112 research outputs found

    SPODT: An R Package to Perform Spatial Partitioning

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    International audienceSpatial cluster detection is a classical question in epidemiology: Are cases located near other cases? In order to classify a study area into zones of different risks and determine their boundaries, we have developed a spatial partitioning method based on oblique decision trees, which is called spatial oblique decision tree (SpODT). This non-parametric method is based on the classification and regression tree (CART) approach introduced by Leo Breiman. Applied to epidemiological spatial data, the algorithm recursively searches among the coordinates for a threshold or a boundary between zones, so that the risks estimated in these zones are as different as possible. While the CART algorithm leads to rectangular zones, providing perpendicular splits of longitudes and latitudes, the SpODT algorithm provides oblique splitting of the study area, which is more appropriate and accurate for spatial epidemiology. Oblique decision trees can be considered as non-parametric regression models. Beyond the basic function, we have developed a set of functions that enable extended analyses of spatial data, providing: inference, graphical representations, spatio-temporal analysis, adjustments on covariates, spatial weighted partition, and the gathering of similar adjacent final classes. In this paper, we propose a new R package, SPODT, which provides an extensible set of functions for partitioning spatial and spatio-temporal data. The implementation and extensions of the algorithm are described. Function usage examples are proposed, looking for clustering malaria episodes in Bandiagara, Mali, and samples showing three different cluster shapes

    Mapping a knowledge-based malaria hazard index related to landscape using remote sensing : application to the cross-border area between French Guiana and Brazil

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    Malaria remains one of the most common vector-borne diseases in the world and the definition of novel control strategies can benefit from the modeling of transmission processes. However, data-driven models are often difficult to build, as data are very often incomplete, heterogeneous in nature and in quality, and/or biased. In this context, a knowledge-based approach is proposed to build a robust and general landscape-based hazard index for malaria transmission that is tailored to the Amazonian region. A partial knowledge-based model of the risk of malaria transmission in the Amazonian region, based on landscape features and extracted from a systematic literature review, was used. Spatialization of the model was obtained by generating land use and land cover maps of the cross-border area between French Guiana and Brazil, followed by computing and combining landscape metrics to build a set of normalized landscape-based hazard indices. An empirical selection of the best index was performed by comparing the indices in terms of adequacy with the knowledge-based model, intelligibility and correlation with P. falciparum incidence rates. The selected index is easy to interpret and successfully represents the current knowledge about the role played by landscape patterns in malaria transmission within the study area. It was significantly associated with P. falciparum incidence rates, using the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients (up to 0.79 and 0.75, respectively; p-value <0.001), and the linear regression coefficient of determination (reaching 0.63; p-values <0.001). This study establishes a spatial knowledge-driven, landscape-based hazard malaria index using remote sensing that can be easily produced on a regular basis and might be useful for malaria prediction, surveillance, and control

    Utilisation de la très haute résolution spatiale pour la caractérisation des habitats de rongeurs, vecteurs de zoonoses à La Réunion

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    Connaître la distribution des espèces vectrices de zoonoses est fondamentale pour comprendre les dynamiques épidémiologiques et caractériser les zones à risque. Cette distribution peut être appréhendée à différentes échelles : régionalement, l'aire de répartition de ces espèces définit les limites d'occurrence de la transmission d'agents pathogènes et, localement, leurs niches déterminent l'aléa. Cette dernière échelle requiert une connaissance très précise des milieux qui peut être acquise par l'analyse d'images satellite à très haute résolution spatiale. Dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche sur la leptospirose à La Réunion (LeptOI), cette étude propose de mesurer le potentiel d'utilisation d'une image Pléiades (produit rééchantillonné à 50 cm) pour caractériser la distribution locale de différents petits mammifères terrestres autour de l'Etang de Saint-Paul. Trois campagnes de piégeage ont permis la capture de 134 animaux appartenant à quatre des cinq espèces présentes à La Réunion (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, Suncus murinus et Tenrec ecaudatus). Une analyse orientée-objet de l'image Pléiades a permis de discriminer dix classes d'occupation des sols avec une précision totale de 83,6%. Des indices paysagers ont été calculés à partir de cette classification autour de chacun des pièges (distances les plus courtes aux classes d&#8217;occupation, densité de contours et pourcentages de surface des classes au sein de zones tampon de 50 et de 100 mètres). Trois zones ("humide", "anthropisée" et "sèche") sont clairement discriminées par ces variables, qui pourront être utilisées comme déterminants écologiques de différents profils épidémiologiques : la zone humide étant propice à la leptospirose et la zone anthropisée étant un lieu de cooccurrence des quatre espèces et ainsi potentiellement une zone d'échanges de pathogènes

    Continuous monitoring of the spatio-temporal patterns of surface water in response to land use and land cover types in a mediterranean lagoon complex

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    Mediterranean coastal lagoons and their peripheral areas often provide a collection of habitats for many species, and they often face significant threats from anthropogenic activities. Diverse human activities in such areas directly affect the spatio-temporal dynamic of surface water and its ecological characteristics. Monitoring the surface water dynamic, and understanding the impact of human activities are of great significance for coastal lagoon conservation. The Regional Natural Park of Narbonne includes a typical Mediterranean lagoon complex where surface water dynamic and its potential link with local diverse human activities has not yet been studied. In this context, based on all the available Landsat images covering the study area during 2002–2016, this study identified the water and non-water classes for each satellite observation by comparing three widely used spectral indices (i.e., NDVI, NDWI and MNDWI) and using the Otsu method. The yearly water frequency index was then computed to present the spatio-temporal dynamic of surface water for each year, and three water dynamic scenarios were also identified for each year: permanent water (PW), non-permanent water (NPW) and non-water (NW). The spatial and inter-annual variation in the patterns of the three water scenarios were characterized by computing the landscape metrics at scenario-level quantifying area/edge, shape, aggregation and fragmentation. Finally, the quantitative link between different land use and land cover (LULC) types derived from the LULC maps of 2003, 2012 and 2015 and the surface water dynamic scenarios was established in each of the 300 m × 300 m grid cells covering the study area to determine the potential impact of human activities on the surface water dynamic. In terms of the inter-annual variation during 2002–2016, PW presented an overall stability, and NPW occupied only a small part of the water surface in each year and presented an inter-annual fluctuation. NPW had a smaller patch size, with lower connectivity degree and higher fragmentation degree. In terms of spatial variation during 2002–2016, NPW often occurred around PW, and its configurational features varied from place to place. Moreover, PW mostly corresponded to the natural lagoon, and salt marsh (as a part of lagoons), and NPW had a strong link with arable land (agricultural irrigation) and salt marsh (salt production), sand beach/dune, coastal wetlands and lagoon for the LULC maps of 2003, 2012 and 2015. However, more in-depth analysis is required for understanding the impact of sand beach/dune, coastal wetlands and lagoon on surface water dynamics. This study covers the long-term variations of surface water patterns in a Mediterranean lagoon complex having intense and diverse human activities, and the potential link between LULC types and the water dynamic scenarios was investigated on different dates. The results of the study should be useful for environmental management and protection of coastal lagoons

    Semi-supervised text classification framework : an overview of Dengue landscape factors and satellite earth observation

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    In recent years there has been an increasing use of satellite Earth observation (EO) data in dengue research, in particular the identification of landscape factors affecting dengue transmission. Summarizing landscape factors and satellite EO data sources, and making the information public are helpful for guiding future research and improving health decision-making. In this case, a review of the literature would appear to be an appropriate tool. However, this is not an easy-to-use tool. The review process mainly includes defining the topic, searching, screening at both title/abstract and full-text levels and data extraction that needs consistent knowledge from experts and is time-consuming and labor intensive. In this context, this study integrates the review process, text scoring, active learning (AL) mechanism, and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) networks, and proposes a semi-supervised text classification framework that enables the efficient and accurate selection of the relevant articles. Specifically, text scoring and BiLSTM-based active learning were used to replace the title/abstract screening and full-text screening, respectively, which greatly reduces the human workload. In this study, 101 relevant articles were selected from 4 bibliographic databases, and a catalogue of essential dengue landscape factors was identified and divided into four categories: land use (LU), land cover (LC), topography and continuous land surface features. Moreover, various satellite EO sensors and products used for identifying landscape factors were tabulated. Finally, possible future directions of applying satellite EO data in dengue research in terms of landscape patterns, satellite sensors and deep learning were proposed. The proposed semi-supervised text classification framework was successfully applied in research evidence synthesis that could be easily applied to other topics, particularly in an interdisciplinary context

    Land cover, land use and malaria in the Amazon: a systematic literature review of studies using remotely sensed data

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    The nine countries sharing the Amazon forest accounted for 89% of all malaria cases reported in the Americas in 2008. Remote sensing can help identify the environmental determinants of malaria transmission and their temporo-spatial evolution. Seventeen studies characterizing land cover or land use features, and relating them to malaria in the Amazon subregion, were identified. These were reviewed in order to improve the understanding of the land cover/use class roles in malaria transmission. The indicators affecting the transmission risk were summarized in terms of temporal components, landscape fragmentation and anthropic pressure. This review helps to define a framework for future studies aiming to characterize and monitor malaria
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