80 research outputs found

    Echoing Sentiments: Art and Melancholy in the Work of Pleshette DeArmitt

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    During those first few days, those first few weeks, truth be told, still today, something in me has wanted simply to echo the sentiments of others. That’s because I myself didn’t know exactly what to say and, truth be told, I still don’t know today. But it’s also because others, including and especially some of the people here today, beginning with my co-panelists and, perhaps especially, early on, Leigh Johnson, knew at the time just what had to be said and so expressed so well the sentiments that we all—that I at least—just wanted to echo. Just to echo, that’s what I wanted to do, because by echoing the sentiments of others I would be able to protect myself just a bit longer, I thought, though also, I self-justified, by echoing others I would be able to give back in some way to Pleshette herself, who showed us in her work that Echo does not simply repeat but initiates even when it looks or sounds as if she is not, Echo who gives back even when it sounds as if she has nothing to give, Echo who not only has her own Narcissus but her own narcissism—which Pleshette would have been the first to tell us is not only not a bad thing but a necessary one, and perhaps just what is needed for a new thinking of empathy, of mourning, and, perhaps, as I will try to say, of the ephemeral

    Young broiler feeding kinematic analysis as a function of the feed type

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    The present study aims to compare the kinematic feeding variables of 3-4 days old broiler chickens using three different feed types: fine mash (F1), coarse mash (F2), and crumbled (F3); size was 476 mu m, 638 mu m, and 1243 mu m, respectively. The head displacement and the maximum beak gape were automatically calculated by computational image analysis to find the feeding behavior of broilers. The results did not show strong correlations between birds' weight, beak size (length and width), and the kinematic variables. The "catch-and-throw" movements in F1 (the smallest feed particle) generally occurred in the first mandibulation, while in F3 (the largest feed particle) occurred in the latest mandibulation. It can be suggested that the adoption of "catch-and-throw" in the latest mandibulations increases with larger particles. Abstract Past publications describe the various impact of feeding behavior of broilers on productivity and physiology. However, very few publications have considered the impact of biomechanics associated with the feeding process in birds. The present study aims at comparing the kinematic variables of young broiler chicks (3-4 days old; 19 specimens) while feeding them with three different feed types, such as fine mash (F1), coarse mash (F2), and crumbled feed (F3). The feeding behavior of the birds was recorded using a high-speed camera. Frames sequences of each mandibulation were selected manually and classified according to the temporal order that occurred (first, second, third, or fourth, and further). The head displacement and the maximum beak gape were automatically calculated by image analysis. The results did not indicate strong correlations between birds' weight, beak size (length and width), and the kinematic variables of feeding. The differences between the tested feed were found mostly in the first and second mandibulations, probably explained by the higher incidence of "catch-and-throw" movements in F3 (33%) and F1 (26%) than F2 (20%). The "catch-and-throw" movements in F1 (the smallest feed particle) mostly occurred in the first mandibulation, as in F3 (the largest feed particle) also occurred in the latest mandibulations. It might be suggested that the adoption of "catch-and-throw" in the latest mandibulations increases with larger particles. The kinematic variables in the latest mandibulations (from the third one on) seem to be similar for all feed types, which represent the swallowing phase. It might be inferred that the temporal sequence of the mandibulations should be essential to describe the kinematics of a feeding scene of broiler chickens, and the first and second mandibulations are potentially the key factors for the differences accounted by the diverse feed particle sizes912CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQsem informaçã

    The renal cancer risk allele at 14q24.2 activates a novel hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-binding enhancer of DPF3 expression

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    Evolution of clear cell renal cell carcinoma is guided by dysregulation of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF) pathways following loss of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)-associated polymorphisms influence HIF–DNA interactions at enhancers of important oncogenes thereby modulating the risk of developing renal cancer. A strong signal of genome-wide association with RCC was determined for the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs4903064, located on chr14q.24.2 within an intron of DPF3, encoding for Double PHD Fingers 3, a member of chromatin remodeling complexes; however, it is unclear how the risk allele operates in renal cells. In this study, we used tissue specimens and primary renal cells from a large cohort of RCC patients to examine the function of this polymorphism. In clear cell renal cell carcinoma tissue, isolated tumor cells as well as in primary renal tubular cells, in which HIF was stabilized, we determined genotype-specific increases of DPF3 mRNA levels and identified that the risk SNP resides in an active enhancer region, creating a novel HIF-binding motif. We then confirmed allele-specific HIF binding to this locus using chromatin immunoprecipitation of HIF subunits. Consequentially, HIF-mediated DPF3 regulation was dependent on the presence of the risk allele. Finally, we show that DPF3 deletion in proximal tubular cells retarded cell growth, indicating potential roles for DPF3 in cell proliferation. Our analyses suggest that the HIF pathway differentially operates on a SNP-induced hypoxia-response element at 14q24.2, thereby affecting DPF3 expression, which increases the risk of developing renal cancer

    Madness and the law: The Derrida/Foucault debate revisited

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    In this article the Derrida/Foucault debate is scrutinised with two closely related aims in mind: (1) reconsidering the way in which Foucault’s texts, and especially the more recently published lectures, should be read; and (2) establishing the relation between law and madness. The article firstly calls for a reading of Foucault which exceeds metaphysics with the security it offers, by taking account of Derrida’s reading of Foucault as well as of the heterogeneity of Foucault’s texts. The article reflects in detail on a text of Derrida on Foucault (‘Cogito and the History of Madness’) as well as a text of Foucault on Blanchot (‘Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside’). The latter text shows that Foucault was at times acutely aware of the difficulty involved in exceeding metaphysics and that he realised the importance in this regard of a reflection on literature. These reflections tie in closely with Foucault’s History of Madness as well as with Derrida’s reflections on literature and on madness. Both Derrida and Foucault contend that law has much to learn from literature in understanding the relation between itself and madness. Literature more specifically points to law’s ‘origin’ in madness. The article contends that a failure to take seriously this origin, also in the reading of Foucault’s lectures, would amount to a denial by law of itself

    Derrida's 'The Purveyor of Truth' and constitutional reading

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    In this article the author explores Jacques Derrida’s reading in ‘The Purveyor of Truth’ of Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘The Purloined Letter’. In his essay, Derrida proposes a reading which differs markedly from the interpretation proposed by Lacan in his Seminar on ‘The Purloined Letter’. To appreciate Derrida’s reading, which is not hermeneutic-semantic in nature like that of Lacan, it is necessary to look at the relation of Derrida’s essay to his other texts on psychoanalysis, more specifically insofar as the Freudian death drive is concerned. The present article explores this ‘notion’ as elaborated on by Freud in Beyond the Pleasure Principle as well as Derrida’s reading of this text. It also investigates the importance of the ‘notion’ of the death drive as well as the significance of Derrida’s reading of The Purloined Letter for constitutional interpretation

    Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Roles for the Mono-ADP-Ribosyltransferase Arr in the Mycobacterial DNA Damage Response

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    Recent evidence indicates that the mycobacterial response to DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) differs substantially from previously characterized bacteria. These differences include the use of three DSB repair pathways (HR, NHEJ, SSA), and the CarD pathway, which integrates DNA damage with transcription. Here we identify a role for the mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase Arr in the mycobacterial DNA damage response. Arr is transcriptionally induced following DNA damage and cellular stress. Although Arr is not required for induction of a core set of DNA repair genes, Arr is necessary for suppression of a set of ribosomal protein genes and rRNA during DNA damage, placing Arr in a similar pathway as CarD. Surprisingly, the catalytic activity of Arr is not required for this function, as catalytically inactive Arr was still able to suppress ribosomal protein and rRNA expression during DNA damage. In contrast, Arr substrate binding and catalytic activities were required for regulation of a small subset of other DNA damage responsive genes, indicating that Arr has both catalytic and noncatalytic roles in the DNA damage response. Our findings establish an endogenous cellular function for a mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase apart from its role in mediating Rifampin resistance