1,197 research outputs found

    Assessment of Disparities in Health Care Access and Health Outcome among Racial and Ethnic Minorities

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    Health disparities are defined by the U.S. department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as health differences that are closely correlated with social, economic, and environmental disadvantages. Health disparities are disproportionately present among racial and ethnic minorities as a result of disparities in income, unemployment, education, and housing and environment. HHS has outlined five goals to reduce health disparities: (1) Transform health care by reducing barriers to access to care; (2) Strengthen the nation’s Health and Human Services infrastructure and workforce through increased diversity in the health care workforce and culturally competent care; (3) advance the health, safety, and well being of the American people by creating environments that promote healthy behavior; (4) Advance scientific knowledge and innovation through increased patient centered research in prevention, screening, diagnostic and treatment services; and (5) Increase the efficiency and accountability of HHS programs by better coordinating and integrating minority health programs(Health and Human Services, 2011). Four reports (CDC, Inequalities Report, The Kelly Report, AHRQ, Disparities ad quality report, and the Westside Health Collaborative Report (WHC)) were used to attain a better view of the health disparities. The concordance of each report to the HHS goals, as well as concordance between reports of the description of health disparities in racial and ethnic minorities was assessed. All four reports were largely similar in their conclusion that racial and ethnic minorities experience greater barriers to access to healthcare and have higher rates of negative health outcomes. The four reports were also similar in their recommendations for each of the five HHS goals. Medicaid expansion, increased access to health services and health education, training community health workers, increased funding for minority serving institutions, and increased race specific research were among the recommendations. Next steps should focus largely on implementation of programs rather than researc

    To Determine the Efficiency of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Polyacrylamide (PAM) as Drag Reducing Agent for Water Injection

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    Water injection can be applied as secondary recovery method to repressurize the reservoir to maintain oil production and thus, can maintain the production rate. One of the main aims during water injection process is to increase the volume of water injected into the reservoir. However, the injection of water is often limited by pumping capacity on the platform or well site and the capacity of injection tubing or pipelines due to friction pressure loss. Moreover, it is commonly found in the pipeline system, water transported may exerted over long distance which allow to more pressures loss. Thus, this limitation affects the flow assurance of the well production. The main aim in this project is to study the effectiveness of using Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Polyacrylamide (PAM) as Drag Reducing Agent for Water Injection by manipulating the polymer concentration from 100ppm to 800ppm and see the effect of Reynolds number and flow rate obtained. Drag reducing Agent (DRA) have been used in the oil industry for several years, both in oil and water based systems to enhance the flow assurance in the production line which caused by drag. Drag may contribute to pumping loses, decreasing in production capacity and potential of corrosion effect. Due to that, a lot of researches have been done to investigate the most effectiveness drag reducing agent that can be used to overcome this matter. In this project, an open flow experiment setup is fabricated which is mainly consist of 12.25m long of 1” diameter galvanized pipe and 0.5m long of 2” diameter of injection point. Two pressure gauge is used to monitor the pressure drop obtained along the 4m test section for each concentrations tested. Besides, a commercial DRA is used to compare the performance of tested polymer (PVP and PAM). The results show that PAM gives most significant drag reduction percentage with 21.9% compare to PVP, 18.8%. However, this commercial DRA shows greater drag reduction up to 30% with comparison with the optimum concentration of both polymers. Besides, it also observed that an increase of Reynolds number will increase the drag reduction percentage before the polymer start to degrade at too high flow rate. Thus, it is concluded that the ability of PVP and approve the PAM as a potential drag reducing agent which can be used effectively in water injection system. Besides, both tested polymers performance is not far behind with the DR% obtain by the commercial DRA

    Aplikasi Play Learning Tematik Tumbuh Dan Berkembang Menggunakan Algoritma Shuffle Random Berbasis Android Untuk Anak Kelas 3 Di MI Datuk Singaraja

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    Perubahan sistem pendidikan pada saat pandemi sekarang ini mempersulit siswa mendapat materi belajar dikarenakan sistem pembelajaran yang biasa dilakukan secara konvensional berubah menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh atau online. Pada umumnya beberapa sekolah menggunakan Aplikasi chatting ataupun menggunakan layanan konferensi video untuk kegiatan belajar mengajarnya. Faktanya hasil observasi yang dilakukan disalah satu sekolah dasar yang menerapkan kegiatan belajar secara online adalah MI Datuk Singaraja. Penggunaan aplikasi chatting tersebut dalam pelaksanaannya, beberapa wali murid yang menilai kegiatan belajar mengajar kurang efektif dikarenakan beberapa guru hanya memberi materi yang difoto dan kemudian memberi tugas. Selain itu, siswa-siswi justru menggunakan kesempatan menggunakan smartphone untuk bermain game yang seharusnya digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar. Maka dari itu, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dibuat aplikasi Play Learning Tematik Tumbuh dan Berkembang yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu dan media alternatif penyampaian materi belajar yang variatif dan interaktif. Metode yang di gunakan dalam perancangan dan pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah GRAPPLE singkatan dari Guidelines for Rapid APPlication Enggineering dengan permodelan UML yang meliputi Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram dan kerangka pemikiran. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi Play Learning yang membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi lebih efektif dengan media yang variatif dan interaktif Pengujian aplikasi ini mendapatkan predikat sangat layak dari ahli media dan ahli materi serta responden


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    Tragedi Kanjuruhan yang terjadi di awal Oktober 2022 lalu menjadi topik pemberitaan di berbagai media online selama beberapa waktu. Pemberitaan yang rutin tersebut dapat berpotensi menimbulkan reaksi psikologis yaitu munculnya rasa cemas bagi para suporter bola yang kerap kali menonton pertandingan di Stadion. Pada dasarnya penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan seberapa besar pengaruh dari terpaan pemberitaan Tragedi Kanjuruhan di media online terhadap tingkat kecemasan suporter bola. Penelitian ini melibatkan 100 responden yang merupakan suporter bola dari tim sepakbola di Indonesia yang berdomisili di Pulau Jawa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana. Dari pengujian data didapatkan hasil positif dan signifikan antar variabel sebesar 0,004 yang berarti lebih kecil dari nilai signifikansi 0,05. Nilai r square sebesar 0,81 yang jika dikalikan 100% menjadi 8.1%. Itu berarti variabel X yaitu terpaan pemberitaan berpengaruh sebesar 8,1% terhadap variabel Y tingkat kecemasan suporter bola, sisanya 91,9% dipengaruhi oleh hal lain di luar penelitian ini. Pada uji t menunjukkan hasil sebesar 2.931 dan jika t hitung dibandingkan dengan t tabel berarti 2.931 > 1.984 yang artinya H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari Terpaan Pemberitaan Tragedi Kanjuruhan di Media Online terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Suporter Bola yang Menonton Pertandingan di Stadion

    Osteonecrosis and bone health in children, teenagers and young people with leukaemia

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    Following a review of the literature describing the bone health of children, teenagers and young people with leukaemia, this thesis is comprised of two main parts. The first part describes a retrospective review of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) who were recruited into the national study, UKALL 2003. This reports upon the UK prevalence of symptomatic osteonecrosis (ON) in young people with ALL, assessing the chronology of development of symptoms and subsequent diagnosis. This study also evaluated risk factors for the development of ON, and determined the joints most commonly affected. The surgical and medical management of patients is described, with a review of long-term outcomes of patients. This is the largest single UK study reporting symptomatic ON in childhood ALL, providing long term follow up data of patients. The overall prevalence of symptomatic ON was calculated to be 5.5%. Age at diagnosis of ALL significantly affected risk of development of ON, with the highest risk in those aged between 10 and 20 years at diagnosis of ALL. Affected patients had a high rate of surgical intervention, with hip replacements in 26% of patients. Core decompression was performed in 30% of hips affected by ON but we found no significant difference in femoral head survival between those patients who had core decompression compared with conservative management The second part of this thesis describes the establishment and interim findings of the British OsteoNEcrosis Study, a prospective longitudinal cohort study of patients aged 10-25 years diagnosed with ALL or lymphoblastic lymphoma. This is the first multi-centre prospective study using MRI imaging for assessment of asymptomatic ON in the UK, and combines physiotherapy assessment with imaging and biochemical results. The results suggest osteonecrotic lesions develop between induction and start of maintenance chemotherapy, with the majority of patients developing multiple asymptomatic osteonecrotic lesions by the start of maintenance chemotherapy

    Physicochemical properties and characterization of nata de coco from local food industries as a source of cellulose (Sifat fizikokimia dan pencirian nata de coco daripada industri makanan tempatan sebagai sumber selulosa)

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    Nata de coco, a dessert originally from the Philippines is produced by fermentation of coconut water with a culture of Acetobacter xylinum, a gram negative bacterium. Acetobacter xylinum metabolizes glucose in coconut juice and converts it into bacterial cellulose that has unique properties including high purity, crystallinity and mechanical strength. Because the main component of nata de coco is bacterial cellulose, nata de coco was purified, extracted and characterized to determine whether pure cellulose could be isolated from it. The FTIR spectra of bacterial cellulose from nata de coco showed distinguish peaks of 3440 cm-1, 2926 cm-1, 1300 cm-1, 1440 cm-1, 1163 cm-1 and 1040 cm-1, which correspond to O-H stretching, C-H stretching, C-H bending, CH2 bending, C-O-C stretching and C-O stretching, respectively, and represent the fingerprints of pure cellulose component. Moreover, the FTIR curve showed a pattern similar to other bacterial cellulose spectra reported by report. Thermal analysis showed a DTG peak at 342°C, which falls in the range of cellulose degradation peaks (330°C - 370°C). On the other hand, the TGA curve showed 1 step of degradation, and this finding confirmed the purity of nata de coco. Bacterial cellulose powder produced from nata de coco was found to be soluble only in cupriethylenediamine, a well known solvent for cellulose; thus, it was confirmed that nata de coco is a good source of bacterial cellulose. The purity of bacterial cellulose produced from nata de coco renders it suitable for research that uses pure cellulos

    Addressing Offshore Tax Evasion Challenges in the Rising of Digitalization Economy

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    Countries worldwide have lost billions of dollars in tax revenue due to tax evasion on income from offshore bank accounts. The increasing challenge in a rising digital economy, has brought about significant economic and social disruption, necessitating advanced measures to combat offshore tax evasion. Hence, this paper aims to provide an overview and critical analysis of the digital approaches taken globally to curb offshore tax evasion strategies used by individual and multinational corporations. This paper employs library-based doctrinal study and comparative legal analysis in a descriptive, analytic provision, and prescriptive manner. Keywords: Offshore Asset, Tax Evasion, Digital Economy, Law Reform eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6i18.301

    PENGARUH KECERDASAN INTELEKTUAL, KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL DAN KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL TERHADAP SIKAP ETIS MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI (Studi Empiris pada Mahasiswa Prodi Akuntansi di Universitas Islam Malang dan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim)

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    The purpose of this study is to the influence of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the ethical attitudes of accounting students at the Islamic University of Malang and the State Islamic University Of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, either partially or simultaneously. This research is causal comparative with quantitative approach. The data processed in this study is primary data as many as 196 respondents with Purposive Sampling technique. The technique of collecting data is through distributing questionnaires through google form. From the results of multiple linear regression tests using SPSS 16 software, it can be seen that there is a positive and significant influence on intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) on the ethical attitudes of accounting students. It is partially proven that each of the three independent variables has a significant value from the t test <0.05. and proved again simultaneously to obtain a significant value of F < 0.05. Keywords : Student Ethical Attitude, Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligenc

    To Determine the Efficiency of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Polyacrylamide (PAM) as Drag Reducing Agent for Water Injection

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    Water injection can be applied as secondary recovery method to repressurize the reservoir to maintain oil production and thus, can maintain the production rate. One of the main aims during water injection process is to increase the volume of water injected into the reservoir. However, the injection of water is often limited by pumping capacity on the platform or well site and the capacity of injection tubing or pipelines due to friction pressure loss. Moreover, it is commonly found in the pipeline system, water transported may exerted over long distance which allow to more pressures loss. Thus, this limitation affects the flow assurance of the well production. The main aim in this project is to study the effectiveness of using Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and Polyacrylamide (PAM) as Drag Reducing Agent for Water Injection by manipulating the polymer concentration from 100ppm to 800ppm and see the effect of Reynolds number and flow rate obtained. Drag reducing Agent (DRA) have been used in the oil industry for several years, both in oil and water based systems to enhance the flow assurance in the production line which caused by drag. Drag may contribute to pumping loses, decreasing in production capacity and potential of corrosion effect. Due to that, a lot of researches have been done to investigate the most effectiveness drag reducing agent that can be used to overcome this matter. In this project, an open flow experiment setup is fabricated which is mainly consist of 12.25m long of 1” diameter galvanized pipe and 0.5m long of 2” diameter of injection point. Two pressure gauge is used to monitor the pressure drop obtained along the 4m test section for each concentrations tested. Besides, a commercial DRA is used to compare the performance of tested polymer (PVP and PAM). The results show that PAM gives most significant drag reduction percentage with 21.9% compare to PVP, 18.8%. However, this commercial DRA shows greater drag reduction up to 30% with comparison with the optimum concentration of both polymers. Besides, it also observed that an increase of Reynolds number will increase the drag reduction percentage before the polymer start to degrade at too high flow rate. Thus, it is concluded that the ability of PVP and approve the PAM as a potential drag reducing agent which can be used effectively in water injection system. Besides, both tested polymers performance is not far behind with the DR% obtain by the commercial DRA

    An investigation of gender and generational differences in attitudes toward the importance of a college degree in the UAE

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    © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: This study examines attitudes toward higher education for men and women among male and female students and parents in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and demonstrates gender differences in parent and student expectations about the importance of higher education. Design/methodology/approach: This quantitative study examines attitudes toward higher education among 461 matched students and parents (total sample size 1442 respondents) in six higher education institutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and demonstrates gender differences between parent and student perceptions. Findings: In general, attitudes about the importance of a college degree were high and stable, except that younger, more recent female graduates were more likely to disagree that family traditions were threatened by women completing a college degree. Socio-demographic variables were associated with more favorable attitudes about the value of education for global leadership, the importance of a college education for both men and women and gender equality. Research limitations/implications: Six higher education institutions were represented in the sample so external validity can be improved by studying these variables in other sample groups across the nation, region and globe. In addition, including additional types of universities, e.g. distance learning, technical, research and military, would indicate if the findings are generalizable to a broader range of institutions of higher education. There are opportunities for future comparative studies to examine the relevance of these findings across cultures and government initiatives to build national human resource capital and to consider other aspects of intergenerational relationships, attitudes and behaviors. Originality/value: The authors examine perceived implications of the value of higher education on different arenas of men and women’s lives among the Emirates. Additionally, we focus on whether their attitudes vary by gender and generation