40 research outputs found
Avaliação das técnicas de massagem e ordenha no tratamento do ingurgitamento mamário por termografia
OBJETIVO: evaluar los métodos de masaje y bombeo en el tratamiento de la congestión mamaria posparto a través de la termografÃa. MÉTODO: el estudio se realizó en el Banco de Leche Humana de un hospital en Curitiba, Brasil. Se seleccionaron al azar 16 mujeres en periodo de lactancia con congestión con clasificación lobar, ampular y glandular, moderada e intensa. Se compararon los patrones diferenciales de temperatura, antes y después del tratamiento por medio de masaje y bombeo. RESULTADOS: se encontró un degradado negativo de 0,3°C de temperatura entre el pre y post-tratamiento en el grupo experimental. Las mamas con intensa congestión eran 0,7°C más caliente en comparación a aquellos con congestión moderada. CONCLUSIÓN: el masaje y el bombeo electromecánico fueron superiores a los métodos manuales cuando se evaluaron por termografÃa. REBEC: U1111-1136-9027.OBJETIVO: avaliar técnicas de massagem e ordenha no tratamento do ingurgitamento mamário puerperal, por meio da termografia. MÉTODO: a pesquisa foi realizada no Banco de Leite Humano de um hospital de Curitiba, Brasil. Selecionaram-se, aleatoriamente, 16 lactantes com ingurgitamento com classificação lobar, ampolar e glandular moderado e intenso. Compararam-se os padrões diferenciais de temperatura, antes e após o tratamento realizado, por meio de massagem e ordenha. RESULTADOS: constatou-se um gradiente negativo de 0,3ºC de temperatura entre o pré e o pós-tratamento no grupo experimental. Mamas com ingurgitamento intenso foram 0,7ºC mais quentes quando comparadas com ingurgitamento moderado. CONCLUSÃO: a massagem e ordenha eletromecânicas são superiores à s manuais, quando avaliadas por termografia. REBEC: U1111-1136-9027.OBJECTIVE: to evaluate techniques of massage and pumping in the treatment of postpartum breast engorgement through thermography. METHOD: the study was conducted in the Human Milk Bank of a hospital in Curitiba, Brazil. We randomly selected 16 lactating women with engorgement with the classification lobar, ampullary and glandular, moderate and intense. We compared the differential patterns of temperature, before and after the treatment by means of massage and pumping. RESULTS: we found a negative gradient of 0.3°C of temperature between the pre- and post-treatment in the experimental group. Breasts with intense engorgement were 0.7°C warmer when compared with moderate engorgement. CONCLUSION: massage and electromechanical pumping were superior to manual methods when evaluated by thermography. REBEC: U1111-1136-9027
Candidiasis, Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis and Other Vaginal Conditions Affecting the Vulva
A importância da associação obesidade e gravidez
Characteristics of the evolution of pregnancy in obese women were studied for their effect on newborn infants. Two control groups were observed - one of normal weight pregnant women, one of obese. The variables selected were: the socio-economic status of the family and the mother's age, height, arm circunference, prepregancy weight, total number of pregnancies, parity, weight gain during pregnancy, obstetric complications, birth weight, and fetal vitality. Results showed that pregnancy in obese women differs from that in normal weight women and that they show a larger incidence of obstetric complications. Children of obese mothers had a higher mortality rate principally in the perinatal period; moreover, there was also a higher rate of prematurity and a higher proportion of overweight babies among obese mothers. As a result, the distribution of the curve of the birth weight of infants of obese morthers was higher than that of infants of normal weight mothers. The conclusion reached was that whenever a pregnant obese woman reduced foot intake, with resultant insufficient weight gain, intrauterine growth was affected. Thus, it follows that pregnancy is not the best time for the obese mother to lose weight; for this reason, it is important that she receive adequate guidance in regard to diet. Obesity, therefore, is a factor contributing to high-risk pregnancy which can affect both mother and child.Foram estudados dois grupos de gestantes, sendo um de grávidas normais e outro de obesas, com a finalidade de reconhecer algumas caracterÃsticas da evolução da gravidez, em mulheres obesas, e suas repercussões sobre o concepto. Foram relacionadas as seguintes variáveis: status sócio-econômico familiar, idade, altura, perÃmetro braquial, peso habitual, número de gestações anteriores, paridade materna, ganho de peso durante a gestação, idade gestacional, intercorrências durante a gestação, peso ao nascer e vitalidade do recém-nascido. Pelos resultados concluiu-se que as gestantes obesas são diferentes das normais e apresentam maior incidência de complicações obstétricas. Os recém-nascidos, filhos de obesas, registraram Ãndice maior de mortalidade, principalmente no perÃodo perinatal. Houve maior incidência de prematuridade e de fetos macrossômicos, sendo a curva de distribuição de peso ao nascer diferente da dos recém-nascidos das gestantes normais. A média de peso ao nascer das crianças das gestantes obesas é maior que o das normais. Concluiu-se ainda que toda vez que a gestante obesa sofre restrição alimentar, com ganho de peso inadequado, o crescimento intra-uterino é afetado; não sendo, portanto, a época da gravidez a melhor para a obesa perder peso, mas, ao contrário, ela deveria receber uma orientação alimentar adequada. A obesidade é pois um fator de aumento do risco gravÃdico, que pode afetar tanto a mãe como o concepto
Pharmacology and therapeutic implications of current drugs for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a global epidemic that poses a major challenge to health-care systems. Improving metabolic control to approach normal glycaemia (where practical) greatly benefits long-term prognoses and justifies early, effective, sustained and safety-conscious intervention. Improvements in the understanding of the complex pathogenesis of T2DM have underpinned the development of glucose-lowering therapies with complementary mechanisms of action, which have expanded treatment options and facilitated individualized management strategies. Over the past decade, several new classes of glucose-lowering agents have been licensed, including glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonists, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors and sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. These agents can be used individually or in combination with well-established treatments such as biguanides, sulfonylureas and thiazolidinediones. Although novel agents have potential advantages including low risk of hypoglycaemia and help with weight control, long-term safety has yet to be established. In this Review, we assess the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and safety profiles, including cardiovascular safety, of currently available therapies for management of hyperglycaemia in patients with T2DM within the context of disease pathogenesis and natural history. In addition, we briefly describe treatment algorithms for patients with T2DM and lessons from present therapies to inform the development of future therapies