129 research outputs found

    The physician and updates in cancer treatment: when to stop?

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    A questão do término da vida é fonte de reflexões desde os primórdios da civilização e demanda diligências para a tentativa de seu enquadramento social ao longo da história do pensamento humano. Com o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da medicina, podese modificar, na maioria das vezes, a história natural das doenças. É possível prolongar a vida e adiar o processo do morrer. Isso engendrou um novo protótipo médico em que há necessidade de se conviver e cuidar de pacientes gravemente enfermos, situação muitas vezes acompanhada de árduo sofrimento. A sociedade atribui ao médico a função de ser o responsável por debelar e vencer a morte. No contexto oncológico, essas questões surgem de forma salutar, uma vez que, em diversas situações, não há possibilidade de se oferecer uma terapêutica curativa aos enfermos. O objetivo do presente artigo é debater as relações que norteiam a temática proposta, baseando-se em uma revisão de literatura. Busca-se, assim, uma perspectiva que figura como um caminho argumentativo que conduz evidências a esse debate.The issue of life-ending has been a source of considerations since the dawn of civilization, and calls for great circumspection when one attempts to fit it socially throughout the history of human thinking. The development and improvement of Medicine might modify, in most cases, the natural history of disease. We have managed to prolong life and the process of dying. This has created a new medical prototype that needs to care for terminally-ill patients, a situation often accompanied by severe suffering. Society attributes to the physician the role of being responsible for conquering and overcoming death. In the oncology context, these questions are well addressed, as in many situations there is no possibility to offer a curative treatment to the patients. The objective of the present study was to discuss the relations that guide the proposed theme, based on a medical literature review. Therefore, a perspective is sought as an argumentative alternative that brings evidence to the proposed debate

    Lipoid proteinosis

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. COMENTÁRIOS: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.OBJECTIVE: Report clinical characteristics, histological findings and treatment of a patient with lipoid proteinosis. CASE DESCRIPTION: Five year-old male patient was assisted in the university clinic for dental treatment. The mother reported the presence of intense halitosis and difficulties for feeding and oral hygiene due to extensive gingival hyperplasia on the maxillary and mandibular arches. Clinical examination revealed generalized functional and esthetic involvement, including hoarseness; bilateral knee and ankle arthralgia; tumoral lesions on the ears and gingival hyperplasia throughout the extent of both dental arches. The surgical treatment removed the hyperplastic tissue and all deciduous teeth, as well as two permanents teeth. Histopathological examination of the specimen confirmed the diagnosis of lipoid proteinosis. COMMENTS: Lipoid proteinosis is a rare disorder characterized by progressive deposition of hyaline material in the skin, mucous membranes and organs. Clinical signs appear after birth and are characterized by hoarseness, papulonodular lesions on the head, neck and limbs and yellowish papules on the eyelid margins, among others. The disease has a benign and chronic evolution

    Triple-negative breast cancer and radiation therapy

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    Background: This study aimed to review specific indications of radiation therapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), and to introduce the hypothesis of TNBC as an independent predictor for postmastectomy radiation therapy (PMRT). Materials and methods: Two reviewers independently searched two electronic databases (Pubmed and Embase), with the inclusion dates of January 2000 to December 2021, for the following terms: “mastectomy” or “breast conserving surgery” or “lumpectomy”, and “radiation” or “radiotherapy”, and “triple negative” and “recurrence”. All evidence was explored by two reviewers, then organized into a narrative review considering grades of recommendation. Results: Patients with TNBC are candidates for breast conserving surgery (grade of recommendation B). Postoperative whole-breast irradiation must be offered following breast conserving surgery (grade of recommendation A). Do not omit postoperative radiation therapy in older patients with TNBC (grade of recommendation B). Do not use partial-breast irradiation in patients with TNBC (grade of recommendation B). Postmastectomy radiation therapy should be offered for women with T3–T4 or node- positive TNBC, for any number of positive nodes (grade of recommendation A). Radiation therapy following mastectomy might also benefit patients with T1–T2 node-negative TNBC (grade of recommendation B). For patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic therapy, radiation therapy indication is based on pretreatment features. Retrospective studies suggest that residual TNBC is sensitive to radiation therapy to optimize locoregional control (grade of recommendation C). Conclusions: Postoperative radiation therapy should be offered for most patients with TNBC. Upcoming studies, preferably prospective randomized trials, should evaluate the indications of radiation therapy, especially in the context of novel systemic treatments

    Treatment priorities in oncology: do we want to live longer or better?

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    OBJECTIVES: Despite the progress achieved in the fight against cancer over the past several years, assessing the needs, goals and preferences of patients with cancer is of the utmost importance for the delivery of health care. We sought to assess priorities regarding quantity versus quality of life among Brazilian patients, comparing them with individuals without cancer. METHODS: Using a questionnaire presenting four hypothetical cancer cases, we interviewed cancer patients, oncology health-care professionals and laypersons, most of whom had administrative functions in our hospital. RESULTS: A total of 214 individuals participated: 101 patients, 44 health-care professionals and 69 laypersons. The mean ages in the three groups were 56, 34 and 31 years old, respectively (

    Lipoid proteinosis

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    OBJETIVO: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. COMENTÁRIOS: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.OBJECTIVE: Report clinical characteristics, histological findings and treatment of a patient with lipoid proteinosis. CASE DESCRIPTION: Five year-old male patient was assisted in the university clinic for dental treatment. The mother reported the presence of intense halitosis and difficulties for feeding and oral hygiene due to extensive gingival hyperplasia on the maxillary and mandibular arches. Clinical examination revealed generalized functional and esthetic involvement, including hoarseness; bilateral knee and ankle arthralgia; tumoral lesions on the ears and gingival hyperplasia throughout the extent of both dental arches. The surgical treatment removed the hyperplastic tissue and all deciduous teeth, as well as two permanents teeth. Histopathological examination of the specimen confirmed the diagnosis of lipoid proteinosis. COMMENTS: Lipoid proteinosis is a rare disorder characterized by progressive deposition of hyaline material in the skin, mucous membranes and organs. Clinical signs appear after birth and are characterized by hoarseness, papulonodular lesions on the head, neck and limbs and yellowish papules on the eyelid margins, among others. The disease has a benign and chronic evolution.26330030

    Breast cancer radiation therapy: A bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature

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    Background and purpose: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and radiation therapy (RT) is crucial in its multimodality management. Since bibliometrics is a powerful tool to reveal the scientific literature, we decided to perform a bibliometric analysis of the literature on breast cancer radiotherapy. We explored emerging trends and common patterns in research, tracking collaboration and networks, and foreseeing future directions in this clinical setting. Material and methods: The electronic Scopus database was searched using the keywords "breast cancer" and "radiotherapy" to include manuscripts published in English, between 2000 and 2021. Data analysis was performed using R-Studio 0.98.1091 software with a machine-learning bibliometric method, based on the bibliometrix R package. The most relevant authors were quantified per number and fractionalized number of authored documents. Author productivity was analysed through Lotka's law. Bradford's law was applied to identify the nucleus of journals focused on the addressed topic. Mainstream themes area included isolated topics (niche themes), new topics (emerging themes), hot topics (motor themes) and essential topics (basic themes). Results: A total of 27 184 documents was found, mainly original articles (76 %). The annual growth rate was 6.98 %, with an increase in scientific production from 485 to 2000 documents between 2000 and 2021. Overall, 2 544 journals published ≥ 1 documents. The most relevant authors were affiliated in the United States. Surgical procedures, cancer type and treatment strategies represented basic themes, while primary systemic therapy and sentinel lymph node biopsy were emerging themes. Health-related quality of life was a niche theme, while RT techniques had high centrality. Conclusion: The primary interests of breast cancer radiation oncologists have evolved over time, adding safety, health related quality of life, sustainability of treatments and combination to systemic therapies to radiotherapy efficacy and effectiveness and treatment outcomes

    Literature review of clinical results of total skin electron irradiation (TSEBT) of mycosis fungoides in adults

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    BackgroundMycosis fungoides (MF) is an extranodal, indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma of T cell origin. Even with the establishment of MF staging, the initial treatment strategy often remains unclear.AimThe aim of this study was to review the clinical results of total skin electron beam therapy (TSEBT) for MF in adults published in English language scientific journals searched in Pubmed/Medline database until December 2012.ResultsMF is very sensitive to radiation therapy (RT) delivered either by photons or by electrons. In limited patches and/or plaques local electron beam irradiation results in good outcomes besides the fact of not being superior to other modalities. For extensive patches and/or plaques data suggest that TSEBT shows superior response rates. The cutaneous disease presentation is favorably managed with radiotherapy due to its ability to treat the full thickness of deeply infiltrated skin. For generalized erythroderma presentation, TSEBT seems to be an appropriate initial therapy. For advanced disease, palliation, or recurrence after the first radiotherapy treatment course, TSEBT may still be beneficial, with acceptable toxicity. Recommended dose is 30–36[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy delivered in 6–10 weeks.ConclusionTSEBT can be used to treat any stage of MF. It also presents good tumor response with symptoms of relief and a palliative effect on MF, either after previous irradiation or failure of other treatment strategies

    Deep inspiration breath hold: dosimetric benefits to decrease cardiac dose during postoperative radiation therapy for breast cancer patients

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    Background: Postoperative radiation therapy (RT) is the standard treatment for almost all patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Even with modern RT techniques, parts of the heart may still receive higher doses than those recommended by clinically validated dose limit restrictions, especially when the left breast is irradiated. Deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) may reduce irradiated cardiac volume compared to free breathing (FB) treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the dosimetric impact on the heart and left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) in FB and DIBH RT planning in patients with left breast cancer. Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study of women diagnosed with left-sided breast cancer submitted to breast surgery followed by postoperative RT from 2015 to 2019. All patients were planned with FB and DIBH and  hypofractionated dose prescription (40.05 Gy in 15 fractions). Results: 68 patients were included in the study. For the coverage of the planned target volume evaluation [planning target volume (PTV) eval] there was no significant difference between the DIBH versus FB planning. For the heart and LAD parameters, all constraints evaluated favored DIBH planning, with statistical significance. Regarding the heart,  median V16.8 Gy was 2.56% in FB vs. 0% in DIBH (p < 0.001); median V8.8 Gy was 3.47% in FB vs. 0% in DIBH (p < 0.001) and the median of mean heart dose was 1.97 Gy in FB vs. 0.92 Gy in DIBH (p < 0.001). For the LAD constraints D2% < 42 Gy, the median dose was 34.87 Gy in FB versus 5.8  Gy in DIBH (p < 0.001); V16.8 Gy < 10%, the median was 15.87% in FB versus 0% in DIBH (p < 0.001) and the median of mean LAD dose was 8.13Gy in FB versus 2.92Gy in DIBH (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The DIBH technique has consistently demonstrated a significant dose reduction in the heart and LAD in all evaluated constraints, while keeping the same dose coverage in the PTV eval