421 research outputs found

    A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Ashtanga Ghrita in Dementia

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    Dementia is defined as an acquired deterioration in cognitive abilities that impairs the performance of activities of daily living. In Ayurveda literatures this disease is explained under the concept of Jara Vyadhi. In elderly people there will be loss of cognitive abilities viz. Grahana, Dharana and Smarana because there is gradual diminution in the qualities of Dhatu and dominance of Vata. An individual can lead a normal happy life if one has a sound intellectual capacity with a good memory. Any impairments to his memory will has an effect on the quality of his living standards, thus this condition is chosen for the present study. Present study is a single group open clinical trial with pre and post-test design on 30 subjects. Subjects were administered with Ashtanga Ghrita for 60 days. The results were obtained on parameter viz. Impaired memory, Visuospatial disorientation, Apraxia, Impaired visuoconstructional drawing, Impaired judgement, Impaired language the result obtained statistically non-significant in the management of Dementia. However, it was observed the symptoms such as anger and irritability were reduced

    Estimation of sediment acoustic properties from horizontal array data

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    Oil companies conduct geophysical survey in different parts of the world. While the analysis conducted by them is directed towards determining the presence of oil in the deeper layers of the sediment, information on the shallower sediment layers that the data contains is generally ignored. In this paper we investigate the possibility of estimating the sediment properties from such data. The inversion is performed using both linear and non-linear methods. The performances of these methods are compared based on the correlation between the fields predicted by the models and the measured field

    Processing of ilmenite (FeOTiO2) for value added products

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    Beach Placer Ilmenite is an important source for production of titanium metal, titania slag and pigment grade titanium dioxide. Besides, these well known applications for which Ilmenite is mined and processed, there are other emerging processes that are being tried for obtaining highvalue products. Synthesis of Ilmenite based materials for varistor applications and direct electrochemical reduction of Ilmenite to produce ferrotitanium are two such attempts being discussed in this work. In this paper, recent efforts undertaken to study the electrical and magnetic characteristics are discussed. Ilmenite, FeTiO 3 , is one of the mixed-valence transition metalbearing minerals, inwhich Fe can be in two different oxidation states, Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ .. Similarly, Ti can be in Ti 3+ and Ti 4+ .Ilmenite is inherently suitable for making Varistors, which are devices, used for limiting the transient voltage surges in a circuit. Varistors produced from Ilmenite can withstand harsh environments seen in nuclear reactors and outerspace. Electrochemical reduction of Ilmenite can be used to prepare ferrotitanium directly without any reductant. The process essentially involves removal of oxygen from the mineral through electrolytic action using calcium chloride as electrolyte and graphite as anode. At a temperature of 950°C, it is shown to be possible that all the oxygen can be removed from the Ilmenite sample, which passes through the electrolyte, to form CO/CO 2 at the anode. The process has immense potential for cost effective production of titanium metal as well. Results of the above developmental works are presented in this paper

    A review on the components of Prajna

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    The word Prajna generally refers to know, the wisdom, the intelligence, the sense of discrimination and the judgment. It can be compared with the whole process of discrimination, retention and recalling capacity of an individual. Dhee, dhriti and smriti are considered to be types of prajna. These are also termed as Prajnopastambha and are nothing but the different stages of Prajna. The buddhi which sees the objects as they are (samata darshana) is dhee. The buddhi which restrains (niyamana) is dhruti. And the buddhi which is capable of remembering is smriti. The ability of discrimination of the object perceived is attributed to the function of dhee, while the decision making at that situation is guided and regulated by dhruti. And the retrieval of fast experiences in order to perform further action depends on Smruti. Buddhi also have the same synonyms as that of Prajna viz. Dhee, Prajna, Mati etc. Thus we can assume that the Buddhi and Prajna refer to the same. While the term ‘Medha’ refers to the higher intellect and synonymous to Prajna. Modern science describes the acquisition of knowledge has following cognitive domains such as encoding, storage, and retrieval which refer to the components of prajna. The article deals with conceptual study of Prajna, its components, its comparative terms in contemporary sciences, discussion and conclusion

    Emulated reactance and resistance by a SSSC incorporating energy storage device

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    Static Synchronous series compensator without energy storage device can exchange only reactive power with the network and can operate in limited operating range in two quadrants only. When energy storage device is connected at the DC bus of SSSC (SSSC – ES), it can also exchange real power with the network. Operating range of SSSC will be much broader and it covers all the four quadrants. However, emulated reactance and resistance by SSSC – ES is likely to affect the performance of a distance protection system. This paper presents a detailed model of an SMIB system with SSSC – ES. Injected voltage by SSSC – ES in all the four quadrants of operation is presented. Impact of operation of SSSC _ ES in different quadrants and various control strategies for SSSC – ES on impedance emulated by SSSC – ES during steady state condition and transient system disturbance is discussed.

    Gold Nanoparticles Decorated with Sialic Acid Terminated Bi-antennary N-Glycans for the Detection of Influenza Virus at Nanomolar Concentrations

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    Gold nanoparticles decorated with full-length sialic acid terminated complex bi-antennary N-glycans, synthesized with glycans isolated from egg yolk, were used as a sensor for the detection of both recombinant hemagglutinin (HA) and whole influenza A virus particles of the H1N1 subtype. Nanoparticle aggregation was induced by interaction between the sialic acid termini of the glycans attached to gold and the multivalent sialic acid binding sites of HA. Both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and UV/Vis spectroscopy demonstrated the efficiency of the sensor, which could detect viral HA at nanomolar concentrations and revealed a linear relationship between the extent of nanoparticle aggregation and the concentration of HA. UV/ Vis studies also showed that these nanoparticles can selectively detect an influenza A virus strain that preferentially binds sialic acid terminated glycans with a(2!6) linkages over a strain that prefers glycans with terminal a(2!3)-linked sialic acids

    An Efficient Model for Forest Fire Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Forest fires are a significant natural disaster that causes extensive damage to both human and wildlife habitats. Early detection and management of forest fires are critical in preventing potential losses. In recent years, deep learning-based approaches have emerged as promising solutions for forest fire detection. This paper proposes a deep learning-based approach for forest fire detection using SqueezeNet model.The proposed approach utilizes still images captured from forest areas under different weather conditions to classify whether an image contains a fire or not. The models were trained and tested using accuracy, precision, and recall metrics. The experimental results show that SqueezeNet achieve high precision, and recall in detecting forest fires.SqueezeNet is a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) architecture designed to reduce the number of parameters and computations required in a deep learning model while maintaining high accuracy in image classification tasks.