242 research outputs found

    Long Josephson junctions with spatially inhomogeneous driving

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    The phase dynamics of a long Josephson junction with spatially inhomogeneously distributed bias current is considered for the case of a dense soliton chain (regime of the Flux Flow oscillator). To derive the analytical solution of the corresponding sine-Gordon equation the Poincare method has been used. In the range of the validity of the theory good coincidence between analytically derived and numerically computed current-voltage characteristics have been demonstrated for the simplest example of unitstep function distribution of bias current (unbiased tail). It is shown, that for the considered example of bias current distribution, there is an optimal length of unbiased tail that maximizes the amplitude of the main harmonic and minimizes the dynamical resistance (thus leading to reduction of a linewidth).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Response of convection electric fields in the magnetosphere to IMF orientation change

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    [1] The transient response of convection electric fields in the inner magnetosphere to southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is investigated using in‐situ electric field observations by the CRRES and Akebono spacecraft. Electric fields earthward of the inner edge of the electron plasma sheet show quick responses simultaneously with change in ionospheric electric fields, which indicates the arrival of the first signal related to southward turning. A coordinated observation of the electric field by the CRRES and Akebono spacecraft separated by 5 RE reveals a simultaneous increase in the dawn‐dusk electric field in a wide region of the inner magnetosphere. A quick response associated with the southward turning of the IMF is also identified in in‐situ magnetic fields. It indicates that the southward turning of the IMF initiates simultaneous (less than 1 min) enhancements of ionospheric electric fields, convection electric fields in the inner magnetosphere, and the ring or tail current and region 2 FACs. In contrast, a quick response of convection electric fields is not identified in the electron plasma sheet. A statistical study using 161 events of IMF orientation change in 1991 confirms a prompt response within 5 min for 80% of events earthward of the electron plasma sheet, while a large time lag of more than 30 min is identified in electric fields in the electron plasma sheet. The remarkable difference in the response of electric fields indicates that electric fields in the electron plasma sheet are weakened by high conductance in the magnetically conjugated auroral ionosphere.https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2009JA014277https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2009JA014277Published versio

    Form and width of spectral line of Josephson Flux-Flow oscillator

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    The behavior of a Josephson flux-flow oscillator in the presence of both bias current and magnetic field fluctuations has been studied. To derive the equation for slow phase dynamics in the limit of small noise intensity the Poincare method has been used. Both the form of spectral line and the linewidth of the flux-flow oscillator have been derived exactly on the basis of technique presented in the book of Malakhov, known limiting cases are considered, limits of their applicability are discussed and appearance of excess noise is explained. Good coincidence of theoretical description with experimental results has been demonstrated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Field Effect in a Two-dimensional Array of Short Josephson Junctions

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    We study analytically the effect of a constant magnetic field on the dynamics of a two dimensional Josephson array. The magnetic field induces spatially dependent states and coupling between rows, even in the absence of an external load. Numerical simulations support these conclusions

    Gratingless integrated tunneling multiplexer for terahertz waves

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    The arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is a versatile and scalable passive photonic multiplexer that sees widespread usage. However, the necessity of a waveguide array engenders large device size, and gratings invariably commute finite power into undesired diffraction orders. Here, we demonstrate AWG-like functionality without a grating or waveguide array, yielding benefits to compactness, bandwidth, and efficiency. To this end, we exploit optical tunneling from a dielectric waveguide to an adjacent slab in order to realize a slab-confined frequency-scanning beam, which is manipulated using in-slab beamforming techniques that we have developed in order to separate distinct frequency bands. In this way, we devise an all-intrinsic-silicon integrated 4×1 frequency-division terahertz multiplexer, which is shown to support aggregate data rates up to 48 Gbit/s with an on–off-keying modulation scheme, operating in the vicinity of 350 GHz. Our investigation targets the terahertz range, to provide a critical missing building block for future high-volume wireless communications networks.Daniel Headland, Withawat Withayachumnankul, Masayuki Fujita and Tadao Nagatsum

    Josephson flux-flow oscillators in nonuniform microwave fields

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    We present a simple theory for Josephson flux-flow oscillators in the presence of nonuniform microwave fields. In particular we derive an analytical expression for the I−V characteristic of the oscillator from which we show that satellite steps are spaced around the main flux-flow resonance by only even harmonics of the rf frequency. This result is found to be in good agreement with our numerical results and with experiments

    Phase locking and flux-flow resonances in Josephson oscillators driven by homogeneous microwave fields

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    We investigate both analytically and numerically phase locking and flux-flow resonances of long Josephson junctions in the presence of homogeneous microwave fields. We use a power balance analysis and a perturbation expansion around the uniform rotating solution to derive analytical expressions for IV curves. The dependence of the flux-flow step on the amplitude of the rf field and the appearance of satellite steps are explained. As a result we show that satellite steps around the main flux-flow resonance are spaced by both odd and even harmonics of the rf frequency. An analytical expression for the locking range in current of the phase-lock steps is also derived. These results are found to be in good agreement with numerical results
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