517 research outputs found

    Diversity Towards the Human Capital Development and Staff Job Satisfaction in Tertiary Institutions in Kogi State

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    This study aimed at Human Capital Development (HCD) and Job Satisfaction (JS) in public tertiary institutions in Kogi State. The study applied a descriptive research survey. The sampling method used in this study was a multi-stage sampling technique. A sample size of 123 was chosen. The quantitative data obtained from respondents using a questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Matrix and Ordered Probit Regression. Findings showed a statistically significant and positive relationship between HCD and Staff Job Security in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kogi State and that HCD significantly affects the JS of Staff in higher institutions in Kogi State. The study concluded that through HCD, Public Tertiary Institutions could enhance JS. The study recommended that the management of Public Tertiary Institutions should increase investment in HCD to facilitate improved job security of staff in Kogi State. The government should also provide adequate funding support to adopt best practices in HCD in Public Tertiary Institutions in Kogi State. Furthermore, the management should adopt any strategic measure to increase commitment to HCD as it positively affects the JS of Staff in higher institutions in Kogi State

    Performan Hasil Persilangan Simental, Brahman, PO, Limousin dengan Sapi Bali di Kabupaten Kolaka Timur

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    ABSTRAK Uji performans merupakan cara dalam mengetahui tingkat performance dari keturunan yang dihasilkan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi performans produksi anak sapi hasil persilangan antara pejantan simental, brahman, peranakan ongole dan limousin dengan induk sapi bali. Pengamatan dilakukan selama delapan bulan dari bulan Januari sampai Agustus 2020. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), kelompok simental-bali, limousin-bali, brahman-bali, peranakan ongole-bali dan bali-bali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan tertinggi masing-masing parameter pada umur lahir, bobot badan tertinggi yaitu 27,3±3,03kg (simental-bali), lingkar dada 59,9±2,52cm (simental-bali), panjang badan 57,8±2,11cm (simental-bali), tinggi badan 62,6±1,83 cm (simental-bali) sedangkan pada umur 12 bulan bobot badan tertinggi 174,4±9,48 kg (simental-bali), lingkar dada 144,2±5,81 cm (simental-bali), panjang badan 110,0±4,38cm (simental-bali) dan tinggi pundak 107,0±4,62 (simental-bali). Kesimpulan bahwa persilangan antara induk sapi bali dengan pejantan simental, limousin, brahman, dan PO berpengaruh nyata terhadap performans hasil persilangan mulai dari bobot badan, pertambahan bobot badan dan ukuran dimensi tubuh (lingkar dada, panjang badan dan tinggi pundak). Sapi persilangan pejantan simental dengan induk sapi bali (simental-bali) memiliki bobot badan, laju pertumbuhan dan ukuran dimensi tubuh yang terbaik.Kata Kunci: performans, persilangan, bangsa sapi, Kolaka Timur Performance of Crossing Simmental, Brahman, PO, Limousin with Bali Cow in East Kolaka Regency ABSTRACTPerformance test is a way to find out the level of performance of the offspring produced. The research aims to evaluate the performance of calf production resulting from a cross between males simmental, brahman, peranakan ongole and limousin with bali mother cows. Observations were made for eight months from January to August 2020. Research using randomized group design, simmental-bali, limousin-bali, brahman-bali, peranakan ongole-bali and bali-bali. The results showed that the highest average of each parameter at birth age, the highest body weight is 27,3±3,03kg (simmental-bali), bust 59,9±2,52 cm (simmental-bali), body length 57,8±2,11 cm (simmental-bali), height 62,6±1,83 cm (simmental-bali) while at 12 months the highest body weight 174,4±9,48 kg (simmental-bali), chest girth 144,2±5,81 cm (simmental-bali), body length 110,0±4,38 cm (simmental-bali) and shoulder height 107,0±4,62 (simmental-bali). The conclusion that the cross between the mother cow of bali with studs simmental, limousin, brahman and peranakan ongole has a real effect on the performance of the results of crosses ranging from weight, weight gain and body dimension size (chest circumference, body length and shoulder height). The crossbreeding of simmental bulls with bali cow (simmental-bali) had the best body weight, growth rate and dimensions.Keywords: performans, crosses, cow nation, East Kolak

    Madkhali’s criticism of Sayyid Quṭb: a critique of the critique

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    From the 60s of the 20th century, the works of Sayyid Quṭb have enormous influence on the thought of Muslim youths and Islamists. The core message of his works is establishing the supremacy of Islamic law in all facets of life and outright condemnation of the subsisting order of the day concerning the political and socio-economic operations in Muslim nations. The effect of his thoughts on Muslim youths is visible in the resurrection of Islamists who have become a thorn in the flesh of political dictators and autocratic monarchs in Arabia. As part of efforts to neutralize the effects of Quṭb’s works on the ever-increasing Muslim youths in Saudi particularly and the Muslim world at large, Rabi’u Madkhali, a senior Salafi diehard with much influence in Madinah, kickstarted the project of refuting what he termed as "theological deviations” and “rebellious approach” in Quṭb’s thoughts. His works have given birth to a large number of Muslim youths who dedicate an extraordinary commitment to pathological hatred for Quṭb, his works, associates, and students. This article aims to criticize some submissions of Madkhali on Quṭb’s thought. The article which is library-based adopts an analytical method of research. Two issues, which include law enactment in a Muslim state and the abolition of the slavery system, are selected. The paper found that Madkhali’s refutations are highly characterized by accusations that need unequivocal proof, misinterpretation of Quṭb’s statements, and emotional submissions. It recommends further investigation into other Madkhali’s refutation of Sayyid Quṭb


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    Takfῑr (excommunicating Muslims from Islam) has recently attracted renewed attention among Muslim scholars due to its devastating effects on Muslims. Modern Salafism is mostly accused of the trend. Hence, the present research traces the genesis of Takfῑr tendency to one of the most acceptable classical works among the modern Salafis, Sharḥ as-Sunnah of Imam Barbahāri (d. 329 A.H.). The paper is library-based and adopts the analytic method of research. The study reveals that Barbahāri is guilty of loose declaration of worthless matters as an act of apostasy. Some of the matters in which he displayed the Takfῑr tendency are differing from the Companions in any religious matter, the beatific vision of Allah in this world, the consecration of his work, treating Muslims as non-believers, and sweeping declaration of his contemporaries as an apostate. It also found the Takfῑr -laden approach of the author in his work was triggered by the nature of the heretic Jahmiyyah sect he targets. It will be out of context to apply his texts to the generality of non-Hanbali Muslims who don’t share the grave and dangerous creeds of the Jahmiyyah. This is the point where many modern Salafis who hold the work in high esteem become guilty. They adopt the letters of Barbahāri ’s texts as a general guideline for relating with their opponents, even if their religious differences are not up to the standard of the heretic Jahmiyya

    A comparative analysis of the theological polemics of Muslim Brotherhood and Salafiyyah

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    The experience of the Muslim Ummah in the 19th and 20th centuries has given rise to various revivalist thoughts aimed at reclaiming the lost glory of Islam and returning Muslims to their right position. The Muslim Brotherhood current Salafiyyah groups represent the largest revivalist trend in current time. Despite having the common mission of revitalizing the Ummah, the two trends are always at loggerhead over pressing issues of Islam. Hence, the research focuses on theological polemics as case study for the multitudinous contention between the two trends. Library research methodology was adopted. Findings of the research show that both trends share common fundamental creeds and that the popular theological dichotomy between them is due to various factors namely: the degree of priority attached to creeds, attitude towards equivocal matters of creed such as anthropomorphic status of Allah and lastly theologizing matters which are juristic. The research recommends the needs for the Salafiyyah group to focus on theological training rather than the traditionally theological polemics which was a product of refutation against the evolving heretic sects that are ideologically not existing today

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75537/1/j.1460-9592.2007.02308.x.pd


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    The presentation of religion in its true picture of revelation has always been threatened by human interpolation, manipulation, and misinterpretation. To save religion from the nemesis of the above, the Prophet of Islam guaranteed that Allah shall be raising in every Muslim generation a reformer who will redefine religion in its original form. Hence, the expectation of a reformist trend at every particular point of spiritual retrogression by Muslims has become a recurring convention. The present research attempts to examine the aforementioned trend in Yorubaland of Nigeria. The research is a mixture of library and field research and adopts historical and descriptive methods. It discovered that the prophetic tradition on the rise of a reformer could not be limited in exclusion of others to mean a personified or individual description. Rather it can also render the meaning of the emergence of a new religious trend pursued by a large congregation of believers. The research also reveals that the comprehensive take-off of the reformist trend in Yorubaland started in the 70s of the last century with a noticeable influence from abroad. It recommends further detailed studies on the challenges and prospects of the new emerging revivalist trends in the region. 

    A comparative study of al-Ghazali’s and Ibn Taymiyyah’s views on sufism

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    Sufism has generated from the ancient time a very staunch polemics among Muslim scholars. The controversy over sufism has attracted various comments and remarks over the unique and peculiar tenets of sufis. Among the Muslim scholars who have contributed to the discourse were al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah. This research aims to compare the views of these two scholars. Library research with analytic and comparative methodology was adopted. Findings show that both scholars are credited to have reformed some popular and conventional doctrines of the Sufis of their respective times. In addition, al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah agreed that some innovations and perversions have found their way into sufism. A major phenomenon in the views of the two scholars on sufism is that while al-Ghazali was to a very large extent influenced by some sufi superstitions, Ibn Taymiyyah strongly subjects sufism to the literal provisions of the Quran and Sunnah. It is the conclusion of this paper that while it is accurate to ascribe al-Ghazali to sufism, it is inaccurate to regard Ibn Taymiyyah as one despite some of his sympathetic views on some sufis


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    The presentation of religion in its true picture of revelation has always been threatened by human interpolation, manipulation, and misinterpretation. To save religion from the nemesis of the above, the Prophet of Islam guaranteed that Allah shall be raising in every Muslim generation a reformer who will redefine religion in its original form. Hence, the expectation of a reformist trend at every particular point of spiritual retrogression by Muslims has become a recurring convention. The present research attempts to examine the aforementioned trend in Yorubaland of Nigeria. The research is a mixture of library and field research and adopts historical and descriptive methods. It discovered that the prophetic tradition on the rise of a reformer could not be limited in exclusion of others to mean a personified or individual description. Rather it can also render the meaning of the emergence of a new religious trend pursued by a large congregation of believers. The research also reveals that the comprehensive take-off of the reformist trend in Yorubaland started in the 70s of the last century with a noticeable influence from abroad. It recommends further detailed studies on the challenges and prospects of the new emerging revivalist trends in the region. 