14 research outputs found
Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study
Correspondence between children's nutritional status and mothers' perceptions: a population-based study
This study aimed to investigate the correspondence between the nutritional status of children aged 7-10 years and their mothers' perceptions of their children's weight. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1,282 children. Weight and height were measured and classified according to International Obesity Taskforce (IOTF) criteria. Mothers' perceptions were assessed based on four possible conditions. The Kappa test (k) was used to evaluate the correspondence between nutritional status and mothers' perceptions and followed by regression analyses. The prevalence of overweight and underweight was 23.2% and 5.7% respectively. Half of mothers reported that their children were "underweight"; 61.2% said that their children were "normal"; 11.8% said that their children were "above normal weight"; and 1.1% referred to their offspring as "very much above normal weight". Highest and lowest correspondence between nutritional status and mother´s perception were: underweight and much above normal weight, respectively (k = 0.217, p < 0.000). Gender and ethnicity showed significant association with the mother's perception, even after controlling for other variables. Low correspondence levels between nutritional status and mother's perception were observed, especially among obese children
Descriptive and qualitative study using an intra-subject experimental design. It verifies the effect of selfcontroltraining (TA) on the behavioral factors that influence overweight and describes the variables that interfere inreaching the individual goals. The TA was applied to obese women that were patients at an public hospital in Vitória-ES,Brazil, during 12 week group sessions. From 10 patients that enrolled the TA, the behavior of five of them was analyzed.The results points out to favorable changes in familial, interpersonal, and personal relationships and emotions. Behavioralmodifications were related to weight loss such as eating behavior and exercises that produced modest consequences onobesity.Estudo descritivo, de natureza qualitativa, do tipo delineamento experimental intra-sujeito. Verifica o efeito deum Treinamento em Autocontrole (TA) sobre os fatores comportamentais que influenciam o peso corporal e descreve asvariáveis que interferem no alcance de metas individuais. O TA foi aplicado em mulheres obesas em tratamento noPrograma de Obesidade de um hospital público de Vitória-ES, em 12 sessões grupais semanais. O comportamento de cincopacientes, das dez que iniciaram o TA, foi analisado, observando-se mudanças favoráveis nas relações sociais, familiares,pessoais e nos estados emocionais. Houve alteração de comportamentos relacionados com perda de peso corporal, comatividade física e comportamento alimentar, que produziram conseqüências discretas na redução do peso.Estudio descriptivo, de naturaleza cualitativa, del tipo delineamiento experimental intrasujeto. Verifica elefecto de un Entrenamiento en Autocontrol (EA) sobre los factores comportamentales que influyen en el peso corporal ydescribe las variables que interfieren en el alcance de metas individuales. El EA fue aplicado en mujeres obesas entratamiento en el Programa de Obesidad de un hospital público de Victoria-ES, en 12 (doce) sesiones grupales semanales.El comportamiento de 5 (cinco) pacientes, de las 10 (diez) que comenzaron el EA, fue analizado, observándose cambiosfavorables en las relaciones sociales, familiares, personales y en los estados emocionales. Hubo alteración decomportamientos relacionados con la pérdida de peso corporal, con actividad física y comportamiento alimentar, queprodujeron consecuencias discretas en la reducción del peso
Access to child care services in the Northeast and in the South Regions of Brazil
Abstract Objectives: to estimate the incomplete follow-up on child care services and the associated factors in the municipalities in the Northeast and in the South of Brazil. Methods: a population-based cross-sectional study with 7,915 children. The incomplete follow-up on child care regarded the absence of at least one of the seven advocated care services. The Poisson regression was used for crude and adjusted analysis. Results: the prevalence of the incomplete follow-up child care was 53.6% (CI95%= 52.5-54.7) in the Northeast and 28.3% (CI95%= 27.3-29.3) in the South, therefore 91% was greater in the Northeast (PR=1.91; CI95%= 1.73-2.11). Protector effect was observed: in the muni-cipalities with 30 to 49 thousand inhabitants in the Northeast (PR= 0.72; CI95%= 0.64-0.82) and 100 to 999 thousand inhabitants in the South (PR=0.69; CI95%= 0.57-0.84); the South has the greatest income quartile (RP=0.77; CI95%= 0.63-0.95) and has six or more prenatal consultations (PR=0.83; CI95%= 0.75-0.92) in the Northeast and (PR=0.65; CI95%= 0.53-0.79) in the South. Social classes D and E showed risks (PR=1.41; CI95%= 1.19-1.67) in the Northeast and (PR=1.67; CI95%= 1.37-2.03) in the South. Conclusions: children in the Northeast are more likely not to have a complete child care follow-up, implying that the user does not come to be attended or finds difficulties to have access to the health services
On submanifolds with 2-Type Pseudo-Hyperbolic Gauss Map in Pseudo-Hyperbolic Space
In this paper, we study pseudo-Riemannian submanifolds of a pseudo-hyperbolic space Hsm-1(-1)⊂Es+1m with 2-type pseudo-hyperbolic Gauss map. We give a characterization of proper pseudo-Riemannian hypersurfaces in Hsn+1(-1)⊂Es+1n+2 with non-zero constant mean curvature and 2-type pseudo-hyperbolic Gauss map. For n= 2 , we prove classification theorems. In addition, we show that the hyperbolic Veronese surface is the only maximal surface fully lying in H24(-1)⊂H2m-1(-1) with 2-type pseudo-hyperbolic Gauss map. Moreover, we prove that a flat totally umbilical pseudo-Riemannian hypersurface Mtn of the pseudo-hyperbolic space Htn+1(-1)⊂Et+1n+2 has biharmonic pseudo-hyperbolic Gauss map.Publisher's Versio