fact that at the time of connecting our countries to the European area of education it was unclear what competences would be required in a bachelor’s and a master’s degree (apart from the evident cases such as teacher training). The current university programs, particularly at the undergraduate level, include “unnecessary” amounts of theoretical knowledge at the expense of practical knowledge on geography, culture, contemporary and broadly defined cultural competences. In the author’s opinion, the new programs should place less emphasis on “classical” areas of philology, including historical linguistics and the history of the literature of 11th to 18th centuries.Artykuł omawia kwestię potrzeby wprowadzenia zmian w programach kształcenia na „rzadkich” filologiach, jakimi są filologia polska na Węgrzech oraz filologia węgierska w Polsce. Uwagi autora opierają się na długoletnich doświadczeniach zawodowych uzyskanych na uniwersytetach na Węgrzech i w Polsce podczas pracy dydaktyczno-naukowej prowadzonej właśnie na wymienionych „rzadkich” filologiach. Potrzeba modyfikacji programów wynika z ogólnego kryzysu kształcenia filologicznego oraz z faktu, że podczas dołączania się naszych krajów do europejskiego obszaru kształcenia nie zostało sprecyzowane, do czego będzie uprawniać dyplom licencjata i do czego dyplom magistra (poza ewidentnymi przypadkami, np. kształceniem nauczycieli). Obecne programy uniwersyteckie, szczególnie na studiach pierwszego stopnia, zawierają „niepotrzebną” ilość wiedzy teoretycznej na niekorzyść wiedzy praktycznej w zakresie krajoznawstwa, kultury współczesnej oraz szeroko rozumianych kompetencji kulturowych. Zdaniem autora w nowych programach należałoby kłaść mniejszy nacisk na „klasyczne” obszary filologiczne, w tym językoznawstwo historyczne i historię literatury do XIX w. na korzyść kultury współczesnej, językowego obrazu świata oraz szeroko rozumianych kompetencji kulturowych

    Reinterpretacja poetyki węgierskiej powieści historycznej w utworach najnowszych

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    The main idea of the article is the description of selected works which belong to the latest Hungarian historical novels. They are surprising for readers and at the same time constitute a polemic with the genre classics. The best‑known historical novelists ate the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Hungary are: Géza Gárdonyi and Maurycy Jókai. One of the reasons for their popularity is the fact that in their works they mentioned well‑known and at the same time painful events from the history of Hungary. It was the era of Turkish rule and the period of theHungarian Spring of Nations. Other events included the Trianon case, which wasn’t discussed between 1945–1989, the Second World War, and the Hungarian October. The mythic image of national struggle and the fighting Hungarian, which was shaped by Romantic writers, was preserved for a long time in the collective memory of Hungarians. It seemed to have become an indispensable element of national mythology.However, new authors appeared in contemporaryHungarian culture, who made an attempt at the demythification of events that were important for the Hungarian people. Such an attempt seems very interesting and controversial. It is a litmus test for the current state of the collective historical awareness of the nation. New literary works take a different approach to those events which are well‑known to several generations of Hungarians from classical literature. They ask questions about the borders concerning rooted axiological categories and the flexibility of historical thinking. They are also an attempt at a timeless reflection connecting different periods. In Béla Fehér’s book, which was written in the spirit of magical realism, the most popular leader of the Hungarian Spring of Nations – Lajos Kossuth (1802–1894) – quotes the words of Prime Minister Imre Nagy (1896–1958) from the days of the Hungarian October. As for the works which deal with the topic of the two World Wars, they pose questions about the moral value of struggles run on the wrong side in the interest of foreign powers

    Literatura polska i Węgierska wobec Zaglady

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    A gliovascularis lamina basalis funkcionális állapotainak immunhisztokémiai jellemzése = Immunohistochemical characterisation of functional stages of the gliovascular basal lamina

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    A gliovaszkuláris kapcsolatban lényeges disztroglikán-disztrofin komplex (DGC) komponenseit vizsgáltuk immunhisztokémiai módsrerekkel patkányban Intakt, kifejlett állatban a tobozmirigy ereinek festődése inkább hasonlított a piában futó erekre, mint az agyállomány ereire Az ependima alján a mások által leírt laminin-hálózatot (’fraktonok’) rögzítő DGC- rendszert találtunk Szúrt, fagyasztásos, valamint háromféle ischémiás lézió után a ß-disztroglikán és az ?1-disztrobrevin immunreaktivitása csökkent, míg a lamininé és az utrofiné kimutathatóvá vált. A reaktív asztrogliában ?1-szintrofin jelent meg. Az eredmények segítségével követhető és szakaszokra oszthatók a sérülések utáni érreakciók, a gliovaszkuláris kapcsolatok változásai Hogy megállapítsuk, használható-e ez a patológiában, vizsgáltunk emberi anyagot ill. 1-10 órával a leölés után fixált patkányagyakat is Az egyedfejlődés során a DGC komponensei később (E14-16) jelentek meg, mint a laminin, melynek a DGC receptora, de korábban, mint a gliamarkerral (nesztin) kimutatható végtalpak (E18-E20). A posztnatalis korban előbb a fibronektin, utána a laminin immunreaktivitása tűnt el, ez utóbbi az utrofinéval együtt. A változások segítségével az érrendszer, a gliovaszkuláris kapcsolatok ’érése’ követhető, szakaszokra osztható A fejlődő szövet transzplantációja (E14) az eddigi eredmények szerint ebben a folyamatban nem okoz változást Próbálkoztunk a sérülések után őssejtek beültetésével, de nem befolyásolta az érreakciókat | The aim of the study was the immunohistochemical investigaton of the dystrophin-dystroglycan complex (DGC) components in rats In intact, adulrt rats the immunoreavctivities of the pineal vessels were similar to the meningeal ones rather than to the cerebral ones On the basis of the ependyma a DGC-system was found probably to anchor the laminin-network (’fractons’) had described by other authors Following lesions (stab wound, cryogenic, and 3 kinds of ischemia) the immunoreactivities of the dystroglycan and dystrophin decreased whereas that of utrophin and laminin became detectable. In the reactive glia syntrophin appeared. The results help to monitor the post-lesion vascular reactions, the gliovascular alterations, and to divide them into phases To check , whether the observations are applicable in the pathology, human autopsy material and its animal model: fixation of rat brain after 1 to 10 hs post-mortem storage During development DGC components appeared later (E14-E16) than laminin, their ligand but earlier than the nestin-containing perivascular end-feet (E18-E20).-Postnatally at first fibronectin then laminin immunoreactivities disappeare, the latter one together that of utriophin. This sequence of events makes possible monitoring and dividing the formation and maturation of cerebral vessels and gliovascular connections When the embryonic brain tissue was transplanted (at E14) it didn’t influenced the events Post-lesion implantation of stem cells had no influence, to