109 research outputs found

    Clinical significance of stromal apoptosis in colorectal cancer

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    BackgroundEpithelial and stromal cells play an important role in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). We aimed to determine the prognostic significance of both epithelial and stromal cell apoptosis in CRC.MethodsTotal apoptosis was determined by caspase-3 activity measurements in protein homogenates of CRC specimens and adjacent normal mucosa of 211 CRC patients. Epithelial apoptosis was determined by an ELISA specific for a caspase-3-degraded cytokeratin 18 product, the M30 antigen. Stromal apoptosis was determined from the ratio between total and epithelial apoptosis.ResultsEpithelial and stromal apoptosis, as well as total apoptosis, were significantly higher in CRC compared with corresponding adjacent normal mucosa. Low total tumour apoptosis (< or = median caspase-3 activity) was associated with a significantly worse disease recurrence (hazard ratio (HR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.77 (1.05-3.01)), independent of clinocopathological parameters. Epithelial apoptosis was not associated with clinical outcome. In contrast, low stromal apoptosis (< or = median caspase-3/M30) was found to be an independent prognostic factor for overall survival, disease-free survival and disease recurrence, with HRs (95% CI) of 1.66 (1.17-2.35), 1.62 (1.15-2.29) and 1.69 (1.01-2.85), respectively.InterpretationStromal apoptosis, in contrast to epithelial apoptosis, is an important factor with respect to survival and disease-recurrence in CRC

    Differential impact of chronic stress along the hippocampal dorsal–ventral axis

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    First published online 06 February 2014Stress impacts differently in distinct brain regions. However, so far few studies have focused on the differential responses triggered by stressful stimuli on the intrinsic functional heterogeneity of the hippocampal axis. In this study, we assessed the functional and structural alterations caused by exposure to a chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) paradigm on the dorsal-ventral axis of the hippocampus. The morphological analysis demonstrated that CUS had opposite outcomes in the structure of the dorsal (DH) and ventral hippocampus (VH): whereas in the DH, stress triggered a volumetric reduction as a result of atrophy of CA3 and CA1 apical dendrites, in the VH there was an increase in hippocampal volume concurrent with the increase of CA3 apical dendrites. In parallel, electrophysiological data revealed that stress led to a decrease in VH LTD. In summary, the present work showed that stress impacts differently on the structure and function of the DH and VH which contributes to better understand the overall spectrum of the central effects of stress.Pinto V and Mota C were supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) grants (SFRH/BPD/69132/2010; SFRH/BD/81881/2011, respectively). This work was supported by an FCT grant (PTDC/SAU-NSC/120590/2010). The authors declare no competing financial interests

    Guideline for diagnosis and treatment of subacromial pain syndrome

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    Treatment of "subacromial impingement syndrome" of the shoulder has changed drastically in the past decade. The anatomical explanation as "impingement" of the rotator cuff is not sufficient to cover the pathology. "Subacromial pain syndrome", SAPS, describes the condition better. A working group formed from a number of Dutch specialist societies, joined by the Dutch Orthopedic Association, has produced a guideline based on the available scientific evidence. This resulted in a new outlook for the treatment of subacromial pain syndrome. The important conclusions and advice from this work are as follows: (1) The diagnosis SAPS can only be made using a combination of clinical tests. (2) SAPS should preferably be treated non-operatively. (3) Acute pain should be treated with analgetics if necessary. (4) Subacromial injection with corticosteroids is indicated for persistent or recurrent symptoms. (5) Diagnostic imaging is useful after 6 weeks of symptoms. Ultrasound examination is the recommended imaging, to exclude a rotator cuff rupture. (6) Occupational interventions are useful when complaints persist for longer than 6 weeks. (7) Exercise therapy should be specific and should be of low intensity and high frequency, combining eccentric training, attention to relaxation and posture, and treatment of myofascial trigger points (including stretching of the muscles) may be considered. (8) Strict immobilization and mobilization techniques are not recommended. (9) Tendinosis calcarea can be treated by shockwave (ESWT) or needling under ultrasound guidance (barbotage). (10) Rehabilitation in a specialized unit can be considered in chronic, treatment resistant SAPS, with pain perpetuating behavior. (11) There is no convincing evidence that surgical treatment for SAPS is more effective than conservature management. (12) There is no indication for the surgical treatment of asymptomatic rotator cuff tears

    Hippocampal - diencephalic - cingulate networks for memory and emotion: An anatomical guide

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    This review brings together current knowledge from tract tracing studies to update and reconsider those limbic connections initially highlighted by Papez for their presumed role in emotion. These connections link hippocampal and parahippocampal regions with the mammillary bodies, the anterior thalamic nuclei, and the cingulate gyrus, all structures now strongly implicated in memory functions. An additional goal of this review is to describe the routes taken by the various connections within this network. The original descriptions of these limbic connections saw their interconnecting pathways forming a serial circuit that began and finished in the hippocampal formation. It is now clear that with the exception of the mammillary bodies, these various sites are multiply interconnected with each other, including many reciprocal connections. In addition, these same connections are topographically organised, creating further subsystems. This complex pattern of connectivity helps explain the difficulty of interpreting the functional outcome of damage to any individual site within the network. For these same reasons, Papez’s initial concept of a loop beginning and ending in the hippocampal formation needs to be seen as a much more complex system of hippocampal–diencephalic–cingulate connections. The functions of these multiple interactions might be better viewed as principally providing efferent information from the posterior medial temporal lobe. Both a subcortical diencephalic route (via the fornix) and a cortical cingulate route (via retrosplenial cortex) can be distinguished. These routes provide indirect pathways for hippocampal interactions with prefrontal cortex, with the preponderance of both sets of connections arising from the more posterior hippocampal regions. These multi-stage connections complement the direct hippocampal projections to prefrontal cortex, which principally arise from the anterior hippocampus, thereby creating longitudinal functional differences along the anterior–posterior plane of the hippocampus
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