277 research outputs found

    The Sacramentality of the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6

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    The “Bread of Life Discourse” in John 6 is often read sacramentally and used as justification for eucharistic beliefs regarding true-presence. Though the evangelist of the Gospel deals with chronology differently than modern authors and readers, the sacramental-sounding language in the “Bread of Life Discourse” does not necessarily mean that the passage is referring to the establishment of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. The main point of the “Bread of Life Discourse” is to emphasize faith in Jesus through the metaphor of bread, continuing the dominant theme in the entire chapter of John 6

    Novel Characterization of the Role of Orthologous XAP5 in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Cilia are one of the oldest and most well conserved cellular organelles. Cilia provide an essential role in cellular locomotion, fluid regulation, and are a site for signal transduction pathways involved in sensation. A new study suggests that XAP5 is a transcription factor in a unicellular organism, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which regulates gene expression needed for proper cilium assembly. Our study investigates the conservation of the role of XAP5 in a multicellular system, Caenorhabditis elegans. Alignments between protein, coding region, and promoter sequences for XAP5 orthologs from related species show a good conservation in DNA and protein sequences. As part of the million-mutation project, we obtained a strain, VC40591, which carries a mutation in a gene corresponding to xap-5 (CExap5). To remove unwanted mutations we “backcrossed” our strains twice to replace mutant chromosomes with wild type chromosomes. Backcrossed strains containing CExap5(gk709587) showed chemosensory and dwelling defective patterns, similar to C. elegans with known ciliary deficiencies. Furthermore, a dye-filling assay showed an irregular pattern of dye filling in the tail and sometimes in both the head and tail, at multiple stages of development. However, CExap5 mutant worms typically showed dye filling in the adult stage. Difference at multiple life stages suggest a developmental problem that must be further studied. Overall, our results indicate that CE-XAP5 confers a loss-of-function phenotype consistent with a cilia deficiency, which might suggest a conservation in function with its orthologous protein

    Fast Membranes Hemifusion via Dewetting between Lipid Bilayers

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    The behavior of lipid bilayer is important to understand the functionality of cells like the trafficking of ions between cells. Standard procedures to explore the properties of lipid bilayer and hemifused states typically use either supported membranes or vesicles. Both techniques have several shortcoming in terms of bio relevance or accessibility for measurements. In this article the formation of individual free standing hemifused states between model cell membranes is studied using an optimized microfluidic scheme which allows for simultaneous optical and electrophysiological measurements. In a first step, two model membranes are formed at a desired location within a microfluidic device using a variation of the droplet interface bilayer (DiB) technique. In a second step, the two model membranes are brought into contact forming a single hemifused state. For all tested lipids, the hemifused state between free standing membranes form within hundreds of milliseconds, i.e. several orders of magnitude faster than reported in literature. The formation of a hemifused state is observed as a two stage process, whereas the second stage can be explained as a dewetting process in no-slip boundary condition. The formed hemifusion states are long living and a single fusion event can be observed when triggered by an applied electric field as demonstrated for monoolein

    The New Normal: Engaging Students during Online Learning

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    Schools have been placed under tremendous pressure to provide students with a quality education in an online environment. In the process, student engagement should not be ignored. The purpose of the capstone project is to improve student engagement while in a remote learning environment. It is important to consider the issue of student online engagement because students can fall behind in their studies. An evidence based argument is offered how students who do not engage in the online classroom express the lack of peer and teacher interactions. The four primary stakeholder perspectives chosen were two parents and two fourth grade students, because they have experienced the struggles of remote learning during COVID 19. Three themes emerged from an analysis of data and explored as ways to address the issue presented. Based on the data analysis, an action was chosen as an effective way to engage students in the remote classroom

    3D printer assembly project and user manual

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    L'extensió d'aquest projecte es basa a explicar de manera clara tots els passos que es necessita per a l'execució del muntatge, posada en marxa i proves d'impressió d'una impressora 3D i l'elaboració del seu manual. El desenvolupament comença amb l'adquisició d'un kit d'impressora 3D, a elecci ó de l'usuari que dugui a terme el muntatge, per a això es proporcionarà pautes a tenir en compte per a l'elecció de la seva impressora 3D. Tingui's present que l'elaboració del manual d'usuari d'aquest projecte estarà enfocada cap a un tipus concret d'un a impressora, però, no obstant això, aquest manual servirà d'il·lustració per a iniciarse en la construcció d'una impressora 3D i conèixer la tecnologia que porten incorporades. Una vegada s'hagi seleccionat la impressora, es procedirà a realitzar l'asse mblatge, la configuració i correcció de les fallades que vagin sorgint durant la seva instal·lació, i un parell de proves d'impressió, per a la seva posterior valoració de qualitat visual de la impressió i les possibles millores que es pugui implementar en la impressora 3D seleccionada per l'autor. Durant tot el desenvolupament del muntatge s'ha seguit una línia d'allò més transparent possible per a detallar de manera concisa tot el procediment de l'assemblatge de la impressora, i al seu torn s'ha anat elab orant un manual pràctic de muntatge, on es detalla el procés a seguir de tot l'assemblatge, i les solucions proposades per l'autor per a corregir les incidències que vagin sorgint. D'altra banda, s'ha elaborat el pressupost d'execució d'aquest projecte, on es descriuen tots els costos que estan associades a l'execució d'aquest projecte. I també es detallen les implicacions ambientals i social, en la qual es deixen fonaments sòlids del benefici ambiental i social que aporta aquest projecte. Per a finalitzar, es descriuen les línies de treballs futurs, on es reflecteixen les recomanacions de millores, per a la impressora 3D seleccionada per l'autor. I en les conclusions es deixen constància dels resultats obtinguts, aquests resultats consisteixen a haver complert l'objectiu d'aquest projecte, que consisteix a haver completat l'assemblatge de la impressora, i efectuar correctament les proves d'impressió. També es detallen les recomanacions de continuïtat d'aquest projecte.

    Las alianzas estratégicas como alternativa para el funcionamiento de los servicios de salud en las Empresas Sociales del Estado

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    Este artículo es el resultado de uno de los trabajos que se adelantan en el grupo de investigación de Políticas Públicas y Efectos Económicos, Fiscales y sobre Capital Humano en la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas de la Universidad Icesi. Su objetivo fue explorar la experiencia del Hospital San José, de la ciudad de Popayán, en Colombia, en la constitución y operación de la alianza estratégica con la empresa multinacional Renal Therapy Service, subsidiaria de Baxter International Corporation. Mediante esta figura un hospital de carácter oficial, con numerosas deficiencias originadas en su estructura legal y burocrática, en las difíciles relaciones sindicales con sus empleados y en sus limitaciones financieras, logra ofrecer a los pacientes que sufren de deficiencias renales un servicio asistencial fundamental que exige una alta tecnología, y eficiencia en su prestación, para mejorarles la calidad de vida. En la investigación se exploraron las condiciones para que la alianza pudiera realizarse y luego se evaluaron los resultados de su operación, tanto médicos como financieros, en los primeros cinco años de su funcionamiento. Se encontró que sin esta alianza los pacientes de la ciudad de Popayán y vecindades no se hubieran podido beneficiar de este servicio oportunamente y en condiciones de calidad, lo cual hubiera repercutido en el aumento de la morbilidad.Las alianzas estratégicas como alternativa para el funcionamiento de los servicios de salud en las Empresas Sociales del Estado

    The Reinforcement of Hegemonic Masculinity Through Gender Frames During the 2016 Election

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    Gender and its perception by the media played a big role in the election of 2016. The media simplifies the roles of women candidates and redistributes information to the public using gender frames. Though framing based on gender had varying effects on the election, it is still prominent among the media and usually negatively affects women in the public sphere

    Full capacitance matrix of coupled quantum dot arrays: static and dynamical effects

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    We numerically calculated the full capacitance matrices for both one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) quantum-dot arrays. We found it is necessary to use the full capacitance matrix in modeling coupled quantum dot arrays due to weaker screening in these systems in comparison with arrays of normal metal tunnel junctions. The static soliton potential distributions in both 1D and 2D arrays are well approximated by the unscreened (1/r) coulomb potential, instead of the exponential fall-off expected from the often used nearest neighbor approximation. The Coulomb potential approximation also provides a simple expression for the full inverse capacitance matrix of uniform quantum dot arrays. In terms of dynamics, we compare the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of voltage biased 1D arrays using either the full capacitance matrix or its nearest neighbor approximation. The I-V curves show clear differences and the differences become more pronounced when larger arrays are considered.Comment: 8 pages preprint format, 3 PostScript figure

    Genotipos determinados de gandules (Cajanus cajan) en las costas norte y sur de Puerto Rico

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    Seven experiments were established at the Juana Díaz and Isabela agricultural experiment substations to evaluate the performance of determinate pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp] genotypes. Significant differences were found for yield, height, flowering date, seed weight and number of seeds per pod in almost all the experiments. Many genotypes performed better than the commercial cultivar 2B-Bushy used as check.En las Subestaciones de Juana Díaz e Isabela se establicieron siete experimentos, en los cuales se evaluaron varios genotipos de gandules de porte determinado. Se encontraron diferencias significativas para rendimiento, altura, fecha de floración, peso de la semilla y número de semillas por vaina. Se encontraron varios genotipos superiores a la variedad comercial 2B-Bushy. Algunos de estos genotipos se podrían recomendar para siembras comerciales en Puerto Rico

    Poder transnacional, diferenciación y desarrollo. Industria maquiladora en el sur de Puebla, México

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    En este trabajo se hace un análisis sobre los procesos de dominación a través de la inversión e industrialización en países en desarrollo. Como ejemplo tomo el caso del proceso de industrialización de una región de México, ubicada en el sur del estado de Puebla. Describe la forma en que la industria maquiladora se expande y trastoca las fibras más íntimas de la dinámica regional, que en principio había sido de orientación campesina rural. Hablo de la llegada de la industria manufacturera a regiones y lugares donde hace treinta años no había, y de los procesos que produce dicha transformación en aspectos de la dominación como parte de la globalización capitalista.