31 research outputs found

    An exploration of retention practices in the IT industry

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    Present day socioeconomic factors have exacerbated the need for superior organizational retention strategies. The knowledge-based economy, the shortage of skilled labour, and shifting work force demographics have made retention issues particularly significant in the IT industry. This exploratory study examined the application of a best practice retention model in IT organizations. The model consists of the six factors most cited in the literature to affect turnover, namely, orientation, training, career development, motivation, compensation, and feedback/evaluation. Three main aspects of retention were explored. First, the extent of application of the six best practices in IT organizations was examined. Second, the perspective of the HR manager was examined to gain insight into both the types of retention strategies being implemented, and the challenges inherent in implementing the best practices. Third, the perspective of the IT professional was examined to gain information regarding which retention strategies most affected commitment. It was found that orientation, career development, non-financial compensation, and feedback confer competitive advantage to IT organizations in terms of retention, while training, intrinsic motivational strategies, and financial compensation are necessary practices to avoid dissatisfaction, but do not encourage retention. A contingency model is proposed, which takes into account the relevance of labour market conditions, demographic factors, and organizational size, structure, and culture to the design of retention strategies

    Electrooptical behavior of twisted-wedge nematic structures

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    A new type of domain in twisted-wedge negative nematics is reported. The wedge shape allows the separation of ordinary and extraordinary beams that can be studied separately. In these conditions, at least five different regions can be detected, depending on applied voltages and frequencies. Both rays are shown to yield different diffraction patterns. The relative light intensity of several spots of these paterns is also studied

    Diffusion inélastique de neutrons à basse énergie

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    Here are some experimental results that we have obtained at Saclay, Mrs M. Conjeaud, Miss D. Szteinsznaider and myself. We have measured the angular distribution of the inelastic scattered neutrons on 56Fe, 127I and 209Bi connected, with the first excited level of the residual nucleus. We discriminate the neutrons corresponding to this level by their coincidence with the γ from disexcitation of this level. We eliminate the eventual cascades from the higher levels by setting a bias high enough on the neutron detector. We have found that at 3.2 MeV the angular distribution of the neutrons inelastically scattered by iron (level at 850 keV) is isotropie at ± 10 % and by bismuth (level at 900 keV) it is isotropic at ± 10 %. We have measured also the asymmetry about 90° of the angular distribution of neutrons inelastically scattered by iodine (level at 60 keV). We have found that up to 6.5 MeV of incident neutrons the number of neutrons scattered at 30° is the same as at 150° with 20 % approximation. To conclude, we have not detected any direct interaction in the inelastic scattering of neutrons at low energy.Voici quelques résultats expérimentaux que nous avons obtenus à Saclay, Mme M. Conjeaud, Mlle D. Szteinsznaider et moi-même. Nous avons mesuré à basse énergie la distribution angulaire des neutrons diffusés inélastiquement par 56Fe, 127I et 209 Bi correspondant au premier niveau d'excitation du noyau résiduel. Nous discriminons les neutrons correspondant à ce niveau par leur coïncidence avec le γ de désexcitation de ce niveau. Nous éliminons l'effet de cascade éventuelle de niveaux supérieurs sur ce niveau en plaçant le seuil du détecteur à neutrons suffisamment haut. Nous avons trouvé qu'à 3,2 MeV la distribution angulaire des neutrons diffusés inélastiquement par le fer (niveau 850 keV) est isotrope à ± 10 % et celle des neutrons diffusés inélastiquement par le bismuth (niveau de 900 keV) isotrope à ± 10 %. Nous avons mesuré aussi l'asymétrie par rapport à 90° dans la distribution angulaire des neutrons diffusés inélastiquement par l'iode (niveau de 60 keV). Nous avons vu que, jusqu'à 6,5 MeV de neutrons incidents, le nombre des neutrons diffusés inélastiquement à 30° est le même à 20 % près que celui des neutrons diffusés à 150°. En conclusion, nous n'avons pas décelé d'interaction directe dans la diffusion inélastique des neutrons à basse énergie

    Un langage pour la resolution de systemes d'equations differentielles sur machines multiprocesseurs

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Composition ethnique de la population du Canada

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    Naggiar M. Composition ethnique de la population du Canada. In: Journal de la Société des Américanistes. Tome 14-15, 1922. p. 325

    Cold Abscess of the Penis Secondary to Renal Tuberculosis

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    Les premiers niveaux du 18F

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    The analysis of neutrons and gamma from the reaction 18O(p, n)18F* confirms an already known 1 050 ± 20 keV level for 18F. A 950 ± 15 keV level is revealed.L'analyse des neutrons et des gamma de la réaction 18O(p, n) 18F* confirme un niveau du 18F déjà connu à 1 050 ± 20 keV et révèle un niveau à 950 ± 15 keV