52 research outputs found

    O uso do cloridrato de betanecol no tratamento da disfunção orgásmica induzida pela clomipramina em pacientes do sexo masculino

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    PURPOSE: To investigate whether bethanecol chloride may be an alternative for the clinical management of clomipramine-induced orgasmic dysfunction, reported to occur in up to 96% of male users. METHODS: In this study, 12 fully remitted panic disorder patients, complaining of severe clomipramine-induced ejaculatory delay, were randomly assigned to either bethanecol chloride tablets (20 mg, as needed) or placebo in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover study. A visual analog scale was used to assess severity of the orgasmic dysfunction. RESULTS: A clear improvement was observed in the active treatment period. No placebo or carry-over effects were observed. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that bethanecol chloride given 45 minutes before sexual intercourse may be useful for clomipramine-induced orgasmic dysfunction in males.OBJETIVO: Investigar se o uso do cloridato de betanecol é uma alternativa útil no manejo clínco da disfunção orgásmica induzida pela clomipramina, relatada por até 96 % dos usuários do sexo masculino. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 12 pacientes do sexo masculino em remissão completa de transtorno de pânico porém com queixas de disfunção orgásmica grave secundária ao uso da clomipramina. Os pacientes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos ao tratamento com cloridrato de betanecol (20 mg quando necessário) ou placebo em um estudo duplo cego "crossover" de dois períodos. RESULTADOS: Foi observado um benefício claro no período de uso da droga ativa. Não foram observados efeito placebo ou "carry-over" nos pacientes inicialmete alocados ao medicamento ativo. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o cloridato de betanecol, usado em doses únicas, 45 minutos antes da relação sexual, pode ser útil em pacientes do sexo masculino apresentado disfunção orgásmica secundária ao uso da clomipramina

    Multidisciplinary rehabilitation program: effects of a multimodal intervention for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment without dementia

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    Background Non-pharmalogical interventions represent an important complement to standard pharmalogical treatment in dementia. Objective This study aims to evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program on cognitive ability, quality of life and depression symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cognitive impairment without dementia (CIND). Methods Ninety-seven older adults were recruited to the present study. Of these, 70 patients had mild AD and were allocated into experimental (n = 54) or control (n = 16) groups. Two additional active comparison groups were constituted with patients with moderate AD (n = 13) or with CIND (n = 14) who also received the intervention. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation program lasted for 12 weeks and was composed by sessions of memory training, recreational activities, verbal expression and writing, physical therapy and physical training, delivered in two weekly 6-hour sessions. Results As compared to controls, mild AD patients who received the intervention had improvements in cognition (p = 0.021) and quality of life (p = 0.003), along with a reduction in depressive symptoms (p < 0.001). As compared to baseline, CIND patients displayed at the end of the intervention improvements in cognition (p = 0.005) and depressive symptoms (p = 0.011). No such benefits were found among patients with moderate AD.Discussion: This multidisciplinary rehabilitation program was beneficial for patients with mild AD and CIND. However, patients with moderate dementia did not benefit from the intervention

    Mental health in medical students during COVID-19 quarantine: a comprehensive analysis across year-classes

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    OBJECTIVES: The COVID-19 pandemic brought abrupt changes when quarantine measures were implemented. Most medical students had distance learning as their main content delivery mode, but in clerkship (fifth and sixth years), in-person activities were maintained under new protocols. These different modes may have affected student mental health. This study examines mental burden and empathy in medical students during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic according to the year of attendance. METHODS: All students attending first to the sixth year in the same medical school were invited to participate. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) were provided. RESULTS: HADS scores for Anxiety and Depression (n=347) were 9.8±4.3 and 7.1±3.6, respectively; the SRQ-20 (n=373) score was 8.1±4.5; all scores were negatively correlated with the year of attendance. IRI (n=373) scores were: 2.6±0.5 (Empathic Concern), 2.7±0.7 (Perspective Taking), 2.5±0.9 (Fantasy), and 1.7±0.7 (Personal Distress).&nbsp;Fantasy&nbsp;was negatively correlated with the year of attendance. MAAS scores were positively correlated with the year of attendance. Worse mental health scores were found for first-year students across all scales. CONCLUSIONS: We found high levels of mental burden in medical students in the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in first-year students, who may have fewer resources to deal with stress. Moreover, as they entered college a short time before the pandemic, they were unable to experience academic life fully or create important new social support networks to deal with adversities

    Comprometimento cognitivo leve: rastreio cognitivo ou avaliação neuropsicológica?

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the neuropsychological profile of mild cognitive impairment subtypes (amnestic, non-amnestic and multiple-domain) of a clinical sample. We further address the diagnostic properties of the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Cambridge Cognitive Examination for the identification of the different mild cognitive impairment subtypes in clinical practice. METHOD: Cross-sectional clinical and neuropsychological evaluation of 249 elderly patients attending a memory clinic at a university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RESULTS: The performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment was heterogeneous across the different subtests of the neuropsychological battery, with a trend towards an overall worse performance for amnestic (particularly multiple domain) mild cognitive impairment as compared to non-amnestic subtypes. Screening tests for dementia (Mini-Mental State Examination and Cambridge Cognitive Examination) adequately discriminated cases of mild Alzheimer's disease from controls, but they were not accurate to discriminate patients with mild cognitive impairment (all subtypes) from control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: The discrimination of mild cognitive impairment subtypes was possible only with the aid of a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment. It is necessary to develop new strategies for mild cognitive impairment screening in clinical practice.OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil neuropsicológico dos subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve, amnéstico, não-amnéstico e múltiplos domínios, de uma amostra clínica. Além disto, avaliou-se as propriedades diagnósticas do Mini-exame do Estado Mental e do Cambridge Cognitive Examination na identificação dos diferentes subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve na prática clínica. MÉTODO: Avaliação clínica e neuropsicológica transversal de 249 idosos em uma clínica de memória de um hospital universitário em São Paulo, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Testes de rastreio para demência (Mini-exame do Estado Mental e Cambridge Cognitive Examination) identificam corretamente casos de doença de Alzheimer leve, mas não apresentam boa acurácia para diferenciar os diversos subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve. A performance dos sujeitos portadores de comprometimento cognitivo leve foi heterogênea nos diferentes testes da bateria neuropsicológica, com uma tendência a uma pior performance global nos pacientes com o subtipo amnéstico (especialmente os com envolvimento de múltiplos domínios cognitivos) em relação ao comprometimento cognitivo leve não-amnéstico. CONCLUSÕES: A discriminação dos diferentes subtipos de comprometimento cognitivo leve foi possível somente a partir de uma avaliação neuropsicológica detalhada. Desta maneira, é necessário o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de rastreio para esta condição na prática clínica

    Microcephaly measurement in adults and its association with clinical variables

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    OBJECTIVE: To establish a microcephaly cut-off size in adults using head circumference as an indirect measure of brain size, as well as to explore factors associated with microcephaly via data mining. METHODS: In autopsy studies, head circumference was measured with an inelastic tape placed around the skull. Total brain volume was also directly measured. A linear regression was used to determine the association of head circumference with brain volume and clinical variables. Microcephaly was defined as head circumference that were two standard deviations below the mean of significant clinical variables. We further applied an association rule mining to find rules associating microcephaly with several sociodemographic and clinical variables. RESULTS: In our sample of 2,508 adults, the mean head circumference was 55.3 ± 2.7cm. Head circumference was related to height, cerebral volume, and sex (p &lt; 0.001 for all). Microcephaly was present in 4.7% of the sample (n = 119). Out of 34,355 association rules, we found significant relationships between microcephaly and a clinical dementia rating (CDR) &gt; 0.5 with an informant questionnaire on cognitive decline in the elderly (IQCODE) ≥ 3.4 (confidence: 100% and lift: 5.6), between microcephaly and a CDR &gt; 0.5 with age over 70 years (confidence: 42% and lift: 2.4), and microcephaly and males (confidence: 68.1% and lift: 1.3). CONCLUSION: Head circumference was related to cerebral volume. Due to its low cost and easy use, head circumference can be used as a screening test for microcephaly, adjusting it for gender and height. Microcephaly was associated with dementia at old age

    Apendicite aguda: aspectos gerais acerca da abordagem diagnóstica e cirúrgica / Acute appendicitis: general aspects about the diagnostic and surgical approach

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    A apendicite aguda (AA) é definida como a inflamação do apêndice vermiforme, órgão que exerce a função imunoprotetora. Quanto à etiologia, a causa envolvida na gênese da doença, é a obstrução do lúmen do apêndice por fecalitos, corpos estranhos, hiperplasia linfóide, parasitas ou tumores. Sua identificação depende de uma anamnese minuciosa, um exame físico bem detalhado e exames complementares. No que tange ao diagnóstico clínico, existem sinais semiológicos com grande acurácia para identificação da patologia, dos quais podemos mencionar os principais, como o Sinal de Blumberg e o Sinal de Rovsing. Para auxílio diagnóstico, lança-se mão da investigação laboratorial (concentração de proteína C reativa, o hemograma e a urina tipo I), e da investigação imagiológica, com a ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e a ressonância nuclear magnética. Já a abordagem terapêutica, apresenta-se conservadora e cirúrgica, na qual a cirúrgica é dividida em apendicectomia por laparotomia, por laparoscopia (padrão multi-incisão), cirurgia endoscópica transluminal de orifício natural e a cirurgia laparoscópica de incisão única. A abordagem cirúrgica por videolaparoscopia é, atualmente, a mais indicada para o tratamento da AA, devido às suas vantagens quanto menor tempo de recuperação, redução das infecções do sítio cirúrgico e dor no pós-operatório. Apesar da abordagem videolaparoscópica promover um melhor prognóstico, as complicações ainda são presentes, principalmente em casos de AA complicada, sendo que as mais comuns são representadas por aderências pós-cirúrgicas e abscesso da parede abdominal