1,151 research outputs found

    3D global multi-species Hall-MHD simulation of the Cassini T9 flyby

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    The wake region of Titan is an important component of Titan's interaction with its surrounding plasma and therefore a thorough understanding of its formation and structure is of primary interest. The Cassini spacecraft passed through the distant downstream region of Titan on 18: 59: 30 UT Dec. 26, 2005, which is referred to as the T9 flyby and provided a great opportunity to test our understanding of the highly dynamic wake region. In this paper we compare the observational data (from the magnetometer, plasma analyzer and Langmuir probe) with numerical results using a 7-species Hall MHD Titan model. There is a good agreement between the observed and modeled parameters, given the uncertainties in plasma measurements and the approximations inherent in the Hall MHD model. Our simulation results also show that Hall MHD model results fit the observations better than the non-Hall MHD model for the flyby, consistent with the importance of kinetic effects in the Titan interaction. Based on the model results, we also identify various regions near Titan where Hall MHD models are applicable

    Validation and Use of 22Na Turnover to Measure Food Intake in Free-Ranging Lizards

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    As the food intake of free-ranging animals has proved to be difficult to measure by traditional means, the feasibility of using radioactive Na to measure food consumption in a small scincid lizard (Lampropholis guichenoti) was assessed. This technique has previously been used only for several species of mammal. A significant relationship between food intake and Na turnover was found in the laboratory, with Na turnover underestimating intake by 7.6%. The food intake of free-ranging members of a field population was estimated by 22Na turnover to be 9.55, 0.65, 9.39 and 13.75 mg dry weight (day)-1 during autumn, winter, spring and summer respectively. Estimates of assimilated and expended energy from these food intake values agree closely with data reported for other lizards using alternative techniques. This study also describes the technical innovations which were necessary to study lizards weighing less than 1 g; and it suggests that 22Na can provide an easy, reliable and inexpensive means of studying the energetics of many free-living animals

    Genome wide mapping reveals PDE4B as an IL-2 induced STAT5 target gene in activated human PBMCs and lymphoid cancer cells

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    IL-2 is the primary growth factor for promoting survival and proliferation of activated T cells that occurs following engagement of the Janus Kinase (JAK)1-3/and Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) 5 signaling pathway. STAT5 has two isoforms: STAT5A and STAT5B ( commonly referred to as STAT5) which, in T cells, play redundant roles transcribing cell cycle and survival genes. As such, inhibition of STAT5 by a variety of mechanisms can rapidly induce apoptosis in certain lymphoid tumor cells, suggesting that it and its target genes represent therapeutic targets to control certain lymphoid diseases. To search for these molecules we aligned IL-2 regulated genes detected by Affymetrix gene expression microarrays with the STAT5 cistrome identified by chip-on-ChIP analysis in an IL-2-dependent human leukemia cell line, Kit225. Select overlapping genes were then validated using qRT(2)PCR medium-throughput arrays in human PHA-activated PBMCs. Of 19 putative genes, one key regulator of T cell receptor signaling, PDE4B, was identified as a novel target, which was readily up-regulated at the protein level (3 h) in IL-2 stimulated, activated human PBMCs. Surprisingly, only purified CD8+ primary T-cells expressed PDE4B, but not CD4+ cells. Moreover, PDE4B was found to be highly expressed in CD4+ lymphoid cancer cells, which suggests that it may represent a physiological role unique to the CD8+ and lymphoid cancer cells and thus might represent a target for pharmaceutical intervention for certain lymphoid diseases

    Caracol, Belize, and Changing Perceptions of Ancient Maya Society

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    Effect of solution saturation state and temperature on diopside dissolution

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    Steady-state dissolution rates of diopside are measured as a function of solution saturation state using a titanium flow-through reactor at pH 7.5 and temperature ranging from 125 to 175°C. Diopside dissolved stoichiometrically under all experimental conditions and rates were not dependent on sample history. At each temperature, rates continuously decreased by two orders of magnitude as equilibrium was approached and did not exhibit a dissolution plateau of constant rates at high degrees of undersaturation. The variation of diopside dissolution rates with solution saturation can be described equally well with a ion exchange model based on transition state theory or pit nucleation model based on crystal growth/dissolution theory from 125 to 175°C. At 175°C, both models over predict dissolution rates by two orders of magnitude indicating that a secondary phase precipitated in the experiments. The ion exchange model assumes the formation of a Si-rich, Mg-deficient precursor complex. Lack of dependence of rates on steady-state aqueous calcium concentration supports the formation of such a complex, which is formed by exchange of protons for magnesium ions at the surface. Fit to the experimental data yields [Formula: see text] where the Mg-H exchange coefficient, n = 1.39, the apparent activation energy, E(a )= 332 kJ mol(-1), and the apparent rate constant, k = 10(41.2 )mol diopside cm(-2 )s(-1). Fits to the data with the pit nucleation model suggest that diopside dissolution proceeds through retreat of steps developed by nucleation of pits created homogeneously at the mineral surface or at defect sites, where homogeneous nucleation occurs at lower degrees of saturation than defect-assisted nucleation. Rate expressions for each mechanism (i) were fit to [Formula: see text] where the step edge energy (α) for homogeneously nucleated pits were higher (275 to 65 mJ m(-2)) than the pits nucleated at defects (39 to 65 mJ m(-2)) and the activation energy associated with the temperature dependence of site density and the kinetic coefficient for homogeneously nucleated pits (E(b-homogeneous )= 2.59 × 10(-16 )mJ K(-1)) were lower than the pits nucleated at defects (E(b-defect assisted )= 8.44 × 10(-16 )mJ K(-1))

    Neuronal circuitry for pain processing in the dorsal horn

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    Neurons in the spinal dorsal horn process sensory information, which is then transmitted to several brain regions, including those responsible for pain perception. The dorsal horn provides numerous potential targets for the development of novel analgesics and is thought to undergo changes that contribute to the exaggerated pain felt after nerve injury and inflammation. Despite its obvious importance, we still know little about the neuronal circuits that process sensory information, mainly because of the heterogeneity of the various neuronal components that make up these circuits. Recent studies have begun to shed light on the neuronal organization and circuitry of this complex region

    Biomechanics of Running Indicates Endothermy in Bipedal Dinosaurs

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    One of the great unresolved controversies in paleobiology is whether extinct dinosaurs were endothermic, ectothermic, or some combination thereof, and when endothermy first evolved in the lineage leading to birds. Although it is well established that high, sustained growth rates and, presumably, high activity levels are ancestral for dinosaurs and pterosaurs (clade Ornithodira), other independent lines of evidence for high metabolic rates, locomotor costs, or endothermy are needed. For example, some studies have suggested that, because large dinosaurs may have been homeothermic due to their size alone and could have had heat loss problems, ectothermy would be a more plausible metabolic strategy for such animals.Here we describe two new biomechanical approaches for reconstructing the metabolic rate of 14 extinct bipedal dinosauriforms during walking and running. These methods, well validated for extant animals, indicate that during walking and slow running the metabolic rate of at least the larger extinct dinosaurs exceeded the maximum aerobic capabilities of modern ectotherms, falling instead within the range of modern birds and mammals. Estimated metabolic rates for smaller dinosaurs are more ambiguous, but generally approach or exceed the ectotherm boundary.Our results support the hypothesis that endothermy was widespread in at least larger non-avian dinosaurs. It was plausibly ancestral for all dinosauriforms (perhaps Ornithodira), but this is perhaps more strongly indicated by high growth rates than by locomotor costs. The polarity of the evolution of endothermy indicates that rapid growth, insulation, erect postures, and perhaps aerobic power predated advanced “avian” lung structure and high locomotor costs

    The chromosome content and genotype of two wheat cell lines and of their somatic fusion product with oat

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    Somatic hybridization seeks to genetically combine phylogenetically distant parents. An effective system has been established in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) involving protoplasts from a non-totipotent cell line adapted to in vitro culture (T1) in combination with totipotent protoplasts harvested from embryogenic calli (T2). Here, we report the karyotype and genotype of T1 and T2. Line T1 carries nine A (A-genome of wheat), seven B (B-genome of wheat) and eight D (D-genome of wheat) genome chromosomes, while T2 cells have 12 A, 10 B and 12 D genome chromosomes. Rates of chromosome aberration in the B- and D-genomes were more than 25%, higher than in the A-genome. DNA deletion rates were 55.6% in T1 and 19.4% in T2, and DNA variation rates were 8.3% in T1 and 13.9% in T2. Rate of DNA elimination was B- > D- > A-genome in both T1 and T2. The same set of cytological and genetic assays was applied to a derivative of the somatic fusion between protoplasts of T1, T2 and oat (Avena sativa L.). The regenerant plants were near euploid with respect to their wheat complement. Six wheat chromosome arms—4AL, 3BS, 4BL, 3DS, 6DL and 7DL—carried small introgressed segments of oat chromatin. A genotypic analysis of the hybrid largely confirmed this cytologically-based diagnosis