53 research outputs found

    BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT DARI BUAH MANGGA ARUM MANIS (Mangifera indica L. var. Arum manis)

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    Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan bakteri yang banyak dimanfaatkan dalam bidang pangan karena aman dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bakteri asam laktat dari buah mangga Arum manis (Mangifera indica L. var. Arum manis). Isolasi BAL dilakukan dengan metode tuang (pour plate) mengunakan media spesifik de Man Rogosa Sharpe Agar (MRSA) + CaCO3. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi morfologi koloni, morfologi sel, uji katalase, dan uji motilitas. Bakteri asam laktat yang berhasil diisolasi  dari buah mangga Arum manis  sebanyak lima isolat yaitu isolat BAL1.3, BAL2.1, BAL3.2, BAL4.2 dan BAL5.2. Kelima isolat BAL memiliki karakter yang sama dengan karakter kunci BAL yaitu bentuk sel bacil (batang), bersifat Gram positif, non motil, tidak memiliki endospora  dan katalase negatif. Kelima isolate BAL diindikasikan sebagai anggota genus Lactobacilllu

    Characteristics of Biocellulose from Sago Liquid Waste with Different Ammonium Sulfate Concentration

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    This research aims to utilize sago liquid waste to produce biocellulose with different concentration of ammonium sulfate and to know characteristics of biocellulose. Production of biocellulose was done in sago liquid waste substrate with different concentration of ammonium sulfate, namely 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% (w/v) by using bacteria local strain Acetobacter xylinum LKN6. The observed parameters included thickness, yield, crude fiber and organoleptic.The analysis results showed that ammonium sulfate concentration given a different to the thickness, yield, crude fiber and organoleptic. The best characteristic of biocellulose obtained in the treatment of 1.5% ammonium sulfate concentration. The biocellulose from sago liquid waste potential as dietary fiber food


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh isolat bakteri termohalofilik penghasil enzim L-aparaginase dari sumber air panas Wawolesea. Bakteri termohalofilik penghasil L-asparaginase asal sumber air panas Wawolesea diperoleh dengan tahapan: survey dan pengukuran parameter lingkungan sumber air panas Wawolesea; isolasi bakteri pada media NA (Nutrient Agar) dan seleksi bakteri penghasil enzim L-asparaginase pada media M-9. Hasil isolasi menunjukkan adanya 52 isolat bakteri termohalofilik dan 14 isolat diantaranya mampu menghasilkan L-asparaginase. Kata Kunci: Bakteri Termohalofilik, L-Asparaginase, Sumber Air Panas Wawolesea ABSTRACT  The objective of this study was to obtain isolates of thermohalophilic bacteria producing L-asparaginase enzyme from Wawolesea hot spring. L-asparaginase producing thermohalophilic bacteria from the Wawolesea hot spring are obtained by steps; survey and environmental parameters measurement of Wawolesea hot spring, isolation of bacteria on NA (Nutrient agar) medium and selection of L-asparaginase producing bacteria on M-9 medium. The isolation results showed 52 isolates of thermohalophilic bacteria and 14 isolates of them capable of producing L-asparaginase. Keywords: Thermohalophilic bacteria, L-asparaginase, Wawolesea hot sprin

    A Study on Production of Poly-β-Hydroxybutyrate Bioplastic from Sago Starch by Indigenous Amylolytic Bacteria

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    Bacillus sp. PSA10 and Bacillus sp. PPK5 were two indigenous strain amylolytic bacteria from SoutheastSulawesi that have ability to produce bioplastic poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) from sago starch. The study wasattempted to determine the mechanism of PHB production by bacteria amylolytic was grown on sago starchcontainingmedia. Two amylolytic bacteria i.e. Bacillus sp. PSA10 and Bacillus sp. PPK5 was grown for 168 hin a mineral salts medium with sago starch as carbon source. Growth of amylolytic bacteria was monitoredby cell dry weight. Extraction of PHB was done by N-hexane acetone-diethyl ether method and PHB contentwas quantifi ed with UV spectrophotometer at 235 nm. Glucose level was determined by using kit of glucoseGOD 10” and was quantifi ed with spectrophotometer at 500 nm. Sago starch concentration was determinedby phenol method using specthrophotometer at 490 nm. The result of the study showed that Bacillus sp.PSA10 was produced PHB up to 66,81 % (g PHB/g cell dry weight) at 48 h and Bacillus sp. PPK5 up to 24,83% (g PHB/g cell dry weight) at 84 h. Bacillus sp. PSA10 has ability to converse sago starch to be PHB directlywithout glucose accumulation in the media, whereas Bacillus sp. PPK5 have to accumulate glucose as productof sago starch hydrolysis to produce of PHB. PHB synthesis by Bacillus sp. PHB production on sago starchof the Bacillus sp. PSA10 was found to be growth-associated whereas Bacillus sp. PPK5 was found to be nongrowth-associated. Therefore, two indigenous amylolytic bacteria were having of difference in biosynthesismechanism of PHB in sago starch medium and their characteristics of PHB synthesis should be consideredin developing cultivation methods for the effi cient production of PHB. Keywords : Production, PHB, Amylolytic bacteria, Sago starch


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    Bioplastic Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is synthesized by bacteria and could potentially be used as a substitute for synthetic plastic. The utilization of sago starch as the cheapest carbon source, may help to reduce the cost of bioplastic PHB production. The effect of using different Nitrogen source on the PHB production from sago starch by a local amilolytic bacteria of Bacillus megaterium PSA10 was examined in this study. Nitrogen source were used in this study namely peptone, yeast extract, protease peptone, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3. PHB content was determined using spectrophotometric method. The highest of PHB production and growth B.megaterium PSA10 from sago starch were obtained with using (NH4)2SO4 as N source, i.e. 50,55 % (per g cell dry matter) and 1,82 g/L cell dry, respectively. The concentration of (NH4)2SO4 as much as 1 g/L (0,1%) which produce the highest bioplastic PHB with PHB content 51,32 %. Therefore, the use of (NH4)2SO4 as Nitrogen source as much as 0,1 % is very well for PHB production from sago starch by a local amylolytic bacteria

    Bioconversion of Sago Starch to Bioplastic Poly-β-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) by Local Strain Bacterial Bacillus megaterium PSA10

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    The potential local strain Bacillus megaterium PSA10 in bioconversion sago starch to bioplastic, Poly-β hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was investigated in this study. The bacterial strain was grown in fermenter using sago starch minimal media, furthermore was observed enzymatic activity, the products and its growth pattern. Amylase enzyme activity measurements performed using 3’5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) and PHB synthase enzyme activity using Valentin and Steinbuchel methods. Reducing sugar and PHB levels were detected using spectrophotometric method and the biomass growth was measured by gravimetric method. The highest specific activity of the enzyme amylase and reducing sugar concentration were obtained at 18 hours of incubation, i.e. 170.72 U/mg protein and 14.08 g/L, respectively while the highest specific activity of PHB synthase enzyme and the PHB concentration were obtained at 36 hours of incubation i.e. 85.72 U/mg protein and 2.86 g/L, respectively. The growth maximum of B.megaterium PSA10 was obtained at 42 hours of incubation and the strain bacteria was able to accumulate PHB as much as 85.04% wt/wt of the cell dry weight at 36 hours of incubation. Therefore, B.megaterium PSA10 converts sago starch into bioplastic PHB via direct bioconversion

    sintesis bioplastik oleh bakteri amilolitik lokal asal sulawesi tenggara menggunakan substrat pati sagu dan karakteristik biodegrasinya

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    Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkanbioplastik terdegradasi berbasis pati sagu yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti plastik sintetikdan menghasilkan publikasi pada jurnal nasional/internasional. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah informasi ilmiah mengenai mekanisme sintesis dan karakteristik degradasi bioplastik PHB dari pati sagu oleh bakteri amilolitik yang dapatdigunakan sebagai modal dasar untuk mengembangkan bioplastik tersebut. PadaTahunIIdifokuskanpadakajian mengenaikarakteristikdegradasi (biodegradability characteristic)bioplastik PHB yang disintesis oleh bakteri amilolitik lokalasal Sulawesi Tenggara dan kecepatan degradasinya di alam. Luaran pada Tahun II ini berupa informasi dasar yang mengungkap karakteristik bioplastik PHB yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri amilolitik lokal sebagai bahan yang mudah didegradasi dan publikasi pada jurnal internasional. Pengambilan data pada tahun II meliputipembuatan film polimer PHB,uji degradasi polimer PHB di alam dan uji degradasi polimer PHB secara enzimatik.Pembuatan lapisan film bioplastik PHB dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi polimer PHB menggunakan campuran larutan kloroform dan H2O2. Uji degradasi polimer PHB di alam dilakukan untuk mengetahui laju biodegradasi PHB secara alami dengan metode penimbunan dalam tanah (soil burial test) sedangkan uji degradasi polimer PHB secara enzimatik dilakukanuntuk mengetahui laju biodegradasi PHBoleh enzimdengan menggunakan enzim PHB depolimerasedan enzim lipase. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukanPengamatan morfologi film PHBsebelum dan sesudah didegradasi denganmenggunakanSEM(Scanning ElectronMicroscopy)


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    Bioplastic Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is synthesized by bacteria and could potentially be used as a substitute for synthetic plastic. The utilization of sago starch as the cheapest carbon source, may help to reduce the cost of bioplastic PHB production. The effect of using different Nitrogen source on the PHB production from sago starch by a local amilolytic bacteria of Bacillus megaterium PSA10 was examined in this study. Nitrogen source were used in this study namely peptone, yeast extract, protease peptone, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3. PHB content was determined using spectrophotometric method. The highest of PHB production and growth B.megaterium PSA10 from sago starch were obtained with using (NH4)2SO4 as N source, i.e. 50,55 % (per g cell dry matter) and 1,82 g/L cell dry, respectively. The concentration of (NH4)2SO4 as much as 1 g/L (0,1%) which produce the highest bioplastic PHB with PHB content 51,32 %. Therefore, the use of (NH4)2SO4 as Nitrogen source as much as 0,1 % is very well for PHB production from sago starch by a local amylolytic bacteria

    Diversifikasi Buah Mangrove menjadi Produk Olahan di Desa Tanjung Tiram, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Tanjung Tiram village is a coastal area in the North Moramo sub-district, South Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi which has quite high mangroves. However, the mangrove communities in the area have experienced damage in several places. Therefore, this service activity provides counseling on mangrove ecosystem conservation and training on the use of mangrove fruit into various products of economic value. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the community about the manufacture of various processed products made from mangroves fruit so that the mangrove ecosystem in the area is better preserved. The methods and approaches used in this activity are counseling and training. Community service activities in the village of Tanjung Tiram can increase community knowledge about the importance of mangrove ecosystem conservation and utilization of mangrove fruit up to 100%. Mangrove fruit processing training provided to the community was also able to improve community skills in processing mangrove fruit into flour, syrup, and scrub cosmetics  up to 75%.Desa Tanjung Tiram merupakan daerah pesisir di Kecamatan Moramo Utara Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara yang memiliki mangrove cukup tinggi. Namun komunitas mangrove di daerah tersebut sudah mengalami kerusakan di beberapa tempat. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini melakukan penyuluhan tentang konservasi ekosistem mangrove, dan pelatihan pemanfaatan buah mangrove menjadi berbagai produk olahan bernilai ekonomi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan  pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang pembuatan aneka olahan berbahan dasar buah mangrove sehingga ekosistem mangrove di daerah tersebut lebih terjaga. Metode dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah  penyuluhan dan pelatihan.  Kegiatan pengabdian di desa Tanjung Tiram mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pentingnya konservasi ekosistem mangrove dan pemanfaatan buah mangrove hingga 100%. Pelatihan pengolahan buah mangrove yang diberikan kepada masyarakat juga mampu meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mengolah buah mangrove menjadi tepung, sirup dan kosmetik lulur hingga 75%