428 research outputs found

    ā€œThe Development of foodPedia: An Android-based Application for Food Trails in Perakā€

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    This study examines the extent of adoption of information communication technology (ICT) in promoting local delicacies owned by SMEs in Food and Beverages in Malaysia. It focuses on an alternative way that can be used to help these SMEs to promote their business using android, the bestselling platform which operates on smartphones and computer tablets. This paper combines and describes how people and technology complement each other for betterment of the industry. Since SMEs cover major portions of the businesses in Malaysia, it makes them one of the major contributing factors which lead towards the economic growth. Android on the other hand is chosen by looking at the positive growth of smartphones market shares and this paper shall explain how does this relates to android to be chosen as the best platform to be used. Interviews and questionnaires are the tools used to acquire the required input and to get userā€™s feedback towards the application developed. The paper will provide detailed discussion on the processes involve throughout the application development and the benefits that the application could provide to the user

    Peran Partai Politik Dalam Menjamin Representasi Perempuan Di Dewan Legislatif Di Berau

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    Kebijakan afirmasi dilakukan untuk mendorong agar jumlah perempuan di lembaga legislatif lebih representatif. Namun dalam implementasinya angka representasi perempuan pada pemilu legislatif 2019 yang lalu di Kabupaten Berau baru mencapai 16,67%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis sejauh mana partai politik memainkan perannya untuk menjamin keterwakilan perempuan serta faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat keterwakilan perempuan di lembaga legislatif di Kabupaten Berau. Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penggalian informasi dilakukan dengan mengolah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari KPU, BPS, media, hasil penelitian sejenis, dan berbagai dokumen yang relevan. Sedangkan data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung kepada informan. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota legislatif perempuan dan calon anggota legislatif DPRD Kabupaten Berau periode 2019-2024, Ketua DPC Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Kabupaten Berau, Ketua KPUD Kabupaten Berau, dan Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Berau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan partai politik berusaha menjalankan fungsinya untuk mempertahankan kehadirannya di dunia politik dan mengupayakan eksistensi di mata publik. Keberhasilan Partai Golkar dalam meningkatkan jumlah perempuan di legislatif dapat meningkatkan kualitas partai secara keseluruhan. Dukungan finansial, kemampuan dan kompetensi caleg menjadi faktor pendukung perempuan menjadi anggota legislatif, dan faktor penghambat perempuan menjadi anggota legislatif selain kebutuhan finansial yang besar, kurangnya minat perempuan untuk masuk ke lembaga legislatif serta budaya patriarki yang kuat dalam politik dan masyaraka


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    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease and is a genetically determined inflammatory and proliferate disease, measure by three different parameter; Redness, Scaling and Thickness. Psoriasis is categorized as localized or generalized, based on the severity of the disease and its overall impact on the patient's quality of life and well-being. The most widely method used in clinical trials to evaluate psoriasis disease severity is Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). The objective of this project is to generate a quantitative score of scaliness for psoriasis disease which to be used in PASI score calculation. The current PASI scoring system is complicated to be used for scaling evaluation. Moreover, psoriasis lesions are quite visible and therefore relatively hard to quantify with human vision. The images used for the analysis are obtained from the dermatologist and psoriasis website, also from General Hospital Ipoh. Throughout this project, MATLAB 7 software is used in obtaining the results. The algorithm is developed together with a sub-system for image acquisition and processing, segmentation, texture analysis for scaliness scores and PASI scoring based on the scales


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    The aspect of criminal law in intellectual property rights, especially Industrial Design, is one of the legal aspects that is less well known in the community and among business people. This problem occurs because there is still a lack of socialization about the existence of Law No.31 of 2000 concerning Industrial Design. The lack of understanding of business people on industrial design rights, improper treatment of industrial design by industrial design owners in this case business people in Indonesia, which causes the design information to be transformed into public domain, which on the contrary is detrimental to industrial design owners. The absence of an effective mechanism to socialize industrial design laws carried out by the government, even though the Law has been effectively implemented.Ā Keywords: Criminal Law, Protection, Industrial Desig

    Support Vector Machines (SVM) in Test Extraction

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    Text categorization is the process of grouping documents or words into predefined categories. Each category consists of documents or words having similar attributes. There exist numerous algorithms to address the need of text categorization including Naive Bayes, k-nearest-neighbor classifier, and decision trees. In this project, Support Vector Machines (SVM) is studied and experimented by the implementation ofa textual extractor. This algorithm is used to extract important points from a lengthy document, by which it classifies each word in the document under its relevant category and constructs the structure of the summary with reference to the categorized words. The performance of the extractor is evaluated using a similar corpus against an existing summarizer, which uses a different kind of approach. Summarization is part of text categorization whereby it is considered an essential part of today's information-led society, and it has been a growing area of research for over 40 years. This project's objective is to create a summarizer, or extractor, based on machine learning algorithms, which are namely SVM and K-Means. Each word in the particular document is processed by both algorithms to determine its actual occurrence in the document by which it will first be clustered or grouped into categories based on parts of speech (verb, noun, adjective) which is done by K-Means, then later processed by SVM to determine the actual occurrence of each word in each of the cluster, taking into account whether the words have similar meanings with otherwords in the subsequent cluster. The corpus chosen to evaluate the application is the Reuters-21578 dataset comprising of newspaper articles. Evaluation of the applications are carried out against another accompanying system-generated extract which is already in the market, as a means to observe the amount of sentences overlap with the tested applications, in this case, the Text Extractor and also Microsoft Word AutoSummarizer. Results show that the Text Extractor has optimal results at compression rates of 10 - 20% and 35 - 45


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakanĀ  kelas. Terdiri beberapa aspek tindakan dan pengamatan utama yaitu Ā peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT. Adapun permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn di Kelas V SDN 2 Bora Kecamatan Biromaru. Penelitian dilaksanakan Ā di SDN 2 Bora Kecamatan Biromaru, melibatkan 25 orang siswa terdiri atas 15 orang laki-laki dan 10 orang perempuan yang terdaftar pada tahun ajaran 2012/2013. PenelitianĀ  iniĀ  menggunakan desain penelitian Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart yang terdiriĀ  atas dua siklus. Di mana pada setiap siklus dilaksanakan dua kali pertemuan di kelas dan setiap siklus terdiri empatĀ  tahapĀ  yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tindakan siklus I diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal 60% dan daya serap klasikal 61,6%. Pada tindakan siklus II diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal 96% dan daya serap klasikal 95,2%. Hal ini berarti pembelajaran pada siklus II telah memenuhi indikator keberhasilan dengan nilai ketuntasan belajar klasikal minimal 85% dan daya serap klasikal minimal 65%. Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata daya serap klasikal dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal pada kegiatan pembelajaran siklus II, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbaikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V pada mata pelajaran PKn di SDN 2 Bora Kecamatan Biromaru.Ā Kata Kunci :Ā  Hasil Belajar Siswa, Kooperatif tipe NHT, PK

    Sperm activation in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and the effects of environmentally relevant pollutants on sperm fitness

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    In externally fertilizing fishes, multiple factors of the spawning environment may affect the sperm viability, and thus the fertilization rate. In this thesis, the sperm activation effect of osmolality of non-electrolytes and electrolytes activation media, pH and ion channel inhibitors on Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and the effect of environmentally relevant pollutants (cadmium, malathion and rotenone) on sperm fitness (motility and morphology) were investigated. Seminal fluid samples collected from male fishes (200-250g) were subjected to activation treatments, then analyzed for sperm motility using motility score, and motility variables using Hobson sperm tracker for straight line velocity (VSL), beat cross frequency (BCF) and percentage of motile cells (MOT). For the ion channel inhibitors and pollutants, the effect on sperm motility variables of VSL, VCL (curvilinear velocity) and LIN (linearity) were determined. Multivariate analysis was also carried out to determine the effects of ion channel inhibitors and pollutants on sperm subpopulations. The effects of pollutants on sperm morphology were observed using microscopy techniques, namely, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Sperm motility was initiated when the sperm were exposed to hypoosmotic electrolytes and non-electrolytes solution. We also found that sperm show optimal activity at pH range of 6-8 which depicts that the effect of pH on sperm motility is negligible. Lanthanum (calcium channel blocker) and flunarizine (sodium-calcium exchanger pump blocker) were found to inhibit sperm motility at 25 and 5 ĀµM, respectively, suggesting that both ion channels play a significant role in sperm activation in O. niloticus. In contrast amiloride, ouabain and quinine showed no effects on activation, indicating that epithelial sodium channels, sodium-potassium ATPase and voltage gated potassium channels respectively are unlikely to have major roles in sperm activation or motility. The spermatozoa of Oreochromis niloticus were uniflagellate with clearly differentiated oval-shaped head, midpiece and flagellum. Sperm exposed to hypoosmotic shock showed swelling of the midpiece and sleeve structure. The pollutants showed dose- and time-dependent effect on sperm motility of the fast linear sperm subpopulation. Sperm morphology was not affected. Sperm motility was inhibited at 0.44, 0.03 and 0.063 ĀµM, cadmium, malathion and rotenone respectively. Both cadmium and malathion exerted effects very quickly after exposure. The effect of cadmium, which can exert toxicity by calcium antagonism, is consistent with the effects of calcium channel blockes and further supports an important role for calcium in sperm activation and motility. Malathion had effects at relatively low, environmentally relevant concentrations, suggesting the presence of functionally important acetylcholinesterase activity in sperm, and also the presence of activation cytochrome P450 activity. Rotenone, a well known mitochondrial poison, affected motility only after 15 min of pretreatment. The alteration of sperm trajectories in fast linear spermatozoa subpopulation by pollutants at submicromolar concentrations as demonstrated in our study implies potentially serious consequences for fish populations in polluted environments. Furthermore the results indicate that fish sperm motility as assessed by CASA could be an ecologically relevant, sensitive, and ethically acceptable method for toxicity testing in environmental risk assessment

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Simulasi Bencana Gempa Bumi Terhadap Tindakan Anak Dalam Menghadapi Bencana Gempa Bumi Di SMPN 15 Padang

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    Gempa bumi merupakan bencana alam yang tidak dapat ditentukan kapan terjadinya dan sering menimbulkan korban jiwa yang sebagian besar adalah anak-anak, oleh karena itu pendidikan simulasi bencana menjadi sangat penting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan simulasi bencana gempa bumi terhadap tindakan anak dalam menghadapi bencana gempa bumi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel 30 responden menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan one group pre post test design. Hasil uji statistik Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai P-value sebesar 0,000 (< = 0,05). Kesimpulan menunjukkan ada pengaruh pendidikan simulasi bencana gempa bumi terhadap tindakan anak dalam menghadapi bencana gempa bumi. Saran bagi sekolah agar memberikan pendidikan simulasi bencana gempa bumi dengan melakukan pertemuan 4 empat kali dalam sebulan dan memasukan pendidikan bencana kedalam kurikulum sekolah untuk hasil yang lebih maksimal. Pendidikan simulasi yang dilakukan seperti Lebih memperkenalkan lagi benda-benda yang bisa digunakan untuk melindungi diri dari reruntuhan dan benda apa saja yang harus dihindari agar tidak cidera, khususnya tindakan seperti berlindung dibawah meja yang kokoh dan bukan meja yang terbuat dari bahan kaca, menghindari pepohonan, serta berpegangan pada sisi tangga agar terhindar dari cidera
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