54 research outputs found

    Implementation of performance management systems at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), Nelson Mandela Metro District

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    The focus of the study is to investigate the factors that impact on effective implementation of a performance management system at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) in the Eastern Cape Region, Nelson Mandela Metro District. It is said that an organisational success in service delivery largely depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of its employees in undertaking their functions, duties and responsibilities (Ntombela, Mpehle and Penciliah, 2010: 63)

    Interspecific variation in avoidance behaviour of soaring migrating birds in wind farms: the case study of Barão de São João (Algarve, Portugal)

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    Os parques eólicos estão associados a impactos em diferentes grupos de animais e as aves planadoras são um dos mais afetados. Neste estudo avaliamos diferenças interespecíficas no comportamento de evitamento de aves planadoras migradoras ao cruzarem um parque eólico no Sudoeste de Portugal. Analisámos alterações de distância às turbinas e na sinuosidade dos movimentos, comparando entre períodos antes e após a construção do parque eólico. Para além de diferenças entre espécies examinámos também diferenças no uso de diferentes classes de altura. Os resultados revelam que, após a construção, (1) os movimentos das aves são mais sinuosos, (2) algumas espécies privilegiam voos acima das turbinas, (3) bandos de águias-calçadas voam a maiores distâncias do parque e (4) os abutres não demonstram evitamento. Este estudo evidencia respostas de evitamento das turbinas por parte das aves, os quais podem resultar em gastos energéticos adicionais que poderão afetar o sucesso da migração. Isto pode servir de base para a definição de medidas de mitigação em parques eólicos diferenciadas ao nível da espécie; Abstract: Wind farms are associated with impacts on different animal groups and soaring birds are one of the most affected. In this study, we assess interspecific differences in avoidance behaviours of migratory soaring bird species while crossing a windfarm in southwestern Portugal. We analysed changes in movements’ distance to turbines and linearity, comparing between periods before and after the windfarm implementation. Beside differences between species, we also examined differences in the use of height classes. The results reveal that after the construction of the wind farm (1) birds’ movements are more sinuous, (2) some species favour flights above the turbines, (3) flocks of Booted Eagles fly at greater distances from turbines and (4) vultures show no avoidance responses. Our study highlights the existence of bird avoidance responses to wind turbines, which may result in additional energy demands that might affect the migration success. This may be used as a base to define mitigation measures in windfarms at a species level

    Implementation of performance management systems at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), Nelson Mandela Metro District

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    The focus of the study is to investigate the factors that impact on effective implementation of a performance management system at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) in the Eastern Cape Region, Nelson Mandela Metro District. It is said that an organisational success in service delivery largely depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of its employees in undertaking their functions, duties and responsibilities (Ntombela, Mpehle and Penciliah, 2010: 63)

    Intersectional genetics system for stem cell selection

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    Tese de mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Genética, 2023, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasStem cell therapy holds promise for treating conditions like macular degeneration, stroke, and diabetes. In most of these therapies, replenishing a target cell type is desired. In contrast, the undifferentiated cells or differentiated cells of the wrong lineage are unnecessary or can lead to side effects such as teratoma formation. One way to overcome this is to engineer the transplanted cells to carry a functional genetic cell ablation system in all transplanted cells except for the target cell type. Versatile Entry Codes (VEnCodes) based on the intersection of regulatory elements can enable selective gene delivery to specific cell types. This study explores two alternative approaches to eliminate undesired cells while safeguarding cells of interest selectively: an inducible Caspase 9 (iCasp9)-mediated cell death system and a VEnCode-compatible split-Cre recombinase (Split-Cre-VEnCode) system. The iCasp9 system used the TetOn system with rtTA as the input and iCasp9 as the output. By precisely controlling iCasp9 expression levels and activity using doxycycline and the chemical inducer of dimerization AP20187, respectively, the system successfully induced cell death in HEK-293T cells. Whereas further testing of the drug AP20187 dosage is required to increase cell death, these promising results warrant future investigations in combination with the VEnCode system and different cell types to assess this system's potential applications fully. The Split-Cre-VEnCode system utilized LoxP sites strategically placed to manipulate downstream gene expression. Successful DNA recombination events were observed by monitoring the expression of mScarlet-I as a reporter gene. The system demonstrated inversion and deletion capabilities, offering controlled on/off effects. However, optimization is still required to split the Cre recombinase into >2 non-complementing fragments to unlock the full capabilities of this Split-Cre-VEnCode system. While this study primarily evaluated the systems in HEK-293T cells, future studies should validate their functionality in diverse cell lines. Additionally, long-term effects, stability, kinetics of activation, and potential off-target effects need to be investigated. These findings highlight the potential of these ablation systems complemented with VEnCode-based biosensor prototypes to enhance the specificity and safety of genetic delivery systems, providing powerful tools for conditional gene therapy and precise cellular ablation in biomedical research. iCasp9-mediated cell death and split-Cre recombinase systems are potential tools for cell ablation and targeted gene expression

    Biocontrol of Chromolaena odorata in Papua New Guinea

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    Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson (Asteraceae) is a significant agricultural weed in Papua New Guinea (PNG), affecting plantations, food gardens and grazing lands. It was the focus of a collaborative biocontrol program funded by the Australian Government between 1998 and 2007. Chromolaena was recorded at 680 sites in 13 provinces of PNG through surveys, field releases of biocontrol agents and feedback from public awareness programs. Three biocontrol agents, the moth Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata Rego Barros (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), the stemgalling fly Cecidochares connexa (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and the leaf mining fly Calycomyza eupatorivora Spencer (Diptera: Agromyzidae), were introduced to control chromolaena. Cecidochares connexa was found to be the most effective of the agents introduced as it quickly established at over 300 sites where it was released and spread up to 100km in five years from some sites. Experimental field plots established to determine the impact of the agents on chromolaena, showed that the size of chromolaena infestations decreased with the presence of C. connexa. A survey was conducted to quantify the social and economic benefits of biocontrol of chromolaena to landholders. Chromolaena is considered to be under substantial/significant control in nine provinces in PNG, with about 50% of respondents stating that there is less than 50% of chromolaena remaining following the release of the gall fly. This has resulted in landholders spending less time clearing chromolaena and the re-establishment of small-scale subsistence farms and the regeneration of natural vegetation. Crop yield and income generated from the sale of agricultural produce have increased by at least 50% since chromolaena was brought under biocontrol. It is anticipated that the gall fly will continue to spread and control chromolaena in areas where it has not yet reached, thereby further reducing the impact of the weed in PNG

    Human Trafficking: narratives of non-governmental organisation caregivers in the Eastern Cape

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    Human trafficking is a social problem that has left no state or country immune to its effects. Literature indicates that human trafficking causes economic social and physical disruptions. Families are left broken and communities divided and children left homeless. Its victims are mostly women and children who come from low socio-economic status. Studies have been conducted on the roles of Non-Governmental Organisation`s across the globe but reports on the roles of NGOs in the Eastern Cape are unknown. This study reports on the roles of Non-Governmental Organisation`s (caregivers) in the Eastern Cape. This investigation is an exploratory qualitative study. A purposeful sampling strategy was used to recruit the Non-governmental organization (caregivers). In depth open ended interviews were conducted. The theories of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and socio-ecological theory were used to discuss the findings of the study. The findings of the study were categorized into four main themes including; knowledge of human trafficking, causes of human trafficking, roles of non-governmental organization (caregivers) in the Eastern Cape and strategies available in the Eastern Cape Province. The findings showed that human trafficking is present in the Eastern Cape. Abused and neglected children are more likely to become potential victims of human trafficking. The caregivers play a huge vital role in the fight against human trafficking. Lastly, the strategies implemented are not as effective as they would have been if adequate legislation was passed against human trafficking

    O escritor e o seu duplo em Bret Easton Ellis: uma contribuição para a análise do processo de auto-referencialidade no gótico norte-americano contemporâneo

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    A presente dissertação tem como objectivo contribuir para o estudo do fenómeno do Duplo, inserido no género Gótico Americano, na obra do escritor norte-americano contemporâneo Bret Easton Ellis, na tradição de Stevenson, Poe e Hawthorne, os primeiros a lançar os fundamentos desta temática nas suas obras. Assim, foram estudados os motivos que conduzem ao desenvolvimento do tema do Duplo nas produções ficcionais do autor seleccionado, tendo sido fundamental o seu estudo à luz das teorias psicanalíticas de Sigmund Freud e Otto Rank. Analisámos alguns dos autores anglo- americanos, que mais colaboraram para a definição deste cânone literário, e cujas obras, temáticas e técnicas narrativas influenciaram o processo criativo de Bret Easton Ellis. Por fim, utilizámos toda a nossa pesquisa para encontrar no autor em estudo a necessidade da criação da figura do Duplo nas suas produções literárias como expressão de auto-reflexão e auto-referencialidade literária, com relevo para os seus romances American Psycho (1991) e Lunar Park (2004). ABSTRACT; The present dissertation aims to contribute to the study of the motif of the Double, in American Gothic genre, in the literary work by the contemporary North-American writer Bret Easton Ellis, who has been following the tradition of Stevenson, Poe and Hawthorne, the first writers to lay the foundations of this issue in their works. Thus, we studied the reasons that lead to the development of the theme of the Double in his fictional productions in the light of psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank. We examined some of the authors, classic and contemporary, who contributed to the definition of the literary canon, and whose works, themes and narrative techniques influenced the creative process of Bret Easton Ellis. Finally, we used our entire research to find in the author the need to create the figure of the Double in his literary productions as an expression of self-reflexivity, self-referentiality, namely in his novels American Psycho (1991) and Lunar Park (2004)

    Detecting Distracted Driving with Deep Learning

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017Driver distraction is the leading factor in most car crashes and near-crashes. This paper discusses the types, causes and impacts of distracted driving. A deep learning approach is then presented for the detection of such driving behaviors using images of the driver, where an enhancement has been made to a standard convolutional neural network (CNN). Experimental results on Kaggle challenge dataset have confirmed the capability of a convolutional neural network (CNN) in this complicated computer vision task and illustrated the contribution of the CNN enhancement to a better pattern recognition accuracy.Peer reviewe