37 research outputs found


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    The component structure of professionally creative competence is analyzed in the system of professional preparation of the future agrarian managers. Didactics facilities of digital technologies are grounded in the context of forming of professionally-creative competence of the future agrarian managers. A pedagogical model of management of future agrarian managers’ educational-creative activity by facilities of the digital technologies is worked out. In the proposed pedagogical model, the object of management is the educational and creative activity of students in the conditions of SMART technologies, which turns the existing potential of a future specialist into a qualitative result - the formation of the experience of creative activity of the agricultural manager in the system of his professional competence. The technological stages of management of the future agrarian managers’ educational-creative activity by facilities of digital technologies are justified. Efficiency of the agrarian managers’ professional preparation with the use of pedagogical model of management of future agrarian managers’ educational-creative activity by facilities of the digital technologies as compared with the traditional system of teaching is defined. The results of the study determined the directions of further scientific and pedagogical research: the development of computer-oriented methodological systems of STEM-education and SMART-complexes of educational disciplines in digital pedagogy.

    The technological basis of training future teachers of agricultural disciplines in higher education institutions: pedagogical experience of Great Britain

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    Мета статті полягає в розробці комплексної педагогічної моделі підготовки майбутніх педагогів аграрних дисциплін в умовах впровадження трирівневої педагогічної технології управління навчальним процесом. Аналізуються педагогічний досвід Великої Британії, який може бути використано для вдосконалення технологічного процесу формування професійної компетентності фахівців-педагогів. Методологія дослідження визначалася сукупністю методологічних підходів (системний, діяльнійсний, компетентнісний, технологічний, особистісно-розвивальний) і базувалася на педагогічному експерименті, що включав констатувальний, формувальний та контрольний етапи. Результати. Проаналізовано теоретичні та методичні основи впровадження в освітнє середовище трирівневої педагогічної технології управління навчальним процесом в умовах підготовки майбутніх викладачів аграрних дисциплін у закладах вищої освіти. Запропоновано прикладну модель управління навчальним процесом для підготовки майбутніх викладачів аграрних дисциплін на прикладі першого (бакалаврського) рівня освіти в умовах запровадження SMART-освітнього комунікативного середовища. Визначено структуру сформованості готовності майбутніх викладачів аграрних дисциплін до професійної діяльності (мотиваційно- пізнавальний, практично-діяльнісний, творчо-розвивальний рівні). Розглянуто технологічні етапи процесу професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів аграрних дисциплін у закладах вищої освіти в контексті педагогічного досвіду Великобританії (мотиваційно-орієнтувальний, планувальний, пізнавально-перетворювальний, контрольно-аналітичний, регулювально-розвивальний). Обґрунтовуються дидактичні методи, форми та засоби запропонованої педагогічної технології управління навчальним процесом. Висновки. Результати експериментальної роботи засвідчили суттєве підвищення якісних показників професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів аграрних дисциплін у закладах вищої освіти (умотивованість, творча активність, продуктивність) в умовах впровадження трирівневої педагогічної технології УНП. Реалізація трирівневої педагогічної технології в системі управління навчальним процесом дозволяє активізувати творчу діяльність здобувачів, підвищити рівень їх внутрішньої мотивації, поглибити рівень самостійності та індивідуалізації навчання, що у підсумку визначається високим рівнем готовності до професійної педагогічної діяльності.The article aims to develop a comprehensive pedagogical model for training future teachers of agrarian disciplines in the context of implementing a three-level pedagogical technology for educational process management (EPM). The pedagogical experience of Great Britain is under review, which can be used to improve the technological process of forming the professional competence of teaching specialists. The research methodology was determined by a set of methodological approaches (system, activity, competence, technological, personal development) and was based on a pedagogical experiment that included ascertaining, formative and control stages. Results. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the introduction into the educational environment of the three-level pedagogical technology of educational process management in the conditions of training future teachers of agricultural disciplines in higher education institutions are analysed. An applied model of educational process management for the training of future teachers of agricultural disciplines is proposed on the example of the first (bachelor) level of education in the conditions of introducing a SMART-educational communicative environment. The structure of the readiness of future teachers of agricultural disciplines for professional activity (motivational-cognitive, practical-active, creative-developmental levels) is determined. The technological stages of the process of professional training of future teachers of agricultural disciplines in institutions of higher education in the context of the pedagogical experience of Great Britain (motivational-orientational, planning, cognitive-transformative, control-analytical, regulatory-developmental) are considered. The didactic methods, forms and means of the proposed pedagogical technology for managing the educational process are substantiated. Conclusions. The results of the experimental work demonstrate a significant increase in the quality indicators of the professional training of future teachers of agricultural disciplines in higher education institutions (motivation, creative activity, productivity) in the conditions of the implementation of the three-level pedagogical technology of the EPM. The implementation of a three-level pedagogical technology in the educational process management system allows for boosting students’ creative activity, increasing the level of their internal motivation, and deepening the level of independence and individualisation of learning, which eventually is determined by a high level of readiness for professional pedagogical activity

    Should Shariah-compliant investors include commodities in their portfolios? New evidence

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    This paper investigates the links between price returns for seven commodities and Shariah-compliant equities (developed and emerging markets) over the period from January 1996 to April 2013. Employing the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) M-GARCH methodology, we show that the correlations between commodity and stock markets evolve over time and are highly volatile, particularly during the financial crisis, which has played a key role, emphasizing the increased integration between commodity and stock markets, and underlining the financialization of commodity markets. However, in the last couple of years the correlation between commodities and equities seems to be decaying. Hence, Islamic investors hopefully could gain from the diversification benefits by the inclusion of commodities into their portfolios

    The Role of Gold as a Hedge and Safe Haven in Shariah-Compliant Portfolios

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    The paper is the first attempt to evaluate the role of gold as a hedge (negative or low correlation with equities in normal market conditions) and safe haven (negative or low correlation in times of market turbulence) by using the daily data for gold and Shariah-compliant equities ranging from January 1996 to April 2013, and comparing between developed and emerging markets in time-frequency domain. Wavelet Coherence technique is applied to identify the best time-frequency for gold as a hedge, and MGARCH-DCC to find out the reaction of gold to unfavorable market conditions as a safe haven. The results tend to indicate that gold maintains its capacity as hedging instrument at higher time-scales, while during the financial crisis it demonstrated a weak form of safe haven by showing almost zero correlation with the Shariah-compliant equities

    The Role of Gold as a Hedge and Safe Haven in Shariah-Compliant Portfolios

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    The paper is the first attempt to evaluate the role of gold as a hedge (negative or low correlation with equities in normal market conditions) and safe haven (negative or low correlation in times of market turbulence) by using the daily data for gold and Shariah-compliant equities ranging from January 1996 to April 2013, and comparing between developed and emerging markets in time-frequency domain. Wavelet Coherence technique is applied to identify the best time-frequency for gold as a hedge, and MGARCH-DCC to find out the reaction of gold to unfavorable market conditions as a safe haven. The results tend to indicate that gold maintains its capacity as hedging instrument at higher time-scales, while during the financial crisis it demonstrated a weak form of safe haven by showing almost zero correlation with the Shariah-compliant equities

    Should Shariah-compliant investors include commodities in their portfolios? New evidence

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    This paper investigates the links between price returns for seven commodities and Shariah-compliant equities (developed and emerging markets) over the period from January 1996 to April 2013. Employing the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) M-GARCH methodology, we show that the correlations between commodity and stock markets evolve over time and are highly volatile, particularly during the financial crisis, which has played a key role, emphasizing the increased integration between commodity and stock markets, and underlining the financialization of commodity markets. However, in the last couple of years the correlation between commodities and equities seems to be decaying. Hence, Islamic investors hopefully could gain from the diversification benefits by the inclusion of commodities into their portfolios

    Analysis of Europe's First Fully-Fledged Islamic Digital Bank in the Arena of New Age Banking

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    The study aims to provide the first systematic account of Europe's first fully-fledged digital Islamic banking service and review in detail with the available information. It explains the new-age banking concept and theory as well as identifies the role of insha in digital trends. The research primarily focuses on the concept of new-age banking and demonstrates the application of this concept by scrutinizing an Islamic digital banking platform. It selects ‘insha’, a digital banking service platform [in other words, Bank-as-a-Service platform] that provides digital banking services in Europe, as a case for this study. The study reveals two Tiers of the new age banking: Tier I NAB brought cost efficiency by reducing personnel expenses by replacing the workforce, and Tier II NAB has come front to reduce personnel expenses by replacing workforce intelligence directly. Besides, it also discloses four aspects of new-age banking: i) Accessibility, ii) Cost Advantage, iii) Time Efficiency, and iv) Security. On the other hand, the study shows the application of new-age banking by spotlighting an Islamic digital bank, insha, which experienced significant tractions within two months of inauguration, and the app has been downloaded over 9,000 times. This paper provides an excellent case, insha, to comprehend the concept of new-age banking, and manifests how it could facilitate customers to access the banking platform


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    At the present stage of the development of information society, the latest educational strategy involves the realization of the person-centered paradigm based on the empowerment approach aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the personality by inspiring, encouraging, increasing enthusiasm, confidence, realization of the job satisfaction, directed to the achievement of an efficient process of professional training of future managers. During the years of global information system development, the important task of modern education is to form the ability to use the computer oriented management system by the future managers in their professional activities, which favors the process of self-improvement, personal development, self-education, creative development, increase in competitiveness, formation of informational and professional culture. The paper reveals the aims, the content as well as the ways for the realization of the empowerment approach during the professional training of future managers with the use of computer oriented management systems in the process of solving tasks of the network planning. Theoretical and methodological principles of the empowerment approach are the development of adaptability, flexibility, dynamism, creative capacities, ability to take a risk, dedication to problem solving, anticipation of the results of your own activities, responsibility for decision making etc. The suggested technique for overcoming difficulties in teaching the information and dynamic simulation with the use of computer oriented management systems will allow the students to manage the projects in their future professional activities on the basis of the developed plans by creating the network models, determining the logical interconnections and work results necessary for the optimum planning. The experience gained during the training process may be applied in the future professional activities and will enable future managers to quickly overcome the difficulties and to become successful under the dynamic conditions of information society development

    Multiphase segregation and metal-insulator transition in single crystal La(5/8-y)Pr(y)Ca(3/8)MnO3

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    The insulator-metal transition in single crystal La(5/8-y)Pr(y)Ca(3/8)MnO3 with y=0.35 was studied using synchrotron x-ray diffraction, electric resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat measurements. Despite the dramatic drop in the resistivity at the insulator-metal transition temperature Tmi, the charge-ordering (CO) peaks exhibit no anomaly at this temperature and continue to grow below Tmi. Our data suggest then, that in addition to the CO phase, another insulating phase is present below Tco. In this picture, the insulator-metal transition is due to the changes within this latter phase. The CO phase does not appear to play a major role in this transition. We propose that a percolation-like insulator-metal transition occurs via the growth of ferromagnetic metallic domains within the parts of the sample that do not exhibit charge ordering. Finally, we find that the low-temperature phase-separated state is unstable against x-ray irradiation, which destroys the CO phase at low temperatures.Comment: 9 pages, 9 encapsulated eps figure

    Оценка тяжести хирургического эндотоксикоза

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    Objective: to develop a scale for rating the severity of surgical endotoxicosis. Subjects and methods. Clinical and laboratory studies were made in 1168 patients with urgent surgical diseases, the course of which was accompanied by severe endogenous intoxication. Multistep statistical processing yielded seven signs that were most important in evaluating the severity of endotoxicosis, which characterized the baseline state of the macroorganism, the toxic potential of endogenous intoxication sources, and the result of the damaging effect of the toxic principle on the most important life support systems. Results. After scoring adaptation of each sign of endogenous intoxication to the significance of other signs, a scale was compiled to evaluate the endotoxicosis severity. The latter was estimated from the number of scores. The authors distinguish three endotoxicosis grades: moderate, severe, and very severe. Conclusion. The scale developed to evaluate the severity of surgical endotoxicosis provides a more objective assessment of the severity of endogenous intoxication since it is based on the consideration of various courses of the pathological process. It is very convenient in clinical use and makes it possible to have not only a single evaluation of the severity of endotoxicosis, but also to characterize its course over time. Key words: evaluation of the severity of endotoxicosis, toxemia gradation.Цель исследования — разработать шкалу для оценки тяжести хирургического эндотоксикоза. Материал и методы. Проведено клиническое и лабораторное обследование 1168 больных с ургентными хирургическими заболеваниями, течение которых сопровождалось тяжелой эндогенной интоксикацией. В результате многоступенчатой статистической обработки отобрано семь признаков, наиболее значимых для оценки тяжести эндотоксикоза, которые характеризуют исходное состояние макроорганизма, токсический потенциал источников эндогенной интоксикации и результат повреждающего действия токсического начала на важнейшие системы жизнеобеспечения организма. Результаты. После балльной адаптации каждого из признаков эндогенной интоксикации относительно значимости других признаков составлена шкала для определения тяжести эндотоксикоза. Степень тяжести последнего определяется по количеству набранных баллов. Авторы различают три степени тяжести эндотоксикоза: средней тяжести, тяжелый и очень тяжелый. Заключение. Разработанная шкала для определения тяжести хирургического эндотоксикоза позволяет дать объективную оценку тяжести синдрома эндогенной интоксикации, поскольку основана на учете разных факторов течения патологического процесса. Она весьма удобна для применения в клинике, позволяет получить не только разовую оценку тяжести эндотоксикоза, но и характеризовать его течение в динамике. Ключевые слова: оценка тяжести эндотоксикоза, градация токсемии