6 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Fisis Aplikasi Metode Geolistrikuntuk Identifikasi Fosfat dalam Batuan Gamping

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    Phosphateis one of minerals whichconsist ofP2O5 compound. Phosphatedepositscan be foundall overPati, namely in Mount WatuKendong–Mount Gledegespecially inthree districts, those are inSukolilo District, KayenDistrict, and Tambakromo District. Phosphates can be found on outcrops of limestone walls and go into veins of limestone. To know more about existence of phosphate in limestone, it needs to conduct lab tests using geophysical method. This research is ageophysicalstudyofthe physicalmodelling utilizinggeoelectric resistivitymethod. This research has apurposetoidentifythephosphatethroughphosphate rock’sresistivitysettledwithlimestoneusinggeoelectricresistivitymethod ofpole-pole configuration.In this research,limestonerock and limestone rocks containing phosphate were alternately planted in the soil and measured by using geoelectric of pole-pole configuration method. The data obtained wereprocessed by usingsoftware called Res3Dinv. The results of the soil research showedthatthe researchbeforeplanting the rock, the resistivity is 2.4 Ωm– 195 Ωm. The soil researchafterplantinglimestonerock showed that the resistivity of the soil is 9.3 Ωm–591 Ωm, which resistivity oflimestonerocks is 591 Ωm. Another soil research,the resistivity of the soil afterplantinglimestonerocks containing phosphate is 5.3 Ωm –255 Ωm, which resistivity oflimestonerock containing phosphate is 255 Ωm and the resistivity of phosphate is 147 Ωm. keywords : phosphate, resistivity, geoelectric, pole-pole, Res3Din

    Plant Diversity of the Poaceae Tribe on Teletubbies Hill, Bumiaji Village, Batu City, East Java

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    Poaceae is an organism that can live and develop, generally found in tropical areas or areas with air temperature with sufficient rainfall to form grasslands. Poaceae have an important role as a barrier to erosion at the foot of the cliff. This study aims to determine the diversity of plants in the Poaceae family. The research was conducted by descriptive observation with observation techniques. The specimen collection method was roaming which was carried out in the Teletubbies Hill area, Bumiaji Village, Batu City, East Java. In collecting specimens, abiotic data were also collected as environmental parameters in the form of rainfall, number of rainy months, average daily temperature, and height above sea level to support the identification process. Based on the observation results, 6 species of the Poaceae family were found. The species found were Sporobolus indicus, Imperata cylindrical, Digitaria ciliaris, Lepetochloa, Bothriochloa ischaemum and Eragrostis unioloides.Poaceae is an organism that can live and develop, generally found in tropical areas or areas with air temperature with sufficient rainfall to form grasslands. Poaceae have an important role as a barrier to erosion at the foot of the cliff. This study aims to determine the diversity of plants in the Poaceae family. The research was conducted by descriptive observation with observation techniques. The specimen collection method was roaming which was carried out in the Teletubbies Hill area, Bumiaji Village, Batu City, East Java. In collecting specimens, abiotic data were also collected as environmental parameters in the form of rainfall, number of rainy months, average daily temperature, and height above sea level to support the identification process. Based on the observation results, 6 species of the Poaceae family were found. The species found were Sporobolus indicus, Imperata cylindrical, Digitaria ciliaris, Lepetochloa, Bothriochloa ischaemum and Eragrostis unioloides


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    ABSTRACTWaqf productive land often cause polemics and disputes, both from aspect management concept and the utilizing procedures productive waqf land. This research with empirical legal juridical method, aims to find out managing concept and utilizing productive waqf land yields to improve the Muslims welfare in Kromengan village on Law number 41/2004 perspective. The results show that the waqf land management concept in Kromengan village is done independently by Nazhir and hasn’t yet been developed into other forms of business due to limited human resources. This management isn’t accordance with subsection 42 Law 41/2004 which states that Nazhir is required to manage and develop waqf property in accordance with its purpose, function and designation. Factors that cause suboptimal management of productive waqf in Kromengan village is freezing people's understanding of productive land waqf, so that existence this waqf hasn’t provided wider social contributions.Key words: Waqf, Productive Land, Nazhir, Result ManagementABSTRAKPewakafan tanah produktif sering menimbulkan polemik dan sengketa, baik dari aspek konsep pengelolaan maupun tata cara pemanfaatan tanah wakaf produktif tersebut. Penelitian dengan metode hukum yuridis empiris ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hasil tanah wakaf produktif guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan umat Islam di Desa Kromengan dalam perspektif Undang-Undang nomor 41 tahun 2004. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep pengelolaan tanah wakaf di Desa Kromengan dilakukan secara mandiri oleh Nazhir dan belum dikembangkan ke bentuk usaha lain karena keterbatasan SDM. Pengelolaan ini belum sesuai dengan pasal 42 Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2004 yang menyebutkan bahwa Nazhir wajib mengelola dan mengembangkan harta benda wakaf sesuai dengan tujuan, fungsi dan peruntukannya. Adapun faktor yang menyebabkan kurang optimalnya pengelolaan wakaf produktif di Desa Kromengan adalah kebekuan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai wakaf tanah produktif, sehingga keberadaan wakaf ini belum memberikan kontribusi sosial yang lebih luas.Kata Kunci: Wakaf, Tanah Produktif, Nazhir, Pengelolaan Hasil

    Profile of PD-1 and PD-L1 mRNA Expression in Peripheral Blood of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Background: Programmed death-1 (PD-1) and programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) expression is associated with prognostic and respond to immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitor in several solid malignancies. However, the prognostic roles of PD-1 and PD-L1 expression in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) are less clear. This study aims to investigate PD-1 and PD-L1 mRNA expression levels in peripheral blood of Indonesian NPC patients and its association with clinicopathological features.Materials and Methods: This study used blood samples of 21 NPC patients and 10 healthy volunteers as controls. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to measure mRNA expression of PD-1 and PD-L1.Results: PD-1 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower in NPC patients (∆CT mean: 9.65±2.04) compared to healthy individuals (∆CT mean: 8.04±1.51) (p=0.031). In contrast, PD-L1 mRNA expression levels were higher in NPC patients (∆CT mean: 6.96±1.32) compared to healthy individuals (∆CT mean: 7.11±0.55), but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.554). The expression of PD-1 was associated with tumour-node-metastasis (TNM) stage (p=0.030) but not associated with age (p=1.000), sex (p=1.000), body mass index (p=0.350), tumor stage (p=0.338), nodal stage (p=0.579), metastasis stage (p=0.371), and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) status (p=0.228). Meanwhile PD-L1 expression was not associated with all clinicophatological features.Conclusion: The PD-1 mRNA expression levels were significantly lower, while PD-L1 expression levels were higher in NPC patients compared to healthy controls. PD-1 expression was correlated with TNM stage.Keywords: nasopharyngeal carcinoma, immune checkpoint inhibitors, PD-1, PD-L

    Pendampingan Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an Di TPQ Masjid Sholikhin RT 04 Butuh Lor Kelurahan Triwidadi

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    Determining the object of the problem posed is the background of the problems that arise in the need for maximizing the Al-Quran Education Park (TPQ) as a center for religious character education. The solution proposed by the Thematic Community Service Group II team at Alma Ata University was to integrate learning to read the Koran and the addition of religious knowledge with religious character values for students. The method used by the Thematic KKN team is method PAR (Participatory Active Research). The contribution proposed by the Thematic KKN team is so that TPQ can maximize the role of TPQ in religious character education. For students, can get additional knowledge. for the community, they can support efforts to inculcate religious character education. In conclusion, the existence of TPQ is still essential in society as a place of education for children.Keywords: Caracter Education , Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ), Students, Butuh Lo