243 research outputs found


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    In this paper a new technique is proposed and implemented by the help of the accumulator oriented multiplier and termed as the protocol of the MAC with the improved performance of the storage of the 64 bit data. The performance of the unit related to the MAC protocol is integrated by the help of the processor of the digital signal for the evaluation of the operation related to the unit of MAC plays a crucial role in its analysis point of view respectively. Here the design of the multiplier based on the modified multiplier wallace adder of the carry save is used as the adder operationality respectively. The implementation of the proposed system is in the language of the source code of the VHDL and the compiler of the RTL cadence is used for the synthesis effectivity under the technology of the TSMC of the included library functions in a typical fashion. Here implementation is in such a way that there is a reduced dissipation of the power at the time of the analysis and the implementation structure and design based criteria. Experiments have been conducted on the present method where there is a lot of analysis takes place on the present method in which a huge number of test beds have been conducted for the calculation of the performance of the system in a well oriented fashion respectively

    Reconstruction of Causal Networks by Set Covering

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    We present a method for the reconstruction of networks, based on the order of nodes visited by a stochastic branching process. Our algorithm reconstructs a network of minimal size that ensures consistency with the data. Crucially, we show that global consistency with the data can be achieved through purely local considerations, inferring the neighbourhood of each node in turn. The optimisation problem solved for each individual node can be reduced to a Set Covering Problem, which is known to be NP-hard but can be approximated well in practice. We then extend our approach to account for noisy data, based on the Minimum Description Length principle. We demonstrate our algorithms on synthetic data, generated by an SIR-like epidemiological model.Comment: Under consideration for the ECML PKDD 2010 conferenc


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    Cultivated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is a major oilseed and protein rich annual legume crop grown on about 99 million ha and producing 223 million tonne of grain worldwide (FAO, 2011). The crop orginated in China and is closely related to Glycine soja, its wild progenitor, Soybean represents nearly 50 percent of the total area cropped with seeds providing approximately 56 percent of the total edible oil seeds and 30 percent of vegetable oil production worldwide. Over the last 50 years, world production has increased eight times as a result of the substantial increase in average yields and the expansion in cultivated area

    Influence of Soil Type on the Adaptation of Groundnut Genotypes

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    In field studies in 1987-91 at the ICRISAT Centre at Patancheru, advanced breeding lines of groundnuts produced greater pod yields on Vertisols (range 2.02-3.81 t/ha) than on Alfisols (0.61-1.56 t). There was a strong soil type X genotype interaction. In another study, 4 groundnut cultivars were irrigated or water stressed during flowering, pod-set or pod-filling. This showed that while CGR were greater on Alfisols, they were linearly related to those measured on Vertisols. However, pod growth rates and partitioning of DM to pods showed a strong soil type × genotype interaction suggesting that the genotypes developed on the Alfisol maintain relative ranking for total DM on Vertisol, but not necessarily for pod yields

    Reconfiguration and dissociation of bonded hydrogen in silicon by energetic ions

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    We report in situ infrared measurements of ion-induced reconfiguration and dissociation of bonded hydrogen associated with various defects in silicon at low temperatures. Defect-associated Si-H complexes were prepared by low-temperature proton implantation in silicon followed by room-temperature annealing. As a result of subsequent low-temperature (3)He ion irradiation, we observed (1) ion-induced dissociation of Si-H complexes, (2) a notable difference in the dissociation rate of interstitial- and vacancy-type defects, and, unexpectedly, (3) the growth of bond-centered hydrogen, which is generally observed in association with low-temperature proton implantation. These findings provide insight into the mechanisms responsible for the dissociation of hydrogen bonds in silicon and thus have important implications for bond-selective nanoscale engineering and the long-term reliability of state-of-the-art silicon semiconductor and photovoltaic devices

    Supervisory Control System Architecture for Advanced Small Modular Reactors

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    This technical report was generated as a product of the Supervisory Control for Multi-Modular SMR Plants project within the Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface technology area under the Advanced Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Research and Development Program of the U.S. Department of Energy. The report documents the definition of strategies, functional elements, and the structural architecture of a supervisory control system for multi-modular advanced SMR (AdvSMR) plants. This research activity advances the state-of-the art by incorporating decision making into the supervisory control system architectural layers through the introduction of a tiered-plant system approach. The report provides a brief history of hierarchical functional architectures and the current state-of-the-art, describes a reference AdvSMR to show the dependencies between systems, presents a hierarchical structure for supervisory control, indicates the importance of understanding trip setpoints, applies a new theoretic approach for comparing architectures, identifies cyber security controls that should be addressed early in system design, and describes ongoing work to develop system requirements and hardware/software configurations

    Tharati Village at a Glance

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    In the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)- supported Village Dynamics in South Asia (VDSA) Project of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 42 villages (18 in the semi-arid tropics (SAT) of peninsular India, 12 in humid tropics of East India, and 12 in Bangladesh) were selected, based on certain relevant characteristics, to track rural poverty in household and village economies in the region, to provide the most efficient way to understand the farming systems in rural areas, and to identify the socioeconomic constraints faced by the farming community. In the SAT region, 18 villages spread across 9 districts in 5 states were identified for the study, of which 6 were chosen way back in 1975 under the erstwhile Village Level Studies (VLS) project of the Economics Program of ICRISAT, while 12 new villages were included in the expanded VDSA project during 2009. Tharati (including the nearby hamlet Ajjihalli) is one of these 12 new villages

    Response to fertilizer nitrogen and water of post-rainy season sorghum on a Vertisol. 1. Biomass and light interception

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    Sorghum cv. SPH-280 was grown in the post-rainy season at ICRISAT (Andhra Pradesh, India) with and without irrigation and at six rates of nitrogen from zero to 150 kg/ha applied before sowing. The biomass of top components was measured weekly and of roots every 2 weeks. Interception of solar radiation was monitored continuously in all treatments. Leaf expansion was strongly influenced both by water and by N, whereas specific leaf area was almost independent of treatment. In the irrigated treatment, the Biomass Radiation Coefficient (e) for the main growth period was almost independent of N application at 1.3-1.4 g/MJ and was also independent of leaf N. In consequence, the main source of differences in yield was a decrease in radiation interception with decreasing N. In contrast, without irrigation, biomass, yield, e and leaf N were all maximal at 60 kg/ha N. At 33 days after emergence (DAE), root mass was almost independent of N whether water had been applied or not, but was somewhat smaller with irrigation. Later, root, leaf, and panicle mass all responded to N and to water, but stem mass was unresponsive to N with irrigation. There was evidence of translocation from stem to grain in most treatments. With irrigation, a maximum grain yield of 4.8 t/ha was obtained at 150 kg/ha N and without irrigation the maximum was 3.2 t/ha at 90 kg/ha

    Groundnut Baseline and Early-Adoption Surveys in South Asia: Insights from TL-II (Phase-1) Project: Synthesis Report 2013

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    The production of groundnut and its cultivated areas in India showed a steady growth till the end of the twentieth century. Groundnut, however, lost its preeminence as the most important oilseed crop in the country during the last 13 years after the liberalization of edible oil imports. More recently the importance of groundnut is increasing for food uses. Despite a growth in productivity even during the last decade, the crop is losing areas in all the important growing states to more profitable crops. India is incurring a heavy import bill for the import of edible oils. India has relaunched a technology mission titled the ‘Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize’ development program to improve the productivity and production of oilseeds in the country and to reduce dependence on the imports of edible oil. Groundnut is one of the mandate crops of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT), and this premier international institute has been contributing its bit for genetic improvement, crop production and protection practices in India and Africa during the last four decades. The generous support received from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has provided ICRISAT an opportunity to work more intensively with its research and development partners to demonstrate the potential of new technologies to enhance the yields, raise the profitability and revive the interest of the farmers in groundnut crop in India and the strategy chosen is the Farmer Participatory Varietal Selection (FPVS). This report synthesizes the efforts made during the short period of three years (2007–10) in the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu for groundnut crop improvement in India. Overall, the FPVS results established that the new varieties out-yielded the respective check varieties in two states. Due to different constraints and lack of institutional support, the adoption of those cultivars was low in the targeted districts. From the past lessons learned, the report refocuses on the further efforts needed during the second phase of the project to achieve greater success and impact