245 research outputs found

    The voice of faith: A short note by a female Muslim writer

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    The author discussed how religious heritage shaped the writing


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    Nadia Asma‟. 2017. A Content Analysis on Speaking Module of Bilingual Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty in IAIN Surakarta. Thesis. English Education Department. Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Surakarta. Advisor : Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M. Pd. Key words : Module, Speaking Skill, Bilingual Faculty, Content Analysis Design. Module is an alternative teaching media which is in the form of autodidact learning and design systematically to help students in learning activity (Mulyassa as cited in Nugroho, 2014:16). Bilingual Faculty is a program in Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Surakarta where students in this faculty hopefully be able to speak more than one foreign language. The aim of this study is to know how the quality of materials of Guided Speaking used for 4th semester and Public Speaking used for 6th semester teaching materials that released in the first implementation of Bilingual Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty (FITK) in IAIN Surakarta in the academic year of 2015/2016 based on criteria of materials evaluation proposed by Jocelyn Howard. The researcher used content analysis with descriptive qualitative approach. The data was collected by documenting the content materials on the module. The data were analyzed by reducing the data, presenting the data, analyzing the data by using Howard theory and taking the conclusion and verification. This research used theoretical triangulation to get an appropriate data in order that the result of the study is credibility, transferability, dependability and confirm-ability. There are four findings of this research. First, Guided Speaking and Pubic Speaking modules are not categorized as a module. Second, looking at the quality of materials, the result showed that Guided Speaking module fulfilled the criteria proposed in Howard theory concerning the materials evaluation with the summative score 24% and Public Speaking module fulfilled the criteria proposed in Howard theory concerning the materials evaluation with the summative score 25%. Third, there is a consistency of poor teaching materials in each lesson in both modules. Fourth, the materials in Guided Speaking module used for 4th semester is more difficult than Public Speaking module used for 6th semester. From those findings, the modules were categorized as a poor teaching materials and not suitable to use as media in teaching and learning process in Bilingual Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty (FITK) in IAIN Surakarta. Based on those findings, the researcher has suggestion for Bilingual Department Team and forthcoming researcher to evaluate the quality of standardized materials based on experts


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    Abstrak Pendidikan berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kompetensi manusia. Pendidikan tidak luput dari kurikulum yang sedang diaplikasikan. Kurikulum 2013 yang saat ini digunakan merupakan hasil penyempurnaan dari kurikulum-kurikulum sebelumnya. Paut (dalam Andajani, 2016: 28) mengatakan Kurikulum 2013 menegaskan pada dimensi pedagogik modern di dalam pembelajaran, yaitu dengan memakai pendekatan saintifik. Pendekatan saintifik diharapkan mampu mendukung pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) yang berkualitas, karena IPA memiliki peran penting khususnya dalam kemajuan pendidikan. Salah satu faktor keberhasilan pembelajaran IPA ditentukan oleh kualitas buku teks yang digunakan. Pada Kurikulum 2013, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan telah menerbitkan buku yang ditujukan untuk guru dan siswa, yaitu buku guru dan buku siswa. Pada jenjang SD, materi ajar yang ada pada buku dikembangkan berbasis tematik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merupakan menganalisis materi IPA pada buku tematik terpadu kelas IV semester 1 berdasarkan pendekatan saintifik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah buku tematik kelas IV semester 1 SD yang diterbitkan oleh Quadra sebanyak lima tema yang terdiri atas Tema 1 yaitu Indahnya Kebersamaan, Tema 2 yaitu Selalu Berhemat Energi, Tema 3 yaitu Peduli terhadap Makhluk Hidup, Tema 4 yaitu Berbagai Pekerjaan, dan Tema yaitu 5 Pahlawanku. Dari hasil analisis tersebut diketahui bahwa pendekatan saintifik pada materi IPA yang ada pada buku tematik siswa tidak semua langkah-langkah pendekatan saintifik ada disetiap pembelajaran. Kegiatan mengamati dan mencoba muncul pada setiap tema, sedangkan kegiatan mengkomunikasikan muncul pada setiap tema kecuali tema 2. Kegiatan menanya dan menalar hanya muncul pada tema 3. Abstract Education plays an important role in improving human competence. Education does not escape from the curriculum that is being applied. The 2013 curriculum that is currently being used is the result of improvements from the previous curricula. Paut (in Andajani, 2016: 28) says the 2013 curriculum emphasizes the modern pedagogic dimension in learning, namely by using a scientific approach. The scientific approach is expected to be able to support quality natural science learning, because science has an important role, especially in the advancement of education. One of the success factors for learning science is determined by the quality of the textbooks used. In the 2013 Curriculum, the Ministry of Education and Culture has published books aimed at teachers and students, namely teacher books and student books. At the elementary level, the teaching materials in the books are developed on a thematic basis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the science material in an integrated thematic book for class IV semester 1 based on a scientific approach. This research is qualitative research and uses the content analysis method. The subjects in this study were the thematic books for class IV semester 1 SD published by Quadra as many as five themes consisting of Theme 1 which is the Beauty of Togetherness, Theme 2 is Always Saving Energy, Theme 3 is Caring for Living Creatures, Theme 4 is Various Jobs, and The theme 5 is My Heroes. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the scientific approach to science material in students' thematic books does not have all the steps of the scientific approach in every lesson. Observing and trying activities appear in each theme while communicating activities appear in every theme except for theme 2. Questioning and reasoning activities only appear in theme 3

    Emotional Exhaustion as Stressor agent for Job Stress in Call Centers: Empirical evidence from perspective of Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention as Work Outcomes

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze job burnout component emotional exhaustion as a probable stressor agent that causes job stress and their impact on job satisfaction and turnover intention as work outcomes. The scales were adapted from that measure to analyze the effect of emotional exhaustion causing job stress, also highlights the evidence in support of the conceptual model. Data was collected by the survey that generated 220 respondents. The sample chosen for this research are employees working in telecommunication call centers of Lahore city region in Pakistan. SPSS regression analysis was employed for data analysis. The results showed that emotional exhaustion carried negative and significant relation with job satisfaction (β= -.354,p<.05) and significant positive relation with turnover intention (β= .290, p<.05) also significant relation between dependent variables followed by mediating effect of two dimensions of job stress analyzed by PROCESS procedure of bootstrapping technique contained no and full mediation between emotional exhaustion in relation with job satisfaction and turnover intention respectively. Outcome from the conducted study depicted that stress did not affected the level of satisfaction of employees as they are well trained and informed that job stress is the part of their work activities in call centers and the stress in organizations is needed to be dealt with

    Identifying Optimal Parameters And Their Impact For Predicting Credit Card Defaulters Using Machine-Learning Algorithms

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    Data mining and Machine learning are the emerging technologies that are rapidly spreading in every field of life due to their beneficial aspects. The financial sector also makes use of these technologies. Many research studies regarding banking data analysis have been performed using machine learning techniques. These research studies also have many Problems as the main focus of these studies was to achieve high accuracy and some of them only perform comparative analysis of different classifier's performance. Another major drawback of these studies was that they do not identify any optimal parameters and their impact. In this research, we have identified optimal parameters. These parameters are valuable for performing the credit scoring process and might also be used to predict credit card defaulters. We also find their impact on the results. We have used feature selection and classification techniques to identify optimal parameters and their impact on credit card defaulters identification. We have introduced three classifiers which are Kstar, SMO and Multilayer perceptron and repeat the process of classification and feature selection for every classifier. First, we apply feature selection techniques to our dataset with each classifier to find out possible optimal parameters and In the next phase, we use classification to find the impact of possible optimal parameters and proved our findings. In each round of classification, we have used different parameters available in the dataset every time we include and exclude some parameters and noted the results of each run of classification with each classifier and in this way, we identify the optimal parameters and their impact on the results Whereas we also analyze the performance of classifiers. To perform this research study, we use the “credit card defaults” dataset which we obtained from UCI Machine learning online repository. We use two feature selection techniques that include ranker approach and evolutionary search method and after that, we also apply classification techniques on the dataset. This research can help to reduce the complexities of the credit scoring process. Through this study, we identify up to six optimal parameters and also find their impact on the performance of classifiers. Further We also identify that multilayer perceptron was the best performing classifier out of three. This research work can also be extended to other fields in the future where we use this mechanism to find out optimal parameters and their impact can help us to predict the  results.  &nbsp

    Reasons and Effects of Diversity of Education System in Pakistan at Elementary Level

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    Abstract Now a days Pakistan has several types of pedagogic systems. The origin of this matter can be pursued in copious factors; from foreign interferences to political flux. Education, which functions as the spinal cord for a nation’s survival, has underwent in Pakistan at the hands of political and socio-economic organizations. The fact that the multiple systems of education are sucking the blood out of this undeveloped nation is discouraging. It serves as a blow for the country to achieve collective objectives. Currently, this problem can be said to be stimulating other issues that are evolving in our society. This diversity is leading the nation into a nasty cycle of social discrepancy and political craving. However, today it has become essential to ensure uniformity in educational sector. The government needs to devise plans to deal with this state of educational emergency and take rational actions to reduce the invalid existing among these educational systems

    Graves' Disease Associated with Cerebrovascular Disease and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome

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    Thyroid disorders are commonly associated with coagulopathy. Patients with hyperthyroidism have increased risk for developing thromboembolic accidents, which are favoured by a simultaneous presence of antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome. in this paper, we describe the case of a patient with Graves' disease, who developed strokes with antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome

    Dermatomyosite et panniculite: place des immunoglobulines

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    La panniculite est une maladie inflammatoire du tissu adipeux sous-cutané rarement associée à la dermatomyosite. Elle peut survenir avant, après ou en même temps que l'atteinte musculaire. Dans la plupart des cas, l'évolution de la panniculite et des autres atteintes de la dermatomyosite est favorable sous traitement corticoïde et/ou immunosuppresseur. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 48 ans ayant présenté des lésions de panniculite précédant de 2 mois les signes musculaires. L'atteinte cutanée était résistante au traitement corticoïde associés aux immunosuppresseurs ce qui a nécessité le recours au traitement par Immunoglobulines polyvalentes permettant ainsi une amélioration à la fois de l'atteinte cutanée et musculaire.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Need of physical and chemical restraints: Experiences at inpatient psychiatric ward in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan

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    In psychiatry, agitated / aggressive patients are often treated with de-escalation techniques. If this does not work, physical or chemical restrains are required; but in the event of resistance, seclusion is applied. We report the findings of baseline study of experiences of physical and chemical restraints in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, where 104 files were evaluated retrospectively. The mean age of patients was 32.5 ±14.3 years with 54.8% men, while the average length of stay was 11.5 ±9.3 days. Agitation, violent behaviour, and aggression were the most common indications for restraints. In total, 94.5% of patients had both physical and chemical restraints with the latter being used as the first choice in 70 patients; whereas, 67.1% of patients\u27 families were not informed before application of restraints. The seclusion need assessment was conducted in 4.1% of patients