27 research outputs found

    Health and safety: genetic relatedness of environmental exposure of lestospiral pre- and post flood: towards strategic prevention of leptospirosis

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    Leptospirosis is an important worldwide zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira spp. The presence of pathogenic Leptospira in the environment poses threats to human health. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify Leptospira spp. irom selected environment in flood affected areas. Method: Soil and water samples were collected about four to five months post massive flood in 2014 from selected sites in Kelantan. All samples were filtered and cultured according to previously described protocols. Molecular identification of the isolates was performed by partial sequences of 16S rRNA. Findings: A total of 90 samples comprised of 45 soil and 45 water samples were collected. Based on dark field microscopic observations, 42.2% (38/90) cultures were positive for leptospires with characteristic morphology and motility. The most predominant isolates were pathogenic Leptospira including Leptospira kmetyi, Leptospira interrogans and Leptospira kirschneri which were detected in 26.3% (I 0/38), 5.3% (2/38) and 2.6% (1/38) of the isolates respectively. Leptospira species were not able to be genetically differentiated between pre- and post-flood because single locus I 6S rRNA gene sequences has not allowed for intra species differentiation. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the predominance of clinically significant pathogenic Leptospira in the environments which could pose health risks to the community

    Study on the ability of black soldier fly larvae for reducing the house fly eggs in poultry manure

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    Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are a good source of protein for aquaculture, animal feed, pet and human nutrition. Larvae have a healthy appetite and can be used to make household waste compost and residual agricultural. For previous study [1], observed that the BSFL can be grown in a variety of organic waste stream including pig manure, kitchen waste, fruits and vegetables, and given to the fish. In addition, the larvae benefit from the use of natural resources to overcome the problem of life cycle of widespread flies in the poultry farm openly. Therefore, it is important to note that the poultry farms release many particles into the air that endanger human health and the environment

    Portability and flexibility of physiotherapy tools for rehabilitation of people with obesity

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    The obesity rate in Malaysia is kept on increasing year by year. The causes for this issue are including unhealthy food intake and unhealthy lifestyle. As the obesity issues in Malaysia worsen, it leads to other problem such as diabetes, heart attack, stroke and also others physical problem. One of it is concerning on physical condition of the ankle. The ankle is the most important parts of a human structure that will affect human body posture. This means that activities were done are heavily influence by ankle condition leads to inefficiency of job performance. Physiotherapy tools are important for the rehabilitation process. The rehabilitation process is known as a healing process, which is essential in ensuring the improvement of health and physical condition of a patient, especially with obesity. Physiotherapist treatment is essential to ensure the effectiveness of rehabilitation process. However, there is a lack of physiotherapy tools offers in the market for people with disability (PwD) such as obesity. Therefore, this research aims to understand the portability and flexibility of physiotherapy tools for people with obesity especially in dealing with their job performance. The objective of this study is to identify the physiotherapy tools in the rehabilitation process and to determine the portability and flexibility of the physiotherapy tools for the rehabilitation. Research methods were employed during the process of this study, which includes literature review, product line-up and interviews. From this research, 2 kinds of variables that needs to be consider in the physiotherapy tools which are portability; lightweight, foldable and small in size, and flexibility; easy to be used at any time and offer several kinds of exercises. By considering more on portability and flexibility of the physiotherapy tools for the rehabilitation can help the patient with obesity to conduct selfrehab at their preferred places; working place and homes thus boosting their healthy lifestyle. Based on the findings of this study, a new physiotherapy tools is recommended to provide an excellent portability and flexibility of the physiotherapy tools for obese patients

    State of the art on pre-tensioning steel straps confinement: literature review

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    This paper presents the state-of-the-art of the current research development on pre-tensioning steel straps confinement. Critical review was conducted based on careful selection of references to provide in-depth overview in the development of this confining technique. The paper was started with highlighting the features of such confining technique, then an extensive description of the connection clip systems was presented. The experimental and numerical investigations performed on steel-strapped concrete structures were discussed at length in the paper. The potential usage of pre-tensioning steel straps confinement in increasing the bond properties of confined concrete and as a repairing technique of damaged concrete were also covered in this paper

    State of the art on pre-tensioning steel straps confinement: literature review

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    This paper presents the state-of-the-art of the current research development on pre-tensioning steel straps confinement. Critical review was conducted based on careful selection of references to provide in-depth overview in the development of this confining technique. The paper was started with highlighting the features of such confining technique, then an extensive description of the connection clip systems was presented. The experimental and numerical investigations performed on steel-strapped concrete structures were discussed at length in the paper. The potential usage of pre-tensioning steel straps confinement in increasing the bond properties of confined concrete and as a repairing technique of damaged concrete were also covered in this paper

    Kecenderungan Pemilihan Kursus Kokurikulum dan Pembelajaran Servis Pelajar Diploma di UTM Kuala Lumpur

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    Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenalpasti secara terperinci tentang kursus kokurikulum berteraskan pembelajaran servis (CSL) dan kecenderungan pemilihan kursus mengikut persepktif pelajar diploma di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (UTMKL). Kepentingan dalam berkokurikulum sangat penting dalam mengukuhkan sifat insaniah dalam diri seorang pelajar yang cemerlang. Kajian ini melibatkan 406 responden daripada 1,904 jumlah populasi pelajar diploma UTMKL. Data dikumpul melalui instrumen borang soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada pelajar diploma UTMKL. Analisis kajian mendapati terdapat pelbagai jenis kokurikulum dibahagikan mengikut empat (4) kluster masing-masing yang dikenal pasti bagi objektif pertama. Objektif kedua pula adalah mengenal pasti kecenderungan pelajar terhadap pilihan kursus CSL ini. Didapati bahawa kursus yang berteraskan kesukarelawan mencatatkan kecenderungan yang paling tinggi. Manakala skor kursus Memanah dari kluster sukan, rekreasi dan kebudayaan pula mencatatkan skor pelajar yang paling tinggi kecerungan pelajarnya. Kesimpulannya, walaupun jumlah respondan hanya 21.32% dari bilangan populasi yang memberikan maklumbalas kepada kajian ini, namun ia dapat memberikan indikator kepada kecenderungan pemilihan kursus CSL mengikut persektif pelajar diploma UTMKL. Hasil daripada kajian ini boleh digunapakai dalam membuat perancangan penawaran kursus CSL mengikut pilihan dan kehendak pelajar

    The prevalence of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection among infants and correlation between CMV PCR with clinical outcomes in a tertiary teaching hospital in Malaysia

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    Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the leading infectious cause of congenital hearing loss and neurodevelopmental disability. This study aimed to describe the prevalence and clinical manifestations of infants age 12 months and below with CMV infection in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (Hospital USM) and to determine the correlation between CMV PCR with clinical outcomes. A total of 648 hospitalized infants with clinically suspected cases of cytomegalovirus infection admitted to Hospital USM from January 2018 to December 2018 were tested for anti-CMV IgM and IgG by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay method. The results suggestive of CMV infection were requested for the second serum sample at 2-4 weeks’ interval together with plasma samples for CMV DNA viral load quantification by real-time PCR and maternal sample for serological analysis. Correlation of CMV viral load with clinical outcomes was analyzed using the point- biserial correlation. The results showed that the prevalence of acute CMV infection was 6.48 % (42/648) and cCMV infection was 0.3% (n=2/648). The findings were as follows: acute CMV infection (n = 42), passive immunity (n = 113) and inconclusive (n =41).) CMV hepatitis (p-value= 0.018), rash (p-value= 0.043), presumed sepsis (p-value=0.044) and abnormal hearing (p-value 0.031) were significantly associated with CMV status. Significant moderate correlation between CMV viral load and abnormal hearing assessment was observed. As a conclusion, CMV hepatitis, presumed sepsis, rash, and abnormal hearing were associated with the infant’s CMV status. A significant correlation was found between CMV viral load and abnormal hearing

    Quality teaching among lecturers and methods of improvement based on industral experience

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    The quality of graduates is one of the standards of measurement in meeting the demands of employers. However, the extent of our graduates’ employability to fulfil industrial demands does not rely solely on their theoretical skills, but their technical skills as well. Moreover, how the lessons were delivered by lecturers in universities may contribute to the quality of our graduates. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the need for industrial experience amongst lecturers in teaching and learning. As well as determining the best approach that will assist fellow academicians in the quality of their teaching. A total of 30 out of 121 UTMSPACE lecturers participated as respondents in this study. Data were collected from the questionnaires which were disseminated to lecturers from Centre for Diploma Studies (PPD) and Centre for Degree and Foundation (PPI) in UTMSPACE. Based on the analysis, three (3) categories were determined as required for the first objective, that is; the need for industrial experience amongst lecturers in teaching and learning. While the second objective is to determine the best approach that can assist our lecturers in improving the quality of their teachings. The result shows for the first objective, with the highest average mean score, Program Learning Outcome is the main criteria, which requires lecturers with industrial experience in their teaching and learning. While objective two, majority of respondents (lecturers) prefer to collaborate with industries as the best approach in improving the quality of their teaching and learning in order to produce graduates that are able to meet the need of their potential employers. In conclusion, even though only 24.77% participated in this study, they have provide sufficient data; an indicator on the need of industrial experience in teaching and learning, as well as determining the best approach that may assist lecturers in UTMSPACE on improving the quality of their teachings. The result of this study may be use in devising improvements according to the lecturer’s needs and wants


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    Kerajaan Malaysia telah menggubal Dasar Wanita Negara (DWN) dan pelancaran pertamanya adalah pada tahun 1989 sehingga ke tahun 2020. Antara matlamat DWN, ialah perkongsian saksama antara wanita dan lelaki dalam memperoleh dan mengawal sumber dan peluang penyertaan serta menikmati manfaat pembangunan. Ini adalah peluang yang amat baik untuk menampilkan keupayaan wanita dalam semua sektor ekonomi negara. Kertas ini cuba menggariskan keserasian usaha ini dengan prinsip-prinsip al SiyÄsah al Syarciyyah.yang memartabatkan tadbir urus yang baik, penglibatan holistik, keperluan manusia dan kepentingan bersama.   Kertas ini mengutarakan satu kajian kes yang meneliti lantikan wanita yang menganggotai lembaga pengarah bank dan badan penasihat Syariah bank di 16 buah institusi bank Islam di Malaysia dari tahun 2012 sehingga tahun 2018, suatu lantikan yang penting dan melibatkan pembuatan keputusan dalam sektor tersebut.  Kajian mendapati bahawa sungguhpun tenaga kepakaran Malaysia di dalam sektor perbankan Islam telah diiktiraf di persada antarabangsa, penglibatan wanita sebagai penentu dasar dalam tempoh masih tidak mencapai sasaran minima 30%. Kertas ini mencadangkan peningkatan penglibatan wanita dalam sektor ini. Penglibatan wanita secara umum dalam penentuan dasar juga adalah selari dengan semangat al SiyÄsah al Syarciyyah untuk tadbir urus yang baik, penglibatan menyeluruh dan kelestarian pembangunan

    Trust reputation in blockchain environment a review

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    Creating trust in online environments for users is the main goal of reputation systems. With the effort put into creating an efficient system there are some aspects that need to be further discussed. The aspects involved are the authenticity of the ratings, storage and the costly calculation methods. Blockchain offers potential in solving some of these issues and others due to its decentralized and immutable nature. The aim of this paper is to look into reputation systems and what benefits blockchain can offer and challenges that it could create