2,231 research outputs found

    Persepsi pengusaha warung makan terhadap pemasangan foto KH. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani di Kecamatan Jekan Raya Kota Palangka Raya

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    Pemasangan foto KH. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani oleh para pengusaha warung makan pada warung makannya merupakan fenomena yang sangat menarik. Pemasangan foto ulama tersebut tidak hanya terjadi pada satu atau dua warung makan, melainkan menjadi fenomena para pengusaha warung makan se-kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab masalah mengapa dan apa persepsi pengusaha warung makan mengenai pemasangan foto KH. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani pada warung makan di Kecamatan Jekan Raya Kota Palangka Raya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan bentuk penelitian lapangan (field research). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Purposive sampling digunakan sebagai teknik sampling. Dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Miles and Huberman yang terdiri dari data reduction, data display, dan conclution drawing. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, pertama alasan para pengusaha warung makan memasang foto KH. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani pada warung makan di Kecamatan Jekan Raya Kota Palangka Raya sebagai media komunikasi non-verbal yang menginformasikan bahwa pemilik warung makan muslim, makanan yang disajikan halal, juga memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi pelanggan. Kedua, persepsi pengusaha warung makan dilihat dari aspek kognisi, mereka mengetahui secara baik bahwa KH. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani merupakan sosok ulama yang karismatik, sosok guru yang dikagumi, dan dihormati, kemudian aspek afeksi pemasangan foto dianggap sangat penting, dan dari aspek tindakan merupakan bagian dari praktek keagamaan sebagai tanda penghormatan dan kecintaan terhadap KH. Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani. ABSTRACT The installation of KH Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani's photo by the food stalls entrepreneurs at his food stall is a very interesting phenomenon. Installation of photographs of the moslem scholar not only occurred in one or two food stalls, but became the phenomenon of the food stalls entrepreneurs in the city of Palangka Raya. This study aims to answer the problem of why and what perceptions of food stalls entrepreneurs about the installation of photos KH Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani at food stalls in the district of Jekan Raya Palangka Raya city. This research method is qualitative, with field research form. Data collection techniques use observation, interview and documentation. Purposive sampling is used as a sampling technique. And data analysis technique used is Miles and Huberman model which consists of data reduction, display data, and conclution drawing. The result of this research is the first reason why the food stall entrepreneurs put the photo of KH Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani at the food stall in the district of Jekan Raya Palangka Raya city as a non-verbal communication media informing that the owner of Muslim food stall, the food served kosher, also gives safe and convenient for customers. Second, the perception of food stalls entrepreneurs viewed from the aspect of cognition, they know very well that KH Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani is a figure of a charismatic moslem scholar, the figure of an admired religious teacher, and respected, then the affective aspect of photo installation is considered very important, and from the aspect of action is part of religious practice as a sign of respect and love of KH Muhammad Zaini Abdul Ghani


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    The probabilistic description of soil moisture dynamics is a relatively new topic in hydrology. The most common ecohydrological models start from a stochastic differential equation describing the soil water balance, where the unknown quantity, the soil moisture, depends both on spaces and time. Most of the solutions existing in literature are obtained in a probabilistic framework and under steady-state condition; even if this last condition allows the analytical handling of the problem, it has considerably simplified the same problem by subtracting generalities from it. The steady-state hypothesis, appears perfectly applicable in arid and semiarid climatic areas like those of African's or middle American's savannas, but it seems to be no more valid in areas with Mediterranean climate, where, notoriously, the wet season foregoes the growing season, recharging water into the soil. This moisture stored at the beginning of the growing season (known as soil moisture initial condition) has a great importance, especially for deep-rooted vegetation, by enabling survival in absence of rainfalls during the growing season and, however, keeping the water stress low during the first period of the same season. The aim of this paper is to analyze the soil moisture dynamics using a simple non-steady numerical ecohydrological model. The numerical model here proposed is able to reproduce soil moisture probability density function, obtained analytically in previous studies for different climates and soils in steady-state conditions; consequently it can be used to compute both the soil moisture time-profile and the vegetation static water stress time-profile in non-steady conditions. Here the differences between the steady-analytical and the non-steady numerical probability density functions are analyzed, showing how the proposed numerical model is able to capture the effects of winter recharge on the soil moisture. The dynamic water stress is also numerically evaluated, implicitly taking into account the soil moisture condition at the beginning of the growing season. It is also shown the role of different annual climatic parameterizations on the soil moisture probability density function and on the vegetation water stress evaluation

    Generation of natural runoff monthly series at ungauged sites using a regional regressive model

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    Many hydrologic applications require reliable estimates of runoff in river basins to face the widespread lack of data, both in time and in space. A regional method for the reconstruction of monthly runoff series is here developed and applied to Sicily (Italy). A simple modeling structure is adopted, consisting of a regression-based rainfall-runoff model with four model parameters, calibrated through a two-step procedure. Monthly runoff estimates are based on precipitation, temperature, and exploiting the autocorrelation with runoff at the previous month. Model parameters are assessed by specific regional equations as a function of easily measurable physical and climate basin descriptors. The first calibration step is aimed at the identification of a set of parameters optimizing model performances at the level of single basin. Such "optimal" sets are used at the second step, part of a regional regression analysis, to establish the regional equations for model parameters assessment as a function of basin attributes. All the gauged watersheds across the region have been analyzed, selecting 53 basins for model calibration and using the other six basins exclusively for validation. Performances, quantitatively evaluated by different statistical indexes, demonstrate relevant model ability in reproducing the observed hydrological time-series at both the monthly and coarser time resolutions. The methodology, which is easily transferable to other arid and semi-arid areas, provides a reliable tool for filling/reconstructing runoff time series at any gauged or ungauged basin of a region

    Climate changes effects on vegetation in Mediterranean areas

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    The Mediterranean ecosystems evolved under climatic conditions characterized by precipitations markedly out of phase with the growing period for the vegetation there established. In such environments, deep and shallow rooted species cohabit and compete each other. The formers, being characterized by deeper root, are able to utilize the water stored during the dormant season, while the conditions of shallow rooted plant are closely related to the intermittence of the precipitations. A numerical model has been here used in order to carry out an analysis of the potential climate changes influence on the vegetation state in a typical Mediterranean environment, such as Sicilian one. The most important consequences arising from climate changes in the Mediterranean area, due to the CO2 increase, are the temperatures raise and the contemporaneous rainfall reduction. Probably, this reduction could be accompanied by an increase in events intensity and, at the same time, by a decrease in the number of annual events. There are very few information about possible changes in the distribution of the rainfall events over the year. However, according to the analysis of the recorded trend, it is possible to predict that the rainfall reduction will be mainly concentrated during the autumnal and wintry months. The goal of this work is a quantitative evaluation of the effects due to the climatic forcing changes, on vegetation water stress. In particular, great attention is paid to the effects that rainfall decrease may have on vegetation, by itself or coupled with the temperature increase. A detailed investigation on the influence of the variations in rainfall seasonality, frequency and intensity is carried out. In this work two vegetation covers, with shallow and deep rooting depth (grass and tree) laying on three different soil types (loamy sand, sandy loam and clay) are considered. Simulations on Mediterranean ecosystems have lead to recognize the role of the rainfall amount, frequency and temporal distribution. Rainfall decrease increases the vegetation water stress much more than temperature increase do. Intense and rare rainfall events, as they are expected to be, could attenuate the effects of rainfall reduction because of the less interception correlated to them. The future rainfall distribution over the year is also crucial for vegetation water stress. If the current ratio between the growing season and the dormant season rainfall will be kept, trees and grasses will suffer a common increase of water stress, which seems more severe for trees than for grasses. Otherwise, if the rainfall reduction will be concentrated during the wintry periods, as emerges from literature, grasses will have some advantages over the trees species. In this conditions grasses will keep the water stress similar to the nowadays value, while trees will suffer for the lack of the winter recharge increasing their water stress

    Ecohydrology in Mediterranean areas: a numerical model to describe growing seasons out of phase with precipitations

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    International audienceThe probabilistic description of soil moisture dynamics is a relatively new topic in hydrology. The most common ecohydrological models start from a stochastic differential equation describing the soil water balance, where the unknown quantity, the soil moisture, depends both on spaces and time. Most of the solutions existing in literature are obtained in a probabilistic framework and under steady-state condition; even if this last condition allows the analytical handling of the problem, it has considerably simplified the same problem by subtracting generalities from it. The steady-state hypothesis, appears perfectly applicable in arid and semiarid climatic areas like those of African's or middle American's savannas, but it seems to be no more valid in areas with Mediterranean climate, where, notoriously, the wet season foregoes the growing season, recharging water into the soil. This moisture stored at the beginning of the growing season (known as soil moisture initial condition) has a great importance, especially for deep-rooted vegetation, by enabling survival in absence of rainfalls during the growing season and, however, keeping the water stress low during the first period of the same season. The aim of this paper is to analyze the soil moisture dynamics using a simple non-steady numerical ecohydrological model. The numerical model here proposed is able to reproduce soil moisture probability density function, obtained analytically in previous studies for different climates and soils in steady-state conditions; consequently it can be used to compute both the soil moisture time-profile and the vegetation static water stress time-profile in non-steady conditions. Here the differences between the steady-analytical and the non-steady numerical probability density functions are analyzed, showing how the proposed numerical model is able to capture the effects of winter recharge on the soil moisture. The dynamic water stress is also numerically evaluated, implicitly taking into account the soil moisture condition at the beginning of the growing season. It is also shown the role of different annual climatic parameterizations on the soil moisture probability density function and on the vegetation water stress evaluation. The proposed model is applied to a case study characteristic of Mediterranean climate: the watershed of Eleuterio in Sicily (Italy)

    Modelling the shrub encroachment in a grassland with a Cellular Automata Model

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    Abstract. Arid and semi-arid grasslands of southwestern North America have changed dramatically over the last 150 years as a result of shrub encroachment, i.e. the increase in density, cover and biomass of indigenous shrubby plants in grasslands. Numerous studies have documented the expansion of shrublands in the southwestern American grasslands; in particular shrub encroachment has occurred strongly in part of the northern Chihuahuan desert since 1860. This encroachment has been simulated using an ecohydrological Cellular Automata model, CATGraSS. It is a spatially distributed model driven by spatially explicit irradiance and runs on a fine-resolution gridded domain. Plant competition is modelled by keeping track of mortality and establishment of plants; both are calculated probabilistically based on soil moisture stress. For this study CATGraSS has been improved with a stochastic fire module and a grazing function. The model has been implemented in a small area in Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR), characterized by two vegetation types (grass savanna and creosote bush shrub), considering as encroachment causes the fire return period increase, the grazing increase, the seed dispersal caused by animals, the role of wind direction and plant type competition. The model is able to reproduce the encroachment that has occurred in SNWR, simulating an increase of the shrub from 2% in 1860 to the current shrub percentage, 42%, and highlighting among the most influential factors the reduced fire frequency and the increased grazing intensity

    Rainfall depth-duration-frequency curves for short-duration precipitation events in Sicily (Italy)

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    The design criteria of the hydraulic infrastructures, including, for instance, those for flood defense, urban drainage systems, reservoirs spillways and bridges, are based on the coupled analysis of the magnitude of rainfall events for a fixed duration and their estimated annual exceedance probability. The well-known rainfall depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves, typically derived from the analysis of long historical annual maxima data series, synthesize the relationships between rainfall depth, duration and exceedance probability which is usually expressed as a return period. The time-resolution of rainfall data typically available for the construction of DDF curves and provided by gauges having large sample size, is hourly or coarser; this has allowed the definition of statistically consistent and reliable curves, suitable for rainfall duration hourly or longer, while, for shorter duration, empirical relationships with a high degree of approximation are generally used. Small river basins and plot-size areas with short response time, as well as urban drainage systems, are expected to be particularly vulnerable to sub-hourly intense rainfall events. Many practical applications, design procedures and mathematical models indeed require a finer time-resolution (i.e. sub - hourly). Moreover, in many regions of the world, such as the Sicily (Italy), an intensification of short-duration rainfall events is observed probably in response to the ongoing climate changes. This work proposes an approach for estimating the distribution of sub-hourly extreme rainfalls and extending depth–duration–frequency (DDF) curves derived for duration over the hourly also to sub-hourly durations. The approach is applied in Sicily starting from the coupled analysis of two different databases. The former (OA-ARRA database) contains long series of annual maxima for the fixed duration of 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours for about 250 gauges, while the latter (SIAS database), include 10-minutes rainfall data series for about 100 gauges collected during the last 15 years (from 2003 to now), form which annual maxima time-series for fixed sub-hourly duration are derived. The approach includes a procedure for pairing raingauges, provided from the two databases, according to a distance- and elevation-based criterion and consolidated inference statistical techniques for the coupled analysis of the data-series from the two gauges
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